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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1921636 No.1921636 [Reply] [Original]

>25 years old
>make $18/h driving a forklift
>most other /biz/ members my age are white collar professionals, skilled tradesmen, business owners and entrepreneurs, all making at least 60k starting

Who else /massive failure/ here?

>> No.1921640

haha as a 17 yo making 600k a year, fuck off loser!

>> No.1921647

lmao at your life
>t. 15 yr old making 1 billion an hr

>> No.1921650


Not a failure at all, you're making good money and you get a job where most of the day you aren't bothered. Also, it's easy stress free work. Factory jobs are actually usually pretty chill.

I'd take that any day over being a doctor or some shit.

>> No.1921651

failure is relative and dependent on your goals

>> No.1921652

>Mfw he thinks $1billion/hour is good money

>> No.1921657

Depends on what the rest of your life is like.

>tfw r9k at 100k/year and 29.

>> No.1921661
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same boat pretty much

26 year old, just laid off from an operations manager position at a small LLC, made 35k last year

i have some college education and 3 years experience in my position. i'm not stupid, but don't think it's a great idea to go back to school (getting into massive debt doesn't sound fun.) wtf do i do? there are some marketing/sales/entry level positions on indeed but i feel like i cucked myself by choosing to go right into a job instead of completing a degree. i'm getting NEETbux right now but need to figure something out quick.

>> No.1921725

Guys, figure out what careers make a lot of money and then set out to be in that career. It really is that easy.

And neither of your salaries are bad. You're not dying of starvation and I'm guessing you have a place to live and a mode of transportation. Even the poorest Americans live better than kings of the Middle Ages.

>> No.1921729

I graduated from a program that had a 70k starting average, however that was before oil prices fell now there's no jobs in that field

I graduated in 2015 when the oil industry was getting fucked, if I graduated in say 2013 I would've been set, shitty timing

>> No.1921780

my bro didn't finish 10th grade and he makes more than me. he works for a bank and just kept climbing the ladder. i did 2 years of tafe and getting $42kAU at my first job out of school. just focus and put yourself in a position of opportunity, very rarely are lives
>be 18
>do 4 years uni
>get gud job
>get married at 24
>have bby

shed yourself of the external judgments

>> No.1921784

>22 years old
>make $12.80 CAD/hr
>work as a barista where people shit on you all day
massive failure reporting in

>> No.1921786

>my bro didn't finish 10th grade and he makes more than me. he works for a bank and just kept climbing the ladder. i did 2 years of tafe and getting $42kAU at my first job out of school. just focus and put yourself in a position of opportunity, very rarely are lives
>>be 18
>>do 4 years uni
>>get gud job
>>get married at 24
>>have bby
>shed yourself of the external judgments

You have to live up to your expectations, no one else's.

>> No.1922098

i consider my life a failure. the fact that i have to work and that my gf routinely vetoes everything i want to do with my money makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.1922102


There are at least 50 million people in the US alone with a lower wage than you

Be happy with what you got

>> No.1922104

25 is still very young and you should consider shit like free time, health, and future prospects

comparing yourself to others is generally a useless endeavour, especially online

>> No.1922119
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>36 years old
>Forklift driver/storeman
>51k a year
Failure reporting in.

>> No.1922122

>Even the poorest Americans live better than kings of the Middle Ages.
I keep hearing this. The poorest modern people don't get they're pick of willing mistresses, they don't get to lead mighty armies into battle, nor do they get treated with the reverence and respect deserving of a feudal lord appointed by no one less than God. Keep your fucking indoor plumbing and polio vaccine, I'd rather be a King.

>> No.1922127

16 years old making 100k plus with my 2 companies

>> No.1922160

Sounds like you two need to have a serious conversation. If you're not married why does she have a say? If you're basically married why does she have total control of the money? This shouldn't be the case

>> No.1922165

I'm 25 and have been fired this friday. I have only 200 euros in the bank.
I win

>> No.1922172

>factory jobs : chill
If by chill you mean soul draining mentally destructive work

>this is the spot I stand in
>these are the movements I make
>I make these same movements every 15 seconds
>if i take 18 seconds to make my movements, people become angry with me
>this is my life for the next 35 years

At least on a forklift you are moving around and capable of making decisions about how you want to go about your work. The rest of the factory is just people larping as robots.

>> No.1922178


> 25 years old
> have gas apprentice licence
> work 10-14 hours
> paid piece work
> basically making minimal wage
> between me and the installer I do all the heavy work.
> hauling 40-50 gal water heaters up and down stairs, carrying all the tools
> installer basically solders 2 copper pipes and glues pvc pipe
> his wage averages 60/hour

All I need is to get the next licence up (about a year more of schooling) and to be a good little fuck Boi for this installer to recommend me to be an installer.

>> No.1922191

when you know you're only ever gonna be betabux, why be anything but r9k?

>> No.1922209



At age 27 I made about $15k a year.

Now at 30 I'm making about $60k a year.

Talk to everyone, sell yourself. Opportunities come along, aggresively go after them.

>> No.1922210


don't go back to school, debt is the last thing you need.

