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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1916340 No.1916340 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone relax.
This is a long game and not a Bitcoin 2013 scenario.
It's not even a Bitcoin scenario present day.
The reward will be when ETH is utilized to it's full potential and that's ever-expanding at the moment

Think big picture.

Zeitgeist big.

So until then, relax, collect ETH and don't stress about its seemingly unsteady temperament, and you'll be far more prepared then literally everyone fucking else.

That's all.

>> No.1916375

Was waiting for this. Time to buy at the bottom!

>> No.1916398

its been thrading around this price all week. how fucking retarded and poor are you niggers

>> No.1916428

what Ethereum wallet would you guys say is the most secure? I want to move them from coinbase

>> No.1916713

blockchain wallet is a popular option. I've attempted to read about others but saw no real benefit in one over another.

>> No.1916764

The technology behind ethereum is the closest thing we currently have to make a web3.0

If they actually succed, eth would be on par with diamonds, if not more

Dont sell you fucking retards

>> No.1916987

It might fluctuate around current price for a year as long as we know. I don't blame people for taking SOME out, but I'm inclined to agree, selling all closes doors if it does become bitcoin tier.

>> No.1916992

>wanting web 3.0

kill yourself normalfag

>> No.1916997
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Shutup Vitalik. ETH is the NWO coin.

>> No.1917007

that lineup reeks of fail. not the cool kind which doesn't exist, but the kind that comes from rigid old structures, inefficiency, miscommunication, rotten power mechanics and lack of innovation. (all of these companies lack 'the cool')

>> No.1917034

but all those companies are mostly run by jewish conglomerates, and you never bet against the jews my friend that there would be the failure. atleast for the near future

>> No.1917044

More to be announced mid to late April according to Andrew Keys

>> No.1917052


incredibly sad that people see a dollar or two move and lose their shit. it's not even a fucking dip.

honestly guys, just fucking walk away from your computer and forget about it, and look again in a year.

it's fucking sad how many of you are buying high and selling low because you are weak-minded.

>> No.1917093

Any panic is entirely to grow our profits even during slow periods.

I dumped my eth to bitcoin at sub $1k, sold bitcoin at $1060 after gain, and bought ETH at $49 last night. 23.2 extra ETH for me.

It's all a game so let us play it.

>> No.1917096
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Everything is fine. Everything going as planned. To the moon.

>> No.1917117

the jewish coin is Zcash, not Ethereum. If you want to be on the eternal jew, you are hodling the wrong coin.

>> No.1917254


>> No.1917259

23.2? how much ETH do you have total to make that kind of profit ?

>> No.1917311

Why the fuck is ETH dropping right now?

>> No.1917317

Is this because of the South Chinese landwhales?

>> No.1917327
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>thinking ETH hasn't already mooned

>> No.1917393


>> No.1917569
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>That's all.

>> No.1917984

do your own research. Literally developed in Israel, and backed by the Mossad

>> No.1918084


>> No.1918093
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>everyone deserting the sinking ship

>> No.1918157

I had 200, sold all at 50.81, bought 10.3 BTC at 980, sold BTC at 1060, transferred to ETH at 49.23 last night. So now at 223.

Kicking myself for not waiting for today when it dipped below 47.

>> No.1918230

are we at bottom @ 48?

I'm planning on buying more ETH, but I want /biz/'s opinion

>> No.1918236

there's a 150k buywall on gdax so I'm thinking we might be at bottom, but also a 120-130k sell wall on polo

>> No.1918270

the amount of weak hands and confusion in here is laughable

>> No.1918272

word they need SNAP inc to get on board right

>> No.1918279

It's been weeks. You said it was going to moon. Now we're even under $50. Even lower with all the cash out fees. Worst investment ever.

>> No.1918283

sell then

>> No.1918299

then stop complaining and sell

I want the price to go down another dollar so I can buy more

pls respond biz, the sell wall is gone but buy wall is still on gdax

>> No.1918372

Buy now and then yell at me when it goes down further.

>> No.1918380

just did, all exchanges started to rise and I missed out on about 20-30 cents per, but I'm happy with it. that gdax whale won't give up on $48.5 though.

>> No.1918383

lol, retardddddddd

>> No.1918528
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refer to original post

>> No.1918617

it seems to be going back up now. i really need to start selling my ETH at its peak and buying the dip, ETH fluctuates so much. free money

>> No.1918637

Yeah wtf where are all those trendy internet startups that hemorrhage money for years!

>> No.1918652

fucking NEETS buying something that has UNLIMITED quantity

>> No.1918698 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 852x480, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to sign up for GDAX. What's the benefit (besides a cool interface that makes me feel like I know what I'm doing) over just have a standard coinable account?

I might have misread but lower fees? shorter transaction periods?

>> No.1918702
File: 24 KB, 852x480, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm signing up for a GDAX
what are the benefits over just having a standard coinbase account?

>> No.1918715

slightly cheaper I think. it's an actual exchange, not just retail buy/sell. so create any buy/sell/limit order you want.

>> No.1918737

that's good to know.
In the optimistic future, I want to be able to buy more than $5000 and sell more than $15000

>> No.1918742

not sure what the USD limits actually are, you'll have to look those up. depending on where you live it might be restricted and it also depends on how far you want to go with verification documents.

>> No.1918775

just looked it up

deposit is fantastic and withdrawal is much better than the weekly basis that CB app restricts you to.

>> No.1918784

What sites do you guys use to track coins? I've just been using CB for ETH, but want to investigate alt coins as I have a decent supply to trade.

>> No.1918795

you can sign up for poloniex which provides a decent list of all alt coins in considerable circulation.
It's BTC > alt coin trading and not USD > altcoin

there's also a desktop app I stumbled upon called Lionshare which will just show you the current value if you're not looking to trade

>> No.1919500

You can just as easily do ETH > Altcoin trading, right?
I'm new to this shit and I bought ETH instead of BTC because I think ETH has long term potential.

>> No.1919502

and this is why eth will crash the fuck down, it's literally standing on new people who don't have a fucking clue

>> No.1919542

last time I checked it was BTC > alt but I haven't touched it. I would implore you to do some research on the site and see if it allows you to do so. If anything transfer some ETH > BTC.

>and this is why eth will crash the fuck down
Bro it's too late for this and I don't have time to explain to another fucking idiot how its an investment in the future like any other investment and I've already argued for 5 hours straight on /sp so you're right okay you win the fucking secret game that everyone plays and lies to each other about. You did it. Now go be a poorcuck and die alone.

>> No.1919559
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i think eth will be fine in the future yeah, but you'll have to be severely deluded if you think eth won't come down at this point in time

resorting to insulting isn't very pretty either

>> No.1919589

>resorting to insulting

The whole point of this thread is telling people to think long term.

>> No.1919626
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Telling people the price will go down is like telling people to go buy it at a bargain before it goes up. Whereas when the price starts going up people buy at ath which are not the best for short termers although for long term holders that's a deal compared to future price increases. Like Bitcoin back in the day as it was increasing price it would go up and down 50% but there are levels it never returned to so hoping for those really really low buy in levels is risky too.

>> No.1919644
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>> No.1919895

>still under $50
Risk averse people should sell now

>> No.1920665
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I'm scared.