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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19185478 No.19185478 [Reply] [Original]

pizza delivery guy who put his life savings in at 2.20. was in denial all day. just sold at .80. lost two entire years of full time savings. its starting to hit me bros. never felt feelings like this before.

>> No.19185496

never trust a coked up con artist

>> No.19185510

honestly dude, this is a lesson for you, i've had one to in the first bullrun

dont believe in the constant fake shilling on this board. You could see this happening from a mile away

people on here only care about themselves, they don't really want to help you grow, they want to make sure their own pockets get filled.

>> No.19185512
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>he sold

>> No.19185514


>> No.19185545

sorry for you bro, next time dont put more than you can afford to lose its a gamble anyway if you win and end up with more money its still a win. Take it easy

>> No.19185554

Learn from it and you will come out of it stronger.
It hurts, but this will make sure you triple check if something could be scammy.
Be guaranteed that anybody who has been around in 2013/2014 or 2017/2018 has some experience of being screwed over in crypto.
Could be scam, could be exchange hack, could be losing private keys.
Losing crypto virginity.
High risk, high rewards. You need to get focussed 100% on lowering risks.
Avoiding McAfee and unresearched shitcoins should top that list

>> No.19185559

>On the cusp of mass adoption where billions of people will use legitimate projects like ETH/LINK/XRP
>Choose to invest in a shitcoin made by a guy who has admitted on multiple occasions that he is a soulless shill
Honestly, you deserve it.

>> No.19185566

Start again but this time in LINK, ETH, or BTC, you still have time before the FOMO normie reckoning, no PnD shit

>> No.19185580

How did you even sell anon?

>> No.19185589

Now buy DXD on uniswap and make it back.

>> No.19185591

That’s you get for messing with shitcoins. Invest in stocks. Oil. Gold.

>> No.19185598
File: 440 KB, 1125x2436, 93514015-1B0E-4F85-B03F-6557FA72AD69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sold? Why not wait and get ghost or wait til the next pump? You think it will crab or stay below for the next week?

>> No.19185599

You could have just sold after the news but you had to deny reality like a delusional retard. Learn from your mistakes nigga

>> No.19185619

biz dont know the diffrence between quality coins and pnd. DXD is solid

>> No.19185623

your going to feel even shittier when you see it at $3

>> No.19185678

What? Shouldve doubled up ay the bottom like a fuckin alpha. This coin is 2020 in a nutshell and dripping in memetic magic. Wait on it. Oh but you caaaaant
Why man

>> No.19185696

Hurry the fuck up. My pizza better not be cold because you're too busy posting here

>> No.19185704
File: 2 KB, 125x84, C672D7D8-7C81-4D68-8EF0-1356A613F2B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost a 2 grand on bitcoin bought stocks slowly but steadily making it back save like you never have before and do research you will make it anon

>> No.19185723

congratulations. you've learned a hard life lesson at a young age where you can still recover. the world is full of con artists. all crypto is a scam. stop while you're ahead.

>> No.19185725

Damn OP. Pouring one out for you.

>> No.19185736

fcuk the delvery shit

i just applied, got interview and hired next day

benefits, vision dental. 16.00 an hour.

go work in a warehouse with overtime

>> No.19185748

It will stay below for the next eternity. Maybe in several billion trillion years a new earth will form and a billion years later they'll have a second chance. Until then >.10 incoming.

>> No.19185845

Sorry anon with time you'll earn it back, but this time you gambled and lost. Next time just buy BTC or ETH or LINK.

>> No.19186179

Coulda bought tezos, stellar, link XRP or even Augur and you would be up like 15% this week. You get what you fucking deserve fomo faggot

>> No.19186244

Try slowly buyng winners like xtz and stop trying to hit the 1000x homeruns, buy the good shit when you can and you'll rebuild fast

>> No.19186298

Lofl at the linkfags shilling their shitcoin to OP. The dude just used his faggy pizza money on a scam and you're all trying to scam him again. Never change /biz/

>> No.19186388

You get what you fucking deserve for believing the shills and especially going anywhere near something backed by that scam artist Mcafee

>> No.19186447

I can afford to put in $2000 right now. With the price of ESH being at $0.01548, I'd get about 129,199 GHOST. If GHOST ends up being worth even $1 just through the meme magic of McAfee, I'll have made around 65x my initial investment. What are the chances that GHOST is worthless on drop? It just seems impossible, at least immediately. Maybe a few days afterwards, but by then I'll have sold.

>> No.19186469

This is what I learned from holding Xvg to the bottom

Picture it like this.

Say the coin 2X right away

Assess the situation if it still has momentum let it ride

As soon as the steak winds down take your initial investment out at least.

Let it ride on house money now.

Keep skimming profits all the way up

When it stabilizes for awhile at 2 dollars like it did...

Ask yourself what are the chances of this going double again... triple all
The way up to however many x

It was clear 2 dollars or around there was the top...

Way less likely and more risky to keep the money in there. So you should have pulled out and looked for better Safer places to keep that money

Only ghost moon boys and shills couldn’t see the truth

No one was buying your bags

Anything that does Over 5 x in a week is due for a MASSIVE correction

It did what like 100x?

It was a house of cards and all it took was one card to be pulled and it crumbled

>> No.19186499

100% worthless on drop and then immediately will find a way to become worth even less after that. It will probably start charging your wallet to hold it.

>> No.19186551
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You rn