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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 514x960, 2XMN2Lt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19120681 No.19120681 [Reply] [Original]

Buying a home is the easiest way for an average Joe to become wealthy

I'll make this quick:

$150,000 house
FHA loan
3.5% down = $5,250

After taxes, title, closing costs (rolled into loan), MIP, home insurance, EVERYTHING...not a dime over $900/month

in 5 years, you'll have over $20,000 in equity IF the market stays the same (more than likely you'll have closer to $30,000)

you use that equity as leverage to put down on another $150,000 home and rent out your old one for $1,300/month easily

congrats, you're essentially now paying $300/month for your new house while your own personal rentcuck pays your mortgage, all in 5 years. Imagine what you could do with that extra $600/month

Can you imagine being a rentcuck at 30 years old when you could have just done this at 25 and be sitting in a nice, comfy home paying a third of what the rentcuck is paying AND collecting that sweet, sweet equity?

renting is hella low-IQ

>> No.19120705


>> No.19120716

based. you know who also has an extremely high rate of renting? joggers....

let that sink in

>> No.19120738

sabrina sazuki

>> No.19120744

Thanks anon. I will do this forever and I will not stop until I own all the houses in the world.

>> No.19120778

Best version of this OP by far, keep it up Homeowner Anon.

>> No.19120963

>$150,000 house
The median home value in the United States is $248,857. A discount of 40% from that means that it is an extremely undesirable place to live.

>> No.19120985

Welcome to being a boomer 20 years ago anon. No really, this is a good strategy but it's hardly a fucking secret lmao.

>> No.19121020

thats a man

>> No.19121030


>> No.19121037

This. $150k is either out in the boonies tract suburban housing in a cheap metro or some inner city ghetto. At best a condo in an okay neighborhood in some small US city. $300k seems to be about the entry point to a desirable neighborhood in the top 10-15 US metros. $650-$700k if it's an attractive coastal metro neighborhood.

>> No.19121049

perfect for an overpriced rentable >: )

>> No.19121084

>Homeowner anon
This is clearly some minimalist renter who is too lame to buy a house so he's trying to get people to make rash decisions and end up in a lot of debt. Buying a house isn't always the right choice.

>> No.19121092

>5 years , $20,000

Shit.. fck that, if you get in the right crypto you make that in a week.

>> No.19121106

Find the name yourself, lazy fucking faggot. It’s a 10 year old pic with a million reposts.

>> No.19121144


>> No.19121239

that is including homes that are in the 10s of millions of dollars

small brain
>"A substantially smaller share of Millennials—born between 1981 and 1997—own homes (32%) than do older generations (the rate is 60% for Gen X and 75% for Baby Boomers). Even the stronger-than-you-probably-expected 37% of older Millennials who own lags the 45% of Gen-Xers and Boomers who did so at the same age."
what city do you live in? I'll find a decent home for $150,000.

if you can't find a decent home for that much, your rent is also closer to $1,300/month and LOL @ that. you could get a $230,000 house for that much

also LMFAO @ people who live in Cali/Jew York

>> No.19121281

sounds like a great way to be barely upper middle class by the time you're 55 and all your joints hurt

>> No.19121296
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That better be a bag of coke.

>> No.19121326

150,000 is low for houses these days

>> No.19121335

do you guys prefer single family or multi familty?
I heard multi family makes more money, but single family is easier to manage (tenants cut their own grass, etc)
I have no intention to become rich, I just want to retire early
John Schaub prefers single family, iirc he has 25 houses and manages them himself with a part-time employee

>> No.19121336

Yeah right my credit score is like 450

>> No.19121352

great price for a starter home

what city do u live in?

>> No.19121367


No my brother thats a penis

>> No.19121369

>referring to your golden good as “the rentcuck”


>> No.19121465

I live in a small city in South Carolina. However, I bought land and building my own house.

>> No.19121569

Too stupid to understand what median means. This is a flyover state education in action, and why the most successful people in the world make sure their kids grow up in New York/ California.

>> No.19121770

Laugh all you want but homeowners in coastal California (especially) or the NYC area see nice appreciation on homes. ESPECIALLY the wealthy conservative neighborhoods in these areas. You are not going to make money in flyover country via owning a home unless it's in some gentrifying neighborhood in a city like Chicago, Houston, Dallas, or Austin. Owning acres of land is one thing but owning a home to make money is different.

>> No.19122132


Yeah where I live $150k gets you a house the size of a postage stamp that looks like a crack house

>> No.19122217


>house prices always go up, forever
>you can always rent out your other properties, forever

>> No.19122219

Is it possible for an average guy with 50k down to get a mortgage for a quad-plex that costs $850k ?

