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File: 2.50 MB, 3257x2000, __prinz_eugen_prinz_eugen_and_admiral_hipper_azur_lane_drawn_by_asanagi__ede9c0adb422362527dcc642bdeddef7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19166581 No.19166581 [Reply] [Original]

Botes are Slutes.

>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

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Last time:

>> No.19166603

ummm 9 years ago... my fiance was killed by a drunk driver and i've never emotionally healed until recently.

thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_L4Rixya64 [Remove] [Embed] [Remove] [Embed]

>> No.19166625
File: 8 KB, 303x45, Screenshot from 2020-05-17 23-26-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who were predicting circuit breakers every weekend since March 23rd are gone at least.

>> No.19166630
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All people who drive drunk should be killed

>> No.19166646
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nnah young people do some pretty dumb stuff

>> No.19166647

>weekend is just permabull bagholding zoomer retards and permabear zoomer doomer retards
Reminder that you are a cuck if you actually BUY stocks.

>> No.19166663

>op pic
now i have to make cummies

>> No.19166673

we got breaking news from hong kong and shit...

>> No.19166681
File: 133 KB, 1242x2208, rr44qph4tru41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stock market general
>don't buy stocks
>just gamble your bar mitvza money away with options

>> No.19166688

i got the link here.


>> No.19166701


>> No.19166720

Any chance of the rug being pulled? Plan to go all in since the future is green

>> No.19166743

SHRM green

>> No.19166770

this song sucks compared to this one my friend showed me.


>> No.19166786
File: 183 KB, 421x370, Quock - wb ko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked on Friday and I'm going to get fucked on Monday... and not in a good way...

>> No.19166794
File: 363 KB, 500x500, 1583953398154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I have yet to see an actual argument for why it won't go negative concerning the deliveries. Every argument I seen going "oil is in demand now!" or "they learned from last time, institutions have things in place to prevent it!" or "oil has recovered, production is low and supply has a draw, people are buying oil!" or just "green line go up!" fails to address the real world supply and demand issue of 55 million barrels on the open market needing a home, and undoubtedly all the buyers in the market right now not being able to store it. If I can see one argument not dealing with speculation BUT ACTUAL EXCHANGING OF HANDS OF OIL at these prices, and I will reconsider my thesis of going negative. The best I got so far is literally "clown market, who knows." Because for real, unless all my knowledge on economics is wrong it is an actual impossibility for the price to not come down by the end of Tuesday significantly. If the thesis is wrong, there needs to be new textbooks rewritten in mass because all the rules we know are out the window and barrels and money and storage are magically appearing and disappearing without a trace or worry. It would be downright spooky and conspiratorial if not fraud.

>> No.19166827

Really wanna buy AMD calls when the market opens

>> No.19166829

just be bi-sexual and you will careless...

>> No.19166841

this song tought me how to cope

>> No.19166851
File: 177 KB, 1100x1100, 4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, Anon.

>> No.19166866
File: 122 KB, 1136x814, 1587735160368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros the stock market has completely desensitized me from all my other hobbies, is hard drugs the next step?

>> No.19166871
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running in the shadow!

>> No.19166878
File: 1.10 MB, 1244x1275, Screen Shot 2020-05-17 at 11.46.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bears on suicide watch.

>> No.19166882 [DELETED] 

>It would be downright spooky and conspiratorial if not fraud.
Saudis cut production and inventories are going down. The nothing burger common cold lockdown is ending. You sound increasingly paranoid schizophrenic.

>> No.19166890
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>> No.19166891

is that taleb?
is he worth looking into?

>> No.19166892
File: 2.22 MB, 640x360, 1589467296498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say something nice about this man

>> No.19166901

>It would be downright spooky and conspiratorial if not fraud.
Saudis cut production and inventories are going down. The nothing burger common cold lockdown is ending. You sound increasingly paranoid schizophrenic.

>> No.19166916

Worth a read if you're bored. He doesn't offer anything groundbreaking, but it's still worth thinking about

>> No.19166922
File: 221 KB, 1418x2048, IMG_20200425_200332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see we are amidst a hardcore shitposting day...
I would of course like to contribute...

Would this happen to be ratsu?
This looks like it should be screencapped, but you're not a tripfag so idk if it'd even be worth it.
How do you know there is no legitimate change of hands?
How do you know storage is still capped out?

>> No.19166926

i want to get coka-cola knee gaurds... that'd be the most best thing since when i heard this song for the first time.


>> No.19166934
File: 124 KB, 1200x807, 1200px-LarryBrilliantJI1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me on that chart where the airborne aids touched you.

>> No.19166936

>Would this happen to be ratsu?
not likely if it's spewing cope bullshit about clown market

>> No.19166937

he did a good job, I should have believed in him from the beginning

>> No.19166939

keep yourself safe friend... i <3 you...

this is relevant to what we were discussing


>> No.19166946

Any retards arguing for contango part 2 are bagholding tankertards that are desperately looking for a way to break even. It’s not even worth engaging them, just wait until tuesday when they’re btfo and disappear permanently.

>> No.19166960
File: 156 KB, 1080x1694, SRNE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all shorting this garbage tomorrow morning, right?

>> No.19166975
File: 951 KB, 960x960, 1580960180980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Saved.

Damn, uncle Powell, you sure are good at cranking the knob...

I like this version of the song more

>> No.19166980
File: 157 KB, 456x597, 1589673852938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please pump tomorrow, please pump tomorrow, please pump tomorrow, please pump tomorrow

>> No.19166981


>> No.19166982
File: 27 KB, 600x399, 5-stages-of-grief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What stage of grief is the stock market in?

>> No.19166992



>> No.19166996


>> No.19167003
File: 570 KB, 961x1000, A FUCKING BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stock market isn't grieving, what has it lost?
Fucking JCPenney? Send the widow a cookie bouquet and condolences, the rest of us got money to make.

>> No.19167004
File: 1.82 MB, 1272x1502, Screen Shot 2020-05-17 at 11.54.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes the most based patriotic son of a gun this side of the Mississippi has every seen!

"Don't bet against the American economy, money printer go brr"
- The great wise money printer Powell

>> No.19167027

What are you talking about? We just left the shortest bear market in US history a month ago.

>> No.19167036

>is he worth looking into?
Yes if you're interested in philosophy, statistics and probability. He doesn't talk about options trading strategies in his talks if you're interested in that.

>> No.19167041
File: 552 KB, 558x770, 7uvfeaak9yu31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not likely if it's spewing cope bullshit about clown market
Ya, I don't think ratsu has ever done oil plays. I think he's stuck pretty strictly to boomer-sama plays.

Godammit. Why did I even open that fucking link.
I should fucking know what it is by now.
>tfw want to get beer for alcohol-fueled shitposting
>tfw ran out and the fucking store's already closed

>still going bearfag

>> No.19167042

Only 2 more steps to go :^)

>> No.19167061

Wtf are you talking about, antibody-related cures are great and they already have a manufacturing system set up. It’s practically like the horse antibodies they use for post-exposure rabies treatments. Like 350 million of the 500 million shares traded Friday were in the 7-9 range. I’m not saying it’s going to replicate Friday’s growth, but I don’t see this tanking like a typical pump and dump.

>> No.19167062
File: 562 KB, 133x128, 1521340224554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not betting against America but a second dip would be nice.

