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File: 151 KB, 750x1416, A4E0FA5A-74DF-4D10-AE04-E3535A80D3D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19111743 No.19111743 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19111795

Name a one use-case why would VISA use a Chainlink.

>> No.19111829

What do you know?
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.19111911
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Pic related.

So they have multiple validating entities, described as middleware, for moving off chain data onto the block chain.

Gee, I wonder what that could be.

>> No.19111952


>> No.19112030


>> No.19112032


>> No.19112162

how soon is soon tho? gimme a time within months or weeks

>> No.19112165
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>> No.19112200

how painful for xrp cucks, looking at the charts side to side must hurt so much.

>> No.19112579
File: 69 KB, 777x586, ripple-earthport-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is unironically XRP you dunce. Look up "Earthport XRP"
yes yes, Buy High, Sell Low. Only fomo into things that pumped. Never buy the dip. Classic /biz/ investing
considering I sold LINK at $3 + this year foe Zerps; not painful at all

>> No.19112869

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.19112983

cope. Earthport confirms XRP and Visa are in the bed. Not gonna repeat myself again
Also, fomo'ing into LINK right now is literally buying high

>> No.19113221

You actually are retarded...

>> No.19113247

Fixed that for you.

>> No.19113350

Thanks for posting this. I was just looking for such breadcrumbs and it says nothing about oracles or middleware in the parent filing itself:


>> No.19113382

its unironically XRP you retard. Do none of you linkies know what Earthport is?

>> No.19113428

None of us hang out on reddit, so no. Earthport? Hope it dies as embarrassingly as Holoports

>> No.19113454

Hmm, looking for “validating entities” and this comes up:
> the recording of the digital currency on the blockchain is validated by a plurality of validating entities.
>validated by a plurality of distributed nodes
> Smart contracts may function as a trusted distributed application that gains its security/trust from the blockchain and the underlying consensus among peers. A smart contract may include data which is signed and has consensus associated with validation among nodes in the blockchain. This prevents the smart contract from being repudiated.

All of this sounds like decentralised consensus/aggregation to me.
There are about 65 references to “validated” in this patent application. Is this chainlink hiding in plain sight yet again?

>> No.19113466


>> No.19113473

Earthport is literally Visa you retarded nigger

>> No.19113477

name a time that a secret breadcrumb ever came to fruition. what happened to swift? we have gotten nothing but shitcoin partnerships and RNG for candy crush.

>> No.19113510
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its gonna be hilarious when you linkies pretend like you never cared about this when its revealed to be XRP. Screenshotting this thread

>> No.19113564

Bend the knee

>> No.19113580

What exactly has xrp achieved in the last 10 years, besides creating a shitcoin chart?

>> No.19113595
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We already got Bank of America, just so you know UwU

>> No.19113597

Patent also refers to Hyperledger Fabric which will use Chainlink.

>> No.19113607
File: 9 KB, 211x239, brainlet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is not an oracle network. It's just a shitcoin. You need an orcale to connect blockchain with APIs, you drooling retards. Do you even understand how blockchain works?

>> No.19113629

>validating entities
They specifically mention that the validators in the middleware part of this process *could* be banks. Wonder what that means....

>> No.19113631

Remember, all xrp bagholders are retarded

>> No.19113635
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>last 10 years
well, just 7 years ago it was .005 cents.....

>> No.19113650

Visa has filed a patent for a stablecoin. It is well known that one method for creating stablecoins uses oracles to peg the value of the stablecoin to an asset. This patent filing refers to “pegging” the price, and it refers to smart contracts. Ripple has nothing to do with smart contracts nor stablecoins. Even if ripple had anything to do with this, it doesn’t mean banks would be using ripple. Visa are creating a STABLECOIN which means they DONT want to use ripple kek

>> No.19113681

Docusign, Microsoft, openLaw, salesforce, SAP...

>> No.19113760
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>it takes 4 years for 12 banks to trial Ripple
My fucking sides

>> No.19113779

Now tell me what problem does cripple solve, that can't be more elegantly and cost-efficiently solved via decentralized oracle and a private blockchain.

Cripple's value proposition is "you just exchange money for our shitcoin, transfer it and exchange it back, because it's fast, durr".

What really is valuable is getting the financial data though the oracle, which tokenizes the currency into a stablecoin, logs the transfer on a private blockchain, then converts the stablecoin back at the receiving end. At the cost of a single API call and without worrying about volatility or being affected by a horde of bagholders.

XRP holders are the most tech illiterate, deluded and retarded bagholders I've ever seen.

