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File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, wtc7.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19152791 No.19152791 [Reply] [Original]

>buy $100 of shitcoin
>transfer $20 to a buddy
>receives $15
>thanks me, sends it back because he doesn't need it
>receive $11

the next big thing everybody

>> No.19152805

die zoomer

>> No.19152810
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>> No.19152812

>use the remaining 11$ to claim haircomb
>buy a private island

>> No.19152814

YEAH the absolute state

>> No.19152829

wtf can someone explain this webm? Did they really control demo tower 7? why??

>> No.19152855
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it is false flag to invade arabs

>> No.19152896

100% pure bluepilled. It was demo'd by the jews to weaken the white race

>> No.19152899

Low IQ take.
If you didn't realize that bitcoin's structure makes it a settlement token first and foremost then you missed the script.
Low Tx rate actually increases scarcity further which makes it even more suitable for institutions. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows it is not a p2p solution for microtransactions. And this is actually a good thing because it creates market incentives for second layer solutions, if it had higher Tx rate then no company would have a reason to interact with it whatsoever.

BTC will win and if you didn't realize this by now you are retarded.

>> No.19152946
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well the jews wanted the US to invade didn't they ?
the jews did a false flag using the arab flag didn't they ?

>> No.19152972

>btc will win
It really won’t. Once mainstream realizes how shitty it is then it’s over.

>> No.19153002
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That subtle .webm redpill though

>> No.19153009

You clearly never heard of pressure.

>> No.19153026

>Muh pressure
>Bro it fall, because you know, pressure

>> No.19153036

This is where the whole "muh digital gold" cope comes from. People trying to spin a negative as a positive

>> No.19153173
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How much was Donnie boy involved in this? How much was he involved with what's going on in the present?

>> No.19153317

This. How embarrassing for OP. Imagine making a post like this, thinking that you are on to something. fucking lel

>> No.19153336

Bitcoin is not a currency

>> No.19153339


>> No.19153525

he knows for a fact that the buildings were demolished
it seems he was approached by blue bloods steer the country away from communism

>> No.19153921

Don't be a faggot and use ETH. Fuck the system. Fuck blockstream.

>> No.19153928
File: 117 KB, 1059x952, ca20ef2a-90fd-41b2-b376-82be8ab48c6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel, BTC is shit wrapped in dogshit, wrapped in catshit.

BSV is the only true bitcoin.

>> No.19154064

My iq is around 130.
Bitcoin will fail because its becoming more and more centralized, and decentralization is its main strenght for now. You think banks and big money will use the bitcoin blockchain when it will become 90% controlled by a few big chinese miners, because that will happen. The average dude can no longer mine bitcoin, and thats why it will die. It has been hijacked by blockspace, chinese and scammers. The whole crypto market is run by scammers because they had the chance to control it as opposed to old markets. Bitcoin will not work without block rewards and there have been written several academic papers on this, and they have done much more research than you ever will. Nearly No one will use the bitcoin blockchain to transact in the future, it will all be pushed to sidechains and 3rd party actors, which will decrease miner revenue. And miners will be incentivised to undercut and selfish mine to make more profit. In the end there will only be a few million bitcoin in circulation, since bitcoins get lost every day, and that is extremely bad for any economic system. Having a max supply is fucking stupid, as the value of a network is decided in the amount of value being moved daily, and bitcoin transactions will likely fall to very low levels.

>> No.19154082

its not a good store of value either. And the network will lose decentralization. Actually, several other blockchains will be more decentralized in the future.

>> No.19154142

Hahaha and I was mad about losing 1/3 of my profits in exchange fee doing high Lev trading

>> No.19154174

poorfag cope thread. don't worry guys, for small transactions you will always be able to use libra or beancash lol

>> No.19154180

bitcoin is a pump and dump, manipulated by whales. Thats the truth no matter how you spin it. I´m and oldfag and i´ve been in this space long. Scammers saw an oppurtinity early to take over a market that was not controlled by old money. But they are even worse than old money. The blockchain tech is cool and all, but bitcoin will not work since it has too few features, and it does nothing better than any existing option. For a crypto to succeed, it needs as many features and usecases as possible, a big ecosystem thats having flow of value in many different ways. Something like Ethereum, but ETH also has major problems

>> No.19154228
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>webm related
>BTC is a controlled demolition

>> No.19154241

Based and block stream pilled

>> No.19154267

There’s a lot of people smarter than you who think it’ll succeed who the fuck cares just buy it then you’re right either way.

>> No.19154317
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This. BTC is ONLY for settlements because Blockstream removed all capability for it to do payments, which is why it requires shoddy banking applications like Lightning. It's a bold play and seems to really only benefit payment processors and bankers. I can't think of a singular reason why individuals and businesses would be attracted to such a sham.

Bitcoin on the other hand has instant payments and 1/10 of a cent transactions. No abortion payment networks like Lightning required. It's pretty fantastic desu senpai.

>> No.19154334

Bitcoin is absolutely a currency.

>> No.19154345

can you cope harder braincel

>> No.19154448

>bait thread
BTC has the advantage of the strongest network effect.
BTC has the longest-running blockchain in existence.
Is there even one exchange that does not support BTC?
Because it is essentially unkillable and has the most adoption/acceptance, BTC will remain the #1 cryptocurrency for the foreseeable future. It is excellent for long-term storage of wealth. It's portability is also unmatched.

>> No.19154460

Uniswap doesn't support btc, get fucked

>> No.19154501

>he knows for a fact that the buildings were demolished

I recall a video of him saying it didn't make sense that the planes could crash the towers and that he spoke to the architect who said the towers were designed to withstand plane crash.

