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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19240789 No.19240789 [Reply] [Original]

How do we deal with them?
This board has been dominated by various discord PnD faggots.
There's no point in this board if it's just going to be meta games played by coordinated shills. This has become particularly bad in the past few weeks. There's a new Uniswap PnD being shat onto the board by discord faggots every half hour.

>> No.19240802


You ain't getting my linkies

>> No.19240805

what are the top discord channels that do this?

>> No.19240833

Mods need to take action and either consolidate it into a couple of threads or ban them completely

>> No.19240863
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I remember when Kleros didn't have a discord yet was still shilled here every day and then someone made a discord and a lot of bizlets joined it and then people who weren't in it earlier accused it of being a pnd discord meanwhile the price was literally flat

I imagine many other discords were started in a similar way. Moral of the story? Buying Kleros is always the right way

>> No.19240903
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Agreed. The scams and shilling here are out of control. When it's all just a game played by discord communities, the board loses any actual culture or purpose.

Shut the fuck up, Kleros faggots are also complicit in this shit now. If you want to be on discord, be on discord. But get your shit off of /biz/. This is 4chan, not Reddit you zoomer faggot.

>> No.19240905

I always wonder which homosexuals choose to use discord over telegram to discuss things.

Hmm, seems "men" like OP are among them.

>> No.19240965

I think anybody who asks for a invite to a discord group and anybody handing out discord group invites should get a booting.
Anybody wanting a separate chat has alternator motives for anons and is trying to hide something.
The coordinations should be happening here, but they aren't. Why do any of us want to go somewhere where we are no longer anonymous?
Those furry pedophiles that are the discord dev team has been getting shittier at making discord work. Sooner or later there will be a data breach and Discord faggots will have their passwords taken and accounts that were in crypto servers will be the biggest targets.

>> No.19240973

The only way out is esh you stupid fucks. Its /OURCOIN/ and I hate all of you. You changed.

>> No.19240985

>actual culture or purpose
You mean a place for us to discuss Kleros and think about Kleros?

This is /biz/, a Kleros board.

>> No.19240998

Most are just communities of people who hunt for gems.

For instance, you could buy SUTER (suterusu) right now at a steal. I'm sure there's a discord talking about it, somewhere.

Buy low sell high. Literally all you have to do.

>> No.19241004

Need to get in touch with them
Will give 65% of my holdings to make it happen

>> No.19241698

>culture & purpose
This whole site lost culture & purpose long agon newfag. Of course people wanting to coordinate are going to do it offsite, - jannies ban any and all threads attempting to coordinate (like that bizcoin shit). That's the reality sitewide, including /biz/.

>> No.19241717

Three step way to beat discord faggots
>buy LINK
>hold LINK
>never sell LINK
The discord "muh online identity" dipshits literally can't handle it. It sends them into a frothing rage every time.

>> No.19241730
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epic wisdom ftw....

all anons heed his word

>> No.19241799

Are you fucking retard? Jannies won't pin threads or generals. Jannies take down all attempts at coordination here. It's flooded with retarded pajeets & nu/pol/ escapees. This whole fucking site is a literal honeypot & has been since Gamergate, and you're worried about doxcord or whatever?

And what are you even babbling about? Speak English rajeesh, what "online identity" are you talking about? But yes, hold Link. You're right about that at least.