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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 1000x727, 9B5C10E0-94A2-4875-8AE9-ACCC8C70C997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19122543 No.19122543 [Reply] [Original]

Why do these schools make /biz/ seethe so much? Is it because they’re an eternal reminder of how they were fuck ups in high school and no shitcoin will ever change how pathetic they are? Sorry that you losers got passed over for all the good jobs and now have to gamble on shitcoins.

>> No.19122602

based hebrew logo

>> No.19122638

Because they are all kikes

>> No.19122663

But you guys are the /biz/raelis? Why would you not want to rub some sheck-,err, shoulders with the race best at making money?

>> No.19122791

I was sent stuff and thought about going but decided against it because poorfag.
UC is kind of based though. Nice campus, the professors there seem chill but give off the feeling that if you fall behind, you're fucked. Just like literally any other college, but a little less shit in regards to you questioning why you're there in the first place.

>> No.19122884

Cope. At many of these elite schools, if your family makes less than 80k or even 100k, you can go for free.

>> No.19122925

Especially if you're a nigger

>> No.19123096

>tfw graduated from brown last year

i enjoyed my time there, but their reputation dwarfs reality. once you're accepted the ivy league mystique wears off and it's just another college. they do make job recruiting a lot easier, though.

>> No.19123176

Sure, but anons seethe at anons who did go to these schools. It’s hilarious. What do you do now anon?

>> No.19123266

The kids that go there are shelter and annoying. The protest shit they do would be completely unacceptable at a community college

>> No.19123288

>wahhhhh my coworkers are annoying
Do you want to me to tell you how I know you’re a NEET? Grow up

>> No.19123326
File: 56 KB, 600x810, fucking plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised how many ivy fags there are on this board. Plenty of stupid people matriculate so ivy pedigree is no guarantee of intelligence but there is a higher concentration of generally higher quality people at those schools so there is some value to them. Like all other universities in the anglosphere they are severely handicapped by Marxist bullshit. Very wealthy but also very wasteful and inefficient institutions.

>> No.19123386

bit of a failure compared to my friends. used to work as a financial analyst but now stay home and jerk off

>> No.19123439

Wall Street Firm? What made you stop working?

>> No.19123444

At least I’m not seeking validation on an image board faggot

>> No.19123625

>Why don't you just work with the people that hate you & will only give you scraps before fucking you over?
Because they're the competition of course, duhh. It's the same with working with Chinks or Arabs or whatever, they're just inevitably going to fuck you over. Whites need to use the same strategy - exploit other races without mercy, forming temporary alliances only for pure self-interest & only look out for their own tribal interests. Those Whites that do will prosper just fine, those who don't will be absorbed into the growing pool of slave mutts. No loss, it's evolution.

>> No.19123667

And this is just pathetic. Imagine wanting to be a wagie surrounded by other wagies & thinking that's a good life lmao. Either start a business or be a NEET, but there's nothing more cucked than taking orders. The only mildly acceptable excuse would be to get enough capital & connections to start the business, then leave ASAP.

>> No.19123753

I went to Dartmouth freshman and sophomore year. Transferred out. In the real world, no one gives a fuck what college you went to unless he is a Peter Pan faggot who likes sports or something.

>> No.19123810

That’s why the best jobs and best firms hire by pedigree, right?

>> No.19123837

No they don’t. The best jobs hire by nepotism and networking.

>> No.19123904

I really don’t have time to entertain your teen movie perspective of reality. Good night. If you don’t have, what you call “elite” connections, you will never stumble your way into those circles unless you have something to offer, and you don’t. I hired a kid who went to a community college to set up a crypto mining operation for me. He makes a base 6 figure salary and I’ve introduced him to many well connected people.

I met him in Hazelden and we have made lots of money over the past five years.

>> No.19123970

I want to hear more about what you do

>> No.19124039

It's literally one of the most concrete representations of the established elite lol, that could be why people disdain it here. But I think if you aren't paying too much for it, they're a great way to leverage the people and the resources they have. Also, the name doesn't mean everything but it does mean something. I'm a sophomore at Columbia and I pay less than I would at community College to go there, so I'm having a pretty good time.

>> No.19124115

I do a lot of things. I used to be a doctor but lots my license to practice when I was 29 for diverting medication.

>> No.19124128

Based, I’m a Columbia anon too

Bollinger needs to take UW.

>> No.19124131

*lost my license.

I run several businesses now.

>> No.19124152

Are you in the Blockchain club?

>> No.19124219

I don’t feel much kinship to ivy leaguers. I think most of them are pretentious and lack the qualities to justify being pretentious. That is why I left. Don’t become attached to some identity that is created by an institution for you. Do something unique in the world.

Find the kids at Columbia that are there for their merit.

>> No.19124252

can confirm, married a brown grad. was not impressed with your dorms when staying for a week, shit felt like jail and wasn't fancy at all

>> No.19124275

Nice man, I'm not, I thought I had to have developmental experience. The only thing I can claim about blockchain is that I knew to take advantage of 2017 and netted 6k profit off of a 2k principal. Still, if we come back over the fall and are allowed to live life I'm probably gonna try and join. There was this hot girl there too lol

>> No.19124285


You're seething about other people seething, so you're wasting just as much time as they are.

