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19100169 No.19100169 [Reply] [Original]

Is it being able to be a be a NEET?

>> No.19100186

Yes, I don't want a lot. Just a house I own outright and enough passive income to pay my bills.

>> No.19100197


Based. Freedom is far superior than excessive material objects

>> No.19100201

pretty much just want this. and i want her back. didn't realize what i had til it was too late.

>> No.19100208

lol no. my brother is essentially a neet but with a job and he's fucking miserable

>> No.19100216

$100 link

>> No.19100218


>neet with a job

So he’s not a NEET then

>> No.19100219

what did you do anon?
greentext pls

>> No.19100232

Pick one.

>> No.19100243

i feel that man

>> No.19100259

Simple comfy life 4 million should do it

>> No.19100274

Enough land to keep me busy market gardening/homesteading and enough investment income to pay the bills. I just want to grow food, grow weed, brew alcohol and chill.

>> No.19100279

i know but what i meant was he's basically given up on life and just lives to drink and stuff his face with food and has no aspirations or goals and thinks everyone owes him something. i guess my definition of neet has been skewed by browsing r9k

>> No.19100293

A wife I love, four white American kids, and enough financial independence to grow my wealth without wage slavery.

I have the wife, soon I'll have the kids, and I'm planning to get to 30k in the market soon and see how much income I can make by swing trading. I always gain about .5% profit day trading conservatively, soon that'll be the equivalent of a
40k a year job (which is not a lot, but I'm well on the way to independence)

>> No.19100306

>trendy apartment in city to Airbnb when not using
>large house and lot on the edge of the suburbs for family
>big family
>respectable city car, 4x4 for outdoors
>Investments that can pay for an upper middle class lifestyle without touching principal + outpacing inflation
>Disposable wealth to speculate with or for business ventures

>freedom for life, and the same for my descendants

Probably $5M USD minimum

>> No.19100347
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couldn't make long distance work after i had to move for a job. i know it's as much her fault as mine but it doesn't really feel like that. whatever though my net worth has more than doubled since we split last year (unrelated reasons) so her loss.
it's too late now anyway, she just parties and whores around now

i don't want her back
i want the times i spent with her back
>i want how happy i felt back

>> No.19100354

Enough to be able to not have to work. Dont need a lot of stuff, just my time back. Maybe a few guns, shooting is my favorite hobby.

>> No.19100377

i'd like to be able to spend the equivalent of ~50k/yr (going up for inflation) freely for the rest of my life w/o working. would just rent apartments/homes because fuck maintenance and being stuck in one place - i made it and i don't need to give a fuck about saving a few dollars on rent

>> No.19100379

Kind of like being a girl with a penis. Trans Neet.

>> No.19100397

Not in
Employment, or

>> No.19100441

Making it is being independent, wealthy and prepared for any situation. This means:
>not living in a shit hole
>owning a house
>having a traditional family
>teaching them essential values
>mastering essential skills to maintain a house and defending a family
>being prepared for crisis situations, ie, bomb shelter, back up supplies and nourishment, a reliable social network, home defense systems, escape plans, different stores of wealth
>being able to be productive and generating wealth in any situation, ie, be valuable to a community
>removing non whites from existence and replacing the judeo zionist world order for a traditional, volkish way of life focused on real progress, nature, health and peace

>> No.19100443

enough to move out of the hood.. my parents crib. I push a Chevy and I just want a place I can chill with my bois and grow crops

>> No.19100449

A 30H gf

>> No.19100479

thanks sherlock
he's more childlike than anything. middle aged children seem to be an epidemic these days. he gets more immature every year he ages and he's like 40. it's an amazing phenomena worthy of study

>> No.19100506

1000oz silver and 25oz gold.

>> No.19100642

Yep, this.

>> No.19100720

basically this, but also a gf/wife I could trust

>> No.19100721

That's still quite a bit.

Man, a lot of you guys seem to think having millions of dollars would be worth it...
All I'm hoping for is 500k so I can have a nice little house in the suburbs and be left the fuck alone.

