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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19106948 No.19106948 [Reply] [Original]


See you fags on the moon

>> No.19106965


This coin is over. I'd like to point out to anyone new here that Harmony One was the least successful coin ever shilled on biz. It has done nothing but dump. Look at the charts. Total scam.

This coin was shilled here heavily at 300 sats and it is now down to 34 sats. No coin in the history of /biz/ has ever performed that bad. Sure, shit like REQ dropped a lot, but not before a 10x.

Look at this chart. It doesn't do anything but dump. The videos the team released were so fucking cringe it hurt. What makes me smile though is that this coin was shilled here AFTER the LINK moon to $5 when all the redditors came here. So it is mainly redditors who got hurt by this coin.

Don't let a redditor trick you into buying his bags though /biz/. Stay away from Harmony One.

Copy pasta now for this shit coin

>> No.19107004

Why? Redpill me. It looks like a pretty run of the mill consensus network. Is it really just PoS?

>> No.19107161
File: 610 KB, 960x640, 1575591062294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just quietly accumulate and wait for it....

>> No.19107196

But seriously, wtf are y'all on?

>> No.19107261

i'm not done accumulating yet

t. 5mm one

>> No.19107277

people don't realize the they will be the first state sharded chain on market and that the team are incredibly respected in the crypto space

>> No.19107289

>and that the team are incredibly respected in the crypto space
>2 cofounders left last year
>"mainnet" wasn't launched last year
>constant slippage on features

>> No.19107553

It’s exactly what ethereum wants to implement for eth 2.0. Deep sharding, tons of other network optimizations being worked on, right next to coinbase, team has a million Silicon Valley connects

This shit is going to melt faces when coinbase gets listed. And given that the network will be FULLY LIVE tomorrow, it will happen within the month

>> No.19107681
File: 138 KB, 1080x839, 80509084_799615867176722_6185651370448650240_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you spamming this all over harmony threads? Did you get burned by ONE? For you it is a shitcoin because you've lost on it but now it is a good buy. Hope you'll be ok

>> No.19107704

You have a point but you cannot argue with the fact that it will be the first sharded chain on the market.

>> No.19107731

Forget about everything else, the fact that the team has so many Silicon Valley connects + the token price + the fact that the network is about to go live...it’s all you need to know this shit is going to be top 10 soon

>> No.19107745

thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.19107874
File: 29 KB, 781x481, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, after getting dumped on by ANJ I have learned to do my own research. Looks like some whale dumped his bags on the 10th and you pajeets are buying them up.

>> No.19107930


>> No.19108025

That image reminds me of the POSW pump. Shitcoins just get recycled endlessly.

>> No.19108138

are all txns to exchanges still limited to shard 0?
look, i held this shit down to an 80% loss (make most of it back trading other alts).
i have limited confidence that these chinks can deliver and scale

>> No.19108195

Imagine bagholding this for a year and still p much being in the red on any buys besides the last WEEK. hahahaha.

Just buy UND desu.