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File: 32 KB, 696x392, joe-rogan-experience-696x392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19206537 No.19206537 [Reply] [Original]


How much did they pay him?

>> No.19206635


Easily over 50 Million is my guess.

>> No.19206658

Death of the show imminent

>> No.19206780
File: 216 KB, 1200x1200, thicc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who listens to Toe Rogaine these days? What a fraud...literally has no backbone to ask tough questions....adopted his wife's half-nigga kids. TOTAL simp.

>> No.19206787

SPOT up 10% on this news lmoa

>> No.19206818

This is massive for spotify. I use it often, so I'm fine with the change.

>> No.19206851

people will continue to just chop up the interesting bits of the show and upload it to youtube lol

>> No.19206855

Wait, so he’s not uploading to youtube or google/apple podcast app anymore? Is he literally retarded?

>> No.19206954
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>joe rogan

>> No.19206991

margin buy SPOT

>> No.19207010

This. He fucked up.

>> No.19207011

This is good. YouTube became unbearable. If he wants to play a video about a moose eating an alligator and the hick filming it whistles "Satisfaction" by the Rolling Stones, the whole video can get taken down for weeks, because the leeches claim it.

>> No.19207022

The people's idiot, as I like to refer to him.

>> No.19207131

>he doesn't watch the whole show

>> No.19207226

hes always been a lame faggot. i still dont get how he got so popular

>> No.19207235

hes cashing out because this is a career killer

>> No.19207340

good now he can redpill more normalfags. youtube is already mainly right wing

>> No.19207404

>because he's not a faggot

>> No.19207434

lol who gives a fuck?

>> No.19207471

this move says more about google than it does about rogan

>> No.19207479

spotify is going to launch a video service in a few weeks that competes with gaytube. s

>> No.19207731

He indisputably has fantastic guests at times. Paul Stamets and Matthew Walker literally changed the way I live. Both extremely eye opening podcasts imo. There’s a bunch of good ones, the ocean garbage patch guy, the exotic animal guy, butthurt sea world guy etc

>> No.19207750

north of 100m

>> No.19207764

hahaha suck a dick youtube kikes

>> No.19207778

how do i short rogan?
this is the same as when stern moved to sirius xm.

>> No.19207809

>jewtube is mainly rightwing
lel imagine actually believing this

>> No.19207863

He doesn't really want to do it anymore and doesn't even try to hide it. The show has grown too much and become something more than what he wants it to be. He has always talked about how he wanted it to be a low key show where he can drink, smoke, and bullshit with his friends. Now he's having to interview some of the most important people in the country and he always gets grilled for not asking the "right" questions. He's probably done with it. He doesn't need the money anymore, and a cool $50m is a great send off

>> No.19207875

JREclips will still be put up on youtube which is what most normies watch anyways

>> No.19207904

>youtube is already mainly right wing
In what fucking dimension?

>> No.19207937

More like he's an ADD riddled tard whose attention span starts to plummit after a few minutes. It's okay most people are like that these days. I blame general info overload thats everywhere these days

>> No.19207958

Imagine a bone job from her!

>> No.19207986

I'd sure rattle her bones.

>> No.19208062

It's only staying on youtube till September or the rest of the year or some bullshit

>> No.19208441
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>> No.19209067

man I hate spotify
terrible decision imo

what the fuck was he thinking

>> No.19209075

holy fuck

>> No.19209143


>> No.19209167
File: 1.76 MB, 412x229, 1589150510085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paul Stamets changed the way I live.

>> No.19209196

This guy is not even interesting or funny anymore.

>> No.19209349

Rogan is there only thing I actual use YouTube for.
deleted all my Google shit so now the only Google faggot product I need is maps. hopefully somebody comes and kills that too

>> No.19209372

was his nameo

>> No.19209396

was his nameo. goldn ha

>> No.19209415

How is he not getting tired of podcasting by now?

>> No.19209416

yall niggas better create torrents with JRE after september 1st fast for your boy out here

>> No.19209428

RIP his career

>> No.19209456

probably he paid them lol

>> No.19209476

Stamets is pretty cool, same with Peter Hotez and Forrest Galante
all in all he has some cool guests, hes a bit of a sperg himself though
The real MVP is Eddie Bravo though, every time hes goes off the rails and starts talking to Joe about aliens and flat earth
funniest clips imo

>> No.19209506

>because he is smart enough to not waste his time on the boring bits

>> No.19209667

Imagine having effectively unlimited money off being a hack comedian and living dude weed meme...but also being the physical size of a small child.

All the money in the world but the only thing you want, you can't buy; longer legs. True suffering.

>> No.19209856

I'm gonna miss him bros

>> No.19210099
File: 125 KB, 720x960, CUBECLC-1122410221454811136-20190428_040024-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the money in the world but the only thing you want, you can't buy; longer legs. True suffering.

cope lanky
joe rogan has never once thought that

thats just a perception and mental illness a short person COULD develop

>> No.19210458

millions. Probably what he makes in ~10 years

>> No.19210566

>How much did they pay him?
More than your entire family will make over multiple generations.

>> No.19210627

He basically works two days a week. He does 4 shows a week, on average, and films 2 a day. Then he has 5 days to smoke weed, lift weights, and drive muscle cars. He's the dude from American Beauty, but didn't get shot by a gay neighbor.

>> No.19210732

manlet assblasted

>> No.19210741

that makes it 300 million USD
i'd definitely take it

>> No.19210753

He sold the top.
Joe is a genius.
Nobody was going to listen to a 60 year old anyway. He knows he had a great run and that he'll probably never surpass the highs of the recent past.
Probably he feels that the fire has left him and he sold himself out at his peak.
Good move for Joe, good move for spotify too.
Winners all around.

>> No.19210791

Now he can probably live comfortably and do whatever the fuck he wants and talk about whatever the fuck he wants for the rest of his life.

>> No.19210804

This is still the most attractive face i've seen on this site.
Would cum buckets on it.

>> No.19210959

you have very boring taste anon

>> No.19211198

Joe has been living more comfortably than any of us since fear factor. Now he can just do it in multiple houses.

>> No.19211226

just created a spotify account for his show. If he's moving platforms I will be ok with this

>> No.19211662

Based consoomer

>> No.19211749 [DELETED] 

as the Original Poster of this thread I declare this to be the best reply in the thread

>> No.19211779
File: 151 KB, 372x280, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as the Original Poster of this thread I declare this post to be the best reply in the thread

>> No.19211942

Thank you OP, very cool!

>> No.19212136


>> No.19212180

Care to recommend some great mind training helpful books?

>> No.19212192
File: 15 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't read a book while listening to podcasts

>> No.19212748

after this move the biggest podcast on youtube is steve-o's podcast.

how the mighty have fallen