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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 985x311, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1912682 No.1912682 [Reply] [Original]

It wasnt enough he made all of /biz/ into bagholders....

now he is mining all of your emails (if you replied to his fucking thread about creating a secret trading club and you used YOUR EXCHANGE EMAIL LOGIN ADDRESS)

1. Hes mining your logins

2. Hes asking how much money you have to know which accounts to crack.



>> No.1912720

Gonna need to actually see the email first. Never emailed him, but something like this can be faked pretty easily without showing the actual email being used.

Not saying you're wrong.

>> No.1912721

I'll give you a bump for curiosity.

>> No.1912725

i have all madmans info address real name etc. if i keep seeing madman threads im releasing it

>> No.1912729

i gave him my secondary email and i use 2fa regardless on all my exchanges so he cant get me

>> No.1912735
File: 11 KB, 228x221, 2346432856466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he can't just call your SIM provider and pretend to be you to gain access

>> No.1912740

This guy's a fucking kike that's already tried to scam anons a couple times, anyone falling for his shit is beyond help at this point.

>> No.1912748

Holy fucking shit.

OP is right. I absolutely have been receiving an unbelievable amount spam ever since I emailed the "madman". I have been receiving it non-stop and can't get it to stop despite unsubscribing and blocking all of it. This happened right after I emailed him too.

This is absolutely a scam people. If someone else is reporting the same thing, then I am absolutely positive of it.

>> No.1912752

Hey madman here. This is lies and slander.

Please stop trying to tear down the brand name.

I have bigger plans than trying to sell some teenager’s fake email addresses...

>> No.1912753

Good to know

Again, I want to see the email, but it sounds very plausible. Glad I never bothered to be interested in his threads.

>> No.1912758

How could I possibly steal your money by receiving your emails?

>> No.1912769

The only reason I don't want to show you the email is because he will see it and recognize that it was me and I'm kind of afraid of that.

However, I am absolutely positive the amount of spam advertisements I started getting, which was minimal at first, became unbearable the same day this guy had my e-mail. There's no other explanation for it because I didn't use it for anything else.

Trust me when I say you should not email him.

>> No.1912771

i’m really sorry to hear this dude. i promise you the two events are unrelated.

how much can you sell one email address for? like 2 pennies?

>> No.1912778

I'm not asking about your email, more OP's. I am willing to believe you right now.
>ITT: juicy /biz/ drama

>> No.1912788

Also Madman did 9/11

- madman

>> No.1912794

Does it occur to you that if you actually made people money there wouldn't be an entire thread ridiculing you?

But no, everyone else is getting it wrong.

>> No.1912796


youre pathetic. karma is the only hocus pocus ive ever believed in.

>> No.1912800

Madman endorses BAY.

Therefore I endorse Madman.

>> No.1912806

Broken clocks.

>> No.1912810
File: 938 KB, 1502x842, Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 9.18.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check my dubs - Madman is on our side. Maybe if you aren't comfortable giving him your email don't join his gay little club

>> No.1912814
File: 29 KB, 971x419, scam2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, here.

>> No.1912816

Good info anon

>> No.1912819

Just release it, little scamming weasels like this need to have their shit kicked in so they can learn the repurcussions of stealing.

>> No.1912820


>bumping your own downfall thread

>> No.1912831

I'm not cryptogods, as I said I've never emailed him and I have no idea who he is beyond seeing some OP threads about him pumping trashcoins

I'll sure as hell bump this

I just don't like to rush into shit

>> No.1912838


yeah noticed that. mixed up ids. been a long day about to go to bed.

hope this thread stays up and bumped.

that second question in the email is beyond sketch i cant even believe hes allowed to post here freely.

>> No.1912839
File: 72 KB, 866x1300, kneepads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related

They just want to rope you into their programming tower of babel.

Pathetic really.

>> No.1912847

How do people do this? They simply guess your provider is Verizon, call them up, and Verizon lets them in for just saying they need help?

>> No.1912849

How is he scamming you fucking retard

You think having an email is enough to fucking hack you you stupid retard?

>> No.1912851
File: 29 KB, 992x493, scam3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panic sets in.

>> No.1912856

My mobile carrier doesn't have any callcenter so that's impossible . Kill yourself btw

>> No.1912860


meh forgot to block my email, its my throwaway as you can see from the name

>> No.1912865

How is he going to hack you? is this some kind of 12 year old faggot thread?

>> No.1912874


quit resetting your router and replying madman.

we see you.

>> No.1912915

>He thinks people can hack him by knowing his email

Whoooaaaa I Just hacked the director of the FBI!!!

>> No.1912925


yes we should all give him our emails and our crypto holding amounts on our exchanges.

>> No.1912930

yes, you can do that or you can not join the group.

it’s up to you. nobody is forcing you to email us.

>> No.1912938

someone should take this to /baph/ lol

>> No.1912944


im trying to help the poor souls that think its a good idea to tell an internet stranger how much capitol you have.

>> No.1912968

what is dangerous about disclosing that information?

is there actually a way to steal someone’s crypto by knowing how much crypto they have + email address? seems like a big security flaw lol

>> No.1912974


literally the first rule of using money on the internet.


common sense 101

youre not fooling a soul.

>> No.1912979

Look up something called "social engineering." All it takes is one fool giving up too much information and then someone can get in to your private shit.

Don't underestimate criminals.

>> No.1912992

That's ridiculous. I tell people shit all the time.

What, is my bank account going to get spontaneously drained because people know my email?

>> No.1912996

Yeah so if somebody knows:
1) how much is in my bank account
2) my email address
then they can steal all my fucking money!?!?!?!

this thread makes no sense. stop being so salty.

we are trying to build a group more powerful than /biz/ could ever imagine. Join us or sit on the fucking sidelines.

