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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 140 KB, 731x704, TOKEN NOT NEEDED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19173111 No.19173111 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19173163

it won’t dump because of your autistic picture.

you missed it . buy in now or fucking watch it go to 10$

>> No.19173181


All the poor UBT fud is great. Biggest buy signal. Thanks man. Was wondering when to re enter. Back in for 70% after selling at 50c and will hold 30% eth incase your relentless fudding works so I can buy lower.

Thanks fren

>> No.19173204

so much anti-ubt shilling on biz in the last couple of hours... I wonder who is behind it?

>> No.19173225

ohohoh linkies btfo

>> No.19173228

I was in from ICO and unironicaly sold today at $0.5. Hold them all the way

I may buyback later, but I think we're done for now

>> No.19173246

it’s because it’s listed on bittrex now. fun started same moment that news came out.

it’s sad people nothing more

>> No.19173279

the FUD is promising. thinking about converting 10k of my link stack to double my UBT bag. but with staking right around the corner it's a gamble...

>> No.19173285

Lol is this the best fud you can muster??? Pathetic.

>> No.19173625

Just wait til you see that Unibright is the biggest player in baseline this week

You don't need ubt tokens to use baseline, just like you don't need to hire someone to make your website. But you know if you pay someone who knows how it all works, it will be 1000x better, more professional, done on time.

We are early. pack your bags, and get ready for the moon.

>> No.19173865

So what do the tokens do? Do you have to put tokens into your computer to deploy fancy visual flow chart smartcontracts or something?
What do they do??

>> No.19174114


>> No.19174164

lmao at gambling on shitcoins

all you need to do is find undervalued projects with a lot of potential upside

currently my 5x pick is this, read up and make your own conclusions


>> No.19174261
File: 7 KB, 249x156, 1589348881458s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they're basically saying the care more of developing an actual functioning company that brings value and sells in the real world and the token being instrumental to that and not the whole point. That is exactly a good thing and means that is precisely the opposite of a scam. OP you are an incredible retard

>> No.19175449

So it's gas?
That you have to pay gas to use?
How does it compete with an openlaw MSword adaptor that does the same thing (templates etc) but with only one gas cost?

>> No.19175503

This thread smells like proper curry

>> No.19175560

John wolpert doesn’t work for them and he said that in February then ubt did a 50x right after so nice try

>> No.19175598

Bullish fud

>> No.19175672

Every John is a fag and knows fuck all about crypto

>> No.19175723


Are you the same faggot who posted one of Wolpert's tweets from January a few hours ago? What is your problem exactly faggot? Salty you missed out?

Baseline Protocol is a cool side project Unibright are working on through the EEA.

But it's not their core USP. They are blockchain agnostic and have just as much going on with Hyperledger and other protocols.

There's also Unibright Freequity, which is a STO tokenisation platform. It's going to be one of the first and most profound liquidity pools for security tokens. If I have to explain the magnitude of this to you then you're a complete brainlet. UBT will become to Freequity what BNB is to Binance.

This useless and outdated FUD absolutely reeks unequivocally of curry.

>> No.19175792

It’s a shitcoin from 2k17 that Chico started shilling. Anyone can pay to be in eea and baseline is like bloatware Microsoft used to force everyone to use when the got a new pc. I own this and plan on dumping to but more link. You’re deluding yourself if you think the project is legitimate

>> No.19175860

Yeah this isn’t even high quality. It only takes a sliver of brain power to realize they were talking about token generation for other projects. They’re building something with actual use and it arbitrary token generation.

>> No.19176047


Hahahahaha ar eyou serious. Jesus man. C'mon. At least TRY A LITTLE BIT. Fucksake. What even is that.

>> No.19176202

4chan is so tiny that UBT doesnt care, price will keep hiking

>> No.19176246

What price are you dumping at after the bittrex listing?