>> No.19113781

Vista was terrible

>> No.19113786
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a)didnt mention hyperledger
b) links overblowing one of there many consultation sessions
is this going to be another one of those threads where linkies pretend Corda, Azure and Open Oracle dont exist or are not "real" oracle solutions

>> No.19113808

>They specifically mention that the validators in the middleware part of this process *could* be banks. Wonder what that means....
It means NEET nodes of chainlink are now legally considered banks and require full FDIC audits or will be shut down and assets confiscated.
The government is going to come and good luck explaining to the federales the reason you're operating a bank without a license is because you thought the frog memes on a known anonymous hacking website are funny.
Prepare to spend the next 10 to 12 years in federal prison (out in 8 with good behavior)

>> No.19113809

>Do you even understand how blockchain works?
This is /biz/

>> No.19113832


>> No.19113851

I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say. That’s how nonsensical what you’re typing is.

Anons, I encourage you to look at the patent filing. Search for “smart contract”, “peg”, “nodes”, “validate”, etc. And come to your own conclusion.

>> No.19113858
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Corda was supposed to use Chainlink even when they were testing Cripple. They are the part of the same consortium. Pic related.
Except now it's becoming increeaingly clear that the cripple part is not needed at all if your datastream is secure enough.

Azure has integrated LINK back in 2019, see their github and the Chainlink adapter there.

Open oracle is literal trash and isn't even worth discussing.

>> No.19113859
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>> No.19113870
File: 562 KB, 1080x1360, Screenshot_20200515-132627_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. Ripple already wrote about oracles long before Sergey. See Codius. Maybe you should educate yourself on the Ripple team; Jed, Larsen and Schwartz. Theyve been developing e-commerce tech since literally the 80s and interacted with Satoshi himself. And youre saying all 3 dont know whats best for the financial system?
Here is the background of Chris. Now compare it to Sergey.

>XRP for tech illiterates
cute. Considering chainlink has no technical whitepapers at all. Please tell me how you code the decentralized collateral system Ari writes about pls.

>> No.19113906

>Corda was supposed to use Chainlink
no they werent. Those hexagons in that diagram came out before links modern design. In fact, theres a good chance Sergey stole it from Corda, just like how Sergey ripped off Ripple's codius

Fun fact, did you know Vitalik tried to intern at Ripple? All the russian coders steal from americans, because theyre a bunch of lazy degenerate rooskies

>> No.19113934

>Ripple already wrote about oracles long before Sergey.
That's can't be true, because all the oracle tech patents are owned by Cornell University's TownCrier project (which Sergey bought) and by Ari Juels.

Cripple literally can't make a decentralized oracle without being sued to death. This is the reason everyone is bending the knee. This is the reason cripple will die, because the era of shitcoins is gone and the era of connected smart contracts has began.

>> No.19113954
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That bagholder cope is pretty cute. How much down are you? -80%? -90%?

>> No.19113968

fuck, thats brilliant

>> No.19114097

Yeah looking at the picture this really, really looks like a smartcontract with a decentralised oracle. I am not saying 100% for sure I am right but the patent seems to describe sending the serial number of a banknote (like a dollar bill) to the blockchain and to “middleware”: they want to remove bills from circulation when they can replace them with a stablecoin. This sounds *exactly* like your classic input to a smart contract, that all linkies know about. Input the serial number and peg the value of the note to a newly minted stablecoin? Something like that, I’m not totally sure. Please correct me if I’m wrong. And “this is ripple you stupid linktards!!1” does not count as a valid refutation. I would love some actual technical suggestions as to why this architecture does or does not look like it would use a decentralised oracle network. In the pic it looks like the “validating entities” are Chainlink nodes.

Also the patent describes how these validating entities could be banks. We suspected that banks would become Chainlink nodes some time ago.... spooky huh?

In what way does this architecture sound remotely like they want to use some shitcoin like XRP to replace fiat lol.

>> No.19114350

Dude nobody cares about your xrp shitcoin, you might as well be shilling tron or something.

>> No.19114451

Also check them digits. Kek has spoken

>> No.19114623

Holy dubz

>> No.19114741
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>> No.19114956

Damn .. Keep ripping these stinky linkies a new one.. Love it. No really i do. All these paid link hype threads.. Fucking shitcoin.

>> No.19115028

filing a patent literally means nothing, companies file patents for all kinds of stupid shit. doesn't mean they're gonna use or build them

>> No.19115037

>10 posts by this id
>but muh xrp the standard
The amount of cope by the xrptards is reaching unheard of levels. The literal head of solutions architecture for Oracle in the U.K. and Ireland is shilling link to the big 4 firms in the global financial capital of the world. You’re level of delusion is actually worrisome, you need help bro

>> No.19115059

>The literal head of solutions architecture for Oracle in the U.K. and Ireland is shilling link to the big 4 firms in the global financial capital of the world.

Not doubting you, but source?

