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19174650 No.19174650 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get caught in vicious circles of dreading work, procrastinating on projects, and then dreading contact from your superiors? I have overdue projects and live in a constant state of anxiety over e-mails. I compulsively refresh the /biz/ catalogue and overeat to distract myself. I can't even be present with my loved ones because I'm always mentally detached. Anyone know that feel?

>> No.19174686

i work tech support at a massive company and every day it makes me want to die,, impossible to be comfy. love you anon hope you get to a better place soon

>> No.19174689

yes, I know it very well. one thing you can do it quit or get a different job if possible, one that is not like that

>> No.19174713

Yep and it's worse now that we are stuck inside 24/7.

I'm constantly freaking out that I'm gonna lose my job because everything is so close to collapsing. Keep on wageslaving away anon, we gotta do what we gotta do. I now wish I would have waited a year to buy a house

>> No.19174722

>i work tech support at a massive company and every day it makes me want to die,,
How's the weather in Calcutta today?

>> No.19174724

any jobs that aren't making money online in the comfort of your bedroom are a scam and death

>> No.19174733

work on one project (X) a day and when a superior emails, just say you're working on X

>> No.19174918

j-just fine sir.... can i interest you in esh.... its in a dip right now sir...

>> No.19174962

These are all common af symptoms of depression, OP. Go see your doctor.

>> No.19174982

all the fucking time. i even work in a restaurant where my work stays at work. but lately its been absolute fucking chaos. everyone bitching, stressed beyond belief, owners flipping the fuck out. today's my day off and i'm sitting here dreading phone calls, randomly being fired for whatever nonsense i complained about over the weekend. its fucking atrocious

>> No.19175025

> if you don’t work you’re insane hehe
Fuck off shlomo

>> No.19175123

Wow, how incredibly based of you.

Best of luck prematurely ending your life in your parents basement because you ignore treatable disease so you can stick it to the jews. That'll show 'em.

>> No.19175154

Depression isn’t a disease, it’s a natural reaction to the wagie predicament
Also a scheme to sell pills

>> No.19175163

What broke that mentality for me was to stop giving a shit and confront it.
Work on what you can, send a summary of what is late and when it's probably due. Just don't make excuses.
If they ask, tell them to basically fuck off and they should consider assigning more people as it's clearly taking longer than anticipated.

>> No.19175190

I don't have this because I always follow the same scam pattern - I prove my worth in the first 6 months so they know I'm overqualified and competent as shit. And then I start slacking off and they assume I'm real busy or they don't want to let me go because they know my potential. Then I find a new job to get a raise and hop to another company within 2 years.

>> No.19175213

Again, best of luck in your quest. Seriously, your premature death is going to SHAKE THINGS UP.

>> No.19175265

i just stopped giving a fuck, ill work at my pace i mean everybody else does it, what percentage of a company actually does the work, pareto principle applies here!

>> No.19175343

based. i did this too but then i got a robot job that just looks at numbers. i'm ngmi out of my 20s let alone have a successful life bro

>> No.19175379

Yes. Let me guess, you work in tech....fellow programmer?
I love programming but absolutely hate the industry. My idea of making it means not having to work for someone else anymore

>> No.19175411

OP here. I'm a medical student about to graduate and start my residency training. These "projects" are research projects that I took on during my time as a med student that for one reason or another never got completed (data collection stalled, PI changed the scope, multiple rejections from journals, etc.) The only good thing about all this is that once I finish residency in 4 years, I can ghost all of these people and never publish a single paper ever again. I just want to work in a comfy outpatient clinic and never have to do "scholarly activities" for the sake of jumping through hoops ever again. It was necessary to land the residency I got, but I am so fucking sick of this shit. I have like 120 hours of chart review data collection staring me in the face today, plus e-mails to reply to regarding rejected papers. I should have delegated more to underclassmen, but I'm too much of a perfectionist pussy.

>> No.19175645

The best way to end the anxiety is to work on what you gotta do
The risk is that you can't stop or the anxiety comes back

>> No.19175676

I’m depressed and going to see doctors was literally the least helpful thing I have ever done, not to mention it’s fucking expensive and you’re selling out your private thoughts to insurance auditors.

>> No.19175736

Sorry my depressed brain responded to the wrong person

>> No.19175767

I was stuck in a similar situation.
It was basically management being lazy (and criminal)fuckups who do not own up to their mistakes or handle their responsibilities, but instead pass the buck down to me. Oh did I mention completely unrealistic expectations?