>> No.19167076

Market hasn’t retested initial lows since the 40’s

>> No.19167083

Hey to all my leaf brothers! What were you guys holding over the weekend? What is on your radards this week? I sold my IPL holdings after dividends payed out, sitting on CVE. I'm really pissed that i missed the morning dead cat bounce, even with my measly 2k that would have net me $3-400 within a few hours.

Been watching AC aswell, especially after Warren Buffag crashed the airline stocks. Not expecting much, but I doubt they will go bankrupt again. Might look into buying some cheapies.

>> No.19167093

>SRNE confirms they have 100% cure
>Dumbass bears still trying to short the market even after V-shaped recovery is now confirmed

>> No.19167096
File: 73 KB, 340x191, F11E00CF-F10B-41AC-BFDA-27BAA321C8A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t wait.

>> No.19167103
File: 1.53 MB, 2428x1719, __yuudachi_murasame_and_hayashimo_kantai_collection_drawn_by_noyomidx__cc60d34c42f6013d1e8125ca463b0f57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed university stat&prob... but got A's in the philosophy classes, and aced the statistics AP

I guess I'll look into him when I'm done with Princes of Yen, HP Lovecraft, and maybe the Dalio books.

Indeed... I wonder if there's anything worth selling puts on that I wouldn't mind owning 100 shares of, that wouldn't become 10+% of my account.

the 1940's?

>> No.19167106
File: 209 KB, 807x627, Boredom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ywn fuck bat pussy
>tfw ywn fuck demon loli pussy

>> No.19167109


>> No.19167113

Those are some huuuuge tankers.

>> No.19167133

I am trying to decide which of these 3 stocks to do covered calls for. All 3 have extremely high premiums due to earnings this week, at 5-7%.
FL (Foot Locker), WB (Weibo), an LB (L Brands)

What do you guys think?

>> No.19167145

Goldbros are currently betting against america and you can see them winning in real time

>> No.19167148
File: 193 KB, 1080x1759, 1574556793614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a godsend for gold investors

>> No.19167167

If you have looked into this, do you know if their cure is based on getting blood plasma from recovered patients?

>> No.19167168

>No trials performed
>We cured it for real this time!
Biomed is such a fucking joke. Saying this shit with no proof should get your company fined into the ground.

>> No.19167169
File: 98 KB, 1040x1040, 7C9C04BF-EF02-40A5-8A18-6377575540C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a second dip would be nice.
pls no.
I'm still not comfy with my bags from last time

>I failed university stat&prob... but got A's in the philosophy classes, and aced the statistics AP
University stat&prob is a demon.

>> No.19167179
File: 3.80 MB, 498x280, areyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19167214

>tomtom charts

>> No.19167252 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 1280x869, index(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Weibo is a fucking scam run by the Chinese government and doesn't deserve the pump if it gets one, so yeah, that might be a good one.
Plus, I think that's one of the ones big enough that China won't let it fail.
The other 2 are retailers that are most likely getting curb stomped by the lack of retail sales in the US, which is at the lowest since at least 2008

>> No.19167286

Shit. Didn't see there was a fucking nipple in that pic.

>> No.19167287



>> No.19167294
File: 39 KB, 250x346, 1584980860886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aware of the traffic data lies. Also keep in mind, against expectations India just extended lockdown today meaning no demand from them neither.

US inventory has went down (after increasing mind you from prior levels and still above them), world inventory has gone up though and increasingly goes up. US inventory also is kept artificially down by not accepting Saudi tankers. These aren't arguments which deal with the structural supply and demand problem of the remaining oil deliveries.

I am not ratsu. I know oil has no changing hands due to open interest, heading into today we have 55k open interest still, or 55 million barrels on the market. Going into the final day when oil plunged negative on April 21, we had 3.5k open interest remaining needing to be dumped. For context. Within a day we need to essentially remove 50k contracts....and Friday we only removed a bit under 20k. The day before we removed around 30-40k, forgot. This isn't good, especially with volume the past 2 days at 16% average of the norm, and right now 2k June volume versus 40k July....1/20th of the future month and declining still. No one is buying these contracts without a home.

And we are capped out as I said due to Saudi tankers, as well as world. EIA is only for domestic energy, and only showed Cushing having a draw. Except tankers are due for Cushing and we delayed them for 2 weeks and counting still, just to keep numbers down. API report said the whole global supply went up by 7 million. So the storage situation has not resolved...and all large traders have moved onto future month contracts. Legally if you hold contracts, you are binded to take on the oil if you have not claimed it by the time expiration hits, meaning all those who have it (likely retail) and buying cannot store it...meaning they have to sell it at any cost due to incapability of storage once expiration hits. Unless they sell it prior to avoid that issue.

>> No.19167301

None of them. Buy T and be conservative with the money you liberally dump into the market.

>> No.19167314

Show us the charts for late february now. (you won’t)

>> No.19167331

2-3 million dead Americans is enough to make Americans sit up and take notice. Lockdowns will end but people aren’t about to pick up where they left off. Nobody thinks it’s cute to equate 1.2% IFR and R0 > 2 which equals millions of dead Americans to the cold.

>> No.19167343

Didn’t you retards have a safespace support group containment thread for your paranoid delusional bagholding? How many times do you need to be irrevocably btfo before you go away?

>> No.19167345

>crypto's main pull was its use as a decentralized anonymous currency
>require id to buy it

>> No.19167361
File: 34 KB, 691x135, Screenshot from 2020-05-18 00-22-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world inventory has gone up and increasingly goes up
Where do you get your information?

>> No.19167363



>> No.19167393


>> No.19167397
File: 114 KB, 500x478, its-all-so-tiresome-8881488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 gorillion dead americans
With an average age of 80. You happener lunatics will never stop and eventually you'll devolve further into schizophrenic copes.

>> No.19167405
File: 87 KB, 750x750, tyano4ki_26151991_181711595904331_2404898024644935680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not opening that fucking link.

All I have to say is that your long ass post looks like the kind that I used to drop when I went super fucking heavy on LCI. So watch your ass, senpai.

>> No.19167413

>Believing China

>> No.19167431

you can turn 2k into 3k in literal seconds by selling NERV covered calls right now. A $5 OTM call for June is $480 for 1 contract. wtf? is it really this easy?

>> No.19167438

>Crude inventories in China have shrunk in recent weeks after rising to record levels, according to analysts and satellite observations.

What's your next cope?
>believing satellites

>> No.19167439

>1 post by this ID
fuck off

>> No.19167452
File: 136 KB, 1080x1349, honey_cot_66393762_404908650150326_6731288631105266320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19167487
File: 98 KB, 500x364, 1542346541646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a lot of assumptions there.

World inventory. API report. Already said it. Also I wouldn't believe a word China says if I were you.

Of course. Not like I will go broke if I am wrong. However, it irks me when I feel like I know things well and cannot find explanation as to why it isn't the case. I don't mean speculation, speculation is always bullshit and will forever be so never take it to heart. I mean for actual business. Like here with expiring contracts.

