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File: 87 KB, 732x837, redditethereum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19078336 No.19078336 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19078361

This helps me get more ghosties how exactly?

>> No.19078372
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>> No.19078379
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>> No.19078389

Already posted in this an hour ago

And have subsequently lost all faith in this board.

>> No.19078394
File: 72 KB, 828x951, 1589404809585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been weeks, do pleppitors are fucking using it or is it still beta alpha shit

>> No.19078395
File: 81 KB, 739x838, fortnitebrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fortnite sub

>> No.19078410

that is where you belong

>> No.19078421

See, they dont get it man

>> No.19078424

do you not like money?

I've got some bad news. Redditors also like food. Are you going to stop eating?

>> No.19078439

Hey man stop the fuckin TK we're on the same team

>> No.19078446

thanks dad

>> No.19078471
File: 331 KB, 1736x697, KLSADJHJH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19078482

we did it reddit!

>> No.19078485


How can I dump this piece of shit? I have 1400 moons

>> No.19078518

biggest sell signal

>> No.19078529

so many people here browse reddit just shut this fucking board down

>> No.19078531

fucking stupid.

>> No.19078561
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>> No.19078563


>> No.19078574
File: 124 KB, 700x605, 15873474048593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

priced in

>> No.19078582

so bullish

>> No.19078584


>> No.19078585


>> No.19078598

Im gonna have to take a break from this board man. I'm disappointed. One of the key projects in the crypto space, that has the best shot of getting us to the moon, just officially teamed up with a monolithic social media platform and gave millions of people ETH wallets, and all I hear is "lol reddit"
You guys are fucking retarded. I'm out.

>> No.19078607
File: 13 KB, 235x325, redditethereum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millions of reddit plebs are finding out about ethereum today. Articles are already being written.

Eat shit bobo

>> No.19078616

Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.19078625

it's on the testnet dummy.

>> No.19078735

Then do something about it

>> No.19078740

people in this thread complaining about reddit don't realize they've bought into a psyop; hating on reddit is a meme and if you've become so clouded with the herd mentality that you hate all things associated with what is really just a social media platform, well you're no different that the brainlet-tier social media user that you so despise on reddit and you prob are mad you dont have any eth

>> No.19078821

reddit is the easiest place to shill. People think upvotes are a sign of consensus lol

You can make them believe anything. I'm fine having little foot soldiers making my eth bags moon

>> No.19078836

humans are tribal due to evolution
get over yourself faggot

>> No.19078884

I literally just got signal from blockfolio you aspie.

>> No.19078908

Right. Now think about the fact that they chose a decentralized blockchain to host that consensus model. As if its possible that consensus itself can become tokenized, by a measure of decentralized value. In the future.
In other words, financial value aside, this gives intellectual property back to the people.

>> No.19078923

can you post a screencap? That is bullish as fuck.


>> No.19078933

Reddit's particularly noxious bro

>> No.19078935

botting when.
buy my bags.
Oh wait. They already do both. Hiveminded freaks.

>> No.19079254

oh cool, they're going to pay you 1 cent in ETH for shilling coins dumbass Reddits circle jerk about

>> No.19079280
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, 1588394980851.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, i have >100 efferiums

>> No.19079298

This. Especially with ETH2 coming out on a few months

>> No.19079342

If Reddit can do that. Why cant there be an Idena login version of 4chan?

>> No.19079358

and BTC coming to ethereum with tbtc and renbtc

>> No.19079371

Well until this eth integration, reddit points weren't worth shit but bragging rights and calling it "karma" just makes it even more annoying but if the karma=liquid erc20 tokens that you can sell for eth/dai/whatever you could seemingly get "paid' to do such shilling

>> No.19079444
File: 10 KB, 198x221, a brick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19079579

you can pay for a pass with crypto what more do you want

>> No.19079595

because reddit is mostly AI bots and is owned by tencent

>> No.19079862
File: 106 KB, 686x526, BasedKleros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG THIS IS SIMILAR TO FLAGS!!! IT shows how much "Bricks" each user owns, poor pajeets would stand out so much on this board.

>> No.19079894

So who pays the transaction fees to move these little shits around?

>> No.19079911
File: 526 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20200513-201150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19080057

Wow, if ethereum gets a few more big projects like this and roll out eth2 with scaling and staking it has potential to be a new internet.

I've always been a Bitcoin maximalist but it's easy to see the potential here.

>> No.19080076

Yes, the potential is staggering, the more you look into it.

>> No.19080078

I mean reddit is one of the most well known and used sites on the planet. This has the potential to be huge.

>> No.19080160


Priced in.

>> No.19080205

Reddit is run by faggots. Sure, use ETH a coin that can’t and won’t be able to scale.

Should have used BSV.

Whatever, fuck them. They’ll fail like that always do.

>> No.19080207

They don't really answer the question. I don't really use reddit, but I presume most of these bricks or moons or whatever updoots they are trading aren't worth all that much money. l still want to know how transaction costs aren't gonna sink this.

>> No.19080213

Everyone posting
and ad hominem

This isn't 4chan vs Reddit morons. Is it possible for us not to look like complete goobers? Is there any actual conversation about implications/speculation here?

>> No.19080271

Its supposed to visualize how much a person has contributed to the community. Gas fees are being covered by Reddit during beta.

>> No.19080345

You‘re right, you must be making a killing posting on a Mongolian throat singing forum.

>> No.19080364

Are you fucking kidding me? They complain about erc20 shitcoins and make their own. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.19080371

this is bearish.
all that eth is going to china.

>> No.19080377

>.00000000000000001 eth has been deposited into your reddit account

>> No.19080701

Go back.
>historical revision
Have children

>> No.19080810

This is great, friendly reddit salesperson, but it still doesn't answer my question. What happens after reddit moves off of rinkby and into the real world and no longer covers whatever transaction costs are incurred for a 10 cent updoot/brick/moon.

>> No.19080870

>worthless website integrates worthless crypto
checks out

>> No.19080884


Will hit into scalability issues and eventually abandoned.


>> No.19080890

If you've ever encountered a redditor in real life you know they deserve to be raped to death by a pack of gorillas

>> No.19080937


no, nigger. unlike the internet implementation and engineering is literally fucking crap

ethereum is an amateur hobby project of lowest quality.

good decent things require decent people (with ivy league math and biology background).

>> No.19081070

they will remain in "beta" until ETH 2.0 releases, which won't ever happen, so it will die out soon enough for them to never worry about this problem.

>> No.19081454

>biology background
Let me use my Biology degree to design a blockchain protocol...

>> No.19081477
File: 5 KB, 252x142, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ivy League math and biology background

>> No.19081518

based retard in denial

>> No.19081551

What's the point of it? If everyone gets points just like they would get upvotes then surely these tokens won't have any monetary value?

>> No.19081634
File: 171 KB, 308x312, 1580855913969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek at the amount of butthurt maxis in this thread
reddit is one of the biggest social media platforms and they've decided to implement ethereum
who tf cares if it's reddit if it will make you money reddit is one of the biggest social media platforms right now

don't @ me

>> No.19081637

this it's too fucking early, do something Vitalik!!