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File: 619 KB, 220x295, tenor (8).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19095667 No.19095667 [Reply] [Original]

>5 years rent: $60,000 down the drain

5 years mortgage: $20,000 in equity

-Dab On The Rentcuck- Edition

>> No.19095764

That's a man

>> No.19095784

I'm not planning on buying a house until I find what university I want to teach at. I don't want to be stuck at my current location if I end up wanting to go to Hawaii or Ireland.

>> No.19095802
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imagine coming home from a long days work to a fucking BOX. not only that, but doing it for years on end. I'd kms

>> No.19095844

>it's this thread again

>> No.19095883

Mmm i sure hope so

>> No.19095887

That's just a city living thing. Even if you "own" some $800k condo it's still some cage in a shithole

>> No.19095895

for once, you are correct
that is reasonable. you shouldn't buy a house unless you know youre going to be living where you are for at least 5 years.

I'm 24, have a steady job and am ok living where I'm at for atleast 5 years. in 5 years, I'll have enough equity to sell and move wherever I want and put down $20,000 on another home.

>> No.19095950
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Lmao I know exactly where that is, that's the #1 train around 130th ST in NYC. I took that train to get to Columbia for college.
Ya the neighborhood is a shithole but it's getting gentrified. I wish I had bought property here even just 5 years ago, real estate in the ghetto did a 3x in that time

>> No.19095972

I cant wait to squat in my very own house during the states balkanization

>> No.19095984
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What if your home goes down drastically in value due to the coming financial apocolypse ?

>> No.19096033
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Nyannyan dap

>> No.19096101

Buy the dip.

>> No.19096155

>5 years renting a room as a bachelor: $18,000
>5 years paying taxes, HOA fees, interest on your loan, repairs, home insurance, for a 4 bedroom house you can't keep vacated: $100,000

>> No.19096162

Enjoy paying taxes, hidden costs and interest on your mortgage.

>> No.19096226

Huh I thought it was an old pic of Caprini Green

>> No.19096236

>5 years renting a room as a bachelor: $18,000
oh no no no hooooooo pfttttthahahahahahhaha LOOK AT HIS WALLS HAHAAHA LOOK AT HIS TENANTS HAHAHAHAHA
>5 years paying taxes, HOA fees, interest on your loan, repairs, home insurance, for a 4 bedroom house you can't keep vacated: $100,000
look at this dude.... doesnt even know what the word "vacated" means.

the last thread was filled with freudian slips like this from

>> No.19096241

>$300 a month in rent
I'd like to know where the hell you do that at

>> No.19096254

all of that factored in, my mortgage is still cheaper than rent on comparable apartments LOL


>> No.19096361

uh, nothing? I continue living my life like a normal human being.

now what happens to YOU when your landlord daddy demands an additional $50/month when your lease is up :^)

gonna move? pffttthahahaha have fun with that shit

>> No.19096373

Enjoy getting robbed by niggers

>> No.19096384

Moving's easy when you don't live like a pack rat, dumb low-iQ nigger

>> No.19096420

says the fucking guy who RENTS hahahahahaha textbook cognitive dissonance
in other words you live in a shitty apartment with no belongings.


>> No.19096427

It depends in which country tho
You need to pay 12% of the house price to gov where Iive, for a 300k house it’s 35/40k without mortgage and 50k+ with a mortgage (excluding interests), and that money are gone forever, so fuck that, I keep renting and relocating when I find a better job

>> No.19096434

I respect his persistence if nothing else.

>> No.19096473

damn that sucks

do me a solid though and click the little "legal" hyperlink at the bottom of the page and scroll to the bottom. what country runs this website?

>> No.19096521

Why so much hate OP?

>> No.19096596
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Home owners are cucks holding bags. My renters pay me and thus my homes are actual assets. Your home is not an asset if you live in it and only makes you bleed money. Rent where you live.
.t retired before 30

>> No.19096601

the original thread was meant to be educational but it devolved into what i like to call "rentcucks seething"

they went on and on about insurance and taxes and interest all the while not knowing and refusing to believe that even with all that factored in, owning a home was STILL cheaper than renting PLUS you build equity

so now the thread is what the title suggests. we make fun of and dab on the rentcucks as they S E E T H E and bask in their stupidity

>> No.19096620

Back in 2018 she almost killed herself because of people saying that. Thankfully melon came to her side

>> No.19096648

in college with 3 other roommates

>> No.19096693

do any of your roommates bring women over to pound? Do you listen in when they're doing the deed?

