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19055875 No.19055875 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs.

Sometimes I just come here because I honestly don't have any friends; I think I just vent out my frustration here and blame niggers and Jews for things because it's fun and makes me feel better about myself.

Most of the gamers I play with always yell nigger and Jews, and when I look at their Steam profiles they usually have 100+ weekly hours, me included.

I don't have a job, I pretty much just browse here and cycle between four different games. When I lose I always call the opposing team a nigger or a faggot or something offensive, and it got me thinking about how I always made fun of blacks for living off welfare when I live under my parents.

I've never really put thought into this, but am I the only one here like this? Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?

I'm so fucking pathetic, this place is the only place that makes me feel like I have a voice in the world. I tried Reddit once but then I couldn't hold an argument and resorted to name calling, but here everyone is anonymous so I could just post anything without repercussions.

I don't know, but honestly, is anyone here successful, so I know I'm not backing up an ideal consisting of a bunch of failures. Like proof that you go to a good school or a good job, it would make me feel a lot better about myself, I'm having an epiphany.

>> No.19055908
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The way i think about it is the jews are the cage and niggers are mosquitos. Now yes most would give up against the cage and submi and complain, but a few might just look and find a way out and ambush the puppetmasters.

THAT is what you aim for

>> No.19055956

are you a nigger? you sound like a nigger.

>> No.19055963


>> No.19055973

hi rabbi

>> No.19055975

student but on welfare, learning web dev on the side and gambling away the few pennies I have on the cones here

>> No.19056006

Well if you dont fell good about yourself how about a change? I mean you can always start doing other things.

>> No.19056159

t. schlomo

>> No.19056179

i am an incel who holds altcoins bags on the hopes that i will get rich one day and buy a gf

>> No.19056180
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no, stop, please, you're upsetting them

>> No.19056242

hello, based department?

>> No.19056305

anon, I have a STEM degree from a prestigious university and a lowish income wage job (~50k/year). It sucks, but it beats the fuck out of vidya, which is just a very time consuming cope for the fact that you don't get what you really want out of life.
I will say that the niggers and kikes stuff is a necessary step toward claiming yourself as an individual, because it helps you understand that language is just a game and words don't have to mean what you've been led to believe.

>> No.19056309


This is sort of the problem with being desensitized to blaming others for things. You get caught in a loop and before you know it, you're your own worst enemy. Life becomes a TV show and you're just a viewer of everyone else's life and not really living. Self-reflection is a lost art among a lot of NEETs and incels. It's a dialectical meme that has surpassed post-ironic and gone to full sincerity.

Yes, anon. You are a complete fucking loser. But it's not too late to change your ways. I'm not saying vote for Joe Biden, but look to improve yourself in tangible ways.

>>>/fit/ is a good start. Costs little money to start taking care of yourself. Chances are your brain is pretty tolerant to dopaminergic activity(basically you've gone full monkey and your limbic system has taken over most of your decision making) so endorphins are a good way of weening you off that. This has the side effect of making everything you do feel way more epic and meaningful. Any dopaminergic drugs need to be taken off the table too(adderall, ritalin, caffeine, etc)

Get a hobby that isn't gaming. Pick something you never thought you'd ever like. Doesn't have to be economically productive, just something intellectually stimulating to get your broken monkey brain going into full white man mode. Take a couple of classes at your local community college. Ask mom and dad for help paying for it, they will be more than happy to help(seeing as they're covering your ass for every dollar you spend right now anyway), bonus points if you do really well and can transfer to a good university. You can probably meet some people there and make friends or at least develop your social skills to become less of a self-absorbed retard. Make sure you are actually listening to people

Don't expect success overnight. You are human(more monkey though) so you will make many mistakes. Don't lose sight of the end goal though, which is pussy and friends.

Good luck anon.

>> No.19056482


>> No.19056527

Im a NEET that came back to mommy after leaving a top ranked ph.d program. Crypto corrupted me to a live of working smarter not harder

and while im on paper a grad student, i just milk my loans to throw what would be my living costs at crypto. i take easy classes.

i dont regret my decision. now i just have to wait and see if it was the right call. I am just lucky i dont have gringo parents to kick me out of the house when i turn 18

>> No.19056565

Sorry OP, there is ass in id

>> No.19056582

>they usually have 100+ weekly hours
This isn't something people really do right? The larper op just picked a large number? With corona virus lockdowns my record was 70 hours in two weeks and I found it exhausting.