>> No.19122241
File: 25 KB, 828x603, U.S. Housing Price Index Since 1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than likely you'll have closer to $30,000
big kek
you have swallowed boomer advice
extrapolate out just 30 years and explain how it could possibly continue at your expected rate

>> No.19122252


Is this true? Can you guys get a 96.5% mortgage? And then when you've barely 20k paid off, use that as collateral/ equity for ANOTHER mortgage? That is absolutely insane. The amount of retards who would "own" multiple properties on paper. Insane.

Jesus christ. Here in Ireland its a deposit of 20% minimum, and your mortgage is at x3.5 your salary.

>> No.19122264

Loser lmao

>> No.19122297

That huge increase from $50,000 to $300,000 represents a growth rate of only 6.2%/year when spread over 30 years. (Remember, this is price increase only.)

You might be more interested to know that the average annual home price increase for the U.S. during the whole 1900 - 2012 period was only 3.1%/year -- just a shade better than the inflation rate of 3.0%/year


>> No.19122318

Please....please OP....please tell me that's a man god damnit!!!!

>> No.19122540

>what is a median

>> No.19122643

but anon
you can't live in a real annualized return of 8%

>> No.19122860

> make $100,000
> live at home for ten years
> $1,000,000
$40,000 for life..u r now retired m8

>> No.19122908

yes, please tell me more about how a 25 year old can afford a home in """coastal California""" or Jew York

small brain, so so small. itty bitty

enjoy your beaners and being bent over and fucked by the long dick of the law (which is controlled by literal tranny lovers)

>> No.19122959

but anon
don't you know only virgins live at home
real men who get lots of hot pussy own $150,000 houses in Midwestern suburbs

>> No.19122997
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>> No.19123017

what city do you live in

>> No.19123109

I live in your head rent free
what city do YOU live in

>> No.19123146
File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, pepehappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my dream anon. Its the only way ill leave the wagecuck life behind.

>I won't be the one living in my first house

>> No.19123293


and you?

>> No.19123321

>sabrina sazuki

>> No.19123343


>> No.19123546

Quite a few 25 year olds do, or they at least get a condo that'll appreciate (in California). It's not impossible and 25 is when you should be planning for it. I can see you don't have much vision and get offended easily. Might want to change that if you want to make it

>> No.19123552

Metro population of about 200,000 so not even that small. Almost 50% jogger though. Still, your point stands.

>> No.19123605

yep, thats what I thought

>> No.19123626

show me a condo a 25 year old can afford in coastal California, please and thank you

>> No.19123775

>5 years for $20,000 equity

Fren, please save yourself further embarrassment. It's obvious you live in a cracked out shithole. No one wants to live like a nigger and wait 5 years to make $20,000. I make $20,000 in 2 months jerking off and shit posting. Get a fuckin grip and open your eyes you trashy scum fuck.

>> No.19124022


>> No.19124127

thats what I thought, rentcucks getting dabbed on left and right

>> No.19124135

Use Zillow or Trulia and find one yourself. There's plenty within the LA Basin that are in good or gentrifying neighborhoods. I can't keep holding your hand small town boy

>> No.19124151

darude sandstorm

>> No.19124153
File: 263 KB, 1200x631, burdenofproof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao nice fallacy you absolute moron

>> No.19124158

Wow you couldnt even wait a couple minutes. How do you expect to own a house if you cant even use easy ass house searching websites

>> No.19124183

you legitmately sound like a teenager

>> No.19124193

You're not 25. You're 15 which means you actually have time to save up a little bit for a good deal. Good luck to you in growing up

>> No.19124213

>still no proof



>> No.19124223

Imagine being such lowly trash that your largest aspirations in life are owning a dump for $150,000 USD

>> No.19124233

No where are there $150,000 homes near where businesses are hiring.

>> No.19124235

neck yourself.

>> No.19124240

Rent out my house to someone who passed all background checks and had references from prior property managers
They go off the rails 4 months later, smoke meth, trash house, stop paying rent, costs me $1k in court fees to evict, $1.4k insurance premiums for repairs, $10k to clean the meth contamination off walls, yeah wealth creation is as easy as "buy house, rent it out"

>> No.19124257

The aspirations of a teenage from bumfuck nowhere USA yet LARPs as a real estate mogul

>> No.19124383
File: 60 KB, 500x495, tumblr_inline_nt0vfexkpK1spsojg_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you to take a look around you. your tiny, dirty walls and carpet. your tiny box cluttered with cheap furniture and dimly lit. its a Friday and that faint musk of marijuana seeps through the walls as the bass from the niggers stereo next door grows louder and louder. you can not escape. you cant even go outside as the niggers will see you.