Went through I think 5 managers and everyone should have been prosecuted for theft, fraud, and embezzling money.

I worked my ass off their, but that atmosphere nearly killed my work ethic. In the end they wanted to bitch at me and complain that I was taking too long on breaks, etc. I quit that day. Best decision ever.

>> No.19175777

nope, because my job is task-performance related, and there is no such thing as deadlines
I respond to operational requests on the spot and it is literally illegal to assign me any type of busywork that might distract me from those requests

>> No.19175858
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>> No.19175927

Sometimes I wish I'd gone the physician route but then these posts remind me where I'm at. It was hard getting here but with nursing I worked it down to just two nights a week and 60k/yr. It's mediocrity but I just don't have the energy for anything more than part time. The whole reason I chose icu was because I can't remember more than two or three people at a time, not even that much but at least it's OK to refer to them by room number here. Mad respect for the folks who can pull it off. I did two years working 72hr weeks and burned out hard. Now 24hrs feels like hell and I just don't give a shit about anything. Fucking papr hoods and corona hoax is worst part. Can't wait to go back to normal with just my little basic drips and standard precautions pts.

>> No.19176349
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60k part time is not bad at all. You can use the extra time to invest, learn and create a based life anon. I unironically believe that by being smart with this kind of money you can be better off in the future than some doctor who lives a luxurious life but is deep in debt and has to wage slave to survive

>> No.19176388



The majority of people do not work that hard. In a typical 8-hour work day, you allocate 2 hours to meetings, 1 hour to lunch and 1 hour to discussions with co-workers/ coffee breaks. I would assume a productivity rate of 75% in the remaining 4 hours meaning there are 3 working hours per day.

The key to success at work is therefore optics. Do the minimum 2-3 hours per day and give the appearance that you are proactive and on top of work. People will think you're a productive, hard worker - even if you only work 1-2 hours a day.

In terms of your direct question, just sit down and force yourself to fucking do those 3 hours. If you are behind, then you need to work surplus to get to a point where you only need to work 3 hours a day.

Lastly, the concept of optics in the workplace is tied to your social capital. I know so many hard-working technically competent individuals who never get ahead. Conversely, retarded but socially competent people become managers and delegate their work.

>> No.19176962

Basically this. I am full time remote even after wfh ends. In sales and did it last year at a different company. I felt guilty starting this one and "not working so hard" then I remembered the actual work I did previously and im probably doing more now but with ez tendies and not having to save face around an office

>> No.19177109
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holy shit why have i been trying so hard all this time

>> No.19177251
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>dont even want to open work email today
>my investments are in the shitter, every time I try to trade I get rekt, my dream of making just $2000/month from trading so I can quit seems farther and farther away no matter how much I try
>>The only thing stopping me from an hero is the pain I would cause to family
>no rest and no release, not even death would bring comfy silence and nothingness because I would be judged
>my friends try to cheer me up by saying "its all good bro we all go through things just remember it always works out in the end haha" while they are at home in quarantine playing vidya with their wives/gfs
>none of them know I haven't gotten laid in 12 years because of my crippling anxiety/depression ruining chance after chance with some top tier girls
>if they ever found out I was an incel I would unironically end it right there rather than suffer the shame so I must constantly maintain a lie

haha how funny this minecraft simulation is the joke is getting old now can someone press the reset button please

>> No.19177368

Spent that money on yourself instead of PnD scam coins. Go see psychologists, doctors, masseuses and a hooker here and there. If you haven't gotten laid in 12 years, a hooker will seem like an oasis in the desert.

All in all try to take yourself out of the slumber, besides you have nothing else to lost

>> No.19177545

all in link and eth
dopamine detox
get a different job
get hobbies that are nothing to do with money
forget about trading

>> No.19178038
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Do you want to laugh even more? I did go to visit a hooker trying to get over my anxiety and sexual frustration. All I got was herpes meaning now my chances of getting laid/married are even lower.I have friends who were in the military who have slept with close to a hundred women/hookers and are disease free with loving wifes now. All it took was one try for me to get over my anxiety and now I am branded for life. God has a great sense of humour.
I have many hobbies outside of trading that kept me sane and relatively happy, can't do any of them right now because to top it all off I got a bad back injury at work not long ago and now I have to do spinal surgery. This happened not even 1 month after I recovered from another surgery and was finally able to get back into lifting, shooting, etc.

