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19086836 No.19086836 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stop the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck?

>> No.19087037

Go ALL-IN on ESH / Ghosties before it's too late

>> No.19087068

Stop spending every check retard

>> No.19087090


>> No.19087101

move into the cheapest apartment. dump your gf, learn to cook, drive an old but reliable car, suck cocks for money

>> No.19087127

Take a step back and think about why you get a paycheck and that will begin to free you up. You're an employee, a cog, what you need to do is create or something of value. Either offer lots of that for cheap or a few at high prices.

Then look at other ways to generate income. I started as an employee and saved up enough to work on my own while day trading a meager amount in eminis on the side. I was still and employee but it felt great to make money from my own personal industry and discipline. There is no reason you can't make money everyday. Let that truly sink in anon.

>> No.19087169

let's say you're actually living paycheck to paycheck like some sort of goblin comes into your house and sets fire to your socks or something, causing you to always come to a balance of $1 left over every month.
i'm not kidding when i say this, start drinking a shitton of tea and change your schedule around. example below
>wake up
>brush teeth
>go to work
>come home
>fuck around
>wake up 5 hours before shift
>start drinking some tea, doing some stretches to wake yourself up on a physical level
>learn something you can get another job with, and make sure that job has promotional potential
>go to normal job
>come home tired, make food, go to bed
if you're shitposting on biz you have the same access to wikipedia and shit i do
math for example, is fucking free. there is no 'codecademy' of math. if you can put complex math shit on your resume, youll immediately get a job
rant over, fuck off

>> No.19087214


>Cut all non-essential spending to the bone
>Stop ordering takeout -> Learn a few tasty basic meals and cook them for yourself on repeat
>Stop paying for gym* -> run and bodyweight exercises
>Stop buying new clothes
>Stop buying vidya, read books or stream stuff for free instead
>Bike instead of car
>Build up an emergency fund
>Build up cash reserves
>Pay off debts as much as possible
>Start funding savings and retirement accounts, paying into them on the first of every month, like they're bills
>Treat yourself every once in a while but really savor it and make it special instead of a thoughtless thing that just blows money. Like a really nice dinner with friends.

>t. former paycheck to paycheck cuck

* I consider a gym pretty essential so get a cheap membership once you can afford it.

>> No.19087244

>inb4 caffeine pills
i also say tea because its cheap as fuck, and will give you a sense of ritual

>> No.19087372

>Never listen to your family when they say they need money, they are always lying

>> No.19087408

Budget bro, YNAB saved my life.

>> No.19087638

YNAB costs money. Use openoffice and make your own budget.

>> No.19087808
File: 153 KB, 754x302, ourgloriousfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy Proton XPR this week (price is about $0.015)
>hold for 3-6 months
>dump at $1.00, enjoy your 100x boost

This is how you break the cycle of poverty, anon.

>> No.19087848

not sure it is worth it

>> No.19088671

>live on less than you make
>save the amount you don't spend
>don't go into debt to buy shit you don't need

>> No.19088765

Read the book The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.

>> No.19088800

live in your car for a year and move to another state so nobody knows you

>> No.19088802

Buy HEX and ghost, congrats you’re part of the new world elite

>> No.19088835

dont listen to anybody else. you can save up to 50% of your income or more if you get another job and make this social sacrifice. literally after a petty year you will be financially able to make any decision you want and can resume your normal life, if you want

>> No.19089046
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>> No.19089504

I routinely get pregnant and have late term abortions so I can get maternity leave.

>> No.19089566
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>> No.19089571

I put each paycheck into crypto. I need to stop and save for something tangible like a place to live.

>> No.19089603

stop living

>> No.19089719


>> No.19089748

stop being a retard

>> No.19090318

If you're a poorfag decrease your spending.

If you're not increase your income but make sure your expenses don't increase with it

>> No.19090928

Save a good chunk of what you make.

I'm not rich but I save 33% of my take home pay and now have 6 months of money invested that I can use if shit goes bad.

>> No.19090974


>> No.19091004

Cut back on spending or get a better job. Live below your means.

>> No.19091023

Limit your discretionary spending

>> No.19091165

Rigorous budgeting
Pay off all debts or at least start chipping away at them
don't go in to debt unless it will pay you back more later
Invest in yourself (training or education with a realistic payoff)
Minimize your expenses including taxes
Consider moving for better job opportunities too