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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19206617 No.19206617 [Reply] [Original]

Welp it's officially over for me. This was the last 8k of 550k I made in forex about 6 years ago. I quit my job and every time I talked to people I would just take about how I was doing xyz trading and everything was going great. But truth was I was losing money quarter after quarter, finally I yolo'd some options and yeah. Current net worth: 31 USD. What should I actually do? I have a master's degree in Physics but I haven't had a job in 6 years.

>> No.19206643
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>> No.19206647

Well, why don't you starting trading Forex again?

>> No.19206691

>everything was going great. But truth was I was losing money
this is why I never believe anyone who says they are profitable investors

>> No.19206716

Shouldn't you just park most of that in SPY or something when you reach that point?

>> No.19206729

if you're not larping i hope you get your shit together because this is terrible

>> No.19206769

why the fuck would you stop what was profitable lmao, enjoy your losses retard, from top to bottom, kys

>> No.19206917

What was ur strategy in FX though since its not working?

>> No.19206987

i lost 6k in profits when i sell my puts last Thursday and I thought I was upset


>> No.19207288

Why don't you ask the CHADS of in /tsg/.

>> No.19207320

> he didn't just buy cash flowing crypto

anon I...

>> No.19207501
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I quit forex because it's literally suicide-inducing, you're just staring at numbers trading almost entirely off news + TA, there's no product and it's all interconnected, terror attack in Germany? Great now you have to work out how the Australian dollar might be exposed on the fly. It's mind melting and you just stack tiny percentages every day and one fuck up wipes out a week of gains. I though that after making some good shitcoin picks I could pick some good stocks but they were all trash. Each trade a loser. Don't know what to do desu.

>> No.19207535
File: 43 KB, 171x171, 5214155-NVOB_big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trade margin on ftx instead ( less fees than every exchange) (1-100x margin bitcoin, eth on every crypto cone.
(i have 10% trading fee discount use link)

>> No.19207565

but you were profitable at FX, right? 'just stacking tiny percentages every day' works on long-term due to compounding, you shouldn't have stopped trading if you were profitable.

>> No.19207581

sorry to hear that fren.
literally your best move at this point is to invest your last 31 usd as long btc and wait 10 years.

wont be much, but you can 100x your money at least.

>> No.19207625

how old are you?
any liabilities like wife or children?

answer these questions and you will know for yourself what to do

>> No.19207630

That proves it luck and talent are two totally different things. Put in the hard work do heavy duty research next time you invest, or dont do it at all

>> No.19207775
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>Has more than 1/2 million
>Doesn't invest in real estate

You did this to yourself Anon

>> No.19207828

had he invested 100k in btc in 2015 instead of shorting it he would have 4.2m now

>> No.19207868

Should have just put $550k into apple and kept your job.

>> No.19207931

>It's mind melting and you just stack tiny percentages every day and one fuck up wipes out a week of gains.
That's just how actual successful, long-term trading is. It's work. It's not an escape. But I will say that if one fuck up wipes out a week's worth of gains then your stops are too wide or you're scaling in and out incorrectly.

>> No.19207951

ironically people with money are paranoid as fuck and never talk about their gains

>> No.19208101

>Should have just put $550k into apple and kept your job.

>> No.19208381

Dude, you have a masters degree in physics. You are smart guy. And even though you have lost all this money. I totally believe you the FX was suicide inducing.
Maybe start focusing on something that makes you happy. Instead of finances, trades. Do something you feel is meaningful.
Start a business. Plenty of opportunities in post-covid world.

>> No.19208556
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 11258D0E-EA60-40BF-B06F-08E505442C6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>31 dollars
If you don’t have purtylips just avoid working in daytime

>> No.19208651

29, no wife no kids

>> No.19208696

>Had he put it all on black instead of red he would have won. I'm so smart for reciting past events.
yeah no shit sherlock, great advice there.

>> No.19208737
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now imagine if you put just 10k into ETH at ico ...

>> No.19208878

Well, you have a degree in physics.
You have an understanding of the markets (although you cant trade for shit but dont mention this)
Go work at a bank and squander their money instead of yours.

>> No.19208926

you are an obvious pro dicksucking master at your trading "profession" already


>> No.19208986

Its ok bro. Just sell random shit you own and YOLO on options. If that doesnt work, start dealing drugs.

>> No.19209101

Why is this board so persistently greedy yet unable to lift a finger? And when they DO succeed like OP then they blow it spectacularly? How does one even make this much money and then doesn't have the common sense to at least buy some gold or some shit? Genuinely curious whether OP is just a gambler

>> No.19209242

Are you one of those retards who buys a car from half his stack if they make it?

>> No.19209253

Nigga why didnt you just buy oil stocks? I wouldnt be gambling with options if i had 500k lmao

Nah i would probably take $100k just to do options but never touch on the rest of the money, no matter what.

>> No.19209278

serious question and not trying to be a dick. but how could you be so fucking stupid? surely you knew this was a possible outcome right?

>> No.19209583
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come on bro, is not that hard.

>> No.19209705

>that moms lunch money balance


>> No.19209852

The problem with trading is that when you inevitably fail, you have absolutely no marketable skills. You basically spent 6 years doing something even more worthless than MLM which you could at least argue that when all the money runs out you still have some social skills/salesmanship that you can apply elsewhere. You didn't travel the world, you didn't live it up, you didn't meet exciting new people, you just flushed money down the toilet because you fell for the enormous marketing campaign that surrounds the trading industry.
This is why anyone who wants to trade and asks me for advice (I'm really good at longer term strategies, portfolio management, and hedging so they assume I'm a person to talk to about trading) I tell to pick up a side skill. Pretty much doesn't matter what it is. Coding, speaking spanish, mathematics, playing guitar, pottery, lifting weights. Doesn't matter.

Just pick a skill to build in parallel because it will serve 2 purposes. The first is that it will shine a light on how much you've been scammed with regards to trading because your side skill will grow consistently better as you do it while your trading won't. This will make it highly evident that you've been conned into thinking you can game the roulette wheel. See, trading isn't a skill, but the marketing around the trading industry is built on framing it as if it is one. The problem is, it doesn't respond to practice or repetition compared to something like flying a plane, cooking, whatever. The second purpose it serves is that when you inevitably fail at trading, you'll at least have SOMETHING to show for it. OP wasted 6 years of his life and I mean wasted. He didn't try to start a bar with his buddies and have it go under, but still walk away with useful business knowledge, contacts, and stories to tell. OP sat in front of a computer for 6 years stressed out of his mind as he bled to death and grasped to hope that eventually his train was going to come in.

>> No.19210241

Where is the fun in that?

>> No.19210264

You have a gambling problem.

>> No.19210420

You could stop by being a dutch nigger

>> No.19210570

Hey op you could teach people FX seeing as you're good at it, please let me know what I should read! Yours sincerely a wagecuck who wish he was a profitable FX trader.

>> No.19210736

join @ChadLounge on telegram and start trading again

>> No.19210787


why do people even trade this retarded shit. it's even harder to make money than day trading forex than normie stocks.

>> No.19210919

I already have a job so it's really tempting to just swing trade bitcoin. If I get rekt I'll just turn it into a long term hold. Any harm in that? The biggest risk I see is being tempted to invest in shitcoins.

I already have normal investments, 401k etc.