"ayo Jerome, look, that weird ass white boy is outside. tell him to come kick it with us"

>"heh, no thanks, I'm tired hehh..."

"ight fuck u den white boy"

>"ok sorry"

>> No.19124416

lol yeah maybe you shouldnt rent to meth addicts?

>> No.19124427
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>> No.19124442

what city do you live in

>> No.19124462
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>> No.19124481

I'll certainly keep that in mind, thanks for the suggestion

>> No.19124701

reminder, most rentcucks love their shitty little apartment just like a pig loves mud.

The rentcuck is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, leach, nigger, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But ask him where he lives and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.19124762

you are not a good judge of character and you appealed to "authority" like a cuck.

>> No.19124798

When you take out a mortgage, the majority of the payments you make do not go to principle, goes to interest, the loan agreements do NOT allow you to rent out that dwelling. To purchase another home the banks require a much higher down payment. With the failing banking system companies like JP Morgan have recently increased the requirements for new borrowers. Keep it simple. If you purchase a home base your payment on just one income if married. This way if an income is lost the couple has less chance of loosing the home. Discipline is the key for long term success as a homeowner. Take the loan out, 30 year is fine but you are doing this for the lower monthly payment with no intentions of actually taking 30 years to pay off the home. If you make just one extra payment annually to the principle the loan will be cut from 30 year payback to 22 years. The idea is to be smart, get yourself out from under a mortgage as quickly as possible. Here in the USA you never really own a home, why do I say that? Stop paying your property taxes and see how long it is before they take the house. Anyway, owning a home gives you a long term way of protecting some of your income. Renting out homes for income works well if you heavily screen the potential renters but even the best laid out plans can go south quickly and the cost can be higher then one can afford to deal with so use cation in that regards. A person able to do basic plumbing, wiring, dry wall in addition to yard maintenance is more likely to be successful.

>> No.19124820

>the loan agreements do NOT allow you to rent out that dwelling.
nigga stop me

>> No.19124884

>the loan agreements do NOT allow you to rent out that dwelling

That’s a load of horse shit.

>> No.19124886

yeah you have to be careful because you can get in trouble if you refuse to rent to joggers but they often fail to pay their rent then you have to wait it out for 3 months while the eviction process is ongoing and they might have fucked up your home.

i mean if it was just that easy every fucking person in the country would be a landlord. there are a lot of fucking hassles that come with renting property. you need to pay someone to mow the lawn every week (or do it yourself). you need to pay someone to shovel their driveway every time it snows.

landlords are all getting fucked without lube right now. i have a friend whose dad used to own a bunch of buildings with a business partner and he got out of the business because it was a pain to have to deal with renters all the time.

>> No.19125096
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>mfw people make fun of 99% white small towns while living in 50% white cities getting robbed, raped and killed by joggers while thinking they are superior for enduring all this bullshit

>> No.19125269
File: 476 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200516-000546_Brave~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you're describing your surroundings by how eloquently you've sperged here. Take a look anon, $2.2mm 3 family duplex in Jew York.

I'll see you in 5 years after you've made your $20k in equity. By then I think my stack should be somewhere around 100x that.

What a joke middle America has become

>> No.19125308

pftthahahahahaha a fucking Google streetview screenshot hahahahahahahahahahahaha

the absolute STATE of rentcucks!

>> No.19125424
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x2268, 20200515_235821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 1am, I'm not going outside to take a picture for a low IQ inbred,

I just collected a fat bonus today and got a blow job from my secretary, here's a view of my cock. I'll be collecting my $6000 rent in two weeks. Have fun with that $20k.

The absolute STATE of hillbillycucks

>> No.19125509
File: 188 KB, 220x177, tenor (11).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the curtains
>the stacked washer/dryer because no room
>the fake fireplace to give it a more home-y feel

holy fuck you can't make this up lmfao!

>> No.19125511

I got the cash and credit but shit job history, can I still get a loan? Currently NEET

>> No.19125514

That's a foot, not a cock, dumbass.

>> No.19125538

Milana vayntrub lazy fuck

>> No.19125545

Chauncey Billups

>> No.19125649

If only you knew what life was like outside of your mom's basement, I would give you a tour of my 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 car garage home but I'm worn out. High paying careers require high IQ brainpower which tends to drain you sometimes. I'm sure stocking the shelves at Walmart might have a similar effect?