>> No.19167502
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>> No.19167508

there is a new /smg/ every couple hours, you basement dwelling virgin. Other people have lives and can't be present for every /smg/ thread

>> No.19167512

Didn’t fuck us for the future as bad as congress did

>> No.19167523

>>World inventory. API report. Already said it. A

>> No.19167530
File: 32 KB, 661x881, 14b1368e68d5bd66a0a745ccaba78b776e2e55f4r1-661-881v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Federal Official goes on stage and tells everyone we're in for a wild ride
"BOO, HISS, get off the STAGE"

>Federal Official goes on TV and tells you to not bet against the FED
"We're going to make it boys! everything is gonna be ok!

picking and choosing will end with you losing

>> No.19167535



>> No.19167550

>believing ayyy lmaooo satellites

>> No.19167562

>FED says equity prices will likely drop
>FED says not to bet against them

>> No.19167569

So why are futures green again?

>> No.19167570

Futures have almost completely recovered from the dump. Is this peak clown world?

>> No.19167575
File: 23 KB, 697x351, 1589494360-o_1e8aju0n1cgt1ja44i41j02khn8_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line is going down.

>> No.19167581

Was wondering when the T bag holder would surface again, 'member when you said it be at 80 now?

>> No.19167584


>> No.19167586
File: 645 KB, 1625x1083, Larry_Brilliant_in_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever considered that it is you who is the clown?

>> No.19167590

Jerome is going to print more money

>> No.19167592

fucking dinguses. do you really believe we're going to dump 7 days or two weeks in a row?
time it better next time, you're the clowns shorting the bottom

>> No.19167598


>> No.19167620

Reminder: the vast majority of people can't beat the market on a risk-adjusted basis. Actively managed funds do worse after expenses.

>> No.19167630

So what, just buy something and hold it for a year or two?

>> No.19167635
File: 488 KB, 1080x1795, Screenshot_20200517-214132_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 days of dumping?

>> No.19167640

Luckily not even permabulls got any reasons. :)

>> No.19167647

Weve gone up for 2 months, up 60%. Thats fucking insane and there is literally no justification, "free money" doesn't fix shit. Fuck off.

>> No.19167650

He browses 4chan doesn't he...

>> No.19167669

Wait a second if the fed jumps back and forth, what is their actual angle on this?

>> No.19167677

(unfortunately) the market doesn't care what you think, play along next time. we don't dump that many days in a row without going back up a bit. it's been crabbing for over a month soon

>> No.19167680

A lot of stocks have gone sideways including financials and reits. The indices are propped up by a tech bubble but now oil stocks have a reason to go up because demand will pick up. I keep saying the same thing every weekend and you people never learn.

>> No.19167684

Get the vibe i screwed up in getting rid of my USO puts dated for July.

Ehhh i lost most of my unrealized gains after the last 2 weeks.

>> No.19167690
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>> No.19167699

We need you tankerchad footfag. >>19166894

>> No.19167701

>demand will pick up on oil
So what? Theres still too much oil.

>> No.19167710

Saudis cut production and inventories are going down.

>> No.19167716
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>> No.19167728

Panic Mitigation, but also addressing reality every once in a while.

>> No.19167741

Bobos are selling whats left of their puts tomorrow to cap losses
It's a bull run from here own till 300

>> No.19167764

All that maters is if the rate of consumption out paces the rate of production, I haven't seen a solid case for this. Oil being shuffled around and some restarting doesn't mean it cant fill back up again or that oil companies will stop being bankrupt.

>> No.19167766

If you saw this post while scrolling normally, congratulations. Don't be like the pathetic faggots who found this post by control+F searching for (You) posts incessantly, hoping somebody replied to their ludicrous attention seeking claims.

>> No.19167788
File: 153 KB, 919x919, F0B50D58-FAA8-4C25-9B71-E4085DEA87AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread is in desperate need of your technical analysis and expert opinion of the following video:

>> No.19167793

>Powell said. “I would say though we’re not going to get back to where we were quickly. We won’t get back to where we were by the end of the year. That’s unlikely to happen.”

Now I understand why we are green. Stock market is looking into the future. Very smart.

>> No.19167799

The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

>> No.19167801
File: 95 KB, 379x204, Screenshot from 2020-05-11 21-50-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rate of consumption out paces the rate of production
So you want a shortage and oil at $100?

>> No.19167813

zero chance, go nuts.

>> No.19167819
File: 200 KB, 1000x1391, __pachira_renkin_san_kyuu_magical_pokaan_drawn_by_asanagi__a83f5e657974215a557a1e5998ece4b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I thought that guy was dead

didn't watch though

>> No.19167835

How many people here actually watched the 60 Minutes interview?

I'll make it easy for you:

>> No.19167862
File: 228 KB, 1440x1440, 56B566D9-D59A-48CB-859A-3A1CAE41B73F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than 75% downvotes
How did you even find this?

Dank anime girl, fren. Fucking saved.

>> No.19167873

Complete waste of time. Nothing but softball rehearsed questions by a Fed shill

>> No.19167874

i don't know much about this stuff. i'm assuming there are more players sitting it out this time around.

>> No.19167890

Im saying that the oil problem wont go away until we return to normal consumption levels AND normal production levels. In the near term, theres still just too much oil.

>> No.19167891

who's up money and whats your plan tomorrow. asking for a friend...

>> No.19167917

And nothing he said was even that hopeful anyways.
My point exactly.

>> No.19167925
File: 352 KB, 707x1000, 1582006658775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News only is for China, and it is old.

This article actually says something useful, and it brings up good discrepancy points between the two. Doesn't actually attack the supply side arguments, ends up advising general caution...but that was actually useful so thank you for that. Guess you think line go down too, or still think inventory line go down, can't tell.

Am i seriously that recognizable even when not talking about tankers or posting feet? Really? How the fuck. But okay.

>> No.19167936

>no limits to what we can do

>> No.19167952

Should we invest in Moderna? Apparently Trump's COVID Czar has 10 million dollars worth of shares in the company.

>> No.19167972

>Guess you think line go down too, or still think inventory line go down, can't tell.
Blue line (API) indicates the rate of increase in the inventories is decreasing and the black line (EIA) indicates they are beginning to decrease.

>> No.19167984
File: 1.96 MB, 1080x1342, ps2CWPn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to try my hand at algorithmic strategy trading. I've got like 7 years experience as a software engineer so coding it up will be easy. Even back tested an algorithm that was doing 5x $SPY until the recent keking and even then it's still 3x. Only thing I'm wondering is if Robinhood will nuke my account for algo trading. I've got a 30k balance and plan to drop in another 10 to play with after paper trading for a few weeks. Will I be ok?

>> No.19167991

*gold value intensifies*

>> No.19168008
File: 244 KB, 1200x2000, ee1bcd072388fdca88d30dea4a85e0a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just how do you plan on doing algo trading when you're limited to a certain # of day trades?

>> No.19168012

If you have the money why not get a decent broker?

>> No.19168020

delicious, thank you

>> No.19168025

If you have 25k, those rules of trading on margin don't apply to you.

>> No.19168027

>In the near term, theres still just too much oil.
If you believe EIA world inventories are already decreasing. If you believe API, the rate of increase is decreasing.

>> No.19168029

Paper trading doesn't account for the impact of your trade to the other algos. You'll get squeezed.

>> No.19168030
File: 22 KB, 349x344, 1588990529661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because you said you're biting your nails over potentially missing an angle. it's like your fresh out from watching Kaiji S1. not a bad thing when you're placing your money. Looking forward to manning the decks with you in a proper tankie containment.

>> No.19168044
File: 21 KB, 576x346, DaytradingOptimalStrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to bother with such memery

>> No.19168060
File: 256 KB, 574x602, xamxxs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168062
File: 579 KB, 1200x1695, 5ee6bf5827ffbcbc82fe44fe99ef85c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get a big fake tit chinkoid gf?

brainlet or reading comprehensionlet?
or just complete newfag underageb&?