>> No.19115207

the SSJ Corona-chan and forced laughter really elevates the autism

>> No.19115329
File: 119 KB, 1278x721, photo_2020-05-13_10-50-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recent presentation by the Oracle guy:

He discusses a lot more about Chainlink Oracle integration and use-cases he's excited about (i.e. he ways their clients want finance and supply chain)

>"#Chainlink is security" Ian Kean, Oracle

> https://twitter.com/ian_keane/status/1260619582244519938

>> No.19115334

Start with one and work your way down

Ian Keane, head solutions architect in U.K. and Ireland for Oracle


>> No.19115531

>9 months ago

>> No.19115738

The Oracle integration is going to be such a big deal. It'll be proof-positive to CTOs in Enterprise that Chainlink solves this problem and is live, stress-tested, and securing high value data transfer. Such a huge freaking deal

>> No.19115893
File: 1002 KB, 1846x1014, marcopolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funny thing is I have been getting a lot of info from one of you xrptards
Shilling different types of shit from r3 confidently guessing that xrp somehow fits into the larger picture like you faggots understand any of this
Thanks for playing chumps.

>> No.19115922

And still it'll cost no more than a large spicy latte at Starbucks

>> No.19116121

Based Marine. If this was reddit i would give you a gold star.

>> No.19116192
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>> No.19116217

So which one are you holding, XRP or LINK?

>> No.19116234
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>> No.19116251

Id also confirms
>duh xrptards

>> No.19116273
File: 596 KB, 1077x1551, Screenshot_20200513-230425_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glow niggers trying to push XRP is middleware narrative
I dont get why the elites are so hush about XRP'a true potential

>> No.19116465

Exactly. People don’t understand that this is gonna g to be a domino effect. Once one enterprise company reduces middle of the house clearing costs and gains a competitive advantage everyone else is going to follow suite

>> No.19116542

>Someone finally sees it

>> No.19116601


>> No.19116692
File: 176 KB, 450x399, 1576011716033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His wife is cute.

Also pic related shits all over your dreams and bankrupts you.

>> No.19116740

Isn’t he actually retarded tho?

>> No.19116792
File: 137 KB, 634x796, 1498306436522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His wife shows bobs.

Also pic related shits all over your streets and bankrupts you.

>> No.19116811

The only informed person in this thread lmao

>> No.19116825
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>> No.19117014

What happens if you try to make a payment and there isnt enough computer power to process the authentication/validation etc

In the last 2 months cash has been virtually eliminated in the UK and it concerns me that we may end up with a non-physical currency

>> No.19117051
File: 193 KB, 2048x1380, EYFBOPpWoAE84iv.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH FTW. If you know, you know.

>> No.19117093

whats with the freemason symbol

>> No.19117094

>Do you even understand how blockchain works?
I have NO idea how ANY of this fucking shit works. I own 6 figures worth of crypto.

>> No.19117223

The ripple posters are trolls none of this connects without Stinkies lmao

>> No.19117302
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JP Morgan employee here. can double down and confirm XRP is a shitcoin that we won't ever use or buy your stupid bags.

poor cripplets

find the rope

>> No.19117534

That's fast for banks, honestly.

>> No.19118197

I've pointed this out in every thread since Ian's presentation, this slide seems important to me. >"Committed to Hyperledger Fabric Open Source Platform"
>Mentions Chainlink Integration in same blurb
Did we know this? I know it was speculated, but this seems like confirmation that Chainlink works on Hyperledger.

>> No.19118211

WFT I love JP Morgan now. What do you do anon?

>> No.19118330
File: 758 KB, 1221x2048, Screenshot_20200516-065757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did we know this?

>> No.19119115
File: 1.50 MB, 859x4585, Screenshot_2020-05-15 Visa Files Patent for Cryptocurrency System to Replace Cash Bitcoin News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19119398
File: 235 KB, 1014x619, SmartSelect_20200515-175849_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo it's a blockchain with one validator? I think that's called a database

>> No.19119432
File: 34 KB, 512x420, 23857D5B-C482-4BF7-8915-AA67DF8CD035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You linkards are so fucking brainwashed. It’s not even funny.

>> No.19119453

Indictments? Fraud? Prison sentences?

>> No.19119465

Only intelligent answer in this thread

>> No.19119569

fuck no no no I just put 10k usd into xrp and I hadn’t got this far down in the thread. FUCK.

>> No.19120029
File: 35 KB, 267x191, IMG_20200516_104126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one going to mention freemason symbol? We've already made it.

>> No.19120485

>no mixicles
>no random number generators

>> No.19120810
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>> No.19121067

>That's can't be true
I’m afraid it is Rajneesh. Codius predates shitlink and Cornhole university’s Ari Jew bullshit. Your ‘patents’ are worthless and you have already lost.

>> No.19121126

>no mixicles
>no random number generators
Are you being serious or joking?

>> No.19121246

Excited over a concept, biz in a nutshell

>> No.19121382

care to elaborate for newfags?

>> No.19121411

Damn so blatant

>> No.19121417

get what how?