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File: 1.09 MB, 974x722, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19162069 No.19162069 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19162085


>> No.19162110
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>Late Stage Capitalism

>> No.19162439

>Socialist display of militarism from a Keynesian government run by a deranged socialist bugman.


The absolute state of millenials.

>> No.19162515
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>late stage capitalism

>> No.19162520

hopefully it crashed into a rest home full of old boomers.

>> No.19162531

>true capitalism has never been tried!

>> No.19162545
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>> No.19162779

It was tried faggot. Then the FED got established in 1913 by the jews...who deserve nothing but to be burnt alive.

>> No.19163397
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>He thinks Trump, a deranged Keynesian, gives a fuck about free markets.

>> No.19163479


>> No.19163498
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>late stage capitalism

>> No.19163514

the true redpill is realizing capitalism and the CIA is behind degeneracy, not marxism and the KGB

>> No.19163574
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>Those heckin capitalists! I bet they support the bad orange man, too

>> No.19163606

Fuck you all and fuck this thread. We're in late state clown world. We haven't had capitalism in over a century and we won't be getting it any time soon either.

>> No.19163663

This hopefully it crashed into a nursing home filled with WW2 allied troop veterans.

>> No.19163726
File: 64 KB, 512x288, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed. the People's Liberation Army Air Force would never crash while celebrating the working man.

>> No.19163832

As a Fascist, Late State Capitalism is a thing. However, commies have a retarded solution to solving the (((capitalist))) question.

>> No.19163910


>> No.19163937

> a leaf wearing a hijab
> pottery

>> No.19163990

The real redpill is realizing that ((((They)))) all fled here after ww2 and Hitler disbanded the Frankfurt school. (((They))) set up shop in America in the 1950’s and infiltrated all sectors of finance, acedemia, media and government including the intelligence agencies... see rosenstien, strzok, weissman, Ginsberg etc...

>> No.19164017
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so... who was it?

>> No.19164053
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>>hmm what a cute face, I wonder if...?


>> No.19164072
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>lade sbage gabbidalism

>> No.19164074
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>> No.19164076

Yeah, it's not like the Soviet Union had the highest abortion rates or alcoholism or tobacco use or anything

>> No.19164090

What's impressive is someone with a lesbian tap dancing degree got a job.

>> No.19164093
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>Late Stage Capitalism

>> No.19164177
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it's a she... I guess that makes "a Bachelor of Arts from Dalhousie University, a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of King’s College, and a Masters of Interdisciplinary Studies from Royal Roads University" qualify as "completed a university degree in a suitable discipline" to be a fucking jet pilot LFMAO

>> No.19164261

My fucking S I D E S.

I despise canada and faggot canadians so much, this seriously made my day.

>> No.19164314

>Candian military is a joke
I don't get it, what part of this is the fault of a market economy

>> No.19164356
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I was in the AFROTC during college in the mid 2000's, I dropped after my first year though. A couple guys I knew got pilot slots with Political Science degrees. One of them ended up in prison for underage prostitution lmao. I believe now they've changed it so that you can't have meme degrees, but I guess Canada still hasn't learned.

>> No.19164493
File: 260 KB, 484x605, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps they had to fill their wymyn quota... Now all they have is a toastie roastie in a pine box. You can't make this shit up lmao

>> No.19164557

What if, instead of spending money flying planes around, they spent it providing coronavirus workers with the supplies & equipment they need to do their jobs?

>> No.19164579

Even when I was 18 years old I couldn't believe that they would treat all degrees the same when it came to assigning pilots and navigators. It ended up that people who wanted to fly would choose the easiest shit so that their GPA would be high, since GPA was a big deciding factor.

This woman should never have been allowed anywhere near an aircraft in the first place.

>> No.19164602

>Just have a degree
What you are noticing is called classism anon.

>> No.19164667

Now they have to employ and pay people to fix the house. Very bullish

>> No.19164687

>cia operatives have been dispatched to your location

>> No.19164701

This . Profit seeking turns the world into hell for 99% of people

>> No.19164705

That sounds far too sensible for boomers in charge

>> No.19164730
File: 474 KB, 952x842, zyclown B HONKLER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon is partially right >>19164602 , just ensuring no poorfags can make it into the military and making sure you are learning or learned to take it up the ass from your (((professors))) and comply with Normieville's social rules. Peak clownworld

>> No.19164756
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cool with the antisemitism, buddy

>> No.19164793
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decades of pozzed literature and (((academics))) all amounted to this. something a fucking 11 year old would come up with. neck yourself

>> No.19164875

You do realize Canada is basically a marxist hellhole right?

>> No.19164887

people in the photo look like muslim refugees brought over my Drumpf

>> No.19164910

>just ensuring no poorfags can make it into the military

But anon, the whole point of the military is to collect poor people who otherwise would be a drain on society.

>> No.19164970
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see >>19164053
she was a drain on society! :D

>> No.19164976
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not profit seeking, rent seeking

holy fuck is this real?

>> No.19164996

woman shouldn't be allowed near aircraft, period.

>> No.19165061

discord trannies from Canada. These monstrosities keep on turning Canada into the marxist hellhole it is then blame the faults of it on boogeymen like capitalism. Blame the free market, but communism is literally for slaves. Not my fault you feel like you can't compete

>> No.19165120

You kikes are doomed

>> No.19165165

Women on the work force was a mistake.

>> No.19165524

And happier/more stable marriages.

>> No.19165731

>(((They))) set up shop in America in the 1950’s and infiltrated all sectors of finance, acedemia, media and government including the intelligence agencies... see rosenstien, strzok, weissman, Ginsberg etc...
Yes, this. If the elite in finance, academia, media and government, including the intelligence agencies, were made of only white Christians, Capitalism would be paradise.There would be no wage slavery, and no exploitation. No financial crisis. R-right?

>> No.19165764

pretty sure us military needs engineering degree for jet pilot slot

>> No.19165925

Good. One less stupid hand clapper for the obnoxious healthcare worker parades.

>> No.19165940
File: 226 KB, 1081x1280, 1470743787.trunch_badwolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as with anything—lead by example, or cram your godforsaken commie throats with your undisciplined, fat, capitalist-fed fists.
capitalism is modular and works literally perfectly 100% of the time on any scale because it is built on voluntarism, whereas socialists/communists tend to respond to the inevitable failure of the collectivized forced starvation prisons that they call "countries" with the excuse that "it doesn't work unless it's pure socialism"—in other words, "it doesn't work unless everyone does it".
the proof that this is the case lies in the fact that collectivists of any kind absolutely will not tolerate individuals who merely want to be left alone, to engage in private commerce and live amongst themselves as they will. try forming a community that doesn't pay taxes to the overarching federal or state/provincial governments; see what happens.

>> No.19165942

>shitskins watching a plane crash into building
9/11 vibes anyone?

>> No.19165960

>Trusting the government with spending
>In fucking Canada

>> No.19165970

Is that (((your))) attempt at damage control?

>> No.19165990
File: 120 KB, 804x644, 7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Canadian "military"

>> No.19166007

What dystopian satire is this from? Something by Stanislaw Lem?

>> No.19166094
File: 88 KB, 400x400, 1589509730870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the obnoxious healthcare worker parades
Do Canadians really, seems like some Redditor shit.

>> No.19166192

The story is from Canada retard