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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.89 MB, 640x800, purechristiangf4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19065965 No.19065965 [Reply] [Original]

How can one find a pure christian gf in 2020 so you can half your expense and double your income?

>> No.19065988
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10/10 would kidnap

>> No.19065990

That's a man

>> No.19065999

Move to a Christian Eastern Europe immigrant free country and enjoy the beautiful women, low tax and high internet speeds.

>> No.19066027

Move to Utah or Idaho and become Mormon. Not even kidding.

>> No.19066083
File: 662 KB, 900x600, 1_80fHGPkO6Fli3BLpxcQO6g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth

>> No.19066122

you fucking wish a tranny could look that good

>> No.19066129

You and your entire family would be murdered in the most agonizing and gruesome ways. She belongs to a Chinese company that provides escorts to the richest men in China.
She’s one of the most popular escorts to multimillionaires and billionaires over there. Your whole family tree would be slaughtered.

>> No.19066176

source on this my dude?

>> No.19066286
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>thinking cute innocent looking girls aren't getting railed discretely on tinder
>thinking christian girls can resist the chad one night stand if nobody would find out

>> No.19066314

What is so special about this whore?

>> No.19066466
File: 519 KB, 1600x1600, mongolia-ov68-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a lowly chinese dog could ever best me in combat

>> No.19066489

based mongo
you can't deny she's ultra cute

>> No.19066504

Really popular social media influencer and model. Lives in China and is an escort to the wealthiest men over there. You need millions, spend hundreds of thousands with the company before you can even get booked for her. She’s admitted it and it’s been proven a bunch of times.

>> No.19066505

Why would a christian woman be any less expensive than a regular woman? Kek

>> No.19066535

Kek. Not even combat. A small army of multi millionaire cut throat Chinese butchering your whole family you never knew you even had

>> No.19066541

we are going to need a name ffs

>> No.19066560

I live in a pure christian country (not USA) and I can guarantee you that christian girls do NOT LOOK LIKE THIS THATS A MAN

>> No.19066594

Sure but is there anything more to this broad than being cute?

Sounds extremely overvalued. I'd give her $100 for an hour, no condom, everything included.

>> No.19066631

Manlet cope

>> No.19066650

at church . why you even asking so retarded

>> No.19066703

Only you can double your income, not some random chick that believes in a sky daddy.

>> No.19066707

>Really popular
bs. 4chan would already know about her and all we can find is the same vid posted on other boards. proof: you can't post other pics of her

>> No.19066777

instagram: theanastasiah

>> No.19066880

She has a popular YouTube channel, millions of followers on every social media. Retard faggot. She’s posted all over the boards constantly newfag.

>> No.19066989

post link or post pics. oh that's right you can't

>> No.19067001

Then link us literally any of those things fuckface.

>> No.19067033

checked witnessed praised and thanked
was it too fucking hard to post sauce faggot?

>> No.19067059

Ive seen traps(not tranny's) that look better, if you've been around this board long enough especially

>> No.19067060

based sauce anon

>> No.19067063


>>19066777 this guy just gave you your answer retards.

She is beautiful of course, but paying that much for pussy will never ever make sense.

>> No.19067083

Are you special needs?
You can find all her other social media through her insta. Reverse image search the webm and you’ll see how many reposts this shit has on literally every board. This place seems too much for you to process, stick to Reddit.

>> No.19067112

Yes, in the Philippines

>> No.19067118


Damn, welp that webm is ruined now. Not really a surprise though.

>> No.19067141

>christian gf
Holy fuck you virgins are fucking retarded. The biggest whores christian girls

>> No.19067166

You’re about 2 or 3 years too late. She’s old news on here. It’s funny how /biz/ thot posts are mainly ancient reposts from other boards or something active on /fit/ and gets posted here

>> No.19067187

>implying we didnt reversed the image and read the threads without finding links
>implying we would read ALL the threads about her when you could just share the name
what a dumbass

>> No.19067189

Learn to find it yourself, it’s quite easy then you don’t have to beg strangers on 4channel to spoon feed you.

>> No.19067233

if i can't have her nobody can!

>> No.19067241

>Can’t find a webm source
>calls people dumbass
They need to open the schools back up quick and get you retards back on course.