>Apparently Trump's COVID Czar has 10 million dollars worth of shares in the company
I would like more information. Who is this? It's not Pence, is it?

My play is still Regeneron

(though Lilly is involved with trials, JNJ is a likely vaccine winnner if it turns out to be possible, PFE as well, and MRK is a darkhorse exploring shit they have lying arount...)
Almost all big pharma has an angle to explore.

>> No.19168070

Is it really that simple???

>> No.19168112

I already have 100 shares of $spy. But my strategy back tested to 2012 peaked at about 3x the performance of spy.
Not trying to do rapid trades. Basically just a preset order every morning.
I have a 30k (soon to be 40k) balance. I can day trade.
I don't trust those fucks. They'll just tell me to put it in spy or some other holdings but I'm just looking for high risk high reward with money on I have sitting around.

>> No.19168117
File: 430 KB, 1240x1703, 1581815685935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of mixed. I mean, I am unsure what this means, brokers are, everyone is. I am still betting line go down, but if things "stall" somehow I am curious what that means sell-wise, what happens to the backlog and how traders take that news if somehow supply isn't fully sold and rolls over somehow. It is very....fucky.

That's what you meant. No arguing that, however I make a point in belief that price was reflective and due to total supply not supply rate increase (barring an actual decrease). If you have nowhere to put oil, it matters little if supply is rising 1% or 30%. It would matter if inventory is decreasing, however that isn't the case due to the delay of offshore Saudi tankers. And that doesn't magically go away.

Kek, nice comparison. But correct. I am looking forward to pirating the seven seas with you as well. Plus hey, if something truly is out there better to lose 75 dollars on my SCO than 150. As petty as that sort of sounds. Afterall, tankers aren't inverse oil ffs and the contracts have literally no affect on my position there. I am just shorting oil too.

>> No.19168144

Oh I see it's different. Still I can't trust myself to 1) be regimented enough to do that daily 2) be emotionless enough to do that despite market movement
I'd much rather program it into a trading bot that would run on its own and get the results.

>> No.19168158


I'm putting everything into gold and silver.

>> No.19168174

Baggie that's bullshit, we all know some whore you were dumb enough to fall in love with like a simp hurt you but that's not important. Last thread you said you did gymnastics. How tall is your manlet ass?

>> No.19168182

good god, asanagi is a legend

>> No.19168188

Don't bet against Jerome you nigger.

>> No.19168190
File: 90 KB, 256x256, 1554082787005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, and my plan is to keep fucking holding my SPXL, SSO, and QLD shares.

So, you're using what? Quantopian?
What kinda data do you think you'll have? Just prices or financial ratios too?
Are you doing a basic momentum strategy or something fancy with NNs or SVMs?

>> No.19168195

was she made out of cloth?

>> No.19168213

If he buys gold and silver he is betting on Jerome, kek.

>> No.19168218
File: 629 KB, 1200x1920, 1589240799350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am curious what that means sell-wise, what happens to the backlog and how traders take that news
We are in for a very, very interesting two weeks in both scenarios, and I think Memorial Day weekend will be one hell of a weekend. I also grabbed SCO and UVXY for fun. We'll see how that pans out. I hope Oilnon has time for a guest appearance in one of the threads.

>> No.19168222

2 scoops I haven't seen you since LCInigger tricked you into buying lci at above $10 before it tanked to like $3. How much money did you lose?

>> No.19168248
File: 105 KB, 630x630, 0(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless you

>> No.19168249

Yeah I'm using quant for back testing a good strategy but then basically just Yahoo stonks api got data and a Robinhood python API for placing buy/sell orders. It's nothing super complex honestly. Like I said I'm not going for rapid trading. I'm too far from the exchanges and don't have the kind of capital needed to make it worth it.
And to the Anon that mentioned buy the close sell the open. Apparently that's not visible in the clown market. But what is.

>> No.19168253
File: 798 KB, 1253x1771, 1589643603374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the NASDAQ nearly back up to 2019 Q4, have I missed my chances to TQQQ for some quick gains? Or should I sell some stagnant oil and airlines, get some TQQQ, then swap back out in a few weeks before they start going up?
Am I better off just hoping lower risk with VGT at this point? Fundfags pls help

>> No.19168258

Jesus Christ. Anon, at least fucking Google shit before you open your stupid mouth.

>> No.19168261

Hey guys, I got interested in trading a short time ago. I have made a few safe long investments. I have gotten into the literature and I am now getting into more technical stuff like treadlines and volume comparisons. Would you guys know of any more practical guides on how to use the charts and what beginner mistakes I should look out for?

>> No.19168293
File: 119 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200508-164124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't seen you since
I've posted a fair amount since then.
I've left a fair number of blog posts you can find in the archives.
>buying lci at above $10 before it tanked to like $3. How much money did you lose?
I lost about 10k on that, but the coronavirus has been a tad bit more exciting.
>pic related

>> No.19168299
File: 189 KB, 1055x847, xcucix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market Buy SEB

>> No.19168306
File: 1012 KB, 900x1271, A62472D3-C4CB-4699-94B4-19C1B2C154E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have that debt cycle chart that was just posted?

And has anyone read Dalio? Specifically the debt crises book, and principles when he talks about the 70’s Nixon inflation bullshit?

Indeed. Here’s one for the pitpussy freaks.

>> No.19168307

what github robinhood api are you using? Those popular apis I found from google would never let me login to robinhood with 2 factor authentication.

>> No.19168308

I'm glad to see you back man. I have periods where I don't frequent as much but covid-19 has made things more interesting. I want to bring back /smg/ movie nights.

>> No.19168324

Futures to double digit greens -if not full reversal- by 3AM.

>> No.19168338
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1589284471158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is the week's theme, I'm going to loose my mind. Nothing ordinal against feet or cunny lol is, but grool is only second to impreg for me, damn.

>> No.19168344

3 am = S&P 3000 checkem

>> No.19168352

I don't give a shit about tankers but oil will drop hard in the next 48 hours. Supply and storage are still major issues. Oil is looking fucking great for the long-term. I imagine both oilfags and tankerfags will both be happy at different points.

>> No.19168357

I thought Yahoo shutdown their API?
I used to post a lot of good shit for algo trading under my current tripcode about 2 years ago.
I'm too lazy to do it, but you'll probably uncover some solid resources in the archives if you search my tripcode for posts containing "quantopian"
I tried hoarding enough data to make some SVMs, but it was really fucking hard, so I stopped

>> No.19168361
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x1695, AE9A9B75-73EC-45F9-849B-834E2FEBA69D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste

Hey this is great! How many hours in photoshop?

>> No.19168363
File: 284 KB, 1067x792, 1589571478627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GS is going to moon today

>> No.19168371


>> No.19168373
File: 64 KB, 925x750, firstmarket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no bobos what happened?

>> No.19168375

You have to clone from master because there's some bullshit with the 2fa but after you do that and make sure 2fa is enabled in your account you can authenticate fine. Didn't do too much heavy lifting with it yet but was able to get account info and some current stock prices. But I'm gonna use Yahoo for pricing do Robinhood doesn't get pissed if I hit them too often.