>> No.19154580

>token flipper doesn't do BTC trades
no I mean actual exchanges that deal with actual cryptocurrencies

>> No.19154592

lake of molten steel for months
if building is damaged it will first keel over
it was an internal USA operation headed by the vice president Dick himself
patriot act and the beginning of the New World Order

>> No.19154594

You lack understanding in economic theory so therefore chant
You’d need to change the monetary policy behind Bitcoin to increase velocity. If you wanted to make people spend their BTC then advocate for no supply cap and constant inflation of 3% per year and HUGE BLOCKS. This would get people to spend and not hoard. Oh wait that’s what the FED does!!!!

>> No.19154618 [DELETED] 

Nah I just think you’re retarded and I’m smarter than you

>> No.19154625


>> No.19154643

you are using fallacies and missing points
just so you can remain ignorant on purpose

>> No.19154687
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>> No.19154691

>token flipper
please guys get on my level

>> No.19154727

If you think the current money system and money creation is just dandy then fuck off and continue consooming, retard. People aren't going to stop spending if the money system becomes more stable than fucking gold or stops devaluing into worthlessness each year like with fiat. Their purchasing habits will change, but that's only disastrous for producers of worthless shit and reckless investor types.

>> No.19154733

Because the way I see it. Big blocks won’t do shit just like how people are hoarding US dollars right yet the FED printing trillions. The “ability” to spend doesn’t mean fuck all when you believe your purchasing power will increase into the future.

>> No.19154805

You’re the one advocating for big blocks. I’m telling you it won’t create velocity because of the way Bitcoin is designed from an economic perspective. The hard cap and continuously disinflationary pressure will allow people to save money and accumulate capital. This is great in the long run for many reasons. I’m not saying the current system is good I am saying you’re coming at this from the wrong angle. If you want “transaction speed and velocity” the blocksize isn’t what you should be trying to change.

>> No.19154839

you are a shill now
there is no way you can be that retarded

>> No.19154876

Do you understand this post above? Because I think the blocksize debate is really dumb and a lot of people are hooked on spending but with hard money that comes later down the road anyways once every has accumulated capital purchasing power has risen dramatically then velocity picks up to a degree to create a balance. This is how gold worked when gold was money and what buildings were built to last and the artwork took a lifetime because quality and sound money are definitely correlated.

>> No.19154889

I'm confused where the fuck he's pulling blocksize and deflation out of too. Unless the next move from Blockstream is to push for a cap removal in new Bitcoin minted and they're just laying out the groundwork now.

>> No.19154968

Don’t call me retarded tell me why from an economic perspective why blocksize has anything to do with having an incentive to spend? I can spend my US dollars right now too but I’m not because we are going into a deflationary period where there’s a massive dollar shortage and my dollars are going to increase in purchasing power.

>> No.19155028


>> No.19155110

No there’s not going to be a cap removal. You just can’t comprehend what I’m saying can you. If you want to INCENTIVIZE people to SPEND them you need to do what the FED does and increase the supply of money, change the emission rate to then affect the VELOCITY. if you do not change the monetary policy of BTC then raising the blocksize is pointless in year 2020. There’s significant advantages to a small blocks from a security standpoint and until BTC reaches 5th phase it doesn’t make sense from an economic perspective to take the risk.

>> No.19155168

If you truly think we are gonna get inflation because you see the FED printing trillions. That’s not how inflation works. Did you see what happened in 08’ did you not notice how hard it was for us to get inflation? Do you not pay attention to the Dollar Index and see it increasing in value you god damn fucking retard. No wonder you want big blocks you think
>fed print money = inflation
>dollar go down in value
You fucking retard.

>> No.19155261

I've already explained how this will effect spending, but you're literally a retarded shill with an agenda.

>If you truly think we are gonna get inflation
Already happening.

>Did you see what happened in 08’ did you not notice how hard it was for us to get inflation?
Yeah inflated asset prices.

not sending their best/10

>> No.19155403

911 was unironically an inside job

Dancing israelis

>> No.19156467

The blocksize will increase overtime but not as fast as you’d like and for good reason. The way Bitcoin is designed it’s healthier for blocksize to grow over an extremely long period of time as adoption increases (and no adoption does not equal tx speed) BTC is only 150 billion mcap that’s incredibly small and the network is still vulnerable. For some reason you believe that fast transaction will help bootstrap the network but the reason BTC is alive today is because of the unchanged monetary policy, scarcity, emission rate etc.

>> No.19156593

I don’t know how else to explain it to you. One day when you’re very old you’ll look at Bitcoin and the blocksize will be much bigger than what you even thought it could be. This will because internet bandwidth/hardware will catch up as well. You understood Blocksize go up but you weren’t patient enough to let the game theory play out.

>> No.19156597

stfu faggot

>> No.19156636

Exactly my point. Whatever animosity you have needs to be put aside and just learn. Being bitter will cost you more money in the long run.

>> No.19156679

literally gay

>> No.19156740

>once mainstream realizes it's oer

Source: my ass

>> No.19156769

Good thing Bitcoin isn't going to find its way into mass adoption by the masses first. It'll take business leaders who utilize it for backend applications. Then everyone else will start to use it as demand grows and it actually does shit people need. hodl is a fucking joke.

>> No.19156828


worth 9.5k each

>actually does shit people need, hodl is a fucking joke

Source: my ass.

>> No.19156831
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Exceptionally based.
>140 iq
>Bitcoin is obsolete
>sorry frens

>> No.19156965

I can do the same magic trick with fiat across banks

>> No.19157091

>degenerate gamblers and retards will be the drivers of technological innovation and not savvy business people

Enjoy your musical chairs.