>> No.19096694

Until you need to make repairs. There goes all your equity.

>> No.19096720

firstly, i wish that was a man so i could ruin his hole.
>buy home with largest mortgage I can
>rent it out to some onions city kid who loves overpaying for an inner city 2 bed box
>rent a nice house in the suburb for less than i'd be paying on my mortgage
>free money positive cashflow as the renter pays off my investment
imagine not doing this

>> No.19096744

I did and masturbated it to it pretending I was the girl. That was last year, thankfully I’m on day 70 nofap and have not smoked weed or drank since then. My head was in a terrible place

>> No.19096814

I respect the honesty. Was she pretty cute?

>> No.19096844

You do realize real estate depreciates over time.

>> No.19096859

imagine the smell......

>> No.19096931

what? a $500 water heater that lasts 20 years?
a $1000 A/C unit that lasts 20 years?
a roof that lasts 50 years?

I love how rentcucks are "home repair costs" experts despite never even replacing their fucking air filter
you do realize that you're throwing away 100% of your money away on rent, right?

>> No.19097045

You're just an angry housefag.

>> No.19097056
File: 142 KB, 674x1055, SmartSelect_20200514-171257_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Threadly Reminder*

that 90% of you rentcucks live in places where a decent 1 bedroom apartment is $800/month. and in these very same places there are decent houses for sale for $130,000

*Threadly Reminder*

I was just approved for an FHA loan where I only put down 3.5% and my interest rate was a fixed 2.875% with a 640 credit score

see pic to get dabbed on

>> No.19097090


oh, I'm sorry Mr. "Enjoy getting robbed by niggers".... he says as he lives in a Welfare Box lol

>> No.19097096


Pretty obviously a guy.

Head to shoulder ratio does not lie

>> No.19097099

id live to buy a home. unfortunately i cant get a loan even though i can pay 11% down.

fucking sucks

>> No.19097214
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Cope, enjoy your massive bills having to fix everything left and right. Remember, your house is only an asset if it's rented out. Massive liability otherwise.

>> No.19097275

I'm a renter myself, but surely putting money towards a mortgage has more value than just throwing it into the proverbial money pit that is renting.
Fuck renting and fuck my landlord for raising my rent $40/mo each year. I only recommend renting if you are not planning on living somewhere for more than 3 or so years.

>> No.19097328

>fix everything
this is the ultimate rentcuck COPE.

most rentcucks tend to be irresponsible, low-IQ man children. all you need to do is go to any $800/month apartment complex and scope the place out. LOTS of losers....

the idea of having a water heater go out is the epitome of despair. "what do i do? who do i call? is it even POSSIBLE to fix?"

most rentcucks dont even change out their air filters, which brings me to my next point...

"knock knock... maintenance" :^)

what a joke. imagine some $12/hour junkie having the keys to your place..... lmao NO THANKS

>> No.19097336
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Investing my cashflow every month nets me more money long term than throwing "equity" into a house. Which the first 15 years of payments is mostly interest anyway lol.

>> No.19097346


>> No.19097357

>seething housefag

>> No.19097368


>> No.19097372

See >>19087336
Enjoy paying for your house twice.

>> No.19097374

Hit or miss i guess they never miss huh

>> No.19097389

>paying for your landlord's property three times over

pffttthahahaha more cognitive dissonance

>> No.19097398
File: 44 KB, 409x409, comfychef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy trailer home for $1500
>put it on small piece of land I own
>have 6kw solar setup
>have a church next door that gives me weeks worth of food and lets me use their water hose
>literally pay nothing but property taxes
>meanwhile inherited a $300k house that I rent out for $1600 a month (to a respectable white family)
I have 50k saved up from renting over the last 2 years and briefly working part-time when bored, I am literally getting paid to exist, imagine being a rentfag kek

>> No.19097403

the structure does yeah but the land value appreciates.
Cope. have fun paying one of my mortgages off for me.
>putting money towards a mortgage has more value than just throwing it into the proverbial money pit that is renting
if youre living in the house you own, its a liability. if youre renting it out to someone else, its an asset.

