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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1910949 No.1910949 [Reply] [Original]

why is starting a business hard?

>> No.1910970

1.sign papers
2. buy stuff/employ people
not hard at all.

but making a profitable business is.

>> No.1910974

a mix of communist sensibilities and a crowded marketplace.

>> No.1911025

EIther someone else had the same idea (and set up a business in this market, so you are now a rival) or you have to convice a lot of people of your new idea.

>> No.1911049

Owning a biz is hard because you need a ton of capital to buy in to a profitable biz or you take massive risk on funding a startup.

Starting a small biz as an owner operator is high stress because you are essentially working 2-4 jobs at any given time.

>> No.1911055

Topkek. All that green text on the right side. Just.... no

>> No.1911063

>communist sensibilities
Lie. Just as a poor craftsmen blames his tools, a poor businessman blames a scapegoat.

A crowded marketplace is a hurdle but the biggest hurdle by far is RENT.

Rent is killer. The price to rent a shop the size of a small house is 5-10 times as high. The Jew does not care if you had a slow month, he wants his pound of flesh and he takes it before you, who actually worked, get anything. It takes every cent of your average SBA loan just to make rent for 6-12 months. God help you if the end of the money comes and you're not established yet.

Reliable business partners are next. Suppliers cannot be trusted. They lie about everything. They raise prices, they deliver late, they fight claims. Maintaining multiple suppliers so one doesn't sink your business is EXPENSIVE.

Government, labor, and customers are a very distant third. Anybody who whines about taxes or unions most likely never even started a business. They let a college drop out druggie on the radio scare them away with his own paranoid fantasies. If, against all odds, they did start a business, they never got far enough to pay a reasonable wage that would attract quality employees. Rather than work hard and save up for that, they take the shortcut of trying to exploit somebody and are quite upset that their intended victim is resisting by refusing the offer or performing commensurate with pay (minimum wage, minimum work).

I won't say business is easy because it;s not. But it's not hard for the reasons that everybody says it's hard.

>> No.1911139

>The Jew

Go back to /pol/, this isn't the board to showcase your racism.

Now politely, fuck off.

>> No.1911160

This guy is right. The Jews, at least temporarily, are the good guys in this cycle. Without the Jews at top do you think Trump ever would have won? (That is discrediting the overwhelming Jews in the commie left and liberal media, but the important ones, who rule the actual world, were pro-Trump)

>> No.1911197

Are you mad that we had to take a break from the torrent of shitcoin shilling to talk about actual business concerns or what?

>> No.1911204

>Jews are a race
Retarded _and_ virtue signaling? What an amazing deal!

>> No.1911206

In my (failed) business, #1 problem was unions. It's not the union itself which is good in theory, but the sense of entitlement it gave the workers was insane. #2 problem was bureaucracy. It just destroys you.

>> No.1911246

They are a tribe. Prove me wrong faggot.

>> No.1911305

I live near a huge Chinese Industrial complex with trains going directly to China in Europe. I think I'm going to star buying chinese shit for cheap with the help of some chinese friends and I'm going to sell it through Amazon. Wish me luck lads, I'm also not gonna pay taxes in my commie EU pseudocountry.

>> No.1911323

>I'm also not gonna pay taxes in my commie EU pseudocountry.

>> No.1911335


It isn't.

I have started 3. 2 succeeded. None were that hard to start.

>> No.1911346

I will just buy cheap phone cases or some shit like that for dirt cheap from Chinese factories and sell them through amazon. I don't think that the government is going to care a lot. I will probably make it legal after I have a regular income. Also my chinese friends knows how to avoid paying taxes.

>> No.1911352

To the oven you go

>> No.1911408

>a tribe is a race

Any time you want to come back and explain how 5 figures of rent each month isn't a major obstacle to getting started, go right ahead.

>> No.1911443

What field were you in? I live in the northeast and unions are just boogeymen.

>ten years of part-time work during school
>ten years of "ooga booga, SEIU goin' getcha!" videos
>ten years of Great Pumpkin no-shows

Most involvement I had with government was paying sales and income tax. I just don't have any pity for people who don't set aside the money for taxes. You know that's a cost going in and most aren't even charged if there are no sales or profits. Employees pay taxes, the other side should too.

>> No.1911457

Because no one will want to pay you for your product because there is many better substitutes for their money

>> No.1911698
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