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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19216480 No.19216480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok, which one of you spergs did this?

"Deadly attack at erotic spa in Toronto was 'incel terrorism,' police allege" https://twitter.com/i/events/1262815604840398848
also, how can I profit from incels?

>> No.19216621
File: 20 KB, 412x229, incels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You joke but look at the retarded shit I've had to read on shillbook ever since that article came out. Normies are out for incel blood.

>> No.19216698

that's a woman

>> No.19216706


>> No.19216710

I need to make it before "incel background checks" become a routine thing for job applicants. Imagine not even being able to wageslave because you have no game.

>> No.19216786

>have to have 3 gf references to apply for a job

>> No.19216840

>Sir, we've recently become aware that you have not registed any sexual activity in the last 6 months. As you know celibacy is closely tied to dangerous Alt-Right ideology. Please submit your confirmation of intercourse paperwork within the next 2 business weeks or you may be subject to a mandatory re-education audit.

I swear, its coming.

>> No.19216867
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Better believe its coming

>> No.19216901

Could be 99.9% of the people on here. This place is a virgin sausage fest. Maybe it's that faggot on here who's always posting pics of his headphones.

>> No.19216904

Disgusting, that funnel isn't on her feet

>> No.19216969
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>Mom? Yeah, its me- ... yeah listen I'm doing great mom listen I just need to you call this guy and pose as my ex girlfriend. But can you do it three times? No- no look it's for a job-... yes mom I'm looking for a gf... I know but I need this job first, can you just use a different voice each time? Thanks. Yeah I'll be home for dinner. Alright. Love you.

>> No.19216994


>> No.19217007

>Let's disenfranchise the men who are on the margins of society even further! That's a good idea! That's never turned out badly before!

>> No.19217110

I love business and finance

>> No.19217169
File: 9 KB, 400x259, CaptainFacePalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you fucking nutcases would stop rambling on about "muh evil Jews trying to destroy the White race" and "the feminization of Western men", maybe people would stop looking at you like, you know, fucking nutcases? I swear, you guys are your own worst enemies sometimes. Go out and actually meet people, keep an open mind, develop your own world view, and for God's sake, stop getting your "news" only from the likes of Breitbart, Drudge Report, and any other so-called "red-pilled" organizations. Otherwise, you're doomed to be like that moron in OP's post.

>> No.19217245

This place is full of ugly virgin mental midgets. They're so ugly that they get turned down by fat black women with 5 teeth.

>> No.19217260

Okay Shlomo.

>> No.19217263
File: 43 KB, 512x287, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you have given up on existentialism and you have grown out of nihilism all there is left to embrace is the absurd.

>> No.19217338
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OKAY YOU HEARD HIM EVERYONE take the blue pill and shut the fuck up while the jews enslave us.

>> No.19217623

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.19218137

did she eat lots of beans and spicy chili?

>> No.19218157
File: 309 KB, 750x725, 7194244E-18F7-4EEF-A569-72256837A29F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give milkies NOW
mental illness

>> No.19218208
File: 123 KB, 900x905, how about another joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw soon it will be literally illegal to be a virgin

>> No.19218247

isn’t that exactly what incels want?

>> No.19218279

Normalfags obviously aren't going to get us gfs
They'd rather just throw us into a pit and bury us alive like this


>> No.19218293

be careful with your monkey’s paw in the next life

>> No.19218296

maybe you know, stop labeling people terrorist for not getting laid you wouldn't have people trying to kill you.
Its like you people are siding with the bully and ostracising them instead of trying to see their point. Fucking retard. anyone who actually listens to feminist and takes them seriously is mentally deranged

>> No.19218318

thats a man

>> No.19218339

>if you want us to stop killing you
holy shit the victim complex
mental illness

>> No.19218430

Put a loaded gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

>> No.19218470

have sex