>> No.19097449
File: 51 KB, 600x610, 1589157385041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAAAASIVE COPE. Houses are a depreciating item, worse than cars when you don't rent them out. ALWAYS rent where you live 0% liability and rent out houses and living spaces you buy.
This cope is next level

>> No.19097457

My studio apartment is 1800 a month, why do I even live?

>> No.19097460
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>> No.19097506
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freedom is priceless and i dont play the capitalist clowns game of fake ownership.

you only own something when you possess, and are capable of defending it. you biz fags live in a fucking dreamworld that only melts away like wax holocaust. once its time for natural men and women to preserve life

>> No.19097582

blah blah blah literally doesn't change the fact that after 5 years I'll have thousands in equity WHILE PAYING LESS A MONTH and you'll still be a rentcuck living 8 inches from a track team of joggers

>> No.19097658
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COPE, I'm a retired landlord by renting out to cucks like you

>> No.19097699

Hopefully niggers come loot your shitboxes

>> No.19097712

cool. eventually I'll have rent out this home. you seem super salty. my guess is you're a LARPing rentcuck with $100 to your name

>> No.19097785
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47 single family homes and counting. I donate most profits to the ADL

>> No.19097810

More like 20000 in income

Reminder to never by property that you cant make cash flow

>> No.19097826
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Needs to cashflow at least 300 dollas a month at min

>> No.19097864

>to all
Disgusting. Also how'd you start out?

>> No.19097872

idk if you knew this or not anon, but 5 years from now you'll have 0 equity and be under water on your (read the banks) house.
>rent cuck
bitch i sold the top in late 2019 40k over asking. My rent is free this year.

>> No.19097882

My rent is 2800 for a 2bd and the median house price is 700k. Its gay.

>> No.19097892

I'm waiting on a call from my loan agent tonight. Yesterday he said he finished my application for an FHA. I'm very excited to finally have my own place. First things I do is Jack up the counters to a comfortable height for 6'+ people in the kitchen and bathrooms, expand master bedroom and bathroom so it's ginormous, and put in a home gym. Hoping to buy under 100k and put less than 50k in but that will mean cutting corners on the bathroom. Floor to ceiling marble is expensive, rose quartz even more so. I'll shop around for remnants or mismatch pieces, but already think I'll go another route. The gym alone will be about 7k if gym stores ever restock.
I don't care if it's not a good investment, neither are any of my other toys like dolls, gun, stuffed animals, bags and bags of panties, books, etc.. At some point you have to put money towards happiness, and a house you can make livable the way you want is worth the high premium. There's also the psychological factor beyond having a comfii place. I will have greater cash flow each month by about $500/mo even after taxes and hoa fees, and not have to worry about what is or isn't allowed and feeling frustrated by the limitations. After 10 or so years I should be ahead compared to renting, or faster if you account for opportunity cost and returns from investing the difference between rent and mortgage. The peace of mind and that good old American fuck off mind your business attitude is my main reason for buying though. It will feel so good autistically selecting every tiny insignificant detail that brings it all together.

>> No.19098027

not reading all that shit nigger

>> No.19098125

>makes $40k
>pisses it away on rent
hahahahahahahaha why are rentcucks so stupid?

>> No.19098187

>ALWAYS rent where you live 0% liability and rent out houses and living spaces you buy.
thats literally what i said in my post retard, youre agreeing with me

>> No.19098715

hahahahaha look at the retarded rent cucks fighting eachother out of sheer stupidity. you cant make this up hahahahaha

>> No.19098730


>> No.19099058
File: 1.30 MB, 690x920, kitten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an AGP general at /lgbt/ anon. You should come it's fun.

