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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19054705 No.19054705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did you first end up here?

>> No.19054710
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It's been a long fucking time, I don't even remember anymore.

>> No.19054722

2007, i wanted to know more about this Hentai cartoons, and 4chan appeared in my altavista (?) search

>> No.19054732
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Older brother came back home from college in 2005/6 and told me

>> No.19054748

grinch leaks from 2018

>> No.19054750


>> No.19054756

Can't remember. Started during the early 2000s on Gamefaqs so probably heard about 4chan from there.

>> No.19054763

Reddit was/is dumb so I eventually found this place.

>> No.19054766

The 2016 election. So that makes me an oldfag

>> No.19054767

LUE closed, didn't manage to sign-up due to being busy with uni, so I ended up at /b/

>> No.19054771

Based friend I have would make odd reference that literally no one would understand back in HS. I finally asked him and he told me about 4chan but also told me to just never go on it it's for retards. Anyway here I am like 6 years later that's a man

>> No.19054780

came here for /k/ and /mlp/. was posting on ar15 dot com and heard of /k/

>> No.19054783

/g/, left, then became bc I was sad, lonely and broke.

>> No.19054790
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I miss LUE so much.
anywhere like it ?

>> No.19054792
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I was unknowingly seeking a compelling argument for

>> No.19054793

2006-7, not sure how though, but I remember LOICing AnonIB and them raiding /b/ in return.

>> No.19054794

Also posting this for nostalgia.


I was on SA before 4chan. Not proud of oldfag status. This place has burned valuable time.

>> No.19054807


>/b/ to /r9k/ kid shot himself.
fuck that place.
>Went back to /b/ and finally found /biz/

>> No.19054809
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We thought we were some big old faggot haxxors sometimes.

>> No.19054815

/b/ in 06 or 07.

>> No.19054833


>> No.19054835


>> No.19054859

>2016 election
Faggots like you ruined these boards.

>> No.19054878

2008, saw a video of Tom Green being pranked by /b/ on Youtube.

>> No.19054891

Came to defend Scooby back in ~2013 stayed to troll autists

>> No.19054897

I came here for /mlp/ as well

>> No.19054906


>> No.19054918

Childhood best friend showed me /b back in 2009, eventually migrated to /out and /k, /tv and /pol for the election in 2016 and a little after, then /trv and /his and finally been a bizlet for about a year now. I often forget that i have been frequenting this site for half of my life, and wonder how much it has influenced my outlooks and position in life.

>> No.19054929

Oh and cant forget /fit

>> No.19054940

What does LUE even look like nowadays?
It must be pretty slow and dead considering it's permanently locked and people only get banned off it slowly.

Anyone here with LUE access?

>> No.19054951

2009. Migrated from 420chan jenkem board to /b/ for the lulz desu. Jumped a between few boards and now I newfag here due to my interest in stinky stinky links.

>> No.19055004

~2013, some band kids were talking about it in high-school but didn't really go on much until 2015 on biz and sci. Bought some eth at like 5 bucks but got hacked in 2018

>> No.19055010

2008 /b/ then /g/ around 2012 and /biz/ of and on from around 2015. so about 12 years worth of shitposting.

>> No.19055025

has to be fake

>> No.19055045

Bunch of memes made there way over to SA or Offtopic (which is where I went). Got curious but felt it was too fucking chaotic. Crypto made me stay on this board.

>> No.19055046

the fappening in 2014 and some old forum that was suposedly the enemy of 4chan although nobody knew us here lmao. stayed cause porn and lols

>> No.19055047

NEET and looking for a laugh

>> No.19055052
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unironically /biz/ in 2017 aged 26. Now I browse other boards too, mostly /jp/, /sp/ and /trv/.
end me

>> No.19055053

I... I don’t remember

>> No.19055063

i was broke and looking for a way out, biz helped me by distracting me from reality. long story short - still broke.

>> No.19055073

I am from 2010.
And i am still a new freind. Desu.

>> No.19055082

I came here in 2018 or 2019. a coworker told me about /b/. immediately left because of the sheer amount of porn and became a /fit/izen. checked out pol because of the memes but I can only stay for so long because the racism to literally every race that exist(they can't even agree on who's white and who isn't). R9K is cool but still has to much porn and " tfw no gf" threads. left fit when the gyms closed came here after the markets crashed.

