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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19120571 No.19120571 [Reply] [Original]

You dont need to know anything about me other than the fact that I know my stuff when it comes to how contracts work in the real world. I'm not important. I don't have insider connections. But I have niche expertise that you should probably find valuable. And such a gem dragged through the muck by a bunch of bizlet moonbois is funny to me. I thought I'd come here and give a quick rundown on why Kleros is more than some pakistani pump and dump.

All of you here know about Chainlink and the Oracle Problem. LINK attempts to solve the oracle problem and serves as a decentralized source of objective truths. Keyword being objective. LINK is designed specifically to take verifiable data and bring it on chain in an end to end decentralized manner that keeps the integrity of the agreement in tact. The important takeaway is that a smart contract is only as decentralized as its most centralizing element.

Outside of financial applications, most contracts cannot be boiled down to a clean representation using only logic and objective truth. Imagine a contract between two businesses where the terms specify that Client shall receive goods and services from Vendor, meeting specific deliverable milestones on set deadlines. If a flood, earthquake, or other Act of God strikes the deadlines are to be relaxed. It is not possible in this case to rationally systematize the future release of a Vendor from a deadline for an Act of God that hasn't even occurred yet. In order to enforce these clauses, you have three options.

>> No.19120591
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(1) Defy the impossible, transcend mortality and become an omnipotent god that can see the future and then program your smart contract to take into account all future circumstances

(2) Allow parties in the contract to make unilateral decisions involving termination, nonpayment, etc. This is unacceptable as it introduces ridiculous counterparty risks that defeat the advantages of a decentralized contract. Remember, a smart contract is only as decentralized as its most centralizing element.

(3) Include in the contract a mechanism that recruits SUBJECTIVE JUDGMENTS in an end-to-end decentralized manner.

A successful system for delivering high quality subjective judgments into decentralized smart contracts must minimize the loss of security in the contract through the gained attack surface of a subjective input. This system must offer powerful incentives for coherence coupled with even more powerful disincentives for incoherence. It would need to be thoughtfully distributed to avoid centralization of the supply and subsequent manipulative whale game headaches.

>> No.19120615
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Do I need to further explain to you the value of such a system? You are sleeping on a fucking gem anons. If smart contracts take off in a big way, they WILL be used for more than just Decentralized Finance. And virtually all human interactions outside of the financial realm involve SUBJECTIVITY and JUDGMENT. Smart Contracts clearly cannot just allow for a single centralized party to make unilateral decisions. We clearly are not able to see the future, so it is impossible to design contracts in a way that avoids the need for subjective judgments. So far, this has been a natural limitation in the growth of smart contracts outside of the financial sector. Shit, nobody even really TALKS about decentralizing business-to-businesss (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) contracts anymore. But guess what? It's a use case that knows little bounds. Sure derivatives move quadrillions, but when you look at the summation of all of those B2B and B2C agreements you must be looking at hundreds of trillions of dollars which is nothing to shake a stick at.

Chainlink and Kleros are Yin and Yang. LINK if successful will achieve a significantly greater final/peak valuation simply from the nature of Finance being a heavy sector, but PNK is in it's infancy with a clear head start, incubation from Thomson Reuters, and intimate associations with Colin Rule the grandpappy of dispute resolution.

Yeah, I'm thinking you need to dig into this one anons.

>> No.19120644

op is a huge faggot lmao

>> No.19120658
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Kleros is one of the most unique projects by leveraging human arbitration & subjectivity.
Decentralized Dispute Resolution will be huge.
PNKers are not pajeets but they like paj-larping that's for sure.
Investing in PNK also means investing in ETH.

>> No.19120724 [DELETED] 
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Based OP

>> No.19120754
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OP is dealing with some massive cope. Chainlink will bend the knee to kleros

>> No.19121372

Don't fall for the fud. PNK is unironically the next layer in the onion after fintech/DeFi. It's the only reasonable way by which the decentralized castles in the sky may be governed by the people.

