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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19228035 No.19228035 [Reply] [Original]

>be smart/gifted kid
>graduate summa cum laude in engineering
>lose soul and sense of self worth job searching
>finally accept a 70k contract gig with 0 benefits
>dont learn jack shit and lose my free health insurance i had from parents
>spend most a weeks editing same spreadsheets over and over
>its been 8 months

Im fucking losing it. I see my friends in medical school chilling knowing they got guarenteed job security and even unemployed burger flippers collecting 3-4k unemployment benefits while im wasting my soul away for 1k a week after taxes in a job i know im just going to get laid off from soon. my wisdom teeth need to be pulled and since my dental insurance got cut off ive been avoiding it because ill lose all the chump change i saved up. im going insane and getting super depressed.

If i get laid off right now, i will be paid more than i do right now per week.

>> No.19228134

you are not gifted or smart if you spent 8 months being a excel monkey LMAO

>> No.19228299
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Engineering is a meme.

>> No.19228322

>If i get laid off right now, i will be paid more than i do right now per week.

until unemployment runs out and you realize that no one is hiring or that they're hiring for shit wages because of "the economy."

>> No.19228367

academically i am. My memorization is near photographic.
The job world doesnt care about gpa or smarts. they care about hiring family friends and sycophants who lie and overexaggerate their achievements. Also minorities and females and trannies for (((diversity)))

I am honestly about to jump ship and just study for the MCAT, which i know ill get into 99 percentile.

>> No.19228424

Whatever you gotta tell yourself snowflake

>> No.19228435
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>study something retarded like engineering
>want instead to study something even more retarded like compsci
Holy shit, this is the ultimate "grass is greener" cope right here

>> No.19228453

they care about you not being a social retard. you posting here makes that highly likely

>> No.19228455

Joke's on you: I switched and the grass actually is greener.

>> No.19228468

If you’re as smart as you say you are you can definitely figure out how to make more money with minimal effort.

>> No.19228471
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>academically i am. My memorization is near photographic.
There are lots of literal autistic with that ability and more. Doesn't count for anything in the end. You sound like a studycel.

>> No.19228491

yeah pretty much. i hate all the faggots who told me to do it. it wastes the potential of smart kids. The saddest part is the frat boys getting Cs have a higher chance getting a job because they know someone in the company as opposed to the people who actually know their shit.

Even at work now, i know more about the fundamentals and the new software being used than the boomers. Hell i can even lead the project more productively than my dumbass project lead right now.

>> No.19228572
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>studycel only realized after college that skills and what you know don't matter
>something that chad understood intuitively all during his life even though he is perfectly average academically
Ever think that maybe you're not actually smart?

>> No.19228610

At least you graduated in engineering. I graduated in communication studies and feel like I hit the wall at $60k.

>> No.19228628

>You sound like a studycel.
nope, never really studied hard in my life.
I just pick up on concepts rather quickly
Not socially awkward at all either. Have a good number of friends in high school and college. Stopped talking to many because of shame since they all expected a lot from me and im kind of living a super depressing life now.
I could do a better job "selling myself" and job interviews but i just hate being phony and in all honesty i think the interviewers can tell i have no passion for their company, because i honestly dont.

whats the switch like. ive been learning python on the side and thinking about developing some apps

Yeah, im looking to close on a house that i plan to use for rental income and house hacking. I also have been playing the stock market pretty well. i actually made more money last month in stocks than my job. i think this is why im frustrated at work.

>> No.19228685

>it's just shame bro :^(
Except if you actually had friends they'd be hooking you up with a job or introducing you to people who could actually get you one.

>> No.19228739

lot of projecting.
Im not saying im a chad, but I barely studied in school and mostly just hung out with friends. Unfortunately i found engineering student to be quite repulsive and hung out with premed, comspci, and business kids. I think thats why i feel the gravity of wasted potentional. Not only is a bio/finance/CS degree something I couldve completed in 3 years as opposed to 4, the income cap is much higher.

i honestly never cared for engineering and felt like the 70-100k was a lot of money because i came from a broke household of spenders that never learned to save a dime. I think ego prevented from changing majors back then.

>> No.19228794

job market for major is kind of dead and dying.
Engineers mostly work in manufacturing and production, which isnt as profitable as it used to be because world population is peaking. It was profitable last century due to our population surging form 2 Billion to 8 Billion.

Most of my peers in engineering are making less than me and/or unemployed. The few with connections that got decent jobs cannot make jobs magically appear and are also entry level corporate slaves with no power in hiring.