Evey time I plan how to end it I see my brother and mother who I love and I see how my suicide would create a huge negative ripple on their lives and affect them forever, and know I would have no rest in the afterlife because of this. I have set a deadline and if Im not out of it by the time Im 39, Im pulling the trigger.

>> No.19178152

A lot of degenerates have herpes, don't believe their lies. On that note, take it as it is, herpes break outs will happen more rarely as time goes by. After a few years you will only be reminded you have it a couple of days a year/every couple of years. It certainly sucks but its not aids

>> No.19178174


>> No.19178631
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I'm a software developer that got hired 5 months ago and had no prior software experience. I had been slacking due to work from home, today I discover both of my managers basically think im slow and retarded. Learned from one of the managers. Feels bad.

>> No.19178765

you only get one life and it isnt very long
killing yourself is such a waste
i would wager you really havent seen that much of the world and i dont just mean travelling

>> No.19178766

eh if they still keep you in the company you can milk the situation by doing less work than you potentially could

>> No.19179587

Absolutely. It hasn’t affected me too much because I’m in tech and switch jobs every 2 years or so. Do your best to find work you actually care about. My work ethic is night and day when I compare working for some company that I don’t care about versus working on something that’s interesting and challenging

>> No.19179610

This is good advice. Don’t make excuses or apologize. That way its more likely to reflect back on your superiors

>> No.19179639

its a government contractor so i would have to really fuck up to get fired. still hurts though. i had literally never used this programming language or linux or git before and hes complaining about me taking too long to fix an issue

>> No.19180552

Yeah you're not alone.

>> No.19181268

lol you're better off than I thought; just keep learning so you build your skills and keep a "fuck you" mindset while still being courteous

>> No.19181335
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no i love my job

>> No.19181409

Lmao are you describing my life?

>> No.19181515

DAMN i wish i had a job that worked like that. I just work like shit from the beginning and hope they fire me. They never do because my job is so shit they cant find other people to replace me D:

>> No.19181571


>> No.19181748

You're on the run from your problems so you'll always feel scared

>> No.19181762


>> No.19181836


>> No.19181962

Sorry man. How did you learn that?

>> No.19182181

Either actually push to "do well" or just be a cantankerous nigger and not give a shit, even "technical" "truth based" jobs are just lying and fucking around really

>> No.19182211

A lot has shifted temporarily in your favour, as they essentially rely on you a lot more than usual

>> No.19182230
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>> No.19182406

one of my managers said something about "you know if [more senior manager] says something about your output being a little slow or you being a little slow to learn, just tell him youre really ready to buckle down"
so i just asked "did he say that" and the guy said yes

>> No.19182484

Fuck that, you should look for another job. They don't respect you there.

>> No.19182536

I have done exactly the same in my second job after quitting my first one because they were basically exploiting me.

Worst part is if you become the best doing shit then you'll be the last person considered to climb the ladder.

Now I was about to start looking for a new job to rinse and repeat but covid fucked up everything... I'll be stuck at my current job for another year or so I think but basically won't break my back for anything.

Anons if you think hard work and overtime takes you places I can guaranteed it'll do exactly the opposite.

>> No.19183004

Is it that easy to find a new job with an equally good company who pays more? Guess it depends on the industry

>> No.19183477


>> No.19184402

Holy fuck you are literally me op : /

>> No.19184453
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ITT: Incompetent wagies get BTFO

>> No.19184560

>If they ask, tell them to basically fuck off and they should consider assigning more people as it's clearly taking longer than anticipated.

THIS, dont internalize the problem. if you look closely you will see that anyone having power over you isint ashamed of putting blame away from their person to attribute it to someone or something else. its a part of slave morality to want always to satisfy someone over you. change attitude and you will change role.

>> No.19184777

don't worry bro, I have a couple of years of experience and I've also been slacking while working from home, I've been in this job for like 6 months and I'm pretty sure they think I'm slow and retarded right now. But a lot of people is struggling to work ideally from home, I've been having a hard time concentrating and I know others too.