>> No.19100728

5 million US dollars net worth (in today's US dollars)

I really just need 1-2 million USD, invested, I can live on the returns. But I want to diversify enough that a black swan crashing one of my investments doesn't wipe me out and then I have to return to waging.

I'd want 1-2 million in safe investments (ETFs, index funds, dividend-paying blue chips), 1-2 million in bitcoin, 1-2 million in something tangible (real estate or physical gold).

>> No.19100836

I don't know anymore. When I was in high school, I thought I'd be made if I go to college and could get a career paying $100k.

Almost 15 years later, now I want to be wealthy enough to stop working forever while I travel for months at a time to different countries.

So yeah. I guess I want to be a NEET. But not for gay shit like video games or anime.

>> No.19100922

>he thinks $3.5mm means anything thanks to the fed

>> No.19100923

You can already do this by living beneath your means, learning how to make good trades, turning a hobby in to a wealth generating habit and investing a meaningful portion of your port in to the four horsemen.

>> No.19100939

Yeah, owning millions of fiat is laughable at this point, but I don't think I actually know what you mean.

>> No.19100957


>> No.19100992

$10mm is the new $3.5mm

>> No.19101011

For me "making it" will be having enough income to be completely independent, while also not slaving away my life. It will be having a couple different places one of which is in a tropical location. Investing is not enough to do that. Unless I got ungodly lucky it won't happen. I want to be an entrepreneur, that's what I aspire to be. I have an idea right now but on top of skills I need more knowledge. It won't be easy but fuck I want to be care free sippin drinks on a nice beach so bad.

>> No.19101026

Yeah, I know what you mean.
This is why you're an absolute fool if you don't have at least some of the four horsemen.

>> No.19101046


>> No.19101048

>A small apartment
>a nice computer to play video games
>a gym membership
>enough money to buy tasty food
>never having to work again
don't need wife or kids, just need video games and porn, i am a coomer after all

>> No.19101061

This, but I'll even lower my offer and say home paid off and an income stream that is flexible and enjoyable, not even necessarily entirely passive. I'm a very happy camper at semi-retirement. Few jobs let you do 20 hours though unless they're smoldering dog shit.

>> No.19101099

XSN masternodes are still pretty cheap right now if you want to live the passive lifestyle.
You'll probably only need one but two or three couldn't hurt.

>> No.19101113

Sorry anon. But ive been there. The only way to get past this is to stop thinking about her.

Distract yourself (doing a hobby or sum shit) and eventually u will think about her less and less

>> No.19101150

Was not expecting that last point

>> No.19101183

Find a nice, young, average looking waitress or cashier and simply ask her if she's single. If she says no, move along. If she says yes, tell her you want to take her on a date and then boom, you just did a normie interaction.
It's super easy. Give it a try, anon!

>> No.19101185

Sounds like a chill life. And lets say u want some poon, you can just buy a hooker for an hour

>> No.19101200

owning my own house and living alone

>> No.19101221
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Imagine having a classy business card, printed in top tier paper, with a sophisticated font saying
>Self made NEET
Whoever get it would immediately implode.

>> No.19101313

Holy fucking based.

>> No.19101363
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fpbp, all I want is a modest house away from niggers, and to not have to wageslave anymore. Flyover state in the middle of nowhere is fine by me as long as I have decent internet

>> No.19101423


>> No.19101429

Stamp your own silver coinage with your portrait, and a coat of arms on it and self made neet around it

>> No.19101587

god both those are completely based ideas

>> No.19102352

Own some land and live off grid. Hunting and gardening my own food and shitting outside is all I want desu

>> No.19102552

It’s not making it at all but I just want a few tens of thousands of dollars to be able to have enough savings to fuck off to the Netherlands and try to live off of drawing for a while. I know I could easily get this with a job but coronavirus has made that difficult. I also am very anxious. I can handle going to another country on my own, did that before, but I can’t even accept an interview because I get scared.

>> No.19102604

Fuck off, we're full

>> No.19102661

But I really like your bikable cities. Do you live near Utrecht? Maybe we can be friends.