>> No.19099118

there was nothing educational about it you told me to go buy a dilapidated crackhouse on the outskirts of a ghetto on the opposite side of a metropolitan area and called me a stupid nigger for not wanting to do that
I cannot wait until you end up doxxing yourself and we discover you're some nasty little insecure brown man to prove that you actually got a "good deal" and not that you mortgaged your primary residence at an all time high just as the entire global economy was entering a bear market

>> No.19099133

that's a man

>> No.19099283

do you self manage or hire property managers?
if you hire managers, do you trust them? How do you know they're choosing good tenants that won't trash your property, or scamming you on repairs etc

>> No.19099299

I go to Columbia now and everyone is screaming "Prezbo is a monster, he's going to destroy Harlem" even though he's made the neighborhood safer and nicer than ever to live in.

>> No.19099660

Property managers, and it's pretty much gut feeling. Are they awkward? Is the handshake odd? Gut feeling tells you a lot beyond those things.

>> No.19100239

>there was nothing educational about it you told me to go buy a dilapidated crackhouse on the outskirts of a ghetto on the opposite side of a metropolitan area and called me a stupid nigger for not wanting to do that
wrong. have you taken your meds today anon?
>I cannot wait until you end up doxxing yourself
pffttthahahahahahaha what? u gonna reverse search my fucking Google screenshots? gonna figure out every person who recently bought recieved financing on a house? JFC up your lithium dosage you absolute nutter

>> No.19100294

lmao. gut feeling? you hire people based on gut feeling?

no background checks
no reference calls
no credit checks
no extensive interview

just a fucking "gut feeling" and a "handshake" hahahaha.

whats even more pathetic than this stupid LARP is youre don't have a fucking clue what it takes to even hire good wor. youre some Wendy's burger flipper.

"gut feeling" lmfao what an absolute joke

>> No.19100392

You shouldn’t buy a house until you absolutely need one (aka having a family). Renting a very modest apartment and banking as much money as you can is a superior way to build equity.

>> No.19100478
File: 133 KB, 681x1067, SmartSelect_20200514-204124_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

owning a home is cheaper than renting

>> No.19100648


Imagine saving up all your money to buy a beautiful home and this insufferable faggot is your neighbour. I'd rather live next to niggers.

>> No.19100740

thanks for the (you)s

i tend to mind my own business.

look at how much emphasis you put on neighbors tho lol. u rentcucks are mentally scared by having a bunch of joggers living 8 inches away from you lol

>> No.19100747

You forgot to add in 1% a year maintenance and the additional utilities for heating the extra square footage. It’s cheaper if you are getting equivalent square footage but you can’t get sub 600 sqft homes. Makes no sense to live in a 2br by yourself.

I guess I could buy a lot and park a trailer on it and that would be cheaper, but that’s a whole other hassle.

>> No.19100832
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No shit nigger, you think I was going to write an essay about that you brainlet renter? I'll be fucking your wife later while you write that rent check

>> No.19100989
File: 253 KB, 691x1236, SmartSelect_20200514-210804_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you think I was going to write an essay about that

considering you've spent over 4 hours and dedicated 1000 characters REEEEE'ing in my thread, I'd say yes. if you were actually in any sort of management role, you'd type out a long paragraph explaining your interview process

but you're just some weird little rentcuck

stay salty, rentcuck

>> No.19101073
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Why would I dedicate any real time giving away info to sudanese cheerio weaving forum dwellers? All that matters is that I can sheeeeeit post all day while collecting rents from cucks wageslaving

>> No.19101132

read: "why would i actually defend my LARP now that it's been revealed I'm actually a burger flipping autist. All that matters is you are giving me the attention i so desperately crave"

on that note get #filtered loser

>> No.19101143

look mom i posted it again!

>> No.19101176

>he then runs back to his "WHAT WAS THAT"/XRM/BBC/"10k here we come!" threads


>> No.19101194
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COPE, projection to the max.
Are your tendies ready?

>> No.19101212

lol, no. just find it funny that you have to post this every day to reassure yourself you made a good move buying a house right before the biggest economic depression in nearly 100 years. have fun paying a mortgage for a house that's now worth half of what you paid for it.

>> No.19101235

is this achievable natty?

