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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19084991 No.19084991 [Reply] [Original]

*ting ting*

>> No.19085004

Good evening /biz/,
I am very proud of my huge intelligence which helped me to generate a ton of money, so I am ready to share my knowledge with you brainlets.

I'm disappointed how fast the number of brainlets has increased here on /Biz/. The time where the real breadcrumb seekers have been active is long gone, but at least I have my 150k link stack.


Each of you brainlets just blindly follows and wants to be spoonfed. So I decided to take the effort and give you some interesting facts.

The picture shows the CEO of ESH, formerly Ethershift now SwitchAG
- No educational background, probably non-existent person: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-case-ab6031175
Unverified: https://icoholder.com/en/ethershift-24890
- Hired by McAfee: https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1060297052947693568?lang=en
- paid shill by meaningless newspaper: https://twitter.com/Frontl1neNews
- The absolute worst whitepaper I have ever seen: https://static.icoholder.com/files/24890/18ae370a6d304759bb05322f59f6cc54.pdf
- Medium Blog in the quality of a school essay: https://medium.com/@switchag/part-9-big-announcement-coming-soon-1d0de6d2d89b
- origin of this scam for reading at: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4965937.0
- whitepaper not available to the public brainlet: https://esh.ethershift.co/wp-content/themes/ethershift-ico/downloads/ethershift_whitepaper.pdf
- extremely tiny number of holders addresses, because people leave their tokens on exchange (Idex) to dump it again: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd6a55c63865affd67e2fb9f284f87b7a9e5ff3bd
- no audit on the code, not to mention has anyone even read it.

Why is this all happening right now? McAfee is smart and hasn't just launched his own coin like every standard newfag, McAfee is milking the cow twice. He practically bundles 2 ICO's in one and earns money on ESH and GHOST. The real object of desire is GHOST and not ESH from this unregistered Bahamacompany.

>> No.19085021

I I wish that in the future the quality here will rise again on /BIZ/, otherwise people like me will leave and Reddit 2.0 is born. The time when valuable content was distributed is long gone.

RIP Brainlets - thanks for the cash.
Everyone else, Frens stay Frens but keep living under the radar.

>> No.19085076

Based post

>> No.19085085

additional announcement: im gay

>> No.19085117

yeah, this coin is a scam. based

>> No.19085239

Most of the people these days don’t use their own brain anymore and just follow the crowd. I mean that’s literally a problem of our society these days.

>> No.19085296

say that again to my+ 5000% incrase LMFAOOOOOOOOO im rich bitch

>> No.19085330

huh wait you mean that the ESH pump is because people want to get Ghost and not because people actually care about ESH? Wow mind = blown thanks for unmasking this OP

>> No.19085444

nice fud, loser. I sure wonder what motivates you.

>> No.19085552

You do realize nobody gives a single fuck about ESH right? If the token was burned after the airdrop no one would care. You do know that?

>> No.19085589

Well these are some hard facts. Going to sell half of my stack just to be on the safe side under. Thanks operator!

>> No.19085808


>> No.19085973

Can someone comment on this post PLZ? I‘m holding some decent bags here

>> No.19086005
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took out my initial so now i dont care what happens to the rest of my esh. It could go to zero for all i care.

>> No.19086029


>> No.19086057

You just said you were going to sell half your stack so sell it. Nobody knows what's going to happen. Anyone who tells you they know where to price is going isn't worth listening to. The WP releases tomorrow.

>> No.19086155

hmm i wonder what is the reason behind all of this fud telling me to get rid of esh lately?

>> No.19086172

Most likely so they can buy back in due to failed swings.

>> No.19086257

also your fud is absolute garbage-tier, try again.

>> No.19086737

Nice pieces of information operator. Props on that

>> No.19087166

not sure what your problem acutaly is. The service is real and seems to work. As far as I understand McAfeedex is based on Switch tech and although it seems to have problems, in general it works. I trust the judgment of McAfee here. If he found a cheap talent without any credentials that can do the work I'm fine with that. Actually it just shows how smart the man is. Many companies waste tons of monies on some stupid credential fags that have no idea of anything. He probably is some genuis behind some darknet market or something, that impressed McAfee.

>> No.19087173

Sold half of my stack as well. The pump was nice anyways

>> No.19087284
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Oh look.. another biz anon here to help us all... kek

>> No.19087319

Btw I might unironically use esh to buy things irl. They have cool giftcards with tech companies in my country.

>> No.19087555

You actually spent time writing this thinking your fud would make ghost affordable. Hahaha you’re not getting a single one of my ghosties tranny.

>> No.19087576

checked. OP rekt.

>> No.19087592

Imagine spending all this time writing that shit up hoping for a 20% swing trade and not just buying and waiting 6 months for a 2000000% increase. Fudders are truly scum of the Earth.