>> No.19124339

Make that less than 180k for the most part. These places are literally cheaper than UC's, inc berkeley even if in state.
>sent stuff
They send shit to everybody. The benefit of a top public vs private undergraduate is that even at top public school, they give 0 fucks about you ("if you fall behind, youre fucked"). This is not the case at top privates, with the notable exceptions of
Princeton, MIT, UChicago, JHU, and Caltech
Other than those asshole schools, if you fall behind you will be generously supported at most other institutions thanks to the fat fucking endowment

>> No.19124340
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>pay +200,000 for 4 years of the same education as 20,000 will get you at a state school.

>> No.19124355

I think that might be a bit generalized though, because I'd wager most people at other colleges have their fair share of negative attributes too. There's always only really going to be a small minority of people worth enough to engage with at any college, and any institution really, I just think the proportion is higher at schools with a higher barrier to entry, even if that comes with some associated pretentiousness

>> No.19124614

Are you from a poor family? Do you have top grades and a spectacular array of extracurriculars, rec letters, test scores, and essay writing capabilities? Elite colleges will throw financial aid at you. The cost of attending Dartmouth for me, coming from a 70k family, was like 7k a year.

Are you from a poor family? Do you have shit grades? Your fault.

Are you from a rich family? Top grades? if ur family wont pay there are many tier 2 but amazing schools that will throw money at you on a merit based system to get you to come. Alabama isn't tier 2, but I know many who want there for free and in honors stem. USC will throw money at you in merit scholarships.

Are you from a rich family? Shit grades?
Your fault.

College being "expensive" is a meme that only people who are in the upper middle class have to deal with. Rich people have their families pay or get merit scholarships elsewhere. Poor get very generous financial aid from top institutions or even just good institutions. The upper middle class finds it hard to pay 60k a year for the top institutions but you can still go on a merit scholarship to places like Alabama or USC. USC throws out SO MANY merit scholarships. It is absurd. USC gives cash out the asshole to anyone who needs it

If you got shit grades than shut the fuck up because it was entirely your fault, stay poor.

Huge student debt is a meme only for art schoolers whos universities don't believe in financial aid, some law schoolers, and people too braindead to score above a 27 on the ACT

>> No.19124675

You go there for the connections. They don’t have many top programs, particularly in STEM.

>> No.19124681

I went to UCLA and I think the UCs are trash.

>> No.19124687

Even good art kids still get crazy scholarships if they're talented enough

>> No.19124689

for what

>> No.19124716

I went to Duke University and here I am


>> No.19124888

first off, fuck you. second off, higher edu is a scam for anything that requires over 5k a year (2 semesters). financial aid will only cover what your family (or whoever claimed you as a dependent) can't pay. So you coming from a 70k( i guess that means a year family) and paying 7k (your probably living on campus paying out the ass) a year must really be putting a strain on your family. Anyway, I guess you have top grades so the people funding your next 4 years must really believe in you. If you would have just gone to a state school you would have free money from financial aid and the exact same education.

Personally? I think you are a 2 year twat living on daddys money until you figure out what to do with your life. in the real world it comes down to if you can do the job or not, not what college you get in to.

>> No.19125179
File: 61 KB, 761x264, You are this retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you keep making these threads, but you're still not even a real freshman yet. Your high school is showing, and so is your ignorance.

I want you to stop posting to 4chan and bragging about your acceptance letter, and call your university's career placement center or whatever equivalent office they have. I want you to tell them that you think having their name on your diploma makes you a shoe-in for a good job.

They are going to tell you that you don't understand how any of this works, and that you need to plan on networking with professors and recruiters, and actively working to find internships and placements during your undergrad career. If you don't get your head out of your ass, you're going to join a large number of other ivy grads that effectively wasted what should have been foundational years of their lives because they thought all the hard work was done.

>> No.19125358

I said it was nice, I never said it was good.

>> No.19125523
File: 141 KB, 950x724, 3D22E216-288C-4D3F-AEF4-551E0EC6F26A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MIT MBA here. I’m seething so much

>> No.19125565

Me in the back

>> No.19125569

this is why you don't marry a woman. Look at how low quality they are compared to their men.

>> No.19126134
File: 133 KB, 1276x956, Harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not seething
These guys are literally going around telling their networks about PNK right now
They will buy my bags at 4 USD

>> No.19127423

As a kid who has gone through the college app process recently and currently attending a top 20 school and waitlisted for Harvard, I'd disagree with it being easy if you have good grades, you really have to be a superstar in ALL parts of your life AND win a crapshoot to get into any ivy league (excluding dartmouth and Cornell). If you don't get into an ivy its never entirely your fault.

But this anon is right in terms of the cost of college. If your family makes below 60 then almost every school worth its salt will give you a full ride. Same idea applies proportionally as you make a bit more (with the small exception of small lib arts schools with small endowments). People who look at the high ticket price and don't apply because of that are brainlets, usually when it says 70k the average price paid is like 25k. The high ticket price is literally just to squeeze all the money they can from international students and super rich folk. Upper middle class are the ones that get screwed, getting forced to pay like 45k a year with a 130k salary.

>> No.19127447

Which UC?

>> No.19128194

Duke is crappy tobacco farm trying to look Gothic. GTFO my thread.

>> No.19128228

Went to Oxford and I'm still seething

>> No.19129353
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