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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19221454 No.19221454 [Reply] [Original]

>hold your switchies in wallet for the snapshot
>snapshot instructions are vague
>ok, i'll just leave it in there until i see my ghosties
>oh shit oh shit oh shit
>ESH price goes to one penny
>well at least I got my ghosties
>why can't i trade them anywhere yet?
>i can be patient, what are they worth on uniswap right now
>guess i'll wait until mainnet for my ghosties to moon
>when do i swap my fake ghosties for the real ones?

they're gonna crash ESH to zero and you're not gonna know when, but it will be during the airdrop period while you hold. You won't be able to sell your ESH token for more than a penny, just gonna be left with a ghostie ether token (not the real coin) with no place to really trade it for weeks.

what you think of this timeline anon?

>> No.19221481


I think you have no ESH and are butthurt OP

>> No.19221498
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>> No.19221511

fpbp /thread

>> No.19221522
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>[source:my asshole]

>> No.19221525

Actually, exchanges already exist for them lined up.

>> No.19221563

care to address this predicament instead of weak ass shill? I'm holding 5k that I got at fifty cents. I'm gonna dump that shit, obviously.

>> No.19221576

like what?

>> No.19221608


>> No.19221643

tell me something anything. is mainnet gonna be ready in june? what if the pivx fork doesn't work and you are left holding erc20 ghost tokens that don't go poof?

do you know how long it takes to test privacy coins? how about third party testing? boy that's a long way out. who's working on this thing? how far along are they?

you can't really tell me anything can you?

>> No.19221669

bitcoin.com has switch tokens not ghost. that's where they are gonna dunk your ESH while you sit patiently for the ghost airdrop

>> No.19221702

Clueless butthurt idiot

>> No.19221707


As soon as you dump the price will moon. Until you dump the price will crab. If you buy the price will plummet. This is the way of things OP, and the main reason you will never make it.

>> No.19221731
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soon tm

>> No.19221796

wait it's a swap? i thought it was an aidrop or is switch team just retarded? "some big ones" what like idex? why don't they tell you who will support it and who won't. kinda vague here boys

>> No.19221808

buy high sell low, true

>> No.19221851

idk bro im just betting on Mcafee

>> No.19221883

>betting on mcafee

>> No.19222045

Pick a lane. Is it vaporware that isn’t real or a pivx clone? It was announced months ago so it must have been in dev for a while. Probably longer being that mcafee has a relationship with privacy coins.
It’s a fucking branded as an anti-bank black market token you really think devs are going to list their fucking linkedin on this?

Yes it is a spec market and you can’t deal with that because you’re a sidelines bizlet. You’re clearly seething because you bitched out and sold low and now everyone else has to sell. There is no reason to think this is going to just disappear and not happen. Sorry for your loss

>> No.19222075


This is McAfee's long game. Don't you see the board and pieces? It is all going according to plan.

How could they dump on ESH without looking like they are dumping on people wanting Ghost?

The FUD. The Whitepaper. McAfee controlled the Whitepaper release. Not Pivx, nobody else. It is the single piece of info released for months and its fucked up. I'm telling you it was to INTENTIONALLY GIVE OFF PAJEET VIBES TO DUMP ON ESH WHILE STILL LOOKING LIKE HE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT GHOST.

The FUD was under McAfee's control from the very start. Exactly like he wanted. If ESH were cruising up to $6 right now and he dumped, it would be game over for ghost. DOA.

By supplying his own FUD, he created his own Dump mask.

All the exchange listings, this isn't a quick cash grab from biz. He wants normie bucks.

Coinbase means nothing to a normie.

Bitcoin.com means something to a normie. They have indeed heard of bitcoin and how it went from $1 to $10,000.

"Oh, what's that Mr. McAfee? How many trillions of dollars are getting pumped in to the economy? Bitcoin is dead? And I can by yours on bitcoin.com for $3? And it goes up in value instead of down? And it mines more of your ghost without any fancy computer equipment? Take my second mortgage please."

The privacy tech doesn't matter regarding the price, to a normie. It does to biztards because they are being very myopic. All Ghost has to do is drip tokens that are staked starting on the 25th, and snort coke/ market ghost with the capital he raised this week.