>> No.19102697

I purposefully go out of my way to make sure the few minutes I have to spend with the cashier are as awkward for them as possible. I do this mainly because I used to be a cashier myself, so I understand how incredibly banal and mindless the work can be. That being said, I see it as my sole responsibility as the knowledgeable customer to make said cashier actually work for what little money they earn. To list just a few examples of my craft: I will frequently stare directly into the cashier's eyes for the entire duration of our interaction, from order/initial scanning through the time we are no longer in each others' fields of view. It is my aim that, by doing this, the cashier will forever remember my face, my gaze, putting his/her cognitive ability to the test later on, keeping them grounded in their work. To date, I have only been asked to stay out of 1 particular cashier's lane at 1 store I no longer go to. Something else I do is I will bring a physical calculator (not like the application on your phone) and do the calculations along with the computer as the items are rung up. I have intentionally made minor errors in the process so that the end totals differ by a matter of cents, and cause a scene at the front of the line until the cashier either A) rings up my items again, or B) submits to the fact that they messed up. This is most fun at large grocery stores, especially at peak hours and with a large assortment of items. I will repeat this process until I am satisfied with my work or I am asked to leave; either way, I enjoy myself.

>> No.19102719

I like people who stay in their own country

>> No.19102724


>> No.19102736

Why the sad face. It's a good thing to be loyal to your soil. Everyone should be.

>> No.19102798

You will lose those 30k with daytrading retard.

>> No.19102846

That sounds nice.

>> No.19102888

Because I felt much more at home when I was staying in Europe than I do in America. I have to adapt more to my home country. I hate the size. I hate how public transit is barely an option. We have no fucking trains. We are forced to buy cars if we want to be able to go anywhere. I am more interested in the artists of European history and I like going to museums in Europe. I have more friends overseas than I do here and I would love to be close to them. I was much more comfy living and traveling in Europe and I want to go back. America is only dead weight for me and it’s hard to feel like I have a future here.

>> No.19102922


>> No.19102930


Being able to exist without having to pay for existing

>> No.19103356

Freedom from defacto servitude is the number one thing I need, so that I can really commit and focus full time on making music. Will have a sick pad with a fuckload of eurorack synths, don't need much else.

>> No.19103723

Paying the mortgage back and having ~60k in bank

>> No.19104777


>> No.19104787

> not have to work
> not owing anything ( rent bills etc )
> enough to travel and enjoy simple things
I live in western Europe so about 10 millions € would do it

>> No.19104791

ill be good to go once im global dictator

>> No.19104808

Dude, honestly I love the idea as well but don't risk your family's financial future playing a game where you can lose everything in a very short amount of time if you fuck up.

>> No.19104815

Don't need "poon" frend. I can just watch porn and coom, then I can have that post-coom clarity and appreciate that I didn't spend hard earned money on walking holes

>> No.19104904

Making it is being able to quit whatever job I'm working whenever I want, and the ability to pay for life/school indefinitely so I can keep learning.

>> No.19105106

upper middle class

>> No.19105136

The dream is to be a NEET in a much better country. What am I going to do here? Drive around in the country? Go whale watching at the fucking mall? Eat a Big Mac?

The women suck, the food sucks. Best to neet in some beautiful developing countries. That’s why I work. I can’t stand doing absolutely nothing when I’m confined to a shitty city and state, consuming media in the name of “freedom”

>> No.19105157
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Having at least twelve white children.

>> No.19105164


>> No.19105207

Boring pasta is boring

>> No.19105220

That's very sweet of you anon. Sending positive vibes your way

>> No.19105225

>T. Bitter racist incel

I'll go where I want and fuck white women. U mad?

>> No.19105893

I'm a neet with a job. 20 years here and I do progressively less each year, down to 4-5 hours a week usually. Game, shit post and do whatever I like the rest of the time. 15min travel time. It's grand

>> No.19105910


>> No.19106021
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Based, all in the white race

>> No.19106808
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>Is it being able to be a be a NEET?
yes and pic related

>> No.19106862

Cringe. Europe is not a theme park.

>I'm a rootless cooming simp who spergs on the internet because I'm fragile/low iq/underage/non white
No, this doesn't make me mad.

>> No.19106871

Did they raid this place yet?

>> No.19106891
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>Euro-Karen opens borders
>Europe is not a theme park