*mic drop*

- madman

>> No.1912999


>> No.1913024

The majority of people who have applied expressed interest in using Discord, so that is most likely the direction we will be headed in.

>> No.1913033

>he uses a hate thread toward himself to make announcements about his group of goyim
you guys are getting kiked

>> No.1913038

This is the master plan for this group:

1. Build a /biz/ army. (Recruit over email and eventually create a private Discord/Slack group to communicate.)
2. Plan and execute pumps of high volume coins on the scale of PIVX.
3. Educate and build awareness of coins that have real value and a future, for long-term investing. (specifically BitBay)
4. Just be all around, nice, friendly people looking to educate and support the crypto world.

If this is a mission you believe in, please join.
If it is not, then do nothing.


>> No.1913147

Guys, we just broke 100 fucking members!

This is going to be legendary.

The Gods of Crypto are accepting applications until 10AM EST on April 1st. People of ALL wallet sizes are welcome.

you can apply privately by emailing: thegodsofcrypto@gmail.com

We would also like to make it clear that giving us your email address will not allow us to “hackz” you or whatever nonsense shitheads on this board are spewing.

>> No.1913180

Told you suckers not to trust his fuck face, he's worse than that Tai "check out my Lamborghini" spic.

>> No.1913209


Holy fucking shit dude

This is the funniest thread I've seen on biz. Feel bad for God's of crypto and his 3 buddies. "Just broke 100 fucking members"...jesus dude I don't even know if 200 people regularly post on biz

>> No.1913215

Someone come play blockchain poker with me, take my money.


>> No.1913258

I mean anyone who knows anything about dox can easily see this is the case. Forget the methodology the guy is clearly slavic.

>> No.1913269

They do.

The employment poll a year and a half ago or so got 500 votes within like two-three days

>> No.1914534


>> No.1914585

It's true his face was a dead giveaway to how much of a cunt he is.

>> No.1914593
File: 3 KB, 135x90, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are telling me there are people that actaully believed Madman? and emailed him hahahahaha

it was obvious right from the start he was trying to scam people

>> No.1914601

For real, his pump and dumps were all pre pumped to begin with. How much of a retard can you be?

>> No.1914604

>trusting Madman.
Fucking kek.

>> No.1914610


>implying /biz/ is even moderated anymore

>> No.1914618

There are people that believe me. There are people that have emailed me, and our group is growing every time you trolls write another shit post.

I’ve never scammed anybody, please show me one piece of proof showing that i’ve scammed someone.

>> No.1914623


serious question though, I doesn't even seem like it is moderated

>> No.1914630
File: 202 KB, 1080x720, madman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have ID's here.
You are not the real Madman.
I am.
Now go fuck yourself.

>> No.1914647
File: 158 KB, 1080x720, 3-30-17-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckwitme senpai-o

i am the real madman and i have never scammed anyone.

>> No.1914652

see pic proof.
at a coffee shop this morning, old ID was my house last night

>> No.1914661

Scamming isn't against the law if brainlets willingly participate in whatever you're selling and then get mad if they don't like it.

I'd say good for you, madman. Brainlets deserve to be squeezed out of every penny they have.

>> No.1914668

Okay, thanks.

But still not scamming. Just throwing out random coin names and hype to create a little entropy. That’s not a scam, usually I don’t even buy into the coins. I just like seeing the madness.

>> No.1914673

I did that on purpose cause i wanted you to post a new pic of you :3

I think you're cute

>> No.1914679

Every madman pump is the same, he announces a coin with an existing upward trend (pre pumped obviously), it rises for 2 minutes and then crashes right down. You get a bunch of assmad retards going WHAT HAPPENED and Madman going "wow weird something went wrong lol sorry". My favorite thing on biz is watching the salt in those threads

>> No.1914680

aww thanks senpai, i bet you’re cute too.

surprised nobody has made fun of the fact that i wear the same sweater almost everyday

>> No.1914684

Yes, that is why i stopped doing that whole madman pump n dump thing. It was fun, but a waste of time.

My next project, The Gods of Crypto will be a legitimate group with actual purpose and direction.

We will educate the mainstream world on why crypto is the future. And we’ll all make a fuck ton of money while doing that.

>> No.1914686

I'll eat my words if it works but my level of trust for you is in the dirt. Either you've been shady at worst or stupid at best thinking you were helping people. Unless everyone involved was in from the start you were going to be leaving the last minute people in the dust.

>> No.1914695

Yeah dude, completely understandable, the pump n dump stuff was stupid. I came to the light and realized I shouldn’t be taking money from my fellow /biz/raelis.

We’re all here to learn and try to make a buck, but we shouldn’t be taking from one another.

Moved on to better things now :) the plan is for this group to be very open and democratic.

>> No.1914703
File: 625 KB, 4096x2731, djtrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i totally get it.

if i was you, i would think “madman” was a piece of shit too. but that’s why the brand works so well ;)

>> No.1914706

the gods of crypto will Make Crypto Great Again


>> No.1914874

He is a mod and this entire board exists to scam u...

>> No.1914876

Fucking doit fuck that mutherfu ker

>> No.1914977

Proof , mate every thread I've seen your pump and dumps are over before they even started and on pre-pumped coins and whenever anybody critizes you all you say is 'for the people that made some money congratz and the people who lost better luck next time :^)'

>> No.1914983

your music pump was shit, it was barely even 20 satoshis

why would i want to join your scam group, u dumb lying negro

>> No.1916334

Thank-you for opening up about your insider trading ring, you will all be under investigation soon.