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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19086587 No.19086587 [Reply] [Original]

Explain state level finance to me.
It's said that every country has huge debts.
It appears most of those could never be paid back to anyone.
It's also a thing that every now and then in history, for this and that reason, depts are officially canceled.

So who do the countries owe money to and why would those borrowers be okay with it?

>> No.19086675

Everyone is deep in the depths anon there is no way to get out when you are this deep in depths.

>> No.19086726

who is this QT-pa-2T?

>> No.19086792

here is your redpill: (it's strawberry flavor)

money is not made of nothing it represents liability. basically a promise of future performance. money always has been just that and nothing more.
basically nobody creates money. money is just a specific form of debt. you transform and trade various forms of obligations though your life. and money represents some of it.
the different between money and government securities is minimal. you can't use gov bonds to buy shit in a store and you don't get interest on money. but both are debts, proofs of obligation of future performance. when you trade one to the other you don't actually create or destroy anything. and this is the important part. what it does is it changes the available money supply to the people. that's like putting the family money in a safe and taking it out when needed.

>> No.19086861

its a man

>> No.19086889

Christine Chandler

>> No.19086933

“I want his pee”

>> No.19086973

Is she getting blacked?

>> No.19086984

thats a man

>> No.19087039
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>> No.19087869
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answer the question, fagrats

>> No.19089402

The magic here is that the central bank can lend things that do not exist, trust/promises.
When regular banks create money out of thin air they are indebted to the central bank (there are limits).
The CB tracks all money created and destroyed in their books.
Regular banks can't exist without a central bank, and a central bank cannot exist without you and I, the state (law, power, productivity, etc...).

You could say that the money they create out of thin air is yours and fuels the system.
If a player doesn't pay money back it fucks everyone in the ass by extension, all players have an incentive to play the game as no one wants to get fucked.

At least that's how I understand this system. It's all made up, there are no truths or perfect systems, humanity creates whatever construct that helps them move forward until it doesn't anymore.

Why? Because.

>> No.19089450

> tfw no conservative borderline gf who will kill any girl who looks at you and will do incredible sexual things to you

>> No.19089675

>depts are officially canceled
it's not that simple, concessions are made to the creditors. One that subjugate nations further.

>> No.19089732

banks don't create money out of thin air.
they convert one liability to an other one and assume the risk and price it in via interest.
your liability addressing your future performance is brought to the present.

>> No.19089941

And central banks set the risk at zero through things like ultra-low rates, FDIC, Freddie/Fannie, allowing ultra-low reserve ratio fractional reserve banking, etc.. In other words the fed has the retail banking sector create money for them.

>> No.19090110

no the risk is only zero for one holding cash
nothing else is close to zero risk for default
and no joe nobody will receive a loan for 0%

>> No.19090154

She's saying "I want some big ass dicks tho"

>> No.19090184


Lol'd but untrue. She is a disgraced mentally ill conservathot named Ashton Whitty. Proven shill.

>> No.19090229


This isnt some conspiracy theorist bullshit. The guy literally has steve forbes endorsing him at the end of the video.

>> No.19090255

Did she ever actually kill herself?

>> No.19090273

Oh, and then start going down the pigeon hole of who actually owns the fed...

Unironically a bunch a Jewish banking magnates. Literally.

>> No.19090279

i love the series good production quality very entertaining but mike maloney is a fear monger and habitual liar. he has many valid points but in the end you are left with half truths and misinformation aimed to make you fearful and become his customer.

>> No.19090435

it's not a bad place to start, i'm just here to warn you you only get half of the truth from mike. he has a business interest in you remaining half ignorant.

>> No.19090492
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The Rothschilds collect by taking over more and more countries.

>> No.19091398

The banks get loans at near zero and lend it out. That’s their cut for producing money out of thin air. Their assumed risk is effectively zero as they get serially bailed out when shit goes south.

>> No.19092485

House of Payseur

>> No.19092517

The answer is debt monetization
Central banks buy the debt bank and never ask it back, so they cancel it
End of the story

>> No.19092574

private banks you mean
Central banks can do whatever the fuck they want

>> No.19093881

>The banks get loans at near zero and lend it out
that's not how it works, the banks don't get the money they lend out from anywhere. they swap liabilities with you. reserves are a thing of the past in today's monetary system.

>> No.19093909

central banks work very differently from each other. but generally they don't issue money.

>> No.19094226

Ergo they create money out of thin air. I’m not sure if we’re arguing anything more than semantics at this point and for that reason, I’m out.

>> No.19094446

"Debt" is spelled with a B

>> No.19094526

>Ergo they create money out of thin air.
no they simply swap liabilities or iou-s with you. you could think of it like this when you decide to promise a future performance to someone you basically create money when this iou is in a generic and fungible form.

you could say the bank is doing the administration of this money creation.

>> No.19094558

but the main point is it's not from "thin air" because that implies there is nothing behind it or backing it. but there is: your iou that you gave to them.

don't think i can explain any better.

>> No.19094621

not all country have huge debts. Your wrong. Yes USA has.. and Japan.

>> No.19094649


>> No.19094678
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>> No.19094753
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ms titty tits

>> No.19094871

She’s pretty.
She gives off bad vibes though.

>> No.19094893

That's the jewish version of money. Money is a fungible alternative to the barter system and should be backed up (ideally) by gold or another finite valueable material

>> No.19094943

State debt is not the same as your credit card debt. It’s more like leverage and it’s typically owed to the people of the nation in the form of bonds or other securities.