>> No.19184945

>dopamine detox
cut out the porn, alcohol, drugs and junk food completely, fix your sleep pattern and start exercising
it sounds like normie platitude but it fucking works

>> No.19184977

>brown nosed the shit out of everyone and worked hard every second I was meant to be working for my probation period and a couple months after
>have slowed down since and have literally been doing the bare minimum since working from home due to corona, yet people assume I'm busy and working on shit all day even when there are literally virtual boards where you can see how much work people are doing
wagie life is a joke if you play it right desu

>> No.19185573

I wish i had a GUBBMENT job. Shit seems like a joke

>> No.19185666

yes, unfortunately. no idea how to escape though

>> No.19186007
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Same, I did a little bit of work then exercised and browsed biz all day. Just finished a 5k run. Now I'll probably half assed work into the night while continuing to browse biz.
Not sure if I love or hate this. I do like being able to constantly monitor cryptoshit.

Yep never ever make excuses. Also chances are that besides a few hyper productive workers everyone else is doing jack shit too.

Also this >>19175190

I really recommend all anons read a book called "the rules of work" (pic not related, not dalios book, he has a similar named book, but fuck that mindset). Basically just look like the best, be the best, and don't let anyone know how hard you actually work (never tell anyone you work late, they'll just think you're a cuck). Kind of like the 48 laws of power, but tailored to the office.

>> No.19186175

>replying to bait

>> No.19186178

Even though I'm slacking at work I'm going to come out of this in better shape mentally and physically than ever. Meanwhile everyone else developed drug addictions and gained weight.

>> No.19186379


I give the bare minimum to never be the worst or slowest, but just enough to be above that so expectations are low.

>> No.19186424

Yet you're on 4chan, one of the most addictive places on the internet. If I was doing a dopamine detox leaving this place would be my first priority.

>> No.19186503

Yes, I get this. OP what country are you in? I'm in California right now and would like to talk to somebody, anybody, who is like this too.

>> No.19186574

Work is designed to slowly kill your spirit. My uncle used to say a job was like a disease.

Find some kinda hobby outside work, something creative. Or join a boxing gym. Most of the time when you feel like this it's because you have trapped energy inside you and it has no outlet

>> No.19186597

Anon, you've described my life perfectly. With you.

>> No.19186685
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>the wagie predicament
also known as "Pascal's Wagie"
>does wagie stop slaving and starve to death?
>or does wagie work until he kills himself

>> No.19187612

Stop it godamnit I'm already dead

>> No.19187761

Haha retard

>> No.19187997

Based comment. Adopted this mentality like 2 months ago. Anxiety is there, but it's 10% of what it used to be.

If I can't do it in time, they should have hired a higher seniority employee to help me or do it in my place. Also, there is TONS of work in my industry (software development) so getting fired isn't a big deal if you have savings.

>> No.19188413


Very based. Ive been at the office for six months and got promoted into a middle management position purely on optics. I press my shirt every morning and wear a tie. I dress and look better than 90% of the people in the office. Everything is psychology and optics. If you appear hard working and energetic people will assume you are. They have no idea i spend 1/3 my day reading Wikipedia articles. It helps to keep your boss informed on the bs tasks your doing.

Also, i never work past 5 unless i know i have to.

>> No.19188444
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I'm diagnosed with depression and its affecting my military career. These are the symptoms of depression. Go see a doctor and possibly consider a change of career. Otherwise get help and it'll give you the energy to tackle projects again and get you back to a positive status with your employer.

It's not uncommon what you're feeling, seek help.

>> No.19189426


Use a separate device for work crap and never browse 4chan there... it should help quite a bit.

>> No.19189677


You were fooled like a lot of people dude... now that you've seen the light, it's time to adapt.

>> No.19189779


I have no idea where you are but I would wisen the fuck up. Maybe you'll be laid off or PIP'd soon, make sure you brown nose them and do the shit you're supposed to do.

>> No.19189798


You just said that your slacking, of course you're taking long on doing crap.

>> No.19189857


lol, you think this is lack of respect? This is barely nothing. It would be WAY worse if they didn't say nothing and just fired his ass out of nowhere.

>> No.19190784
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I was like that when I started my last two jobs and I had no savings/committed to a lease, then I get to the point where I have enough saved that firing me wouldn't mean shit and I stop caring. The only problem I have right now is how in my monthly 1:1s with my manager he's always talking about "accelerating my growth" in regards to leadership or networking with teams within the company and doing support shit (I'm a software engineer) but I've been ignoring it for like the past year now and nothing's happened.

>> No.19190860
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>accelerate your growth

>> No.19191066

Depends, I'm in fintech and not even near the peak of the salary for my country so I've no option. But it basically applies to anyone fresh out of college.

Also start looking for new opportunities 6 month before your desired date

>> No.19191604

>reach your full potential
Finnish Tech?