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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19073870 No.19073870 [Reply] [Original]

explain esh to me lads?

>> No.19073877

pajeet scam

>> No.19073885

Premined shitcoin

>> No.19073905

Imagine the smell

>> No.19073932

Scam like fantom

>> No.19073935


>> No.19073959

that's a mannequin

>> No.19073962
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>> No.19073983

Those that didn't buy or sold early at a x2 are suicidal right now..

Those of us who still have our stacks are celebrating having a party.

Who's side are you on?

>> No.19074019

BAT bro your posting is recognizable in any thread lol

>> No.19074031
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How many of this bull shit coins are made every day?
Does every nerd with basic understanding of crypto faggotry can make their own meme coin?

>> No.19074197

I'm literally considering making my own crypto coin seeing how easy it is to shill this shit

>> No.19074558
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You just need to 1) hire an attorney to create a shell corporation in the Cayman islands and find out how to shield yourself from liability for when you're inevitably sued, and 2) eat the marketing costs of the discord tranny pajeet shillgroup that spams /biz/, rebbit and Twitter.

If you can cover those costs (I'm guessing $10-20k maximum) you could have your very own VIDT, ANK, PINK, GHOST, GRIN, BAZINGA, PAJEET coin, just like all the other shitcoins that are inevitably pumped & dumped here.

The original was PANDACOIN (hilariously, ticker symbol PND). If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, search for PANDACOIN threads on Warosu. It's uncanny valley. ESPECIALLY because it's literally never posted about now. It was a huge scam and definitely burned a lot of early bizlets in the early bitcoin/dogecoin days. Now, mysteriously, nobody even talks about it... almost as if they've moved on to a new pump & dump(s)...

>> No.19074615


People who considerbuying it have a compulsion to post photos of men.

>> No.19074770

I just realised ghost/esh will make me rich enough to attract a thot like this. oh the smell...

>> No.19074788

I'm pretty damn serious about it. I'll make the coin with my programming know how. Hire people to shill it here. Associate it with someones name like MacAffee who never responds and boom

Make fake promises and then take the invested money

>> No.19074882

it was easier in 2017 when everything was mooning. not sure if it will be as easy now. im down to help in any way, not a programmer though: wizardearby@protonmail.com

>> No.19075081
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Sure I'll add you to a small group

We might not end up doing it but it will be fun to talk and speculate if its possible

>> No.19075096

your key to financial freedom