Did you think McAfee was going to pay for the marketing and development himself?? Or walk into Wells Fargo and ask for a business loan? This was the whole point of ESH-- to raise money for ghost dev, heroin, and marketing.

Bizlets that sold ESH this week funded a project that hasn't even started.

>> No.19222153
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can you tell me anything at all specific how about it? have you spoken with josh or the team heading this thing up over at switch? I have, they have only just started working on the mainnet and the people working on it are hired out, not part of the team. you can read this for yourself in his medium post


>> No.19222185

$EDI now

>> No.19222294

>thinking a guy who admits to smoking 4 packs of cigs per day and 1/2 a bottle of whisky per day has a "long game"

>> No.19222323

>Looks 50
>Muh cigarettes bad

>> No.19222340

>bizlets that sold
don't you mean that bought?

coinbase is where normies buy bitcoin not bitcoin.com you're absolutely wrong about that, nobody goes to bitcoin.com

more or less agree with most of what you said. you do realize it's an ether token people are going to be holding for a very long time, it's not gonna be actual ghost tokens. I think he'll just pump those ether tokens and thats that. he's gonna dunk on that shit hard eventually and mainnet ghost is never ever going to come, too much work

>> No.19222553


He could string dev on for a year . So long as the token drip is effect. That's it. All he needs for marketing. Fuck Pivx Fuck ZkSNarks Fuck it all.

Linking a normie to a realtime graphic showing the ghost token drip and value at the same time will have them salivating and will have the banks sweating faster than you can say "Reserve Limits."

Normies don't buy bitcoin. They still don't even understand it. But Rich Dad Poor Dad just told them to buy some.

Shit is unironically about to tank and people will be looking for guaranteed returns in times of uncertainty.

>> No.19222610

ESH $10 by 25th

>> No.19222783

>Linking a normie to a realtime graphic showing the ghost token drip and value at the same time will have them salivating

Never going to happen. normies don't care about privacy coins let alone john mcafee. he's followed by a bunch of libertarian boomers and crypto nerds. normies care about Bitcoin and maybe ethereum they will never even hear about chainlink let alone Ghost coin. Ghost coin (and everything) goes up if normies pump bitcoin, that's the only relation normies have to GHOST, until bitcoin hits 20k again and normie money become interested in alts.

this is all just two pnd for the price of one. he get's to mask the pnd for ESH, get out at the top before the airdrop. then he will sting along GHOST buyers with his erc20 and dunk on them multiple times until mainnet, if mainnet even comes. I think mainnet will never come

>> No.19222825

$2-3 realistically but everyone is already shaky after the first dump. ESH will be worth nothing by the 26th. if you dont get out by the 25th you're retarded

>> No.19223010


He can make much much more money if it in fact did work. But that's not the point.

The marketing plan drops on the 24th. They have money for it now. He won't have to pay for PR because people will be wanting to interview him.

McAfee has a much higher goal in mind for this-- creating a way to passively suckle profits rather than an all out dump. He is going to call in the cows to get milked AFTER the 25th. Why would he shill ESH? It's not his shit.

Just buckle the fuck up. The greatest Shilling hasn't even started yet. June is going to be fucking wild.

>> No.19223332


>why shill ESH? It's not his shit.

But why is ESH team developing ghost? it's all right there in the medium post. that is what you should be looking at here, why does Josh/switch have any hand in developing ghost? that's sketch as fuck. If mcafee had a designated team for ghost this would be completely different and if it looked halfway decent i'd hold for ghost drop.

or if ESH had anything compelling to offer rather than marketing bullshit, shity fake telegram groups, twitter bots, pajeet spammers, late announcements, no in house tech skills etc etc then i'd hold for drop. but they don't, it's all Malaysian D level horse shit. even the exchanges leading up to the drop are shit. bitcoin.com? that't the big news? not even kucoin? shits all retarded

>> No.19223557

this is what i've been sayin. if he just wanted the coke bag pump and dump, he could have just shilled any rando pajeet coin. instead he went out of his way to make a coin. obviously he plans to shill the fuck out of this coin, and people are tilting off cause he isn't yet? bro the coin isn't even out, do yall not understand timing? why would he shill a coin that you cant even buy yet?? as soon as ghost is fully out and on major exchanges he's going to start taking news interviews ect. when he's on CNN shilling ghost, THEN you can sell the pump.