>> No.19055124

Nigger leave.
This is a whites only board.
Kikes dont count.

>> No.19055133
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Been here since 2004. Can't remember how, but I was a hardcore weeb and stumbled on /b/ and thought it was great shit. Loved all the Azumanga.gifs and thought Nevada-tan memes were funny so I knew this was my kinda place. The SE Asian tsunami that hit right after Christmas in 04 and those Habbo Hotel raids were some of the funnies days I ever had on the internet.

>> No.19055134


>> No.19055142


You normie cunt nigger lover. Go check out rettardit.

>> No.19055157

a guy send me msg on 2008 xbox live ' i post u username nigger nigger idk fuck u niggers

>> No.19055164

i came from funnyjunk in 2009

>> No.19055176

/b/ then /r9k/ became the more random board then a younger crowd started going there and it became tfw no gf memes then /fit/ for a while now I mostly browse /biz/ and /wg/ /gif/ every now and then

>> No.19055184

The Fappening posts on Reddit. I can't believe it's been so long. I wish I could go back to when this place was just an urban legend to me.

>> No.19055222

Lel that's a pretty strange one. I remember that drama. Feels like yesterday

>> No.19055234

I’ve been here since ceiling cat watched us fap

>> No.19055250

The chicken general on /an/ Still my homeboard.

>> No.19055255

sorry friend this is 4channel.org you're looking for the wrong website

>> No.19055257

Haha oh no no no you got sucked in. Lil boy never stood a chance. Those are all pretty cool boards though.

>> No.19055262

My brother told me in 2006 that 4chan is where YTMND gets all of its memes from. He was partially right, but lots of YTMND memes were exclusive to YTMND.

>> No.19055274

Sorry friend but /biz/ is a racist board because it takes a racist mindset to understand markets and value. Leave now.

>> No.19055282

This guy on the same floor as me in freshman dorm proved that I was a faggot by showing me og traps. As in click on thumbnail, do you think she's hot? Yeah! Next thumb shows the feminine penis, ahah haha you're gay dude! This was back in 2006. For a few months like 5 of us would browse /b/ together in the dorm. Been back on and off ever since.

>> No.19055285

I know this is bait, but only faggots and namefags(ie faggots) care about longevity and clout on an anonymous image board.

>> No.19055305

I remember how they were called fads on YTMND. Either way the owner was a massive jew

>> No.19055310

>a coworker told me about /b/
>"DUDE you have to see these trannies! They look like women, but really its A MAN"

>> No.19055324


>> No.19055325

Kek that's true. /b/ hasn't been usable in a decade or more. The guy recommending it to anon must have been a schizo coomer.

>> No.19055336

My bro brought me to /b/ in like 2009

I was still a child back then

>> No.19055340
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Oldfag to oldfag, do you regret still being here?

>> No.19055345


>> No.19055347
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>> No.19055350


>> No.19055360

25 yrs old
j>oined /b/ in 2009 from hs friend showing me all the cool random shit.
>found porn in b
>figured out about /f/ where theres more porn
>figured out about /gif/ where theres even more porn
>became a coomer cooming to /gif/ and /d/ for about 4 years.
>came to /biz/ once all this stock shit happened due to same friend browsing biz

>> No.19055364

banned from newgrounds

>> No.19055372

Back in 2009 my neighbor showed me /b/ after calling it the Star Wars cantina scene of the internet and I've been stuck on this fucking website ever since

>> No.19055380

They told me on genmay to go to /b/

>> No.19055400

Reddit mentioned you fuckers....i’m glad i found you faggots. I went from -90% to break even now in 2 years.....
now im heavily in xdai stake and I AM GOING TO MAKE IT

>> No.19055413
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lurked on TOTSE/usenet/random BBS's in the late 90s
Then found my way to /b/ back when Snacks was still around

>> No.19055424

Nope, I still enjoy shitposting here. I have seen sites get popular and die, but 4chan has always stayed relevant and so much internet history is tied to this place. Its still usually ahead of the curve culturally. I ditched for a while after Moot cucked and jannies went full retarded, but I eventually came back like I always do. I migrated going to different boards over the years, but now I usually stick to /ck/ and /biz/

>> No.19055479

/b/ printer raid of some bank in norway livestreaming it for christmas

>> No.19055523

I get that, it does feel like a pillar.
I left around the gamergate era for a bit since I couldn't handle the crusaders, and same with the election.
But there's still subculture here that I can't get anywhere else, like /hwg/ on /tg/, and some /jp/ faggotry.
I remember one of my friends being obsessed with redtube roulette on /b/, and complaining about the "sheer volume of gay porn". Dunno why that's so vivid.