It's a blue board dumbass, spotted the only other fag in here besides OP

>> No.19125658

150k is normal for the better part of town close to work. Rural areas are half of that, inner city ghetto is 20-70k. There are cities outside of just Manhattan and Los Angeles. Those two skew the fuck out of average. Exclude them and you'll see the real prices.

>> No.19125706
File: 56 KB, 1100x825, re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't mistake leverage for genius. Just cause house prices have been going up doesn't mean they always will. Over the long term, yes. But downturns and unexpected factors will leave you insolvent and penniless.

Not to mention the amount you pay in house upkeep; if you're not good with tools you'll be paying out the ass when the shingles fall off, when the gutters fill with gunk, when the kitchen sink clogs, when your toilet sweats and damages the floor, when the pipes leak, when the pipes clog, when the basement floods, when fucking racoons get in the chimney, when squirrels get in the attic, when rats get in the basement, when your trees overgrow, and neighbors send complaints, when your grass grows too long every month, when the tiling gets black mold underneath, all the while you're getting cucked by a mortgage that tied you down to a piece of land.

Yea, I'd rather establish a good relationship with a landlord in an area with good transportation and nearby groceries and shopping. What you're saving in cash you're paying back in time and lack of freedom, and a lot of times you're not even saving in cash. Fuck real estate at these prices, it's boomer thinking.

>> No.19125721

Christine Chandler

>> No.19125801


>> No.19125829

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha imagine coming back home from work (LMAO @ *GOING* to work in NY, where 14% of you gross rats have the 'Rona... shit tier job) to a fucking 100 year old BOX with piss colored curtains from the previous tenants (read: niggers) smoking in the apartment

holy fuck and you probably pay over $1,500/ month for that shithole lmao!

enjoy your old as fuck, nasty ass apartment, rentcuck. that money is GONE, lmao!

>> No.19125871

In my city 150k is a 1bd crackhouse in a black neighborhood or a 1bd methhouse in the boonies. No thanks. Also you won’t be renting this out for $1300, most likely you will be renting it out below market value so you are actually losing money.

>> No.19125983

>good with tools
Lmao what the hell, that's the kind of shit you don't even need to open Google for. If pipes leak or clog just fix it, if gutters fill just fix it, this is just common sense and anyone with a room temperature iq can figure it out in just a few seconds. Some of the stuff you listed is ridiculous, like grass growing too long. Just cut the grass ffs, no need to open your toolbox and start Gene splicing to make a grass that won't "grow too long". Fuck man, your life must be a mess. I bet you go shopping and then have a panic attack because you can't figure out why the oranges are orange, and some too much so. You must think your landlord is a genius, he knows how to use a light bulb to make light in a room and he can fix an overflowing sink with just a turk of one knob using nothing more than his hands.

>> No.19126016
File: 223 KB, 1079x2400, Screenshot_20200516-010233_Samsung Internet~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not working for a company where you can start and own your own practice, imagine not making $20k per month, imagine not owning a 3 family home worth millions somewhere that actually matters and renting out the other two units for $3k/month cash but instead purchasing a $150,000 landfill in a flyover state with a $20k roi over 5 years

It must all be so tiresome anon.. goodnight

>> No.19126062


Anon don't get offended, I'm a pipefitter who grew up working with a homebuilder father. I know how easy this shit is. But you'd be surprised how bad women or nu males are at this, and the amount of time or money it takes for them to deal with housing issues makes the value proposition a poor one. Don't get mad that I'm pointing out how stupid real estate is from an investment perspective. It's obviously not for everyone, but shills love to sell people on housing and tie them down to a stupid piece of dirt that you pay taxes on. Imagine that, paying taxes on dirt.

>> No.19126070

you realize you're on a hentai board right?

>> No.19126105

Keep in mind you will need a job when you go to apply for loans or they'll laugh at you. They want to see some proof of income to know they'll be paid back.

>> No.19126113

pffttthahahaha if i had a dollar for every time some poorfag replied me their "$10k/day" digital check stub, I'd be able to pay your rent.

i could photoshop that in 5 mins on my fucking phone

>> No.19126119

Yes anon, one that has surprisingly helped me make a lot of money. Which is why I still dwell here. I grew up on /b transitioned to /fit and no I shitpost here on /biz. I'm just tired of this inbred posting the same garbage every two days

>> No.19126151

let's see it

>> No.19126194


All these years later and she’s still /ourthot/

>> No.19126222


I want to move to NC so bad. Why did my family have to settle in Ohio and get me stuck here

>> No.19126328
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here you go faggot, now you're a millionaire

>> No.19126374
File: 1.07 MB, 434x246, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a (You), you hillbilly inbred cuck that was actually pretty funny