>> No.19057098

For real man. I am so fucking bored of vidya since this lockdown but I’m not working and there really isn’t much else to do in the circumstances I’m locked down in. Shitsux

>> No.19057140


same here.

>> No.19057147

You have an addictive personality. Perfect. You need to refocus your “why”. Get a job, save every penny, build net worth and you’ll feel a new wave of self esteem. Keep your thoughts optimistic and you’ll be amazed by what doors open up once you have around $10k cash. Fuck these pump and dumps, you can do this anon. I went from -$35k to positive $128k after 2 years and I’m a fat married 26 yr old with a kid and college dropout. I’ve never had self esteem until I began building net worth. Debt is for fools, slaves, and gamblers.

>> No.19057185

Trust me, not everyone here is a loser. Don't lose hope. Look at >>19056309

>> No.19057238
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Honestly? I have a Masters in CompSci & I make well over 200k per year (and yeah, I do buy shitcoins as well as boring stocks haha). I work from home & shitpost all day long. I mostly larp as a NEET, because I was one for a long time & I only finally got my shit together after ingesting one too many /sig/ memes (I'm now married, rich, fit etc). Truth is, as retarded & annoying as everyone can be on imageboards, I really do like the people here better than most people I know offline. I can actually go & rub shoulders with the rich & powerful now - and you know what? They're boring af, just sad, image obsessed (in the wrong way) and with absolutely mundane opinions mostly. I'd still rather be shitposting here with all you faggots most of the time. I've still learned more for this site & others like it that I have from anything else in my life.

>> No.19057290

This is the answer btw. Don't just gather knowledge and "redpills", you need to actually apply this shit. I uninstalled Steam, pretty much went cold turkey on vidya & weed. I just started working out, tidied my fucking room & signed up to study, then I did it like a monk. Started earning money, got better clothes etc. It can be done, but you have to actually do it.

>> No.19057359

Embedded software engineer working in the automotive industry here.
Even though I had what others considered to be a good job, it made me miserable and caused health problems until 3 years ago when I decided to be in charge of my life and accept all my failures to reach a goal.

It's good to know where you currently are.
What you now have to do is decide where you want to go and think of a process to bring you there.
Try to improve yourself each day to be a better person than you were yesterday.


>> No.19057708

> I don't know, but honestly, is anyone here successful, so I know I'm not backing up an ideal consisting of a bunch of failures. Like proof that you go to a good school or a good job, it would make me feel a lot better about myself, I'm having an epiphany.

I have comp science and physics masters. Started PhD but dumped it soon after. It was just a feudal system where you're a slave to your advisors. 20% science, 30% politics, 50% luck, and ratios only get worse with time, until you're just a university politician. This is considered "success" there. Fuck it.

Then I worked for a private military company. Made a navigation system for national contracting authority. It was good, working really well. But then all I could work on were weapons with unknown end users, very probable those engaged in nasty wars happening now. It's cool to engineer a flying bomb, less cool for your village to be blasted by it. Dumped it as well.

I had a gf during that time. Really cute and fun to spend time with. I couldn't stand her pragmatism though. I don't want to be with a girl without any ideals. Wish her best, but not with me anymore.

Cut contacts with 95% of my friends. No more LARPing in my life. Fuck it.

I'm a lonely NEET now and happier than ever. Browse this shithole sometimes because it's one of very few places without facade. I've become allergic to bullshit.

Success in bogus and blind society is not a success for me.

>> No.19057737

i live in the poorest town in my state and people are too retarded to talk about anything other than smoking weed, drinking, or doing even harder drugs. so no, i dont have friends either atm.

>> No.19057747

>not wanting a cute amoral logical gf
What why? Mind elaborating on what you disliked about it? Haven't been able to find one yet, but it seems better than the average image and status obsessed girl

>> No.19057852
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I’m a neet that broke out and was able to make it to the outside. People seem to think that I have a great life, but I have zero friends and just want to move to Hawaii and surf.

>> No.19057870

>$2k liquid, 5k networth

Quit my job on the 24th, because shift lead at a resturant with a 832% turnover rate and cocaine addicted superiors started making me suicidal.

