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19114564 No.19114564 [Reply] [Original]

Is $1 million enough to retire in Eastern Europe or Asia and live a comfy life?
I am sick of the west and the wagecuck life. Currently 30 years old

>> No.19114587


>> No.19114596

>thinks they wont just steal your money
you have alot to learn about how the real world works
your faggy ass will be busted and all your shit stolen from you

>> No.19114622

you need a community to be comfy bucko.
I doubt you have what it takes to build meaningful relationships in those places.

You could retire in Idaho with $1MM if you budget a modest, simple life.

>> No.19114648

With your $1m you can retire in thailand and maintain a high lavish lifestyle.

>> No.19114651 [DELETED] 

Chinese are more popular now. They are more wealthy and more likely to be a good loyal husband.


>> No.19114656
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There are places that won’t, they are offshore bank havens. But they have endless niggers in those places so that’s a pretty shitty trade off. Some South American locations might be alright.

>> No.19114670


Yes you could retire in thailand and be pretty happy

>> No.19114732

>>thinks they wont just steal your money

sounds like you're the one full of shit, here's a reality check: not all countries in EE or Asia are shitholes

>But they have endless niggers in those places so that’s a pretty shitty trade off. Some South American locations might be alright.
>Eastern Europe or Asia
>filled with niggers

excuse me, what? those countries have the least amount of niggers, especially when compared to the US or western europe. also it's funny you suggest south america which is filled with niggers and beaners

>> No.19114759

you just dont know....i've lived in latin america + thailand...stationed both for work
you are naive and don't understand. as an outsider you become marked, everyone at every level starts taking the piss out of you: "oh your internet stopped working....yeah well my cousin knows someone who knows the guy who can fix it"
pretty soon your paying 3 or 4 people $50 each to fix a problem that should never have happened. in a white-country would be fixed for free.
multiple those "internet problems" by 100 and you start to have a clue what its like to live there.
fags like you go on vacation to cancun and think "i could live here huurrrr duurrrr". NO CLUE.

>> No.19114762

Yes, in Philippines. You can buy a couple of condos, foreigners can't own houses, at about $100,000 each. Keep the rest of your money in Index and ETFs, pull monthly as needed or make money from AirBnb'ing your condos. Just don't marry a Filipina and always have an exit plan.

>> No.19114767

Just live in a van or rv

>> No.19114812

>You can buy a couple of condos
literally next to open sewers and trash pits, amirite?

>> No.19114865

Don't do it you will see how distorted your view is... EE and asia are crap...invest in us, we are DOOMED

>> No.19114869

One million is more than enough to retire in Asia or Eastern Europe. Personally, I’d move to Southeast Asia. Probably spend a few months in each country and just travel around the region whenever I feel like a change of scenery. I lived there for a year in 2016 and met plenty of old white guys who do exactly that. A fully furnished luxury condo in Bangkok is less than $300 a month. Other cities are even cheaper. I really loved Vietnam because of its natural beauty

>> No.19114986

the average wage in vietnam is 7 dollars a day

>> No.19114989


>> No.19115020

news flash: there's scammers and fraudsters in every country. living in tourist traps is like that everywhere you go, you'd have to be an idiot to have "all your shit stolen from you" as you said
also for the record latin america and thailand are shithole countries, common tourist destinations filled with touts and other lowlifes, OP was talking about eastern europe

>$300 a month

enjoy living in a shithole filled with trannies and hot humid weather

>> No.19115041

Yes it is. You could also buy property in their big cities and live of the rent. Budapest, Prague, Warsaw, Kiev.

>> No.19115433

You sound like a retarded loser and propaply are. But thanks for the pump

>> No.19115498

You’re 100% correct but stop replying to bait anon

>> No.19115503

Thanks anon for your Input.
I kinda look like Russian and been to EE a few times already. So I propaply would go there. But I definetly want to check out Vietnam. Only country I'm interested in SEA. Maybe I like it even more

>> No.19115510

>enjoy living in a shithole filled with trannies and hot humid weather

Why do you think you’re entitled to an opinion about something that you clearly have no firsthand knowledge about? Unless you’ve been to Thailand and lived there, you should fuck off. Adults are trying to have a conversation here

>> No.19115525

its cool fag. you never had a dad growing up + fat mom.

>> No.19115777

Notice how you can't refute what I said, instead you get all defensive when I'm just stating facts...

I've been to HK/Macau/southern china which is substantially north of SEA, and the weather was intolerable enough. Had a friend from the Philippines (same latitude as thailand) and he said the humidity and heat was miserable, notwithstanding the fact the country was a shithole.

>> No.19116205

Lol, don't get mad at us because you're a beta faggot that got ripped off every step of the way.

>> No.19116239

Yeah, you could buy 20 small apartments around the city center where I live and rent them out for about 300 euros each. That's 6000 euros a month. Average wage is 800 euros here.

>> No.19116275

That’s not true at all, what my father tried doing and he failed miserably. You also create more mutts like me. Do we really need more supreme gentlemens in this world?

>> No.19116597

Refute what you said?

This thread is about retiring to areas with cheap living expenses. Thailand is obviously not as good as USA or Europe, but it is definitely not a shithole. You haven’t been there, so you wouldn’t know.
>filled with trannies
I see more trannies in one week living in California that I did in 6 months of living in Thailand. You’ve never been there so you don’t know what you’re talking about.
>hot humid weather
I personally enjoy it hot and humid. I get it that it isn’t for everyone though.
Northern Thailand has mild heat, it’s really nice. Same with certain areas of other counties in the region. There are lots of microclimates where it stays cool and dry. Dalat Vietnam feels like you’re in France.

Philippics probably is a shithole from what I’ve heard, but I’ve never been