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19151996 No.19151996 [Reply] [Original]

Stop the silly investing, start doing something profitable like being a public educator in Illinois

>> No.19152022

those kids go to harvard and shit though, the best teachers are worth that much. If we privatized education across the board this is what you would see.

I would rather my taxes go to the top tier teachers than to Tyquon and his 6 kids on food stamps.

>> No.19152051

It's no wonder it's the most bankrupt state in the country. Public school teachers, not even once

>> No.19152080

>those kids go to harvard and shit though

>> No.19152085

List of male names in childhood education = principals.

>> No.19152103
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>> No.19152112

I'll never understand why the leftcels are so obsessed with landlords making so much money doing nothing while school principals work less than part time fry cooks and make a half of a million dollars

>> No.19152166

But dude teachers gotta buy their own pencils, they are actually like really really poor

>> No.19152167

Illinois is my home state and is bleeding people so fast they are threatening a tax on moving out of state
Get out while you can

>> No.19152174
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I think they produce a lot of athletes, anon

>> No.19152195

The media paints teachers as fucking heros

>> No.19152214

>Get out while you can
Already did, I moved to Kansas 6 months ago.

>> No.19152225

They ARE heroes. They buy pencils with THEIR OWN money. Can you believe such a thing? An occupation where the worker buys their own tools? I have never heard such a thing. They should be paid for their summer vacations off. Imagine how tough it is working in an air conditioned classroom. An absolute nightmare.

>> No.19152264

Illinois is a hilariously corrupt state. These must be cronies of the state government getting hooked up with these jobs for pulling strings somewhere. I'm sure the average teacher is only pulling in ~$50k and their pensions are insolvent.

>> No.19152307
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$0.24/EA. How could we expect them to pay for this shit

>> No.19152319

Wow you're right those poor average teachers are victims of corrupt parasitic government, I'm sure that 50k isn't well above average income for the state and especially above average for how many hours teachers actually work. they are definitely victims of high tax government without a doubt

>> No.19152349

I moved out of Illinois three months ago. Best decision I have ever made. You won’t miss your family as much as you think, if they decide to stay, leave them behind.

>> No.19152350

>he thinks getting into Harvard has anything to do with your brain

>> No.19152384

>I'm sure the average teacher is only pulling in ~$50k and their pensions are insolvent.
Maybe but I know they could 6x in a near future if they could suffer buying their own pencils

>> No.19152387

It's a third world country. You pay an extremely high cost of living to live in a place as miserable as West Virginia or Moldova.

>> No.19152399

Are you a public educator, anon?

>> No.19152405

Hmm I dunno, not that many jews in illinois outside of chicago

>> No.19152412

Imagine living in a 3rd world country where education is not a pillar of society and treated as such

fucking mutts

>> No.19152460

>Education = more welfare for shitty teachers

>> No.19152474

What state did you move to anon? Please tell us :^)

>> No.19152513
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Imagin being fully propagandized and thinking the worthless government education you received has any factor on your sucess in life over your genetically inherited IQ and personality factors. You'll see how effective your education system truely is after you blow a few trillion in tax money trying to bring 3rd world peasants up to the level of whites for 3 or 4 generations like the US has.

>> No.19152627

It's funny, China, South Korea, and Japan take education much more seriously than practically anywhere else on Earth and it is without a doubt the pillar of their respective civilizations and it never translated into more vacation time and retirement at 40.

>> No.19152799

>treated as such fucking mutts
Please torture me by forcing me to buy my own pencils and pay me merely 6 figures salary

>> No.19152822

>China, South Korea, and Japan
Homogeneity helps

>> No.19152879

Whites are really stupid faggots these days , wtf you talking bout?

>> No.19152893

Teachers don't want education to become the pillar of society because if it was they would have to teach during the summer time and even visit their students houses for dinner like Japanese teachers. Also 90 percent of teachers would be fired and replaced with men with actual experience

>> No.19152956

Point is that a society that actually takes education seriously probably aren't places where teachers are screaming for higher wages and more time off but in fact places where parents beat the shit out of their kids for not earning the absolute highest marks. Europeans do not see education as the pillar of society, they actually see leisure time as the pillar of civilization which is why you see many westerners, Europeans especially constantly bragging about their vacation time and how much less they have to work and not how hard they work like the Asians.

>> No.19153179

US public schools are glorified day care facilities specifically designed to allow mom and dad to both work. The vast majority of the content is filler material.

>> No.19153709
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It helps when you don't have to worry about niggers while pursuing education

>> No.19153771

>mom and dad to both work
I have a housewife and two kids. It is hard to make a lot of money in a one household income.