>> No.19223575

Just buy in idiot. It’s easier than talking shit.

>> No.19223684
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>implying you need a source for speculation
are you retarded?

>> No.19223685
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damn this anon is literally sub50iq or something. Where do you get the info that switch team = ghost team?

Just because airdrop is given to ESH holders, it doesnt mean that GHOST and DEV have the same dev you retard.

Seems like all erc20 airdrop tokens have Vitalik onboard as their devs hurh hurh

>> No.19223767
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We just witnessed ESH Pump then dump and have a solid 70 cent recovery in 2 days. John didn't even shill it --he just told PivX to fuck off.

He is going to market the shit out of this after launch.

>> No.19223794
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what was the exchange where they promised to support the snapshot and start trading immediately or something like that?

>> No.19223799

>went out of his way to make a coin
implying a coin is made. you know how long it takes t make an erc20 token? 20 minutes. mainnet could be a year out or more

>> No.19223837

when's launch? how's the team coming along? oh what, you have no fucking idea lol what i thought. you people are either delusional or paid shills

>> No.19223948
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>switch team = ghost team

read it for yourself. it's all right here in the medium post or go and ask in the telegram you fucking faggot. they'll tell you


>> No.19224120

According to my friend who doesn’t even hold ESH but knows that I do, McAfee shilled Ghost on PBS. Why is no one talking about this? Did it not happen?

>> No.19224216


>my friend from summer camp

yeah, bunch of pbs viewers gonna jump on idex to stock up for their DNM operation. shut the fuck up

>> No.19224324

To claim your GHOST at launch (for free) you must be holding ESH token on May 25th.

25% of the GHOST supply will be allocated to ESH token holders. The remaining supply of GHOST is allocated towards proof of stake rewards.

>> No.19224335
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Sorry it was PSB not PBS. I’m seriously not trying to cause FOMO or FUD. I have no clue what he’s talking about. I’ll ask him again at band practice today. He lives down the street from me. He’s not my friend from summer camp; I don’t know why you would think that.

>> No.19224432

you fucking dumb nigger. you're getting an erc20 token, what the fuck is with you, it's a place holder for the actual ghost coin. it's not a launch it's dropping a speculation token, it's not a privacy coin on it's won system. it's a fucking ehter token takes 20 minutes to make

>> No.19224489

>my friend in another state
it was a joke anon, implying you have no friends. this is biz

>> No.19224550

This coin is stupid and everyone who fell for it is a retard.

>> No.19224592
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Oh my bad. Just took some melatonin. Here’s this if u wanna help. I’m just lying down with my phone about to go to sleep, not by the computer. Probably nothing but would be cool to find.

>> No.19224626

Only retards make money. Smart people work in logistics or something for 50k a year, but they have to wage slave for at least 40 hours a week.

>> No.19224640

so long as the token drip is in effect, that's all the normies need to see

"Honey, he ran the Fifth largest bitcoin mining operation, he doesn't believe in bitcoin anymore! He has a new coin now and its only $X!"

>> No.19224670

I think they just streamed it and didn’t record it. Damn.

>> No.19224687

>not shutting your fuckin gumflapper and just buying a cheap bag of Ghost and shutting the fuck up

God damn

>> No.19224838

you're either a shill or out of your mind if you think normies give a shit about a mcafee coin. normies only care about alt coins when bitcoin is past 15k and right now normies don't even care about bitcoin. ghost erc20 coin is gonna go up for a bit and then out of nowhere it's gonna crash and mcafee never has to work again

>> No.19224874

>cheap bag
nigger i already did. it's not cheap right now and soon before the airdrop i'm gonna dump it on your dumb head. you ready?

