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19052699 No.19052699 [Reply] [Original]

>Mom always said I was smart but lazy
>TFW realizing I am both stupid AND LAZY

>> No.19052797

Worse... you're an in between 110IQ. Neither smart nor dumb, literal purgatory. You can never be too dumb to work basic shit ass jobs and delusionally lie your way out of situations, but you're also not smart enough to ever go above 7.5/10 grades in anything you do.

>> No.19052852

IQ is a jewish psychological trick to keep goyim stuck in the matrix

>> No.19052882

>Worse... you're an in between 110IQ.
Bro, this is me.... How do I escape?

>> No.19052901

Well that and it's based of mathematical logical puzzles which any 0-5 year old could ace you in because he thinks with his subconscious more.

IQ is a pile of trash that never analyzes literature, morals, empathy. Oh and Emmy awards, Oscars and Nobel prizes are bullshit too fuck Jew America..

>> No.19052939

you were the one who mentioned iq though

>> No.19052943

No you're not. You're just a bitch.

Find a goal to chase and devote your life to it until you bring it into fruition. You dont have to be smart but you do have to be industrious. Bringing a goal to fruition through force of will is the most empowering thing a man can do

>> No.19052966

two choices
a. link
b. gun

>> No.19052999


>> No.19053007

The “smart but lazy” was an educated way to say that your son is autistic but not completely retarded with a clinical condition.

>> No.19053016

worthless meaningless reply. thanks for your contribution asshat

>> No.19053057

It seems I touched a nerve. Did you chase a goal and fail? Dont give up anon

>> No.19053070

This but with amphetamine

>> No.19053086

So stop being lazy, moron.

>> No.19053091
File: 426 KB, 593x608, 1566206932187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can never be too dumb to work basic shit ass jobs and delusionally lie your way out of situations, but you're also not smart enough to ever go above 7.5/10 grades in anything you do

>> No.19053094
File: 185 KB, 1044x869, coomer square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom said when i grow up i can be anything i want, even presydent
>became a coomer

>> No.19053096
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 53A93DB6-AB8E-45BE-A2D7-98DFDCF36576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19053101

t. Bitch

>> No.19053137

100 IQ is the sweet spot, smart enough not to get fucked in life, dumb enough to be happy

>> No.19053140

OP, your mom told you things to make you complacent and unambitious. It is time for you to understand that a Mother's love is there to protect you from uncertainty by inhibiting your drive for independence. You are neither as stupid or as lazy as you've coped your way into believing, but you definitely are ruled by beliefs that were meant to keep you a bitch. Get pissed anon, everyone eho has ever complimented you was lying and wanted you to stop developing.

>> No.19053173

>Get pissed anon, everyone eho has ever complimented you was lying and wanted you to stop developing.
holy shit, thanks anon. i'm becoming a hermit now .

>> No.19053229

a good solution tbdesu

>> No.19053266

I'm getting so depressed bros. Parents getting older, shitty job, going nowhere in life, country going to hell. I wish I had a reason to get up each day.

>> No.19053290

125 iq here, can comfirm.

Smart enought to realice the world we live in, and the complex mechanism of society and leadership, dumb enought to make anything about it.

>> No.19053582

The problem is that you underestimate human stupidity. The average person couldn't solve an entire iq test even when spending an infinite amount of time on it. That's how dumb and uncritical the average person is. You are simply in the top echelon, being able to solve it given enough time. But it's still very much worthwhile and sets a baseline of what is necessary. Even if it doesn't tell the whole story. And was likely never supposed to.

>> No.19054110

Yfw you are the average person

>> No.19054192

Find Jesus. All goodness is from God, you might not be gifted to be brilliant but He will gift you eternal life if you follow and proclaim Him

>> No.19054207

This but every immediate family member

>> No.19054276

Everyone always told me I'm smart (except for internet retards) and I acutally am

>> No.19054941