>> No.19168378
File: 13 KB, 300x194, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168409

No shit. Thanks I'll have to dig that up. I guess I'll try to find another open source for pricing. Either that or risk pulling from Robinhood themselves. Not doing too many trades a day so maybe it's fine. Did you ever have success with algo trading?

>> No.19168436
File: 86 KB, 682x937, DxwenYjXcAM4JBv.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the OP and don't forget to go all in on CARV and CERU, my nigga

>Market Buy SEB
>729 volume
Where do you find this shit?

>I want to bring back /smg/ movie nights.
I think those are still going.
I've been too lazy/busy to run a laptop or desktop in time for it for several months tho

>> No.19168440
File: 23 KB, 540x360, 1579756496749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The duality of man.

>> No.19168449

Gross. That girl looks like she is 10

>> No.19168487

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.19168495

>Entire generation of savers taught to buy the dip so they are just blindly buying in
>Bears don’t buy it, le retest the lows meme
>S&P hits all time high
>Fomo kicks in, bears become bulls
>S&P goes to 4000
>Sell off target gets hit
>Big sell off by end of day
>Next day bam -10%, trading halts
>Parties over
>Mass sell off as bad as 1929
>Negative interest rates, UBI becomes permanent, major infrastructure projects all get rolled out
>Money floods out of stocks and bonds and into commodities
>Golden bull run
You were warned

>> No.19168505

where's my soda though

>> No.19168535

You act like bears are the majority or even major players.

>> No.19168536

The Saudis cuts are for June.

>> No.19168542
File: 132 KB, 437x368, 1579116638150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think those are still going.
Ah shit then I'm really out of the loop here. Life keeps me busy and I wish you luck my friend.

>> No.19168544

Permabulls are getting cocky and deluded again. I love it.

>> No.19168547
File: 822 KB, 1125x1450, 63AF12CC-2C6C-4602-9A98-F63BC0BC27C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures Traders: HEAVILY short, record levels
Small spec regular hours options traders: ALL TIME RECORD LEVELS OF BULLISH OPTIONS

What the fuck bros? This is going to be one wildly volatile week, isn’t it? Are the small specs on the COT also heavily net short?

>ID: bye751hC
>you were warned
When. When was I warned? By who, and with what evidence?

>> No.19168549
File: 231 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200518_065914_io.freetrade.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my Friday gamble will pay off today. 5k into GGP.

What do you reckon, 10% gain?

>> No.19168550
File: 584 KB, 700x500, cheshire-clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother.

>> No.19168570
File: 109 KB, 1000x700, AD867889-5139-4A06-9A92-F76E0FFECE77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168572

where’s the cunn?

>> No.19168577

I can tell you one thing. Retail investors will lose.

>> No.19168579



>> No.19168584

where can i watch FTSE pre-market movements?

>> No.19168587

Am I at dpg? What is up with anime ops lately

>> No.19168591

>No shit. Thanks I'll have to dig that up. I guess I'll try to find another open source for pricing. Either that or risk pulling from Robinhood themselves. Not doing too many trades a day so maybe it's fine. Did you ever have success with algo trading?

Senpai, let me put it to you this way:
>Hedgies rarely ever beat the market over the course of 10-20 years. They narrowly beat it for a while (at around 10% YoY or some shit like that) then lose to the S&P
>Renaissance Technologies is making 70% YoY for the past 20 to 30 years. Look it up on Wikipedia.
>Hedgies have supreme knowledge of financial ratios and almost guaranteed insider knowledge as well, allowing them to trade beyond "efficient market's hypothesis"
>Renaissance Technologies, presumably without insider knowledge, is still wiping the floor with them
>Renaissance exclusively hires dudes with PhDs in signal processing
>I have already been "humbled" by just how absolutely gamed to oblivion financial ratios have been by LCI. If you ever THINK you've spotted a very good deal, it's because the hedgies know something that you don't.
>I have also been severely "humbled" by how mind-blowingly hard it is to get good data and a model for it.
>It is said that every time a new profitable pattern is spotted for algo trading, it is exploited out of existence within a few months.
>Somehow Renaissance makes 70% YoY
>Then there's shit like wolverine LLC and even HFTs that are probably just barely beating the market even with their own algos
I just look at stats for long-term hold shit now.
If I wanted to try algo-trading, I'd just apply to Two Sigma where a buddy got a job recently.

>> No.19168602

starbucks may possibly lay off a large amount of employees in the coming weeks....
trying to time some puts with this. Might be announced tomorrow

>> No.19168603

What the hell is dgp? I don’t get it

>> No.19168622

Dpt* a coding general.

>> No.19168634
File: 622 KB, 695x900, 1532040696507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you ever have success with algo trading?
So, no. I never really even got shit up and running.


>> No.19168653
File: 943 KB, 1080x722, free candy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are, sir?
All those brappers are getting posted by the shills in the catalog because it's only the handful of nogs falling for that shit

>> No.19168680

Backtesting long hold portfolios from 2010 onward. I have yet to find anything that beats 90% TQQQ and 10% TMF

>And to the Anon that mentioned buy the close sell the open. Apparently that's not visible in the clown market. But what is.
It's a dumb strategy that works because even shorts need to open their positions at the start of the day. It is relentlessly boring and tedious though but I am almost positive that hedge funds use it precisely because it rides out the dips too.

>> No.19168682
File: 32 KB, 442x332, 9B7DA9B1-B125-4693-8825-5E8A615E1DA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Sven Carlin full of shit?

Is Dalio?
And has anyone read Dalio? Specifically the debt crises book, and principles when he talks about the 70’s Nixon inflation bullshit?

>> No.19168690

>buy REFR because a shitposter said it’ll be over 30

>> No.19168692

That's too bad.
I found your old posts. Thanks for the info. I'll definitely be paper trading for a little before I evaporate 10k on a pipe dream. Maybe the hedge funds problem is they're too smart about it. They're approaching it logically when really the market is clown at a genetic level. Gotta honk if you want to honk.
Long fucking url

>> No.19168712
File: 81 KB, 400x380, a69ff68e13269241504cb245a89a11f8f4687b25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life keeps me busy and I wish you luck my friend.
I'm a slave driver for Lord Bezos now, if you missed that too

Well, we did resurface the topic of algo trading, but anime has been a staple of /smg/ since /rgt/

>> No.19168716
File: 76 KB, 881x1024, F01C3C0F-CE57-46D9-A144-9F555B08E9FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok? I’ve been here on and off since - oh I don’t know, 2003? Doesn’t mean I won’t bash faggots and niggers for being creepy.

>> No.19168722
File: 147 KB, 518x442, 1589149672311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went all in on oil during the negatives

>> No.19168727

Its a photograph. Sorry but I joined Akatsuki. I dont have time to play in photoshop

>> No.19168731

What'd you buy?

>> No.19168735

I've read Dalio's Debt Crisis book. It's very well put together, and pretty much everything he's been saying has come to be true, but from what I know he sold his hedges very early when the market started to tank (which were bought when volatility was at historic lows).

>> No.19168784
File: 33 KB, 600x600, ThinkingEmojic4dmodel000.jpg5AC8FA23-9655-4AA5-AAA0-8F149BFD3C73Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168799

4chan. Started in 2003

>> No.19168812

I've been coming to this shithole since January 1st, 1970

>> No.19168817

It's possible. I'm an oldfag circa 2005. It sounds wrong even saying it. Fuck I want to go back.