Stay simple-minded, stay poor, you are ngmi

>> No.19126385

$150k is a forested lot on the outskirts of Seattle

>> No.19126440
File: 202 KB, 1024x729, 7C5F9D1B-F262-4A52-9C81-278AE97E3C11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easier path to wealth is to max out IRA and 401k and only buy a primary residence or a farm homestead. OP failed to mention that owning a second property just increased your tax liability and is nondeductable. Your mortgage on 2nd home will be higher and if you can’t find a tenant or you get a tenant who skips on rent you will be paying two mortgages. More legal fees when you have to hire a lawyer to make your eviction proceedings spotless because judges love tenants and will dismiss any eviction on the slightest error. Also you need to buy insurance because YOU will be liable for injuries that happen to anyone on your rental property. Also if you ever get a creditor or judgement against you then your equity will be wiped out.

>> No.19126468

>Stay simple-minded, stay poor, you are ngmi

yet here you are, still in my thread (what is it? 3 hours later?) seething because you're a rentcuck

you said goodnight literally 30 minutes ago so i know you're tired but you just cant help hitting that refresh button.

sad. pathetic. you are a genuine loser

>> No.19126507

Perhaps, but don't be a dumbass and buy right now, right before a big contraction

>> No.19126614

It is difficult to do this with a perfect house, literally buy a fixer upper.

>> No.19126634

Could you try finding me a solid house in the Prescott, Arizona area?

>> No.19126771

Bro everyone has to start somewhere. Most people arent born with 100s of thousands of dollars in their pocket

>> No.19127217

lmao you come in here trying to swing your dick around and got cucked op. Stay broke.

>> No.19127498

That's a man.

>> No.19127752

This. Wait a year or so

>> No.19128741

What job

>> No.19128839

Jennifer Aniston

>> No.19128873

Anon discovers leveraged investments. Nothing new, may work but may also fail. If it fails you sit in the middle of a big debt carousel. I'd better get some diversification into assets. Being landlord can be quite frustrating.

>> No.19128894

Is that why I had to step over used needles and condoms when I was Cali last time? Filled with the most successful people in the world?

>> No.19129412

>3% rise in value
>+ rent or saved rent
Its a lot

>> No.19129552
File: 3.13 MB, 4608x2184, 20200516_062452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just enjoying the sunrise outside of my $1500/month condo rental.

Oh, you dropped $5k to pay a little under half of that before maintenance and general repairs to live in some shitty little suburban home, probably neighboring joggers?

I think my building's doorman did what you did. He says he enjoys paying $500/month in car bills and tolls to commute 3 hours a day to work for us.
He even said that one day, he's going to have over $20k equity in his house... and THEN he's finally gonna make it.

Gj anon, you and my door man are on the same level.

>> No.19129604

Fyi, thats an ocean view in case you were wondering what it was like to actually see beauty outside your windows... i'm sure watching your neighbors Juan and Tyrone buttfuck each other with their blinds open is very beautiful to you, op. The only dick sucking I ever see is when I bring a girl over to service me because I have the type of lifestyle attractive women crave.

Anyways, enjoy your moneypit. My landlord begged to increase my rent but I decided that him breaking even on my 5 year lease was too nice. His mortgage and hoa alone is $1400/month. Lol

>> No.19129621

property taxes vary in areas and can go up.
youre a rentoid to govt and really just subleasing

>> No.19129659
File: 451 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200516-063825_Amazon Seller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Btw, pic related. Cost me only a few grand to make this kinda money. Enjoy that 4%/year equity growth, your broker will be wanting his $11k commission for doing a few hours of actual work. Shit, isn't that already a third of your gains? Oh... that sucks.

>> No.19129701
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 0xMonero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy fucks, check out ECIT and 0xMR

>> No.19129827

What's your gross margin?

>> No.19129857

Gross margins are around 50-60% depending on item.
ROE is 300% average.

>> No.19129917

basado y pastilla roja

>> No.19130244

if it's an FHA loan it's the absolute truth. it has to be your primary residence for 1 year after which they no longer care. i have heard about mortgage companies checking on this, they will literally have a mortgage agent stop by the home at random and ask the occupant a question. https://www.fhaloans.com/articles/fha-loan-occupancy-requirements/

>> No.19130303


>> No.19130726

the reason you have an ocean view is because you're in a shipping container on a dockyard

life is pointless without a vaulted ceiling

>> No.19131233

>150,000 house
Average home around 380,000 near me
You will be buying an old home if you want something that cheap. And then don't forget to add on the cost of new roof, new water heater, mild removal. Now you're back to being poor.