>> No.1922216

>my gf routinely vetoes everything i want to do with my money


fucking break up and start lifting, this is the most bluepilled thing i've ever heard in 2017

>> No.1922227

You're being soooo shortsighted. You can travel a mile in one minute. You can eat whatever you want whenever you want. You can hear your house in the winter by pressing a button instead of building a fire. You get to bathe everyday with soap and shampoo.

I could go on but I think you get the point.

>> No.1922350

>makes 18 an hour sitting in a seat all day
>still complains
Call me when you've worked a real job that requires lifting and squatting.

>> No.1922367

>$13 an hour

Should I suicide?

>> No.1922422

it's not total control at all, but if i would want to buy a gun or a motorbike she would immediately start cold war 2 on my ass.

>> No.1922430

and of course every conversation about these stuff basically starts and ends with her saying "do whatever you want" which of course means the opposite because if i do what i want it's gonna get chilly for a long time.

>> No.1922438

Sounds like you need to put the pussy on the chain wax

>> No.1922439

Driving a forklift gets you 11 euros an hour here in finland

>> No.1922478

whatever the fuck that means?

>> No.1922486
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>he doesn't chain wax the pussy
oh dear

>> No.1922490

51k a year is good money.

>> No.1922499

mineral oil products are not good for the skin i'm fairly sure they are even worse for the private parts.

>> No.1922551

Trade school can be worth it

>> No.1922554

How long you been together?

>> No.1922560

As a Canadian in Ontario, is going into the electrical trade a good idea?

>> No.1922600
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Joke is on you. Im 30 and I have never had a job

>> No.1922610

26 years old bachalors in finance
48k a year in construction

looking at getting a masters in statistics, but really dont want to do it unless someone else pays.

>> No.1922650

What is your situation? Are you entrepreneur or full time neet?

>> No.1922659

8 years give or take

>> No.1922661

>about to graduate with a BSc in physics with shit grades from a meh-tier school and with no internships, no research opportunities and no connections with anyone in the faculty (non of the profs, researches or lecturers have a fucking clue who I am)
>Have about $34k in student debt

There's nothing I can do with just a bachelors in physics and I'm not gonna continue in this field because I don't think I'm good/smart enough to be successful in this field (as reflected by my grades).

How fucked am I?

>> No.1922701

I'm 25 and still in University getting my Bachelors

>> No.1922708

I've been NEET for 13 years

I'm the personification of failure

>> No.1922738

I'm 27 and only supposed to graduate this spring

>> No.1922943

im 18 should i become a forkilifeter for 1 year to save up money working 80 hours week just for 1 year just for the money

>> No.1922962

considering how you spell I don't really see any other options for you than to become a forklift operator.

>> No.1923038

>no high school diploma
>$1200 a month
>leaser/renter for corporation

I to /massive failure/. Figuring out how /make it/

>> No.1923054
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>> No.1923119

I started to do that at a union steel mill making 33 an hour- used to do a high responsibility job that required school, certifications and licenses but they got rid of the job so now I drive around for pretty much the same money.

>> No.1923265

>Have about $34k in student debt

There's nothing I can do with just a bachelors in physics and I'm not gonna continue in this field because I don't think I'm good/smart enough to be successful in this field (as reflected by my grades).

How fucked am I?

not fucked as i anon haHA

>> No.1923315


>> No.1923594

Why can't you people like, just be smart and go to school on a full scholarship so you get to save thousands while getting a lucrative major, ie. business, engineering, medicine?

>> No.1923622
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doing good in school is difficult, especially when your life is wildly unbalanced.
The amount of discipline and work needed to be put forth into school requires you to not be dumb, have a balanced lifestyle so you don't burn out, or have extremely high endurance towards self sacrifice.
It's easy to fail at either of these.

>> No.1923961

not everyone is a special snowflake minority or women. Thus there is no free money for the average white guy.

>> No.1924085
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>tfw 1billion/hr wagecuck
>can't even get one of the good islands in Dubai these days. Stuck with the one that looks like a giant butthole.
>have to settle for private jets instead of private spaceships
>Wife left me because boss expected me to work overtime every night: 500M per hour in alimony.

>> No.1924101

>>Forklift driver/storeman
>>51k a year
I drive a forklift and make 16k a year.

Why do Americans/Australians get paid so much for every bullshit job?

>> No.1924262

>be me
>be 24 years old
>work at fancy celebrity restaurant in Miami
>make $30-40/hour writing down orders and putting food on tables
>fuck one of the waitresses or go hunt for puss at one of the nearby bars/clubs nearby at the end of the working night
>most people my age (going off my friends from school here, won't speak for /biz/ because it's way to diverse with NEET memecoiners and actual professionals) are in entry level jobs making ~40k a year, have to wake up 6:30am to commute 30 minutes in the 9 o'clock rush hour, sit in cubicle for 8 hours, and then head back home in the same shitty traffic just to get 4 hours of free time before they repeat the cycle again, and then go to bed dreaming of that $5k promotion/raise they might get in a few years.
>my only regret is wasting 4 years of my life getting a meme stem degree instead of not doing this earlier

>> No.1924533

how did you get the job though?
i assume you must be super likeable and chad-ish