>> No.19168825
File: 408 KB, 633x622, XXXX rejected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you buy in the inevitable crash?

>> No.19168831

gold, gold and gold.

>> No.19168837

There's a group of pedophiles that have set up camp on /biz/ because /tv/ started enforcing rules and moderation very hard.

>> No.19168844

everything. CVX XOM RYDAF HAL EPD MRO FANG USO USL BNO, even DHT for fun.

BNO has been my biggest winner so far, while DHT biggest loser. XOM and CVX i bought most of my shares during the march dip and they've pumped a lot.

>> No.19168851


>> No.19168860

I just don't see how this strategy works right now. Every day in AH we pump, and every day, immediately upon open, we dump.

>> No.19168861
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 7C7642AE-5337-473E-AFAA-41CE9DC4997A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant 3 am CST, of course

>> No.19168867
File: 374 KB, 1200x867, 1589171273130 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168869

Powell is sleepwalking and started the Printer a bit early.

>> No.19168870

>The nothing burger common cold lockdown is ending.
You sound increasingly paranoid schizophrenic.

>> No.19168878
File: 313 KB, 1344x831, 1537874236582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobo are you ok bobo ?

>> No.19168891


>> No.19168895

>google meet
>facebook messenger rooms
>microsoft teams
Is it time to start stocking ZM puts?

>> No.19168897

Yeah looking very good.

>> No.19168909

also add COP to that list. forgot about them

>> No.19168921

you should at least diversify into silver as well, boomer

>> No.19168932

i was thinking of shorting that garbage with 50k when it nears $200

>> No.19168934
File: 37 KB, 455x323, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for hunting that down. I hope it's useful.
Damn, I was so much more helpful and contributive back then.
I believe Stooq was a really stellar and free source for daily prices, which I think you said you had an interest in.

>The fucking odds of that
>The odds of that AND you're just shitposting on the fucking stocks thread

>It's possible. I'm an oldfag circa 2005. It sounds wrong even saying it. Fuck I want to go back.
>Fuck I want to go back.
If you bang chicks that are x many years younger, does it at least feel like you've gone back?

>> No.19168942

Not touching shitcoins, sorry. Don't forget to buy more in your generational dip, zoomer.

>> No.19168947


>> No.19168972

Where the fuck are these retarded gigacopes coming from? How could someone be so emotionally invested in oil not going down?

>> No.19168980

Layoffs almost always result in a pop in the stock not a drop.

>> No.19168990

I thought the bears would have had it today. I'm so pleased I don't do options or I would have bet big Fri and lost a ton of money today.

>> No.19169019
File: 132 KB, 600x452, 015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.19169022


>> No.19169027
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, 0__0Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me penny stock airlines.

>> No.19169035
File: 457 KB, 360x374, 🚀🚀📈📈👌👌.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 minutes, Britbongs.

I hope you bought Gold miners Friday.

>> No.19169044

Someone was bullying CY in that thread. If only they listened...

>> No.19169045

/tv/ has had a bad rep forever. I’m not surprised they probably paid a couple moderators to watch the place 24/7

>> No.19169053

Who’s coping? Oil is going up and tankertrash are going down.

>> No.19169059
File: 66 KB, 1440x1416, 1589763462215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19169064
File: 1.88 MB, 704x396, 1566753176168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures tab of investing.com
It's listed in the OP

>Layoffs almost always result in a pop in the stock not a drop.
That sounds true.
The finance boys do like a reduced headcount.
However, there's also the whole "buy on the rumor, sell on the news"

I've been getting the news for this stuff off teamblind and layoffs.fyi, but it's very, very tech heavy.

>> No.19169071

>> 2-3 million dead Americans
> with an average age of over 80
No. About 50% (so about 1-1.5 million) will be over 75, about 25% (500k-750k) will be 65-67 and the remaining 25% (500k-750k) will be 45-65 (there will also be about 4%, so 40k-60k dead, that are under 45, taken from the other percentages that are only almost 25%, 25% and 50%)
40k-60k under 45...that’s what the worst flu does in a season including all ages (and there too old folks are very over represented).
500k-750k of 45-65 year olds...that’s the providers for a whole lot of families. It’s a big chunk of the most productive part of the work force. It’s dangerous enough that people will have to start doing hard math around what puts their family futures less at risk, to work or not to work. Considering also going to a restaurant when doing that math will just seem ludicrous.

>> No.19169078
File: 1004 KB, 4614x3072, pq7dd796zez41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bet against the American economy.

>> No.19169086

> 65-67
Should be 65-75

>> No.19169088

MMs heavily short, retail going to get fucked as per usual. We dip but not far enough and everybody gets rekt.

>> No.19169089


>> No.19169091

if oil goes up just a few % even 1% every day from now... i can retire

>> No.19169099
File: 357 KB, 1119x910, martialarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bobo who didn't cover on Friday is a greedy bobo. Thursday was a bounce day on above average volume and near high of day close. Follow-through green day on Friday also with above average volume with near high of day close again. Friday was crystal clear signal that Wednesday's bearish break was not going to be immediately continued.

Attempt likely to be made at 3000 today maybe Tuesday/Wednesday. What happens in terms of sell pressure around that level will dictate whether it breaks up, stays crab, or rejects again and breaks down.

>> No.19169108

You don’t know how to find the price for oil and the share price for tankers? Why are you even here?

>> No.19169117
File: 145 KB, 1099x1200, E938BE6C-F945-4657-BF4C-1D78214C3FC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off schizo newfag. I thought you were baiting at first but turns out you’re mentally ill kek

>> No.19169121

Oh stop. Nobody knows where this shit is going. pick a trend line and hope it keeps going. Thats literally it. Not much else to it.

>> No.19169122

so i just opened my first stock market account and deposited 10k into it, which shares should i buy?

>> No.19169129

I’m a 2007 newfag and I strictly fuck 16-22yo girls and I’m 32 btw.

>> No.19169132
File: 15 KB, 256x197, 1588620587990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green day all day
based bvllbros
bobos cucked


>> No.19169138
File: 268 KB, 1072x1114, Yamana .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the market crashes again ill buy gold miners again for a quick doubling of money.

>> No.19169140

$spy. Just hold that until you understand the market. That'll be never.

>> No.19169146

The next zoomer buys in. Watching from the sideline and look and my shiny rocks will be fun. I don't wanna see a single wojack when the stock market finds back to reality, but then again i wanna...

>> No.19169147

Go back to reddddddssit

>> No.19169148

why is oil not going to crash tomorrow

>> No.19169151

you need to diversify your bonds niga

>> No.19169154

tqqq is better

>> No.19169157

We'll probably only hit 120k deaths by EOM at most, and if deaths actually started really accelerating then people would actually start getting scared and lower the rates naturally. The millions of deaths is going to take a long time to ever get to if it was even possible. More than likely COVID's just going to be endemic and kill at most 300K by EOY. The at risk group is going to be quarantined before it actually starts massively killing them (aside from cases of people not following procedures which may cause a few thousands). But fear wins if it accelerates again so I'm not worried about a million+ deaths unless you're talking about over years of it being endemic.

>> No.19169166

Yeah do this.

>> No.19169169

Akka technologies will pop up at least 7% today

>> No.19169171

where do you find them, tinder?

>> No.19169174

>attempt at 3000 today
You can’t possibly be serious.