>> No.19228843

just to add on, i had a few classmates ask ME for a job on linkedin. the job market is just really bad for engineers and its oversaturated. especially in the area i live in. i want to move by companies would rather hire locally these days to save money. Im honestly just here to vent because i realized i couldve used the last 8 months doing something much more productive

>> No.19228955

What do you do. I honestly feel like id be much happier managing a small business making 30-50k than what im doing now but i need to save up more capital. I would kill to be a writer but i know the pay is shit unless you know a couple of (((people)))

>> No.19229073
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Let me help.

You are the CEO of Anon LLC.

What product or service are you selling? Who are your customers? How will you solve their problems? How can you better offer value to your customers? Where are the high leverage low risk opportunities in your market? How can you scale? What information would be most useful to know about your business? What people would be most useful to have a relationship with in your business? How can you improve product/market fit?

>i'm smart. i can memorize things very well.
That's great only to the extent it improves the bottom line (net profit).

Most people sell their services to an employer. If you are unhappy with your compensation, offer more value. Create a competitive advantage. Find another angle. Think like a business owner, not an employee. Don't feel entitled to anything. Take initiative. Make something happen. Make connections. Sell yourself. Don't just sit there, do something.

If you want to go into debt for 6 figures and spend 6 years in medical school because you think there's a market opportunity in medicine 6 years from now, go right ahead. Just be aware of the steep opportunity cost.

>> No.19229244

The fact you're on a Jamaican clay molding forum complaining about your life shows a lot about you

>> No.19229328

yes im aware of this. Employers want cheaper services and pajeets can provide similar service for less overseas especially with WFH. I see engineers getting paid less and less because software has made it extremely easy to simulate models and design equipment. A PE license is valuable somewhat but it takes you 5 years of working under another PE to get it. and it is limited by each state. But this time i could get a JD or MD.

I do have a strat for making decent living while in school. Just getting into med school will guarentee you high tutoring rates for rich chinese and indian kids trying to get in. using medical school loan to pay down a mortgage is also a neat trick i think will work.

>> No.19229436

do it and do it now faggot, academia is all you're good at anyway

>> No.19229470

it may look bad right now but when i was a neet i just lost track of time, postponed things indefinitely, had no purpose and probably went through depression. At lwast by wagecucking i get to leave home socialize and do something productive plus not depending to anyone is just too good. good luck anon

>> No.19229661

I'm managing editorial staff in a department of a publishing company.

>> No.19229841

seems pretty fulfilling though. do you need a specific degree for it? how can i get into editing and publishing?

>> No.19229869

i dont know, i feel like 8 hours i could be investing my time into something greater. like planning out a business. learning to get better at coding and maybe create an app

>> No.19230042

No, any humanities degree works but we also hired people with backgrounds in softer STEM like biology. I did a trainee program for a year and that's how I got in. There's more money in technical writing though.

>> No.19230179


This is actually pretty based and my experience in the work force as well. It doesn't matter if you have ideas that can benefit society. It only matters if you are a good scammer.

>> No.19230213

>There's more money in technical writing though.
feel like this is pretty much what i do as an engineer. Write SOPs, design basis, etc. its boring as hell.

>> No.19230217

if you feel like doing anything first start doing so in your spare time, if it gwts rolling take a week off work and focus solely on the project to see how it goes. Once you are convinced you are really going to work on it just quit and do it otherwise just try doing something different to release some pressure

>> No.19230336

>more than $1k/week on benefits
How worthless IS the dollar now?

>> No.19230423

>be smart/gifted kid
>can't figure out how better it is to be a NEET
sweaty, I...

>> No.19230567

1k after taxes and no benefits
i think id be happier if i was taxed more and free healthcare. current plans on marketplace are way too expensive

i neeted from graduation to october. it was a lot better. anyone who is smart will realize working for a company is basically being a slave and wasting potential when UBI should be a thing when AI destroys job market.

>> No.19230690

OP you sound similar to me.
I also graduated engineering and was searching for quite a while trying to land a really good job.

I ended up accepting an 80k a year full-time job. What's nice is that the job is not stressful, and I mostly fuck around on the internet for most of the day, and I work remotely.

What hurts is that I am not growing my skills on the job anymore. Been working this job for 1.5 years and i want to take a job that challenges me more.

>> No.19230926

I took the engineering pill as well. ~1 year into my first engineering job I began to feel dissatisfaction with my life's trajectory. So I bought a 3D printer and used it to start a business (2015). One thing led to another and nowadays I make everything via injection molding. Last month's profits were ~17k. I'm just getting started and my business has nowhere near plateaued. OP- if you truly have brains you will find a way to turn that engineering degree into an asset. Don't take the NEET pill.

>> No.19230954
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