>> No.19055527

>r9k is cool
Kys faggot

>> No.19055548

/fit/ 2017 browsed for two years destroyed my self esteem left and came here 2020

>> No.19055570


>> No.19055634

Heard about it on YTMND around 2006. Started coming here regularly in late 2007.

>> No.19055668

ytmnd. I found ytmnd at its creation through an irc channel. then I found /b/

>> No.19055899
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/fit/ in around 2013 -> /pol/ -> /bizlit/

>> No.19055911

Darknet memes 2015
Pizzagate 2016

>> No.19055930

In the gaybar

>> No.19055948

based boxxyposter

>> No.19055960

What the fuck is that picture?

>> No.19055974


I went on to find out that he had a 2TB hard drive of hentai. nice guy but was a coomer to the core sadly

>> No.19056017

It was one of the only sites that worked well on my "computer", which was a PSP on the neighbor's wifi in 2005. Started on /b/, and although I've joked for years that /b/ was never good, in distance hindsight it was a good time.
I'm 28. I've been on 4chan for more of my life than not.
Don't forget, you're here forever.

>> No.19056021

read anti-oedipus, it'll change your life if you can understand it

>> No.19056029


I don't really care about the racism on this board but pol is ridiculous. im a Christian so while certain races have more problems then others(im black so I grew up seeing it) I can't subject myself to "niggers" this or "kike" that every thread. its not good for the soul. also I feel bad for people that genuinely hate another race I don't even get mad really.

>> No.19056066

I was a dumb teenager who liked Chuck Norris jokes back in 04. I stumbled upon Long Cat and he brought me to 4chin. I saw the born of bitcoin and wanted to mine some but i live in a 3rd world shithole and barely had 20 cents to spend 1 hour daily in the web on a literal sub ecuatorian cofee shop. Nothing to do about it. Things are better now. I hope this time i can make it.

>> No.19056084

I understand Deleuze perfectly well, I'm more wondering why there are children discussing it and it seems to be a popular video?

>> No.19056097

You do realize that kikes own everything, engage in satanic cannibal rituals and try to feed you their corpses as ground beef? They're fully responsible for the hate that they get. Same with niggers, they fuck like rabbits on welfare payments, are a net loss in every white country and piss in holy water just to show off their pricker to muh wypipo.

>> No.19056105
File: 353 KB, 850x455, nVUanBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most so-called Christians on /pol/ just want to be contrarian to modern culture. That's why they fetishize stuff like eastern orthodoxy in particular. Their actual relationship with god and understanding of Christ is pretty non-existent I feel.

>> No.19056112

2007, world of warcraft forums to /b/. Quickly made my way to /sp/, then /fit/, then /biz/. I've been stuck on /biz/ since 2017.

I feel like /biz/ is kind of weening me off of 4chan though, might be my last board.

>> No.19056128

tell me how the leftists on Reddit are the real catholics.

>> No.19056132

based. I was on newgrounds back in 2005/2006, the mods sucked though

dabbled in something awful too but didn't want to pay $10 for an account because I was literally a child

>> No.19056147

Based newfag

>> No.19056170


>> No.19056187

>you don't like /pol/thing so you must be reddit
Nah man I just don't like hypocrite faggots. Reddit included.

