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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 356 KB, 1360x550, ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19123565 No.19123565 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow ghosties...

I'm thinking Ghost is going to be a big deal and eventually worth a lot of money. People have been shitting on the whitepaper because of how it is written and because it incorporates a bunch of ideas from other projects, but the technology mentioned is solid, as are its tokenomics.

This project won't be able to be suppressed and unless I am missing something it will likely fulfill the general anti-censorship aspirations of Nakamoto and others.

So... what do we think this is going to eventually be worth and what is the make it stack? I have 500 for now.

>> No.19123581

No one has shit on the white paper aside from grammar. It's legit and the best privacy coin on the market. 0 reason for it to not be Monero marketcap

>> No.19123607

The white paper literally doesn't matter. All that matters is if McAfee can pump or bags or not.

>> No.19123615

Typical response from a brown id.

>> No.19123619

IMO it solves the core problem zCash has, no one trusts the fuck of zooko or peter Todd or anyone else. The tech may be solid but backdoored and compromised, ffs JP Morgan is infested in it I think however a crazy nut job like mcafee is someone privacy/libertarian types can get behind, it’s the closest thing to getting a coin from dread pirate roberts himself.

>> No.19123638

pot calling to kettle brown

>> No.19123653

If it hits monero mcap with the 13mil supply it should be roughly 73 dollars. I’d have 120k

>> No.19123681

>Typical respnse from a brown id

>> No.19123697

This. If I was to trust a privacy coin. I'd be ghost.

>> No.19123750

The whitepaper is pretty generic and does not go into depth on any of the technical things and how they work. Lets wait for their github to come public. If they just stole code from other projects is not based.

>> No.19123841

Unironically this. If it's a clone of zcash, that's unbelievable bullish simply because McCaffee name is synonymous with digital privacy. I mean - everyone knows that name. I can't believe this bro.

>> No.19123875
File: 475 KB, 683x605, brapmccain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name - PajeetCoin
Max Supply - However much devs need for lambo
MC - 5bil approx
What's coming, In few days:-
1. OP will get $0.50 USD for shilling
2. OP will suck a cock for curry powder
3. PajeetCoin devs will exitscam
4. Autists on /biz/ will actually buy a suicide stack like retards
5. OP will shill more
6. OP will shill more
7. OP will shill more
8. OP will shill more
9. OP will shill more
Available on all chinkshit exchanges (no 2FA, no security, Mt. Gox 2.0 guaranteed)
Haters gonna hate, but OP will be able to afford an entire bottle of estrogen pills and a value-pack of Spanx after he shills enough PajeetCoin.

>> No.19123883

he can't. he's a fucking lunatic who has murdered two people and used to fuck dogs while high on bath salts. if you have ESH sell right now and buy GHOST after the airdrop. ESH is going to drop as people sell it before they risk losing all their money when people immediately try to sell ESH after ghost is airdropped and a ton of people are going to sell their ghost immediately after it airdrops too.

>> No.19123908

do the needful

>> No.19123936

you aint getting my bags nigga.
None of us will sell our ghost for less than eshs ath

>> No.19123939

sure just like it was going to dump once the whitepaper dropped. I AM NEVER SELLING MY ESHIES OR GHOSTIES

>> No.19124440

I'm thinking exactly the opposite of this. So far people haven't been given any reason to sell, and will continue to accumulate unless they find it isn't a viable project. The token's potential value is enormous.

>> No.19124870


>> No.19126285


>> No.19126940

How does the airdrop work? Haven’t bought much crypto besides link but you buy esh, keep it in wallet and you get an equal amount of GHOST the 25th?

>> No.19126947

is there any reason to hold ESH though after the airdrop?

>> No.19126999

Their whole Switch ecosystem is fast developing

>> No.19127036

Oh yes sirs! Very well! A new toilet for my house today sirs!

>> No.19127076
File: 31 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several stuff I don't get:
first: why didn't I hear about it until it's too late ?
second: Are you guys aware of Zcash, AZTEC (Ethereum), MASP (Tezos) ?

>> No.19127077

You are talking absolut bullshit. This paper ist the worst I’d ever read. 50% of the paper is spammed by pictures and free space. No technical explanation. Compare this with ever other top 50 value token paper and you will see it’s busted.

Stop dafaq you fucking XXX to lead people in the wrong direction. You should be suspended from this board

>> No.19127803

Also, the part where we need a static public IP to run a masternode. RoFL this is not a privacy coin.

>> No.19127817

Whiter than you, brufs

>> No.19128164

Kek I posted this because I wanted to get other people's opinions. Not trying to shill, but I am enthusiastic about finally having a viable privacy coin.

I agree w you that the whitepaper is short on technical details, but if you are familiar with crypto it doesn't really explain anything that hasn't already been described elsewhere, so I didn't care about that.

If you think its a busted project, I'm not going to argue w you about it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It will be interesting to see where this goes in the next few months.

>> No.19128717

Mediocre intellect talking. There is no inherent security weakness with the use of a static IP. It is however a necessary feature of the system arcitecture if you want transactions at acceptable speeds. I ask this question. How would you hack a node with a static IP? The answer; You hack it in exactly the same way as a node with a dynamic IP.

>Bitcoin works over the TCP layer which requires knowing the IP addresses of two ends of the connection. If one IP address changes, the connection will terminate. In general, to manage disconnects, Bitcoin Core tries to maintain 8 outgoing connections at all times. It stores the IP addresses of every node that it knows about. These nodes can be ones it has connected to previously or ones that other nodes has told it about. When it loses an outgoing connection, it will attempt to make another outgoing connection to replace that connection. Thus if all connections happened to be dropped due to a dynamic IP address change, all outgoing connections will be replaced by new outgoing connections from the new IP address. Unfortunately incoming connections will not be replaced and the node will have to wait for its new external IP address to be advertised again by its peers. A node does not directly advertise its external IP address. Instead other nodes learn of its external IP address from hearing about it from other nodes that have connected to that node.

>> No.19128728

TLDR: If a node is communicating then it is known. If it is known it can be hacked.

>> No.19128754

The cia saw monero and privacy coins becoming a real threat and realised it too late to take action, so they came to McAfee to create one that would 100% be certain to blow the others out of the water, ensuring they had enough to run multiple master nodes by getting in from the ground floor. They won’t let this fail in minecraft

>> No.19128773

This tinfoil right here has a more legitimate answer as to why you shouldn't use ghost than >>19127803

But you should still use ghost

>> No.19128799

No one cares. And I mean not a single soul except for a handful of fat neets on this board. Off yourself.

>> No.19128888

So it does not matter if a node uses dynamic or static ip. You can hack and locate it either way

>> No.19129685

well why would anyone here care? we just want money

>> No.19129730

Lol look at this retard everyone. Who tries to swing this coin with an above room temperature iq, no one. Holding this for months, make me rich you lovely motherfucker.

>> No.19129741

Kys brainlet.

>> No.19129750

Didn’t say it wasn’t bullish as fuck

>> No.19129855

We have a winner! Look at the big brains on bob.

>> No.19129886
File: 303 KB, 965x751, 1589626065660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir behind name is powerful technology!


>> No.19130013

I have two questions:
1) Why match rewards to fees, then burn fees and mint rewards? Why not just hand over fees as rewards?
2) Won't the masternodes be able to know everything about the transactions they anonymize?