>> No.19169183

think ill split my 10k half on Novavax and half on BioNTech

>> No.19169192
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Dead serious business.

>> No.19169193
File: 47 KB, 475x417, 1586164977396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m a 2007 newfag and I strictly fuck 16-22yo girls and I’m 32 btw.
How do you go about it? Just dating apps?
Ever tried Seeking Arrangements? Or legit hookers?
Ever gotten married?
Got any good stories?

>> No.19169195
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2 mins, Britbongs.

Pray for GGP for me, lads.

>> No.19169196

Great way to lose half of your money rested.

>> No.19169209

Keep in mind those numbers include people that died WITH covid, not just OF covid.

>> No.19169221


>> No.19169225
File: 880 KB, 2001x1125, 87A6D300-54DC-4D00-A993-9653867E3C37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently Dalio has been doing these LinkedIn updates regularly, a tiny bullshit post every day but often long ass analyses and theorizing. I’m going to delve deeper into the DalioLore this week, when I’m not studying. Gonna have to do a lot of studying and find a better workout routine too.

Anyhow, this one may be critically relevant. Also, see pic.


God I want the yun&Megu combo painaizuri...

That’s not at all what’s happening you fucking retard.

So much good discussion and your contributions are shit as always.

/tv/ is a shitpile and the newfag schizo you’re talking to doesn’t know shit about investing or imageboards, he’s just here to rage because he’s banned again.

Yeah but we don’t know what he’s in now. Has he repositioned for further volatility? Got more heavily into treasuries/gold/debt? Maybe foreign currencies for protection?

Do you remember what comes next in the playbook? If this is a debt crisis... we’ll it might just be laying the groundwork for one who knows when it hits?

>> No.19169240

What's the best way to bet on an L-shaped recovery?

>> No.19169244

Bruh, we're not hitting 3k today.
A likely optimistic target I see from the S&P is 290, which is 1.5% or 2% up.
Best possible is 295, but that would be insane with our lower volatility

>> No.19169246
File: 104 KB, 1860x840, Annotation 2020-05-18 000301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil crashing

>> No.19169261


>> No.19169270

New ID but Tinder or through friends of friends. I look young and say I’m 22 unless they clearly have issues and the I tell them my actual age. Never tried SA but I know a girl who fucks dudes from there.

I got married to a wonderful woman that I care deeply about, I took her actual virginity when she was 18 but the years pass and no matter how wonderful and kind of a person she is, I still fuck (legal) teenagers because I’m probably a sociopath and think only with my dick. Whatever I’m rich and happy thanks to a certain medical technology company I’ve shilled here before but will not mention.

>> No.19169274

It is. But there are so many variables it is simplistic thinking to say oil up, tankers down. It works that way, but only to a degree.
Tankers are fucking crazy and only idiots play them long. Oil is a problem short-term but those who bought stonks last month are going to lighting cigars with money this fall.

>> No.19169278

in all fairness, i also expect market to sell off on expiration, doesnt have to crash, but it will drop a bit

>> No.19169283

God speed

>> No.19169309
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>> No.19169322



>> No.19169324

Good job anon, you found the real money.

>> No.19169333

Join theta gang, wish I had earlier.

>> No.19169337

Oh. Right. I can lie about my age.
Sounds made up, particularly the part about actually making fistfuls of cash off of biotech, but interesting post nonetheless

>> No.19169346

Its true. We do still have two days to expiration.

If it tanks to $10 i expect the markets to follow. I just dont know who is buying...who in their right mind isnt expecting it to go down 10%?

>> No.19169348

Nice that stock was at 2 pounds in January.

>> No.19169349

how do i into insider trading?

>> No.19169360

I am not sure why people care about this argument. I mean yeah I get that the situation in your link is dubious but it's very unlikely that events like this change the numbers in a meaningful way.

>> No.19169363
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You need a job for that first.

>> No.19169377
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Isn't USO pretty fucked long term for all the oil reserves theyve had to shut off? Turning them off damages the reserves and it costs billions to repair them, so i've heard. Also that oil needs to be somewhere around 30$ for these reserves to even be profitable. The reason the saudis and russians were flooding the market was spesifically to eliminate the US as a competitor, no?

>> No.19169379

get inside

>> No.19169381

a what?

>> No.19169394
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>> No.19169409

It changes it significantly when you consider the age cohort getting wrecked the hardest by covid are people 80+. People that were going to die in 2 years are all getting killed at the same time. After them it's people with diabetes and the morbidly obese. So how many healthy people without pre conditions that weren't ready to die in the next few years has covid killed? The lockdowns were justified by "look at the big scary death numbers" so if the death numbers are inflated we have less reason to be destroying the livelihoods of 30 million Americans.

>> No.19169411

I dropped out of high school to play WoW then joined the military and saved when I was in. I went all in on this company thanks to first bend knowledge of their product and made about 2.4 million which isn’t a lot but I haven’t really worked since. Might sound farfetched but it’s true my dear tripfag

But yes, that’s exactly the key, lie about your age. Maybe google their interests or zoomer memes ahead of time unironically.

>> No.19169413

I was thinking more along the lines of MRO, or companies in the gasoline business. Apologies. USO is something I wouldn't fuck with.

>> No.19169417

last three digits of my post decide how Raytheon shares move today

odds green, evens red, x.xx%

>> No.19169422

People still discussing the meme virus and not the underlying flaws of the current economy? god oh god

>> No.19169427
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bad jew

>> No.19169428
File: 178 KB, 1364x2048, IMG_20200330_142421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon is about to use the ocean's of cash it is sitting on to turn its warehouses into floating air fortresses, constructed with blimps.
Imagine this:
You barely even manage to touch your greasy, fat, slippery little finger to the buy button before you are struck in the back of the head by a package that has just been fired out of a cannon from a gigantic floating warehouse.
They're going to be called The Amazon Airships, and Amazon Prime now means 30 seconds rather than 2 days.

You obviously didn't hear it from me though.

>> No.19169435

>first bend
Most people here that fuck with biomemes have first bend knowledge for sure!

>> No.19169451

The economy was all smoke and mirrors since day one. But you can't perform the trick is people aren't working. And they're not working for something that is largely non lethal to any healthy person of working age. Quarantine old people and sick people and let the rest of the world get back to it so we can go past 30k.

>> No.19169460


>> No.19169465


>> No.19169484



>> No.19169489
File: 128 KB, 901x1195, D9D78C26-A549-461F-8CE3-8AE333E98E86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I typically don’t like 3D but she is kind of pretty.

>> No.19169500

Future is at 2887. Life is going to be good with this rally

>> No.19169504

The meme virus was an excuse to further inflate the bubble and keep the current system on life support. Further you have a frightened society and more power and police state laws globally. Perfect results. (((They))) don't care about lifes.

>> No.19169506

>first bend knowledge
Wtf does this shit mean?

>But yes, that’s exactly the key, lie about your age. Maybe google their interests or zoomer memes ahead of time unironically.
Alright, I can buy that shit.
How much younger is your wife? Is she one of those 16 to 22 yos you picked up?

>> No.19169515

It wasn’t “smoke and mirrors”
It was tweets, cellphones, monetary policy, and e-thots

Why you gotta be so rude today?
Moose take your lunch?

>TMDX anon is a sociopath and never even caught the coronavirus he took all that sick time for

>> No.19169523

(((They))) are gonna have a boogaloo on their hands if they leave too many fighting age men without options.