>> No.19121459

OP is based. One of the better conversations I’ve seen on here about this issue. Link has sold the rights to something it can’t possibly solve. OP is right in that trying to systematically standardize real data input Is not only a fools game but also not realistic. PNK is the next evolution in dispute resolution beyond the systematic approach promised by other oracles .

>> No.19121474

Just read the kleros white paper ;)

>> No.19122165

Thomson Reuters? Looks like another vaporware crypto "partnership". And why are you posting Tyler Technologies pictures? There's no connection there.

>> No.19122277

Let’s not forget the grant from the french bank. To say they aren’t connected to Tyler technologies is refutable. Yeah, maybe not in cahoots with them but there is a connection. If this is your best fud then thank you for the bump.

Reread it again

What a waste of dubs. Kys.

>> No.19122320

Just use Kleros lmao

>> No.19122323

LMAO at all you imbecile biztards who think you are early to this coin by being in the 'current' discord with 400 members. This coin was shilled here years and years ago, along the likes of confido, liven, treon aim etc. Do any of you even remember those coins, or were you even around then? Look them up on your favorite crypto website - and see where they all are now.

There are already groups that exist from years before the recent discord. You all really are the useful idiots for shilling this coin. You are getting regularly dumped on by people who already got into this coin early.

Kleros is from 2018. You are not early. You are demonstrably late. Any idiot who claims to be early and the part of the 'new' current discord shills to be organic are blatant liars. I'm not saying you wont make money off this coin riding it up and down, but please, for the love of god, be careful. They regularly make threads here, talk about them on the discord and post in each others here. The memes are good tho.

Please tell me you guys aren't only in the temple of kleros discord. Jesus christ. You do know thats the one set up to bring in newfriends? It's all in the archives. There were, and still are, discord groups above those which run these pump and dumps. You can literally check the archives where the original ICO whales with 8m+ tokens spread over multiple wallets repeatedly made threads to pump PNK back at around 0.01 in late 2018 early 2019. They even openly admit they did it. They even openly admit they had discord groups and other mediums of communication back then. Are you even in any of those? Do you have any idea what goes on in them? Or are you in the useful idiot discord 'temple of kleros' where you all make memes, post in eachothers threads and repeat to eachother that you are all smart money and in early on a moon mission project.

>> No.19122324

Based post. Thanks for the insight

>> No.19122328

Finally some high IQ responses. I know we larp as pajeets all the time but it is refreshing seeing relevant bullish info on this. Sitting cozy with 400k

>> No.19122354
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Meanwhile vitalik just tweeted it this morning and it pumped 50%. Cope harder and Kys faggot. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA absolute state I fucking swear

>> No.19122369
File: 24 KB, 303x566, E68AA781-47E4-4A19-945B-ABE2416F610E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrr durrrrr goys vitalik is in on this discord pump and dump!

>> No.19122410

>I'm not important. I don't have insider connections.


>> No.19122418

1 in the PNK
2 in the STINK

That's my motto

>> No.19122437
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Can't sit in the dark forever and let people the Jeet LARP permanently tarnish this.
They are complementary. Do more research, or refute my points about Subjectivity and Objectivity.
You are welcome.
They will never learn.

>> No.19122450

It’s copy pasta FUD anon, don’t worry about it

>> No.19122476

>pump and dump a 21k daily volume token

Ya, this is pasta but it's laughably bad.

>> No.19122632
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>OP is based. One of the better conversations I’ve seen on here about this issue. Link has sold the rights to something it can’t possibly solve. OP is right in that trying to systematically standardize real data input Is not only a fools game but also not realistic. PNK is the next evolution in dispute resolution beyond the systematic approach promised by other oracles

Not to put you on blast, Anon, but I think that within reason there are contexts that CAN be rationally systematized. Many of the sectors targeted by LINK, finance insurance etc, can be pretty accurately systematized.

