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19068863 No.19068863 [Reply] [Original]

LINK marine humiliated on Twitter

>> No.19068980
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>Multiscale localists
why do faggots have to talk in this language, I'd bash this faggots head in with a tire iron.

>> No.19069052

Just post good scientific data with infection rate for both cases.

>> No.19069054

Because that's all (((they))) know how to do, dance around fancy linguistics and bend the truth.

>> No.19069086

I think he likes to give insults and compliments to people while they remain unsure whether it was an insult or a compliment.

>> No.19069087

Is Taleb a marine?

>> No.19069109

That's it, I'm selling. I can't live with this mark of shame in my portfolio

>> No.19069114

>Nassim Nicolas Taleb
Well, he is a semite, I guess

>> No.19069160
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If system is prone to fragility, it is anti-fragile
Want to know more? Buy my book for $50

>> No.19069182

a board of mongoloids

>> No.19069220

imagine taking advice from a sandnigger

>> No.19069237

How is this even linguistics and not just a matter of obscure definitions?

>> No.19069263

Imagine selling goats and goat accessories tent to tent.

>> No.19069269

How are McDonald's chicken nuggets all the same shape and size nationwide?

>> No.19069333

Good fuck that twitter faggot.
Also I’m noticing this trend of idiots believing whatever gets spread around as an alt idea. For instance that chloroquine study everyone believed when it was debunked

>> No.19069394

But what he said is true. What's so horrible about saying multiscale localist? Is it hard to understand for you? It's a real reasonable idea.

>> No.19069408

cookie cutters?

>> No.19069451

Pretty sure diagnosing people without a license is a felony (at least in the USA). Since he shits on Libertarians so much, perhaps he would appreciate being educated on this by the FDA by a personal visit.

>> No.19069464

>imagine thinking for a second that protecting other people around you by wearing a mask just in case you have corona is a bad thing

>> No.19069504

redpill us on this idea. i'm being serious, i've never heard of it, elaborate.

>> No.19069553

It's just libertarianism without the edgy alt right Nazi rebelling against culture crowd.

>> No.19069714

>mental defect
>sociopathic behaviors
Literally me

>> No.19069832

According to the WHO:
>Masks work, but only N95 (Trademark)
>Masks are useless
>Masks work again, guys
>Masks are sold out, just tape a piece of paper over your dumb face, LMAO

And he's the one who got btfo? Stop trusting kikes you niggers. There is no virus.

>> No.19070033

>Le IQ isn't real man


>> No.19070076

You have it. You definitely have it. You just conveniently have NO SYMPTOMS at all isn't that cool?

Anyways please come with us to the quarantine camp or face punishment. You're very ill with a deadly virus, you just don't know it

>> No.19070078

Taleb is a fucking pseud

>> No.19070144

hes actually promoting link but can't do it overtly

this is bullish

>> No.19070197

>.t multiscale localist

>> No.19070299

>Multiscale localists
looks like we've got a new buzzword :D

>> No.19070351

Masks do help, but I don't think we should be forced to wear them.

>> No.19070414
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Okay, caveman.
Go forage for some berries.