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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19086655 No.19086655 [Reply] [Original]

>I am forgotten

>> No.19087571
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They were competing for banks and institutions. It's great to set lofty goals, but at the end of the day, you're competing with the best of the best. Just not gonna happen.

If they did things right and scaled things down like Stakecube they would be in a much better position.

>> No.19087628

You had years to accumulate this and now when the release is here you start fudding it? Lmao

>> No.19087677

Release of what? LMAO HAHAHAHAH
No one knows. No one cares.

>> No.19087775

OP here release what lmao? I have 5 masterndes of this shit

>> No.19088203

Yikes. Sell and run away. Fast. They are based on BTC lightning network. Bitcoin is going the way of the dodo. So will Stakenet

>> No.19089458

XSN is not forgotten... maybe it could turn to be a wrong bet..
but it's good project on paper

>> No.19089938

No one can tell me if I have to buy more or not?

>> No.19090779

no one?

>> No.19091147

Depends on how much you have already. If you believe there is a need for decentralized exchanges that allow near zero fee instant transactions between different blockchains while the user is in complete control of their private keys, then you should have at least a few masternodes of XSN.
The tech is very nice and I do believe there will be a constantly growing stream of users for the DEX.

>> No.19091724

but there already decentralized exanges also the masternode model is an arcaic form of validation

>> No.19092470

I'm unaware of any dex that has Lightning Swaps integrated into them. XSN is the third team to even implement them after Bitcoin core and LTC dev teams.

Lightning swaps are done off-chain which allow them to scale pretty much infinitely compared to Atomic swaps that are done on-chain. The LS transactions are instant and with near zero fees. The dex will be extremely fast and can easily compete with centralized exchanges because of that. Why would you use a centralized KYC exchange that holds your keys after the XSN dex becomes available?

Of course not all cryptos support Lightning swaps yet but Atomic swaps can be used in the meantime. Also the Raiden Network integration is coming which will allow ERC-20 tokens to be exchanged near instantly on the XSN dex as well.

The masternodes are needed to provide the network with networking services and provide computing resources for it, basically the dex runs on top of the masternodes. The chain is secured with their novel TPoS consensus which is a lot more secure than existing PoS networks.

>> No.19092793

>after the XSN dex becomes available?
why is everybdy sleeping on this?
Example here they consider it to be a shitcoin

>> No.19092846

>novel TPoS consensus which is a lot more secure than existing PoS networks
thank you anon
could you explain why?

>> No.19093210

These are copy pasted from their website's FAQ. You should check it out if you want more info (just google stakenet faq).
"TPoS is a technology developed by Stakenet that allows users to trustlessly stake XSN by having a Merchantnode (a server which acts as a Staking node) do the staking for them while not having to share any spendable balance or private keys with it. This is done with a smart contract.
With TPoS, you can safely keep your coins anywhere, like in a hardware wallet, and they will be staking and growing over time, even while you sleep. Not having the coins exposed in the staking server is a huge step forward in terms of privacy and security."

"Having trustless and decentralized staking nodes with unique IPv4 addresses makes XSN one of the most secure PoS blockchain. Other cold staking solutions can't achieve this level of security, as they don't have as many nodes verifying the blockchain. Trustless Proof of Stake, in combination with Lightning Swaps, will allow users to stake XSN held in a hardware wallet and earn Bitcoin (or any other LN compatible coin) directly to this hardware wallet as rewards."

The reason why I think it feels like everyone is sleeping on this is because the team has taken a long long time to develop this stuff. They were already hyping this stuff up back in 2018, and they still haven't been able to release the dex. That's a long time in crypto world and I think many people lost interest in this along the way. But I'm confident that they are getting really close to the release right now based on their discord channel where you can follow the latest status.

>> No.19093264

why is everyone sleeping on this?

>> No.19093414
File: 99 KB, 600x574, 3cylxq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reason why I think it feels like everyone is sleeping on this is because the team has taken a long long time to develop this stuff. They were already hyping this stuff up back in 2018

Here is the problem with XSN and you just kind of summarized part of it. I used to be an investor but last year I saw where the winds where headed in crypto and I fucking dropped this shit and ran.

1) Their niche is unclear

With their cold staking model with cross chain payouts, its targeting institutions. It's a good start, but they need more, way more, in order to compete.

Then they spend 2 fucking years developing a dex...

2) 2 years developing something that has already become obsolete

DEX's were a meme. They were very popular in 2016-2018 era, but crypto has changed. They didnt have the foresight to see that DEX's were just a meme and not something long lasting. Most people prefer the extra service, margin etc of central exchanges. You dont get that with a DEX and governments dont like it either.