>> No.19067245

-> >>19067187
anyaway there are tons of eastern european girls who make it in asia because asians love them. eastern europeans girls are literally the whore supply of the civilized world

>> No.19067283

That’s because you haven’t seen their candids. Imagine being this much of a faggot. just say you like cock in your ass already

>> No.19067401

>I'm too insecure about myself to say that I am attracted to feminine features
We in 2020 have already established that traps are in fact not gay. You fantasize about getting pounded in the ass by 6'5 Spartan soldiers cuck

>> No.19067414

The leaked pics aren’t even that great. She’s overrated but is crazy in bed apparently. Guys line up to buy her designer bags, cars, and jewelry after paying the premium. She has it made on top of modeling YouTube and all that

>> No.19067437

Not consumerist.

>> No.19067441
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, 1578532088035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if trannies can look like that there's no need for women anymore.

>> No.19067479

>She’s overrated but is crazy in bed apparently.

>> No.19067565

I haven't seen any footage of her, and don't think there's any out there. Pics have leaked but they weren't hardcore. If you have to pay thousands for her services then you have men buying her designer bags, jewelry, cars, and trying to marry her after, she must be good at what she does.

>> No.19067686

Checked. But man I really don't see what the fuck is so special here, I've gotten with better looking girls who were coworkers at a fast food restaurant when I was like 20.

>> No.19067698

>she must be good at what she does.
she must be good at playing the innocent hard to get girl. the harder to get the bigger the presents. I can totally imagine those asian orbiter simps paying fortunes to try to win her heart while she's super hard to get with all of them.

>> No.19067737

are you the thot bat poster?

>> No.19067758
File: 76 KB, 661x558, economics of hypergamy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathematically speaking and assuming you are a male, you simply make sure you are above y_c. Unfortunately males who do not make it out of y_c are not expected to ever mate.

>> No.19067762

How about you give her name first faggot.

Fucking LARP shit

>> No.19067770


>> No.19067784

she's particularly cute in this clip but after hearing her talk she's just the typical boring model.

>> No.19067790

There's nothing special at all honestly, excluding the fake persona she puts on for social media like >>19067698 said.

Cutthroat, heartless, soulless China men who would kill their mother for another business simping over something you can see 2 dozen of in a mall on any given Saturday shows how fucked men are.

>> No.19067843
File: 89 KB, 227x340, 6A80A7CD-6632-419E-8EEB-8E0B97F460FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dilate, even trannies with a shit ton of work done can’t pass.

>> No.19067865

I don't hold BAT but I know of the thot posting in those threads and saved a few from there

>> No.19067873

Meant to reply to this

>> No.19068046
File: 92 KB, 1024x512, C6695773-9904-440F-AED6-20A0300CAC72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dated a ‘trad Christian virgin...’ The supposed mythical unicorn every faggot on this site desires, and frankly, it wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Just because they go to church and haven’t been penetrated doesn’t mean that they haven’t fooled around and have other red flags to be found. You’ll just be disappointed and let down like ya would with a standard roastie.

Mine had daddy issues and didn’t resolve conflict very well with me at all. Had a very shrew like personality, and what really wanted me to rope myself was that she had a MEATY ROAST BEEF LABIA. A perfect coin slot muff really is a luck of the draw, nothing to do with body count.

>> No.19068189

She's hot but paying 100s of thousands for her? That's fucking pathetic. Paying for pussy is extremely pathetic anyway. I can imagine she must be miserable as fuck.

>> No.19068256

I almost don’t believe a whore could make that much. They must shit on her or do horrendous stuff with her.
Most women with mud in them have roast beefs, get yourself a white woman with a small pink pussy.

>> No.19068290

She's a mongol rape baby. A pretty mutt.

>> No.19068296

there is no proof she's whoring herself out. men can be simp enough to spend fortunes on girls without even being able to fuck them so she doesn't even need to actually fuck them to receive tons of presents.

>> No.19068357

Idk man prostitution is pretty common in China, it's even kind of socially accepted among the rich. Not a lot of Western prostitutes there either

>> No.19068358
File: 12 KB, 402x240, 7F760357-3BBA-4C7B-B598-536E37915353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m with one now that doesn’t have daddy issues, but was a gross whore in college, funnily enough her hole is much nicer on the eyes than the virgin’s. It’s impossible to have it all in this fucked up dating market.

