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19156509 No.19156509 [Reply] [Original]

Cheap, fast, reliable peer-to-peer electronic cash for the world

>> No.19156673

BCH needs to implement more smart contracts. I hope the devs look into what HEX and others are doing.

>> No.19156693

> ... and shit

>> No.19156696
File: 40 KB, 640x800, 339AF439-EC48-4F33-812F-808B24B5C3EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 23.4 of them. I paid an average of $570 for then; I’m an idiot. Don’t be like me; don’t be an idiot.

>> No.19156699
File: 68 KB, 1875x849, 4-13-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bch serves no purpose

>> No.19156746

Shut the fuck up, Richard.

>> No.19156789

lol Richard has some decent ideas. Not my fault asshole

>> No.19156791

and compete eth? something that has had an eternity head start.

>> No.19156853

Why compete when they could all just work together

>> No.19156867

By decent idea? Do you mean trading his meme tokens for your hard earned bitcoin and ether? What’s complex about a pyramid scheme? Put in one and get too back! I know a Nigerian prince that helps me with that.

>> No.19156893

Ethereum community and BCH’ers are generally on good terms with vitalik willing to integrate. BCH already has smart contract capability.

>> No.19156992

too bad they don't include the transacted value in usd in that panel... we would see what serves a purpose and what not.

>> No.19157197

highest price I ever paid for one BCH is $450.

>> No.19157227

what happened to the dev tax? this is the only thing that interests me about bch for now and no cashie is talking.

>> No.19157311

SV is almost entirely push data transactions. If they were expensive they wouldn't exist. Which is why they don't exist on BTC, not that they could all capability has been removed from the Segwit chain.

>> No.19157330

Wait what? Are you saying the tax is attractive?

>> No.19157372

no it's the most retarded thing in crypto since the metanet

>> No.19157384

right now, it looks like its not going to happen.

check out cash.coin.dance/blocks

>> No.19157421

bchn is the devtax client?

>> No.19157429

10 minute confirmation

>> No.19157446

no its not. however its still looking pretty good.

>> No.19157466

oh man, now you reminded me of the metanet delusion

>> No.19157474

its 0-conf for most things. check out blockchain.poker it has a free bch faucet too.

>> No.19157567

so majority of the nodes include the dev tax code? but it hasn't been activated or what?

>> No.19157601

that shit is also retarded btw, but whatever cashies need to get burned or they never learn.

>> No.19157643

How is a capitalist internet delusional?

>> No.19157653

Linking the page was the spoonfeed already dude. I'm not going to break it down for you. You should be able to do this yourself. if you don't get what is on that page, quit trying to invest in crypto. you wont make it

>> No.19157689

>satoshi is a retard

It's incredible how many of you exist.

>> No.19158408

satoshi was smart and never said it's okay to accept 0-conf UNLESS you can cancel your end for no cost to you.

ie online orders? 0-conf is fine. for ice-cream? if you accept the risk it's fine. for a rolex watch? hell no nigger you will be played.

>> No.19158436

>I'm not going to break it down for you
too bad because that's the only thing that interests me about cash right now. rest been done to death.

>> No.19158510

the delusional part is sub 70 iq tards jerking off about "muh metanet" thinking everything will run on it and becomes the "new tcp/ip" for the internet. which is not only impossible but would be retarded as fuck.

it's akin to strapping your car to your back and paying for the privilege to walk it to work and back every day. makes about that much sense.

>> No.19158516
File: 37 KB, 1844x235, 0-conf credit card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you accept a credit card payment for a Rolex? Besides if I buy a candy bar at a gas station and cheat, there will be evidence of the transaction in the chain and the security cameras on the wall. Double spending isn't as simple as you make it out to be. Otherwise Twetch and other apps on SV literally couldn't work.

>> No.19158572

0conf is a wallet parameter and it's a literal contradiction to the finality of "cash"

>> No.19158578

The metanet is in reference to how the internet will work with new incentive structures you mongoloid. Not literally the entire internet on chain.

>> No.19158675

it's a literal data dump on a non turing complete chain

>> No.19158705

>Would you accept a credit card payment for a Rolex?
probably because if i can prove with a receipt and a recording the purchase (which is pretty much standard) any charge back attempt will be ruled against by the card company.

>Double spending isn't as simple as you make it out to be.
i agree it's a crime, not so different from paying with fake bills (very good counterfeits) except if you counterfeit bills that's a serious offense and the state will be on your ass. if you double spend they won't even know what that means. in most countries this is not even a well categorized crime.

shit is retarded as fuck because timing attacks on the network are trivial and the defense against them could only be centralized trustful measures. which makes the entire crypto thing superfluous decoration. that's all i'm saying.

as opposed to lightning which makes instant payments without the remotest possibility of double spend easy. well there is some problem with transactions below the dust limit. but for a rolex it's fine.

>> No.19158748

not what the mouthbreathers jerk of about.
also whatever you are saying "hurr the entire world will change how it works and adopt this new technology they have no incentive to adopt because i say so" nah.

>> No.19158798

Netflix isn't going to store all its media on chain, but will used the Metanet for access utilizing smart contracts. Pay per minute or w/e as you go.

>unironic Lightning shill
>calls others mouth breathers
>doesn't understand the Metanet


>> No.19158856

or netflix (or it's successor) could just stream for micropayments by the minute on ln no contract nothing and close to zero onchain burden.

>> No.19158881

Sure they will.

>> No.19158924

When wBCH on ethereumm? I want to earn interest on my BCH.

>> No.19158969

like i said it's just better in every which way. simpler faster cheaper also zero onchain burden.

sv can't compete with lightning. not in tx/sec not in security not in flexibility.

>> No.19158993

>not sure if satire

>> No.19159060

it's because your brain has been infested by cashie lies and fallacies so badly you are completely detached from reality... many such cases.

>> No.19159101


>> No.19159314

binance has savings account for BCH :P

>> No.19159377

Fuck off Roger.

>> No.19159472

roger is just an asshole. if you want to get bullish about bch listen to peter rizun! that guy is actually smart with a functioning brain. i don't understand how he became a cashie. probably some personal grudge.