>> No.19101274


>> No.19101445
File: 277 KB, 720x826, Screenshot_20200514-213615_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smells like cope

as stated before, originally it was meant to be educational, but you rentcucks flipped the fuck out. my OP like 5 days ago hit 300 posts. the one yesterday hit 220, and this one is about to hit a hundo.

its absolutely hilarious BTFO'ing you rentcucks with facts and logic

literally the only ground you have to stand on is speculative hypothetical scenarios. its the definition of COPE.

>> No.19101541

I'm a single man. Why the fuck would I take care of a house, a house is for a family

>> No.19101632

1) to build equity
2) mortgages are cheaper
3) neighbors aren't 8 inches away
4) you don't have 40 people living within 100ft of you

>> No.19101682
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It all makes sense. You are a smelly Street shitter pajeet in India

>> No.19101830
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>> No.19102386

After 5 years of owning a home, PMI becomes non-existent.

it would be dumb to do this, but you could refinance after 5 years.

a $140,000 house would go from ~$900/month to ~600/month.

that is including taxes and home insurance. people who rent over 5 years are really dumb

>> No.19103513

God bless you anon. Heaven is going to be great with you anons.

>> No.19103571

>assume housing goes up, always, like everyone else who owns a home

>> No.19103626

This is actually something that anons should look at and ponder for themselves.
Especially for those who live in the city and are trying to save up money for an over priced house.
Owning a house has benefits in various categories. But I can't argue against this anon's logic that reinvesting your profits into the market for the last few years would have given anons a much higher ROI than buying a house.

I bet for most of the anons here, this scenario would be much more advantagious than outright buying a house. First do this then look into buying a house.

>> No.19103660

>people who rent over 5 years are really dumb
If you play your cards right and do what this anons purposed (>>19097336) then there is a great chance that you would have more than enough money to buy a home in cash after just two years of investing.
It's a cheat code to finance practically.

>> No.19103689

What would you recommend someone put there money in right now if they were to start doing what you suggested?
Do you have a spread of a few blue chip companies you put money in regularly along with the SPY?
I'm thinking a ratio of 90% blue chip and 10% medium cap rate would be a safe spread yeah?

>> No.19103690

>Back in 2018
wtf that video happened just a few months ago
I refuse to believe this

>> No.19103730

>free money for being a respectable citizen that the bank can trust instead of a liberal arts degrees libcuck
remember to forget the key to the apartment alongside with the address in a nog infested neighborhood if the tenant slum rat refuses to pay

>> No.19103852

Rent where you live is kind of a meme. You can actually use an FHA loan to get a low interest rate loan at 3.5% down on a 3 unit and rent the other 2 units out. As long as you occupy 35% of the sq footage for 1 year, you meet your loan convenants.

You can actually buy fixer uppers, rent out 65% for a year, occupy 35% for a year, then fill the 3rd unit, refinance out, and move into another 3 unit using a FHA loan right after. If you get them cheap enough, you can infinitely scale without putting in additonal capital.

>> No.19103994

Imagine working for 8 hours only to have to come back to this.
Imagine being a slum rat LMAO

>> No.19104160

Are you talking about the first time home buyer FHA lonas?

>> No.19104439

Buy a rowhouse on edge/beginning of ghetto with three surrounding areas i think will gentrify for 45000 with sturdy foundation, new roof, new furnace.

>3 years later I can get 80,000 for it easy.

>only put down 2 grand with FHA loan, total cost to purchase, 7000 grand (lawyer etc)

>do most repairs myself (except majors ie the water heater just went 1400 bucks)

>pay 495 a month to live in 1800 sq foot house

eat a dick rentcucks

>> No.19104579

Stop watching anime

>> No.19104691
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Time is accelerating

>> No.19104758

>you do realize that you're throwing away 100% of your money away on rent, right?

>> No.19104764
File: 788 KB, 1289x442, wat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck? That shit is a year old tops
And she's a girl (female), not the shadbase fake news version

>> No.19104859

fukken based good deal anon

>> No.19104891

oh i forgot

>make fully anonymous tips through tor to law enforcement (which are close and good in my city) so they can clean out the drug dealers and other riff raff