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File: 446 KB, 1240x1784, 4ACECEC2-2529-43BD-8F54-802BFC43B922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19118450 No.19118450 [Reply] [Original]

> People are now explaining Bitcoin to me, and honestly, it’s blah blah blah collectibles (My Little Pony?) blah blah blah computers (got one of those) blah blah blah crypto (sounds creepy) blah blah blah understand the risk (I don’t, though.)

>> No.19118512

I wonder if i went back and reread Harry Potter if all my whimsical childhood memories would be replaced by the quick painful comprehension of this woman’s total paucity of imagination and understanding

>> No.19118547

She'll just hold normies back and then fomo, with her normie army after BTC hits $50k.

>> No.19118711
File: 927 KB, 1567x2048, Screenshot_20200515-171949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some stupid drunk bitch doesn't understand Bitcoin
>hurr it's over
Kys retard.

>> No.19118734

>asks for an explainer
>”I’ll never understand it no matter how you explain it”

what a role model

>> No.19118738

her entire public image is so fucking cringe

>> No.19118743
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>> No.19118760
File: 260 KB, 800x1200, 4ISPWAl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin? Sounds weird and creepy to me.

>> No.19118798

she a nasty drunk hag

>> No.19118833

I wonder why

>> No.19118838
File: 60 KB, 697x663, 1589255401556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo she's larping to make BTC appear hard to understand to her hordes of normie followers.

>I cannot and will not ever understand Bitcoin
Alright, c-cheers

>> No.19118842

>unnecessarily wealthy, drunk wine aunt from the Isles unapologetically refuses to understand something that gets sincerely explained to her because she lacks interest
What a boring thread

>> No.19118843

Must be sexism keeping them out

>> No.19118848

The movies still hold up but mostly due to John Williams. I never read the books though.

>> No.19118850

What the fuck is her problem? Is this peak sweetie?

>> No.19118855
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1528833709257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol whatever cunt im going to go get some guy to suck my dick

>> No.19118857

this started because she tweeted a request for someone to explain it to her

>> No.19118865

Tee hee dont hit on me you silly boys

>> No.19118979

she did this just to flaunt her brainlet status and ignorance to the world? what does she gain from this?

>> No.19118994


She feels powerful when a bunch of simps try to explain something to her and she is dismissive about it

>> No.19119015
File: 15 KB, 413x272, goblin-bankers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's holding a giant stack, or did you forget how she portrayed bankers in her movie?

>> No.19119034

fuck that actually makes sense
I can't believe people validate this behavior

>> No.19119107

it's covert shilling imo, she can't just come out and tell everyone to buy can she, but she can bring it to the attention of millions in another way

>> No.19119108
File: 517 KB, 1100x550, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the big deal? In 2018 Katy Perry was promoting shitcoins with her instagram shitcoin nails picture. Why the fuck are you people still bullish about a thing that already died?

>> No.19119127

Media attention already happened two years ago. You are late as shit

>> No.19119126

exact same time, and I was actually thinking about the katy perry post as I typed.. wtf

>> No.19119144

bitcoin was on everyone's lips for about two weeks in 2017, most people forgot about it already trust me

>> No.19119169

Well that's because she was the most popular figure who explicitly shilled BTC back then. We are talking about millions if not billions of people being exposed to the ponzi when it was 18k or so.

>> No.19119188

guys i wanna trade Bitcoins but my broker (Pepperstone) has a ridiculous spread on it, its impossible to scalp it under those conditions.

any advices?

btw i'm French if that matters

>> No.19119193

Thats why we created the boomer meme.

>> No.19119196

> oh dear, when I asked for an explanation you thought I wanted an explanation? It was merely a ploy to show how dismissive I am of you, tee hee.

>> No.19119204

>only a creep makes a move on a woman when she's drunk
what makes women capable of such immense cognitive discipline? i've never known a woman who would hook up sober, ever in my life. approaching women in a sober environment is a great recipe for a fucking awkward ass encounter.

>> No.19119211

>most people forgot about it already trust me
>trust me

Dude, the hype phase is already gone, shitcoins had their moment and it's long gone now

>> No.19119249

I once asked a coworker about bitcoin in early 2018, if he had any thoughts... know what he said? what's bitcoin?... but your probably short... I get it

>> No.19119312

I can't believe I was a Harry Potter reader 15 years ago

>> No.19119351

The fourth book is the best. The movie was horrible by comparison. The first and second movies were better than the books. The third movie ties with the book. It was a different direction than the first two. Stuff like wearing civvy clothing.

>> No.19119480

She's basically pulling an "I lost it all in a boating accident"-charade for the IRS.

>> No.19119509

can you recommend a broker?

>> No.19119623

use binance or coinbase pro?

>> No.19119628
File: 176 KB, 823x586, basedasfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always been kinda shit. It's just kids books that aren't even remotely on the same level as Cs Lewis or Tolkien.

>> No.19119636
File: 214 KB, 890x572, richard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like she's in good hands.

>> No.19119785

This is a perfect example of how out of touch the elites are with regular people. We just had millions of americans put out of work, and this bitch is on Twitter basically telling people "just buy a BTC. It's only like 10 grand. Thats nothing. Doesn't everybody have a spare 10 grand laying around? Haw haw haw champagne and caviar, tea time pip pip cheerio.

>> No.19119832

Am I the only one who thinks it's kinda cute?

>haha funny old lady
kinda cute?

why are you fags so serious?
she's got nothing in life other than wine, give her a break

>> No.19119874

im frechfag, i can't deposite in USD
isn't ther a price difference between binance and coinbase?

>> No.19119875
File: 27 KB, 386x300, 9B2C8C24-267C-46D8-AA43-A48F021CF527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin won’t take off until grandma understands it.

>> No.19119905

The clothing was weird yeah, I remember not really liking that as a kid. I think my favorite movies were probably the first and second. The last one I watched in full was the fourth, I liked it alright. Can't even remember what the third one was about.

>> No.19119965


>> No.19120146

Nigger spotted, just do covered calls on BRK.A and it gives to cash flow.