>> No.19056197

Every place has hypocrites

>> No.19056210

anon while I do agree with you to a point
>certain jews do run the world and commit atrocities like child sacrafices to satan
>certain black ppl commit crime(Im black and grew up in baltimore I have first hand experience)

the way u said it shows more about u then these two groups. racist usually blame the "other" due to either ignorance or low self esteem. its a way for people to put there problems on an outside source.
man will always find a way to divide itself simply because we're evil. true racism is genuinely dumb when u realize that literally every single person that has ever existed is in some way shape or form depraved(some more than others) and needs Jesus

>> No.19056224

yup. alot of pol would probably be far left marxist if we went back 50 years ago

>> No.19056238


>> No.19056281

left home at 18 and moved in with a bunch of randoms. someone mentioned 4chan and i lurked for a bit (start of 2009). didnt like /b/ and never have, and gave /mu/ a try

>the board was flooded with mealfags who would call anything that wasnt metal shit
>tfw just wanted to find more interesting music
>stuck through the shitposting long enough to somewhat enjoy it

ended up around late 2015 and thats about it really

>> No.19056292

What ever you self hating nigger.
I am starting to think you actually like being hated since you keep coming back to a place that is for whites only.
What ever nigger you still aren't welcome. Why dont you go sell drugs or become a rapper since thats the only way a nigger can make it. Under white handler or destroying what you call a community.
Business is for humans only not niggers.

>> No.19056328
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saw this wallpaper on my friend's PC and asked him where he got it from. that was in 2006

>> No.19056345

Ylyl threads on b 8 years ago

>> No.19056363

>is black
>addresses problems in his own community
that makes me self hating because reasons I guess?

idk if this is a troll but if it isn't, anon I genuinely hope that u don't go on with this much hate within u. if all the jews and blacks were to vanish off this earth you would be in the same position because of the person you are. your lot in life has nothing to do with me and vice versa.

>> No.19056376

late 2016 very early 2017 I remember a girl who was a friend in class mentioning this place offhand that was around 2013. As Im watching the election live time on my pc I decide to look for some political news and remember this place type it in the search browser come upon the /pol/ board. Blown away how often and casually they threw out nigger. Disgusted but can't look away. Fast forward some years and here I am, a regular denizen of 4chan. Really wish my first home board was /a/ since I like anime better than politics also I'm sad to be part of post moot 4chan which is right wing reddit and just as soulless.

>> No.19056385

I went on 8 c h a n originally, but when it was shut down I moved here

>> No.19056407
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It's a meme, I think the original video title is something like "is fortnite dead?"

>> No.19056421

Back in the day the overall political attitude of 4chan was just edge in general, regardless of placement on any spectrum. But people didn't see any particular enemy to fight. Once political correctness came in force to the internet (post-2007 social media and smartphone revolution), the edge became contrarianism against whatever was in vogue. And what is in vogue is often politically correct, left-wing, etc.

>> No.19056436

I watched anime...

>> No.19056441

>kids make videos like this now
Man, imagine all those cringe forum posts people made when they were young, and now kids make videos instead. I wonder if they'll have a better tolerance for embarrassing personal history than us.

>> No.19056450

makes sense. I guess it started in a good place. now I feel like its just a reactionary "they said it was right so its wrong" type thing. I by no means am close to left wing but I can tell alot of them are contrarians just for the sake of it.

>> No.19056485

Soup /biz/
Came to /b/ in 2005, I think through ED. Came back in 2012 for /fit/, stayed a while, then came back early 2017 for /biz/

Reading this thread it's funny that the people giving financial advice are the same people who were posting hentai and raising habbo hotel some 15 years ago. Go figure.

>> No.19056646
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Newfag-tier, 2012 for video game and anime discussion. I think I lurked for 6 months before posting.

>> No.19056673

LOL this never thought I’d be on here

>> No.19056787

>I am starting to think you actually like being hated since you keep coming back to a place that is for whites only.
yeah this is a newfag

>> No.19056814

When you put it like that, it explains why /biz/ is a combination of the worst reddit tier newfaggotry and some quality OC producing oldfags at the same time.

>> No.19056853

There was a news article saying 4chan was the internet garbage collector.
I got curious to see what it was and then couldn't stop reading /a/...

>> No.19056862

honestly no clue
at least a decade at this point
shouldn't have been on /b/ when i was 12 or 13.

>> No.19056864

i don't remember honestly. First time at biz was around 2016 december though. bitcoin was still around 700$.

>> No.19056893
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2007, right in time for me to fuck up my final year high school exams and hence my life.

>> No.19057083

I don’t even know. Last thing I remember was playing neopets on a Netscape browser...