>> No.19169529

what is the symbol for s&p500 futures? is it SPX500USD?

>> No.19169540


>> No.19169542
File: 32 KB, 547x730, 1414509288839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for kek anon

>> No.19169544

Unemployment money and further relief packages, what more options do fighting men need? Majority of people who lost their jobs in US are earning more money than before, kek.

>> No.19169547
File: 498 KB, 1242x839, 69(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay, anon.
Only the pure ones tho.

>> No.19169553

>muh bugaloo
yeah right you’re domesticated and won’t resist all talk no action

>> No.19169561
File: 174 KB, 711x1077, heat decay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard Jerome's talk on 60 Minutes today was bad, what's the deal? Futures sure don't seem to think so

>> No.19169563

>Why you gotta be so rude today?
>Moose take your lunch?
Landlord is having construction crew come today to demolish the deck on the house, then next day build new deck. This is overdue to be done but I'm not looking forward to two days of sawing and impact drivers.

ES but you can use spx500usd to see real-time numbers.

>> No.19169573

fucking kek

>> No.19169578

Lots more don't qualify for unemployment and there hasn't been a second round of corona bucks. Not to mention the businesses that will go under because of this. We can't just UBI all of these people forever.
I have a job. That's why I'm advocating for others to get theirs back. I know what people get like when they're desperate.

>> No.19169591

think for yourself. Imo we will be green all week


>> No.19169605

>Pure cosplay gorls
Daily reminder a girl cannot turn to cosplay without achieving at least two (2) of the following: BDP, HPD, NPD, eating disorder, Diphenhydramine or equivalent addiction, avoidancy, or dependancy disorders

>> No.19169610

Someone bake

>> No.19169611

He just repeated the same unlimited QE bullshit he's been saying for weeks, don't know why anyone cares what the Fed says anymore

>> No.19169615

>there hasn't been a second round of corona bucks.
You still don't get it, you so fucking ignorant. It isn't about the meme virus. The mortality rate lower, way lower than all predictions - all models were "wrong" (on fucking purpose). There wont be a second wave, this isn't the same timeline as the spanish flu.

>We can't just UBI all of these people forever.
And yes you can. That's the power of the current economy. Take out more debt and fake more growth. That's what we do since years and decades.

>> No.19169618
File: 343 KB, 546x1422, 216E2555-4846-4252-A812-9D75104EDCD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to el-erian, markets think we’re in a win-win scenario because either shit improves or the fed has to buy more assets and get more creative.

Also, see

Whys he doing that during a pandemic? Have you tried going on rent strike? Do they even have laws out there?

Missed this, but it sounds likely. I’m very torn on whether to take losses or wait for volatility on my UVXY. Not the type of thing I usually want to DCA down on.

>> No.19169627

>Whys he doing that during a pandemic? Have you tried going on rent strike? Do they even have laws out there?
I dunno. No I like my landlord and he hasn't raised rent in seven years. Law of the jungle. Or tundra. Or desert. Whatever season it is.

>> No.19169628

How much more can Bobo take of the ass pounding

>> No.19169633

Doesn't work that way sorry. I know it's a clown market and you're probably a salty bear, but the money has to have some form of reality. Otherwise nobody would lose their job and we would just print money for them to stay at home while employed.

>> No.19169654

I do think you are right because people will see some sense when deaths take off again, like you say. It’s just a bit sobering that it will actually take the needless sacrifice of 10s maybe 100s of 1000s of lives for people to be able to reach that conclusion, which is trivially reachable with basic math. See this board for reference, the idiots here truly think it’s pretty much over and that they will be able to just defiantly resume business as if they could “stand up” to the virus.

>> No.19169657

Not much must admit, im about to capitulate

>> No.19169660
File: 199 KB, 1376x794, cot spx 5 18 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jerome Powell: I've been watching the markets.
glad to hear it Mr. Powell :3
Oh dear, reminder smol specs NEVER win

>> No.19169680

The next step is that we're also going to be the first to capitalize on mind-reading / brain-interlinking tech.
You're not even going to be able to get your fat, greasy, stupid little fingers to the buy button in time for your skull to be greeted by one of our proud packaged delights on its flight through your window.
There'll just be non-stop random maelstroms of packages slamming through your windows 24/7.
There'll be a mighty Amazon Airship lurking in the distance through your window while you're taking a shit, plop, and then notice that there's no toilet paper... BAM! Amazon package to the skull, faggot! There goes all your windows! Enjoy your fucking toilet paper!

>> No.19169691
File: 281 KB, 705x857, D10B0263-F584-40D7-B838-A84C29461F96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s bear season, get your bear-gun.

That’s good to get along well with your landlordc or anyone you have a major long term legally binding contract with. At least it’s during a market holiday so you can afford to be distracted?

>small specs MAJORLY offsides
Jesus fuck my dude thank you for posting that.

Small specs won once according to COT, I don’t remember when but I remember trying to get ratsu to esplain it to me as it challenged everything I know to be true.

>> No.19169708

Maybe turn it into a fetish?

>> No.19169713

Jobs will be lost due to automation anyway.

>I know it's a clown market and you're probably a salty bear
Random assumptions. It is not a clown market at the slighest, this is the result of 0% interest rates. That's the reason why everyone is pooring money into all assets, everything is growthing together right now. Bear? In the heart yes. But I am playing the sentiment of the herd, never play against it and you will never lose. The trend is upwards right now.

>Otherwise nobody would lose their job and we would just print money for them to stay at home while employed.
Wouldn't make any different, if you pay them having a job in a zombie company or not. Adapt the society for the future the jobs will be rare anyway. Seems like you are still conditioned on, get a good job, build a family and buy a house ideology.

>> No.19169726

I stopped trying to argue against willful ignorance in the face of a virus by using the maths and the whole "historical precedent set before by similar scenarios" and all that and after 2 months its just gotten tiresome and now I just use a :^) smiley and haha and move on.

If it kills em, fuck em. no use getting all buttfrustrated.
Consider it the Purge you can opt out of.

>> No.19169741

What is BPD?
What is yandere?
Might that be a part of my fetish?

>> No.19169786

shit i dont know, maybe

>> No.19169795

making new hang on...

>> No.19169802

Wagekeking for a biweekly paycheck...I have to wait two weeks to buy anything. Then I deploy the money and I have to wait again. At this rate it will take 2-3 mos to build out my positions.

>> No.19169816

Let's say we isolated the old and the sick so the rest could get back to work. There would of course still be a lot of deaths among the young and healthy, we can even get a decent estimate. Two questions for you:
1) What is your guess at this number?
2) What number would you think "too high", i.e. lockdowns would be worth it?

>> No.19169837

I explained

>> No.19169842


>> No.19169846

>Diphenhydramine or equivalent addiction
Fucking Benadryl addiction?!

>> No.19169847







>> No.19169857

Among young and healthy people it's less deadly than the flu. Something like 80% asymptomatic. It's really old people with pre conditions getting btfo which is why they need to be isolated. Young people die from the flu too but we don't destroy the world to protect them. If you feel sick you stay home and if you don't recover in a timely manner you go to a hospital.

>> No.19169891

I think so but it was a while ago so I don’t remember what happened

>> No.19169903

So no guess? The number is between 100k-250k dead among healthy people (no comorbidity) under 65. Do you think that would be kind of a lot?

>> No.19169960

Replying in the new thread