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19163621 No.19163621 [Reply] [Original]

>quitting juul cold turkey
Jesus, this is the longest ive gone without nicotine in 8 years

>> No.19163655


>> No.19163656

Juuls are still a thing? I thought Trump bent the knee to tobacco lobbyists and banned it

>> No.19163754

Oh juuls are a thing. They banned mango flavor because highschoolers were the target market for juul. But most of them got addicted and just started smoking other flavors into college, like me.

>> No.19163818

How do you even get addicted to juuling in the first place. They taste gross and make you feel like you're dying. I juuled for like a month out of boredom but it was the worst. I'd take one puff and be bedridden for 30 minutes. Can't even think about one without wanting to vomit.

>> No.19164316

What a trash fucking company. I quit cigarettes along with my wife a year and a half ago, cold turkey. Get an app that tracks your health/money saved/cigarettes not smoked. After a month or so it’s almost like watching a stock increase daily with no investment. I caved a couple of times, but I don’t even think about it now. Put the cig money in the market bro, everything will be ok.

>> No.19164338

>longest ive gone without nicotine in 8 years
dead man walking. nice job faggot

>> No.19164353

Maybe don't get the highest concentration and over smoke it?

That's a really good idea for people with little disposable income.

>> No.19164367

you might have nightmares, get cold sweats.
when I was 17 I used highest strength disposable vapes, and it was the worst thing ever getting off them, now I can smoke 1 or 2 cigarettes every couple of months, and it literally does nothing to me.

>> No.19164621

I quit cold turkey 8 years ago.. the smell of cigatettes make me nauseous now. I'm now battling with porn..

>> No.19165127

>thinks he can quit
>doesn’t understand the life lasting chemical imbalance that juul created inside his brain
>doesn’t know he’s now part of the matrix

>> No.19165160

God youre a faggot

>> No.19165216


I went through the same thing 2 years ago. Carbs help the cravings so much. I went through a 3-pound jar of hard candies and God knows how many donuts, gained 15 lbs, but fuck me if it wasn't the best decision I've made.

Seriously, get candies. Nicotine does weird things to your carbohydrate metabolism, which goes nuts when you quit, so a shot of sugar helps immensely

>> No.19165254

you're just a fat diabetic

>> No.19165262

I underestimated how addictive and difficult to quit nicotine can be, especially with these high nic % vape devices. I am on my 50th attempt to quit this shit in the last 6 months.

>> No.19165305
File: 113 KB, 606x610, Cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what it was. I couldn’t remember if the Trump administration banned them outright, or if they just culled the sale of flavored pods.
Also I’ve only ever taken one hit of a Juul but it was absolutely miserable. I drove to Circle K in 2018 and bought the last one they had; I sat in my car and took a puff, and I felt so sick I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to drive home

>> No.19165377

>mad drug addict

Lost all the weight over a year, saved thousands, please stay extremely mad

>> No.19166118


>> No.19166292

bunch of losers ITT lmfao fucking vape faggots always sucking on that robot dick.

>> No.19166341
File: 6 KB, 249x250, Pepe Smug Cig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking Chads win again. Fucking vaping faggots taking in way more nicotine than they can even biologically process, while I can easily measure the number of cigarettes I consume per day and keep myself at a reasonable addiction level.

>> No.19166393

is there a such thing as an unreasonable addiction level?

>> No.19166940
File: 422 KB, 1200x799, Nightside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a cup of black coffee every day I work. One cup made with two tablespoons of ground coffee. On my off days I sometimes intentionally don't have a cup. I am knocked out asleep about four hours after waking up but after the nap feel very refreshed, back to normal. I don't like that I depend on caffeine, but the coffee routine is hard to beat.

>> No.19167037

hold on op

>> No.19167064

i put coffee down for 18 months and now i started to drink it again when i feel like it. didn't notice much difference in my off time.

>> No.19167074

but yeah if you actually depend on it that's different.

>> No.19167095

Is coffee even good for you?

>> No.19167111

Snus chad reporting in

>> No.19167198

I get headaches from caffeine withdrawal

>> No.19167304

start vaping cbd instead, a world of difference and stops the cravings

>> No.19167357

In my defense I had never smoked or anything before I tried Juuling

>> No.19167424

No one knows for certain, but the general consensus is that 1 cup a day is fine and might even have slight health benefits. Coffee is acidic so too much can fuck with your digestive track, and too much caffeine probably isn’t great for your heart.

>> No.19167517

stoners usually become shitty people tho, the ability to escape into a high whenever they are supposed to be down stops them from having proper self reflection.

>> No.19167539

CBD is different than THC. Weed is a meme but don't assume generalizations either

>> No.19167638


Just chew sugar-free gum, retard. Jesus. Being fat is prob much worse than juuling.

>> No.19167712

Kek yeah that would fuck you up. I don't get why teens like juul. You think they would take the no nicotine option, but instead they chose the ecigs that literally have an assload of nicotine. I came from smoking actual cigarettes and the juul still gave me a hard buzz the first time.

>> No.19167867

juul uses nicotine salt concentrate at 72mg/100ml you are got fucked by their high dose bullshit. I don't get why they banned flavors when it's just the sheer amount of nicotine.

>> No.19168086

yeah me too, feels like a vice is crushing your brain

>> No.19168412

It's worse than the nicotine withdrawal imo, but nicotine cravings are worse than coffee cravings, the worst part about quitting though is youre almost guaranteed to pack on 10 lbs.