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1917665 No.1917665 [Reply] [Original]

>Waiting 10-20 minutes for transaction to go through

Why does anyone think BITCOIN is worth anything? This is the shittiest dinosaur technology that you have to wait for 3 blocks over 20-30 minutes. We've got INSTANT TRANSFERS now.

>> No.1917699

Damn ur right

>> No.1917768


People are putting their money into something that takes 30 minutes to go through.

An email can through in 3 seconds, but a bitcoin transaction takes 30 minutes.

TFW email is more efficient than bitcoin.

>> No.1917783

Can't really blame bitcoin tbqh

it was never meant to reach these heights, it was the first, and thus needs to be improved upon

The question is just what will replace it

Ethereum? PivX? maybe even Viacoin?

>> No.1917790


>> No.1917794

Eth vs pivx?

Only one is designed as a currency.

>> No.1917802

Even though you are correct, I don't think we need to repeat this thread every single day.

>> No.1917805

True that, pivx is a far superior currency

but you cant doubt the potential of ethereum, not to mention, and the fact that it'll be added on alphabay soon

>> No.1917883

>Only one is designed as a currency.
This is why PIVX, as a long term (and even a short term) investment is the way to go. If anything is going to phase out Bitcoin as a currency, its going to be PIVX. It is more currency like than anything else out there.

>> No.1917905

lol..But monero and Zcash are much better, with better teams and are already much more popular...
Zcash has phd proffesors and long time engineers working on it..
What the hell does pivx have except anon devs with meme pictures.

>> No.1917908

And as for non anon coin you got litecoin..

>> No.1917913

Shorter transaction times comes at a cost of security and efficiency,this will be solved with off chain transactions which is why segwit+lightning need to be activated.

>> No.1917916

i know buy eth

>> No.1917919
File: 52 KB, 952x500, 1bbr8l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unlimited memers in charge of understanding Bitcoin

I'll try to keep it simple
1) no other coin solves the issues that are intrinsic in blockchain technology. There's very little innovation outside BTC and none of it solves these issues you mention
2) the only reason other coins don't have a problem with the length of the blockchain is because they are a lot younger than bitcoin. And yet, they are so shit that they made "hurr durr fast" without thinking about the future. The block size limit is exactly what allows bitcoin a lot of features that I am not going to list, and among them, buying time until 2nd layers are finalized while avoiding centralization
3) Those shitcoins with "hurr durr instant transfer" are mere pump and dumps that will not last as long as bitcoin because they don't solve the issue of the blockchain becoming huge and leading to centralization. For example Dash is a literal scamcoin that god premined into oblivion by the developers that own most of it and dump on you gullible faggots. They only exists to rob you of your bitcoins
4) Lightning Network will solve this issue, while at the same time mantaining security, decentralization and allowing bitcoin to be good both for micropayments and as a store of value
5) Roger Ver please kill yourself not everyone is as retarded as you are

Monero is ok, but it also doesn't solve the problem of the blockchain becoming too big and miner decentralization. Also Fluffypony is a bitcoiner and against retarded the retarded big blocks by meme unlimited.
Zcash is literally a mossad operation, no fucking kidding. Also there's literal gatekeepers that can theoretically not only de-anonimize but create new coins from thin air and nobody would ever know.

Pivx is a pump and dump, and a literal shitcoin not even worth mentioning

>> No.1917938

Solid buy n' hold, but you're not going to see rocketship gains or anything. It's heavily associated with crime, and that makes investors think harder about using it for real world services. Any other privacy coin will have to fight that battle thought.

Nobody really gives a shit about Zcash. It's going nowhere.

Has a good future as faster Monero and PoS is based as fuck. 2.0 coins take a long time to replace the original though so this is a long hold high risk investment.

>> No.1918033

This guy gets it

>> No.1918575

8 hrs later, still waiting on a bitcoin transaction to 'confirm'. The flippening is gonna be glorious when people wake up to this myspace dinosaur tech.

>> No.1918579

>8 hrs later, still waiting on a bitcoin transaction to 'confirm'
prove it

>> No.1918592

that guy is just a salty bitcoiner

he's just shilling his dumb coin because it'll be dead in 6 months

it'll take atleast a year to implement the lightning network, and ethereum will get it next month, and pivx already has it

>> No.1918603

The core concept that gives value to cryptocurrency is scarity.

Bitcoin get's harder to compute with time wich makes it deflate but as a sideeffect also slower with transactions. You make it easier to compute to get faster transaction you get inflation as a side-effect.

So the question is do you want inflation for faster transaction times? Can't have one without the other.

>> No.1918606

check out this bullshit:

>> No.1918853

Eventually bitslaves will collectively get to bit credit when they realized they slaved for technology that already exits.

The looks on their faces will be priceless.

>> No.1918890

Wow that fucking sucks. There are accelerators out there though. At this point I'd plop a few hundred sats to get that shit signed.