>> No.19088096
File: 3.20 MB, 750x1334, 6B93033D-D296-4912-B1D1-2A67B935C0D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I’m out. What is this bullshit.

>> No.19088126

Agreed. Place is full of children, LARPERs, Pajeet shills, and discord shills

>> No.19088297

In 2017 there was way more quality. Biz literally became a garbage place of information over the years.

>> No.19088427

It’s called ponzi

>> No.19088869

This guy is ugly as fuck. How can mcaffee even hire that beta? Look at this jawline holy shit

>> No.19088969


>> No.19089058

>5446545454546 posts by this id
just buy in you faggot

>> No.19089059

Checked, based, and redpilled.

>> No.19089078

Thanks operator sold by bags. I cannot afford it to loose that bucks

>> No.19089464

I would not consider any McAfee Project anyway. But I really appreciate these type of post.

This is the approach that actually helps the people here not lost their hard earned cash, second before the 2020-2022 bullrun.
Basically, either you stay in solid top project. Or you research your ass off like OP here. Those are the only way to seriously make it.

>> No.19089522

is owning as much ESH as the devs an issue? asking for a friend

>> No.19089546

Totally agree

>> No.19089602

Stay poor faggot, McAfee is a PnD God and will take early investors to the moon.

>> No.19089612

You do realize your id stays the same right?

>> No.19089862

You mean to tell me that this guy worked for the government at one point with high level clearance then saw all the nonsense that the government does , so he quit and ran his own cyberse curity software where he sold his company for 70M then dived into bath salts and hookers shitting in his mouth and living with 10 prostitutes where one of them pointed a gun at him while he was asleep and tried to rob him but was unsuccessful then he told the world about the government and the powers that be of the corruption and then allegedly murdered a guy in Belize , Ran as a Libertarian Candidate in the fucking US then got arrested and then broke out of prison and almost got assassinated a couple of times and has since been on the fucking run , and will become a martyr because everyone will want to use GHOST as his memory will live on as his political opponents try to kill him because he exposed the Epstein shit to the fucking world is going to make his own fucking cryptocurrency with its own blockchain and for its DEXes and who has 1M followers on Twitter which he shilled XVG and PIVX which both returned 1000x+ ROI on Investment isn’t going to push this fucking coin to the fucking sky
Then you are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to be poor. Personally I’m all In

>> No.19090014

>ROI on investment

>> No.19090074
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>> No.19090230

Dude, dont go all in.
In the 2017 dec bullrun. Literally any low cap coin had similar returns.
Why risk losing all your hard earned stack. While we are at beginning of bullrun. Keep some money in BTC/ETH, solid projects.
Its like going to casino what you're doing.

>> No.19090387

its a copypaste

>> No.19090690

holy shit my sides

>> No.19090764

>Good evening /biz/,
>I am very proud of my huge intelligence which helped me to generate a ton of money, so I am ready to share my knowledge with you brainlets.
>I'm disappointed how fast the number of brainlets has increased here on /Biz/. The time where the real breadcrumb seekers have been active is long gone, but at least I have my 150k link stack.
>Each of you brainlets just blindly follows and wants to be spoonfed. So I decided to take the effort and give you some interesting facts.
>The picture shows the CEO of ESH, formerly Ethershift now SwitchAG
>- No educational background, probably non-existent person: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-case-ab6031175
>Unverified: https://icoholder.com/en/ethershift-24890
>- Hired by McAfee: https://twitter.com/officialmcafee/status/1060297052947693568?lang=en
>- paid shill by meaningless newspaper: https://twitter.com/Frontl1neNews
>- The absolute worst whitepaper I have ever seen: https://static.icoholder.com/files/24890/18ae370a6d304759bb05322f59f6cc54.pdf
>- Medium Blog in the quality of a school essay: https://medium.com/@switchag/part-9-big-announcement-coming-soon-1d0de6d2d89b
>- origin of this scam for reading at: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4965937.0
>- whitepaper not available to the public brainlet: https://esh.ethershift.co/wp-content/themes/ethershift-ico/downloads/ethershift_whitepaper.pdf
>- extremely tiny number of holders addresses, because people leave their tokens on exchange (Idex) to dump it again: https://etherscan.io/token/0xd6a55c63865affd67e2fb9f284f87b7a9e5ff3bd
>- no audit on the code, not to mention has anyone even read it.
>Why is this all happening right now? McAfee is smart and hasn't just launched his own coin like every standard newfag, McAfee is milking the cow twice. He practically bundles 2 ICO's in one and earns money on ESH and GHOST. The real object of desire is GHOST and not ESH from this unregistered Bahamacompany.

t. anon lt1jwiLu 2020

>> No.19091504
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