Spent last week getting into the habit of "PURPOSEFULLY THINKING" about what I wanted to do, because without having a goal to spend my life on I would be someone who works in FF until they're dead.

Thought of something, got instantly childlike excitement. Gave me shivers thinking about it and I knew that I would be willing to sweat and lose and continue to push on because I always wanted too live my life defined by this.

Made a 5 year plan, broke it down into yearly steps. Take the yearly steps and break them into realistic times, weeks/months.

Already adjusted my sleep schedule from waking up at 4pm to waking up at 5am, wanting to look my best to try to open positions that wouldnt be available to someone with less charm.

>If your not dumb, just lazy. Figure out something that you really want to do, and maybe you don't because everyone said you couldn't. See if there and venue's to reach that position without having to go to a high level college degree and are performance based if your older NEETing. Because if your gonna kill yourself, do it trying to do anything that means something to you.

>> No.19057964 [DELETED] 

I am a flyover community college IT/Finance student. Yeah the location of the school sucks but it’s free.
One day I will drive a lambo with inclined phrases plastered all over:
^2 man dev Team
^Philosophy major
^mossad money laundering operation
^bandaid Solution
^token not needed
^head of institutional lending
^presentation next to the toilets
^unsolvable compsci Problem
^useless webscraper
^json parser
^shadow fork
^Moab token
^serial scammer
^cyber-techno machinations company
^gravel coin
^two years

>> No.19057985

I am a flyover community college IT/Finance student. Yeah the location of the school sucks but it’s free.
One day I will drive a lambo with inclined phrases plastered all over:
^2 man dev Team
^Philosophy major
^mossad money laundering operation
^bandaid Solution
^token not needed
^head of institutional lending
^presentation next to the toilets
^unsolvable compsci Problem
^useless webscraper
^json parser
^shadow fork
^Moab token
^serial scammer
^cyber-techno machinations company
^gravel coin
^two years

>> No.19058020

What is this psyop trash

Fuck off nigger

>> No.19058048

how to kick weed, 7 years habit, im wasted

>> No.19058066

obsessing about image and status IS pragmatic for a girl, and an amoral one will most assuredly be a massive whore if she’s halfway decent looking

>> No.19058074
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Ive fucked over 50 women and have had several hot long term gfs. At different points in life Ive held actually prestigious jobs and was a model normalfag. The problem is Im an actual schizo and about every 12-18 months I fall so deep into an episode that it basically deletes my savegame and I have to start over.
Meds make me feek like such a numbed out husk I would genuinely rather be dead than stuck in the loop of medication and weekly sessions that my parents forced me through as a teenager when my mental illness really started to manifest. It fucking sucks having a genuinely broken brain. My options are to take meds and be numb or roll the dice and just be myself. I choose the latter but I know its going to be the end of me eventually.

I really doubt Ill see age 40, but I least I can say I had a good run for the circumstances. I creampied many pussies and had lots ofnovel experiences. I lived.
So I dont want to hear crybaby shit OP or others like you. You may think youre a loser or a NEET but you arent being attacked by your own brain. If you want to build momentum in your life you can.

>> No.19058082

I'm a winner who's 50 / 50 LOKI + LINK. Don't delude yourself into holding anything else.

>> No.19058104
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>Inclined phrases

>> No.19058111
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>> No.19058128

smoked from about 14 to 18, it didn’t take much for me to stop. i started to feel like it just didn’t feel as great as it used to, and also began to feel like i was probably wasting so much of my productivity and energy just by being high. i just changed up my routine and didn’t keep that part in it. nowadays i smoke once in a blue moon, usually if i’m getting absolutely smashed with my friends or i’m at a big event, but i don’t miss it and i prefer being without it, my head just feels a million times more clear than it did back then and i no longer understand how people can spend every waking minute like that. hope you figure it out.

>> No.19058155

What's up, paisa? good to know i'm not the only one.

>> No.19058176


Debt is good when your build wealth.

>> No.19058251

Reply to this post, Chaim. That's right you can't because you already reset your IP to reply "based" to yourself.

>> No.19058283

you’re not alone here. there’s a good amount of latinos scattered across the boards, you just gotta sift through all the seething whites

>> No.19058595

who hurt you?