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19093022 No.19093022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>don’t get jobs just because of my skin color
Why is it like this bros?

>> No.19093055

and you really are asking this here?

>> No.19093063

Its because you are a nigger. Cheer up and go for a jog.

>> No.19093075

that has never happened to me before

>> No.19093104

nothing beats a good jog!

>> No.19093108

Go to africa. There are only jobs for blacks

>> No.19093114
File: 60 KB, 500x333, a53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaah.ohhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhaahahah. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahhaha.

>> No.19093115

>be me
>have to say im mexican or some brown shit on EEO forms just to get an interview

has to be bait

>> No.19093118

because the jews are based. they enslaved your ancestors and forced them into hard labor, then continued fucking you over hundreds of years later by brainwashing you into adopting and promoting rap culture and voting against your interests

>> No.19093120
File: 18 KB, 404x357, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>don’t get jobs just because of my skin color
Why is it like this bros?

>> No.19093135

do better. I personally know a few really successful blacks

>> No.19093147

Brown people live in a continent called "Africa". You should try getting a job there.

>> No.19093151

Idk about that, it must be you anon. I’m black and literally always get hired. I also think it may be just because I’m tall, buff, and Chad but it still works

>> No.19093163

I got rejected from 11 jobs before I finally found one, I have a master's in maths. Keep going bro

>> No.19093182

Did you miss a zero at the end?

>> No.19093205


>be me
>get all the best jobs

why is it like this bros?

>> No.19093211
File: 739 KB, 750x807, 31E6E0D0-000F-486C-A5F0-C2BDCA063483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be mixed race
>Black father was a super successful banking exec, but still found a way to dip out of my life when I was 4
>No father figure growing up
>No confidence in my abilities
>No real skills or hobbies
>No motivation
>Have two useless degrees that I only got because that’s what society said I was “supposed” to do
>hate myself

>> No.19093221


What's your name OP? Studies have shown that if your name sounds particularly ethnic like Laquesha or Davarius or whatever that HR will skip over you

>> No.19093259

>be me
>don’t get into college just because of my skin color
Why bro’s. Why do I pay for the mistake of our forefathers

>> No.19093261

nobody gives a fuck mulato man

>> No.19093281
File: 108 KB, 1242x1225, IMG_20190911_132415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cut the dreads, wear something respectable, cover your prison tats, wear a nice cologne to cover the nigger smell and you'll meet someone's racial diversity quota

>> No.19093285

I know, that’s why I only vent on an anonymous Tibetan pottery exchange board

>> No.19093369

You can always sell drugs and commit crimes. Maybe start rapping, get a face tattoo of a swastika and go viral

>> No.19093389

Darius so I guess that could be it. I live in Alabama so most of the companies I’m applying to are ran by white ppl
Appreciate it brother

>> No.19093393

>>Black father... found a way to dip out of my life when I was 4
Many such cases

>> No.19093403
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So what you're saying is, your mom paid the toll?

>> No.19093493

No, it feels like I did. Children need a mom and a dad to develop properly

>> No.19093510

>be me
>can't get job as well
Fucking retard

>> No.19093528
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be black
>have conservative black father and mother
>gtfo ghetto
>have degree
>got job based on networking skills
>no gf, but also no kids
>not rich, but financial situation on the constant up
feels good man

>> No.19093540

>be white
>pretend to be black on biz for YOUs

This is even worse than your thot spam threads faggot

>> No.19093547


>> No.19093587


If you're white and can't get a job, something has to be wrong with you.

>> No.19093744

>If you're white and can't get a job, something has to be wrong with you
Yeah because people always hires you if you're white, it doesn't matter if you have no skill and you're only able to do manual work, Idiot.

>> No.19093769


Yeah it's probably your name and region bro. You can try using a white moniker if that doesn't sound too degrading.

>> No.19093784

>Whites can get jobs?
>What about whites with NO SKILLS???!!!! hmmmm?

>> No.19093812



>> No.19093818

Nice larp op. NIggers are preferred over whites these days.

>> No.19093912

>not even an argument
>cancerous reply
>ignoring the fact that besides race nearly everyone is living under poverty
Erase yourself from this earth, kid.

>> No.19093965

Best answer. An american (i guess) negro in africa, he would be king.

>> No.19094112


>> No.19094151

One bad apple ruins the bunch

>> No.19094687

Ask your dad

>> No.19094714

im horny guys, make me coom

>> No.19094757