>> No.19224959

>it is outsourced to developers who are not part of our internal team
>not part of our internal team
>not part of switch
Because they are part of a different McAfee cohort

>> No.19225059
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it's just funny all these ghosties are expecting ESH to pump to 2 or 3 dollars before the snapshot but it'll most likely stay around where it is because everybody is sketched the fuck out by this dude and bath salts murdering dog fucker mcafee. then as soon as the snapshot takes place ESH will be completely worthless since it has no utility anymore.

so you're stuck with something you probably paid a dollar or more for that's worthless and hoping against hope that ghost will actually be worth something. except it'll take months for you to have anything to sell and mcafee will move on to whatever his next scam is while josh is now in charge of ghost. yeah the dude that is not a developer, looks like a junkie, and paid pajeets to plagiarize his whitepaper. good luck with that.

>> No.19225176
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Words of wisdom like none ever spoken or heard prior anywhere ever.

>> No.19225304

Mega cope. why would he refer to the ghost team (mcafee cohort) as "outsourced developers" when he's talking about the fuckng ghost white paper and apologizing for not noticing how similar it was to pvx. do you know what the word outsourcing means?

and why is it that when you click on telegram on the ghost website it goes to Josh's stupid fake shill group?

josh and crew have been spearheading everything including white paper, outsourcing blockchain development, etc etc

>> No.19226043
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nobody knew about this shit, except for biz.
plebbit didn't even know, and i don't think there's many that do now (i've never used reddit and i never will)
biz pumped it, biz dumped it. nobody else.
many who were spewing memes in the now defunct /GTG/ threads, happy to buy in at $2.50, BEGGING for help to buy in at the ATH, then panic sold when it went to $0.40.
like a bunch of coomers with no self control, blowing your entire load waaaaaay too early and left feeling the sting of post-masturbatory regret, covered in your own slime.
if you "lost your life savings" or "muh financially ruined" when it dipped, YOU ARE A RETARD.
you didn't follow the golden rule: never invest more than you are willing to lose.
and now most people who still hold ESH are quiet, and those who panic sold are REEEEEEEING and fudding everywhere they can.
cope, seethe, and dilate noghosters

>> No.19226366

>High Fructose Corn Syrup
not even once.

>> No.19226464

Still have 440 ESH. Should I just sell at this point? I've lost like 20% of my initial investment when I could've sold at a 70% up.

>> No.19226511

>nobody but biz
mcafee has 1 million followers on twitter you fucking retard

i bought in for pennies and hold 5k stack. what the fuck are you even going on about. if you don't anticipate josh/mcafee strategy here, you are gonna get fucked. you need to understand what is what so you know when to eject from this thing or get you nigger ass rekt. too many fucking shills these days, your no better than a pajeet

>> No.19226623


unless all the mcafee followers are stupid and leaving their esh on an exchange, there's no one buying this. last time i checked, there was 4000 esh wallets. i'm in the top 100 for esh with not even what i would consider a lot. i'm pretty sure the top 500 wallets are 90% biz

>> No.19226678

Hey guys, just so you know I think if you want to buy a masternode worth from IDEX .. there is a time limit if you are on 1st level verification

You can only withdraw 5k per day...

So if you don't do it early enough, you won't have the coins in your wallet in time to get the ghost air drop.

>> No.19226874

>90% biz holders
then it's 90% gonna fail

and it's more like that thing is 10% biz/twitter and 90% mcafee/switch sock wallets to dump on your stupid face

>> No.19227921

>sells 5 days before airdrop snapshot

not gonna make it.

>> No.19228205


Are you asking for permission to lose money?

>> No.19228232

This comment meant for >>19226464

>> No.19228467

Here's a little masternode math for you:

1440 (blocks each day) * 3 (Uncirculated ghost per block released to Masternodes) = 4320 uncirculated ghost minted and divided amongst the masternodes.

On the 25th, divide 4320 by total number of masternodes, and you'll have the first payout calculated.

>> No.19228478
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Because this shit has been in stealth mode since 2018 atleast, with McAfee probably laying some of the groundwork even before that. I have to be honest I’m still not sure if this is going to have legs or not, but there are potentially a lot of other projects involved. Either that or they are all shell companies since I can’t figure how he has been funding all this shit for so long when nobody even knows about it. Not gonna post any of it yet but I will bake a research bread this weekend. Look for a header that says /GRG/.