The world doesn't stop and start with these sectors though. If we want smart money, and for smart digital agreements, to be the backbone of human society - ie the Fourth Industrial Revolution - we will absolutely need a means of decentralized Dispute Resolutio. More broadly put, Decentralized Subjective Judgment.

>> No.19122657

When did you buy into pnk

>> No.19122747
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Have and will continue to DCA. Short term price not a terribly huge concern of mine.

Not financial advice, not a financial advisor. This is a fundamentals thread.

>> No.19122777

What happens in 5 days do you have any clue

>> No.19122825
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Smells like a LARP to me. But, you never know these days. Kleros is more or less production ready by my estimate. I could imagine some big news on the mid term horizon....so why not the short term horizon?

>> No.19123132

Partnership announcement or something

>> No.19123451
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ok anon, you have both my attention and my interest as well as my ear. how many kleros tokens to make it?

>> No.19123557
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Integrations more likely. What do they need partners for???

I'm not in that part of the shill game friend. I'm here to tell you you'd be fucking crazy not to research this one.

>> No.19124037

Will answer questions as long as this thread stays bumped

>> No.19124080

Yeah you’re right. I heard it would be something to do with dapp integration but I didn’t see the conference call

>> No.19124113

Dapp integration for what?

>> No.19124316

I’m sorry I’m only poorly paraphrasing what another anon said in a previous thread.

>> No.19125709


>> No.19125775

I just came.

>> No.19126423

is this cope?
being in PNK now is still so fucking early anon
half of the holders don't even know it will rival LINK yet

>> No.19126563

Nobody is going to use Klerksdorp judges they’ll use the court procedures according to the law of the land or the corporate procedures used now. The reason chainlink went for objective data is because it is not only the largest market it’s the only market blockchain will be used for. You tech fags are fucking clueless

>> No.19126768
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>> No.19126836

anyone who thinks these two systems are antagonistic in anyway is a brainlet

>> No.19126875
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>> No.19127109

These are the types of high-test threads that brought me to PNK last year.

I wonder if Christmas anon will return this year.

>> No.19127150

This. This project has gone nowhere, and the people running it are idiots and control freaks. Have fun with the latest minting proposal, something like 200m new tokens. I dropped this and haven't looked back.

>> No.19127949

>shilled by Vitalik dozens of times per year as being one of the best things in the space

>gone nowhere

pick one

>> No.19128104

Thanks for your bags anon.

>> No.19128608

Thanks just bought this shitty, newer version of Augur with a different front end.

>> No.19128897

You talking about Aragon? Latest minting? That has been known for a year.

>> No.19129245

Thomson Reuters actually forked out the funding that got Kleros started, before they even had a token. Brainlet. It's called incubation and happens to revolutionary tech.

>> No.19129310 [DELETED] 

I read it again. The fact that the OP gave chainlink any relevancy whatsoever was what caused me to suspect their intent. OP is a gifted writer and obviously intelligent but t's difficult for me to take anyone who doesn't call out link for the blatant scam that it is seriously. Anyone who gives link any respect for the shit they have pull is probably compromised.

>> No.19130281 [DELETED] 

This is a fucking based post

>> No.19130666

> he doesn't know

>> No.19130784
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Vitalik is such a clown. I sold my pnk at the bottom to buy rpl and then he pumps it. I hate this skeleton so much when the fuck is fantom floppong eth.

>> No.19130992

PNK is so undervalued and no one's talking about it I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. If every crypto payment had an option to hold in escrow with Kleros arbitration in case of a dispute it would level up the entire space

>> No.19131484

All dapps should be using Kleros as well

>> No.19131731
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>> No.19131779

This is what I've been waiting for the past four years. An actually good coin with a solid fucking usecase that isn't a pump and dump or cult. I'm literally so close to going all in.

>> No.19132060

I dunno bout all in. Not my style personally. But I fundamentally have a hardon for this project

>> No.19132211

I'm split equally between BTC LINK and PNK