3) They built it on BTC technology

They honestly deserve whats coming. They built their entire network on fucking BTC/Lightning. Dont they know that BTC is the fucking Alta Vista, Netscape Navigator of crypto? It's destined to just be a footnote in the history books of crypto.

>> No.19093532

Anyone got a screenshot of the epic digits from that PoSW Coin thread a few years back?

>> No.19093605
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To elaborate... they honestly deserve everything that is coming to them. I remember snooping through Discord and they were talking about how they were going to get Institutions on board. Absolutely laughable when there was no clear protocol on security and shared custody features. No foresight or direction whatsoever.

Then they actually had the audacity to build the whole thing with Lighting, I mean lawl, absolutely laughable, Bitcoin is old technology and is destined to be replaced...

They would be in a much better position if they pulled back these goals and instead went a Stakecube route, providing services to retail investors. That would have been an achievable, realistic goal.

Additionally, there are 0 partnerships listed. I know they are partners with Ledger and Xeeda but its small potatoes in the long run. No real partnerships with any financial institutions

I remember them giving some fervent arguments whenever I told them that the DEX would be DOA. Whelp, look whats happened. No. One. Fucking.Cares. About your fucking fancy "true" DEX.

RIP XSN, dead on arrival

>> No.19094798

>2) 2 years developing something that has already become obsolete
why obsolete?

>> No.19094816

>DEX's were a meme
I disagree. We never had an off chain DEX

>> No.19094902

>there was no clear protocol on security and shared custody features
Masternodes were protocol of security
They have implemented security protocol on shared custody feature
>Additionally, there are 0 partnerships listed
and your opinion is discarded...you basically bet against btc and LN.. which makes you a faggot

>> No.19096087

you just want to accumulate

>> No.19096207
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1589075773099s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why obsolete?
Because no one cares about Dex's except enthusiasts and people doing illegal activity. That's the fucking truth. The average trader and investor doesn't really care how it gets done, just if it gets done, and how easy it is to get done. Additionally, the more regulation we have, the less attractive DEX's become (except to criminals)

>They have implemented security protocol on shared custody feature
Where? Why do I have to search for this information? Why isnt this touted as a major feature? Is it really that competitive? How does it stack up to Polysign? Eh, it doesn't. We both know the truth, but you're just in denial.
Ok, my bad. I forgot, they did partner up with Litecoin. But its not advertised, and its Litecoin. Therefore irrelevant.
>.you basically bet against btc and LN.. which makes you a faggot
No, it makes me a realist, are you this big of a fool to think bitcoin and litecoin has a future? Laughable. Absolutely laughable.
>you just want to accumulate
No, I dumped my stack a long time ago, and judging by your response, I'm glad I did.

>> No.19096644

lightning DEX almost done, I'm all in on this project, I got a masternode Im saving all XSN generated to get 2 masternodes and so on. this thing is unstoppable DYOR. Nothing can compete.

>> No.19096781

>Because no one cares about Dex's
tell this to exange that get hacked
>No, it makes me a realist, are you this big of a fool to think bitcoin and litecoin has a future? Laughable. Absolutely laughable.
Absoluty laughable when it goes to 100k and you miss out

>> No.19096797

>Why isnt this touted as a major feature? Is it really that competitive? How does it stack up to Polysign? Eh, it doesn't
hello firsto off all checked
could you answer to that?

>> No.19096874

The denial is real here. It's gonna get alot worse once bitcoin crashes and doesn't recover. I wouldn't touch this dying project with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.19096900

>I'm all in

>> No.19097007

im not here to convince you to buy it. if you don't want to buy it then dont, i dont care if you make it or not. i've done my research, ive talked with devs, and ive made up my mind. go ahead and fud away because people who've been in crypto long enough know what a committed fudder army actually means. every single time i see stakenet mentioned on /biz/ it's targeted by fudders out the ass. ETH was the same. LINK was the same. oldfags remember. im not spoonfeeding anyone.

>> No.19097554

damn u silenced dem fools lmao

>> No.19097568

No one cares about Dex's anymore.

We want features such as Fiat On-Ramps. Leverage trading, staking etc on an Exchange.

XSN has none of these and will never get them.

I have 1.5 Masternodes of this shit and regretting not selling them.

>> No.19097631

Oh yeah he silenced us....into stunned silence of his outright denial and stupidity. Oh yeah there are tons of people making threads fudding xsn lmao. Yeah it's a daily occurance.

Run away from this project while you still can. I almost feel sorry for you people.

>> No.19097689

>doesn't realize he just outed himself as indeed posing as multiple anons to fud

lmfao please keep going im cracking up