>> No.19068385

Where I live a guy spent 500k -all his fortune- on a random telephone-whore when internet didn't exist... it was one of those overtaxed number and the guy lost his fortune just talking to a girl he never met irl

>> No.19068409
File: 210 KB, 496x558, 1111u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eastern european here

its too late, your virus has hit us hard

pic related is your average woman

>> No.19068477

which chad is low key dating her

>> No.19068532

how old is she?

>> No.19068583

24. Bday 25.08.1995

>> No.19068675

any good looking guy who know some game and doesn't give a shit about her could probably get her.

>> No.19069511
File: 77 KB, 1080x720, 71515432_181502372893621_6347706705433837165_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like an angel

>> No.19069601

>not consumerist
Speaking as someone who grew up in a Christian extended family and dated many Christian girls... this could never be more false. Women are consumers regardless of their stated religion.

>> No.19069817

not any tho

these girls have tons of connections, you must be good looking AND have some status and stuff

its fucking impossible basically, sssssssssssssover

>> No.19069933

there is no such country, polak here

>> No.19070407

only the ones who attend fun centres and not real churches
>t. IFB chad

>> No.19070540

>not being NIFB
Ok jew

>> No.19070596
File: 5 KB, 250x174, 121D9B11-1DB5-4B3E-B3EB-D7D6B2482E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19070632

I like NIFB more but unfortunately I only have an IFB church where I live
>being a normie heathen

>> No.19070663

christcuckery is literally the normie religion lol

>> No.19070694

Except not, because its making you and the jews seethe for literally 1000s of years now. Its the complete opposite of being a normie who make up the vast majority of this world.

>> No.19070863
File: 284 KB, 1200x659, 1587249192843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a faithful Christian is basically radical counter-culture right now, in this babylonian, Weimarish Republic that is modern America.

>> No.19071066
File: 87 KB, 991x703, 1586790597686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would've thought it? what a time.

>> No.19071073
File: 489 KB, 497x373, 1581617587227.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then move. I have plenty of families at my church that moved just to go to it. God is more important than whatever you're making at your current job. You can make it off crypto anyway, you're needed by Jesus to win souls.

>> No.19072224


>> No.19072263

statistically, christians have the highest rate of infidelity. the only difference is they feel guilty about it.

>> No.19072371

Eastern European women are also feminist trash.
Middle Eastern christians are often trad (and as a bonus redpilled about (((them))))

>> No.19072403
File: 282 KB, 646x646, My hopes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Januz, whats the situation in poland? I was hoping to get a Polish gf from wroclaw, warsaw, and or krakow.

Have they've become as bad as an American woman?

>> No.19072460

they are on their way there. Your ideology is being exported and a lot of polaks (or Eastern Europeans in general) have a huge chip on their shoulder for thinking they are backwards and want to emulate the West as hard as possible IN EVERYTHING because they think it brings them prosperity.

You have better chances with hardcore evangelicals (if you are protestant) or SSPX (if you are catholic) in the US.

>> No.19072527

Whats the ratio of american vs polish values would you say or is it already too late?

>> No.19072612

In every practical sense, they are now nonexistent.

>> No.19072679

they love foreigners so they will jump on your dick very quickly
this applies to arabs and niggers tho
t. polack

>> No.19072815

Don't worry Januz, I am a Hu-white american

Dad is a FOB Croat and mom is a Spaniard, think of me as a distant Pol who actually has a nice beach front property in a place where you guys like to actually visit.

>> No.19072829

I hired this girl once

>> No.19072919

Implying you got offered in the first place

>> No.19073136

American culture is mainstream culture and American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Mike Tyson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers

>> No.19073167

god thats so fucking cute

>> No.19073182

implyin we need women regardless

>> No.19073653

More likely double your expense and half your income when she's at home with the kids.

>> No.19073676

date with own women, shittie muricas

>> No.19073711

do suicede georgia faggot, no gf for u

>> No.19074082


>if you dont memorize ewhores you are a newfag