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19049991 No.19049991 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't prisoners used for slave labor instead of letting them lift weights all day? This could help make the USA more competitive with China.

>> No.19050042

Tons of them literally are

>> No.19050066

It might give the prisoners a sense of purpose and actually make their lives a little less shit and that's not allowed. Americans have a sadistic love of making prisoners as miserable as possible.

>> No.19050082

China IS our slave labor.

>> No.19050095

Well then ship the niggers to China.

>> No.19050245


It's a pretty fucked up system desu.

>> No.19050268

Because the USA is made up of humans, not soulless insectoids.

>> No.19050269

We actually do use them for slave labor.
Many state services are propped up by inmate slave labor.

>> No.19050382

i think inmates usually earn money they can use in the prison shop or get when released. so not exactly slave labor.

>> No.19050436
File: 155 KB, 625x682, soi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can’t just treat prisoners like garbage!!! What about their inalienable rights, bestowed upon them by our heavenly father???

>> No.19050456


If they're getting free food and shelter and making more than $0.00 per hour they are not slaves.

>> No.19050458

> Some viewers of the video might be surprised to learn that inmates at Angola, once cleared by the prison doctor, can be forced to work under threat of punishment as severe as solitary confinement. Legally, this labor may be totally uncompensated; more typically inmates are paid meagerly—as little as two cents per hour—for their full-time work in the fields, manufacturing warehouses, or kitchens. How is this legal? Didn’t the Thirteenth Amendment abolish all forms of slavery and involuntary servitude in this country?
This article is very against the practice but is still pretty informative.

>> No.19050684

Angola sounds pretty based.

>> No.19050719

>If they're getting free food and shelter and making more than $0.00 per hour they are not slaves.

That's not how slavery works dumbass. The definition of slavery isn't "free laborer". A slave is a human being who is owned by another human or institution. Paying a slave a doesnt mean they can leave whenever they want like a free man.

>> No.19050720

>t. Soulless chinkoid insect

>> No.19050744

But they are...
Legal slavery is best slavery.

>> No.19050780

This is a really good idea. Prisoners always end coming out worse than they went in. Letting the ghetto hoodrats socialize and form gangs only makes things much, much worse.

>prisoners as miserable as possible
Please. The prisoners here are allowed to live the same violent criminal lifestyle they lived before, only now they get fed and clothed by someone else while being allowed to do so.

>> No.19051150


I keep saying we need to make our prisons like the ones in Japan where they instirr diciprine in the inmates, but I guess that just doesn't align with the incentives of the for-profit publicly traded corporations that operate our prisons.

>> No.19051215

They already are except they consent to it and are paid.

>> No.19051275

>under the impression that prisons don't intentionally craft a culture where people who come in end up joining gangs, becoming more unstable, leaving and committing more crime
>not understanding that prisons operate by quota, and therefore the best course of action to generate income is not to rehabilitate criminals, but turn them into repeat customers

>> No.19051345

Rehabilitation isn't magic. You can't turn a gorilla into a human.

>> No.19052252

They basically already are but it's terribly optimised. They get paid something like 10% the normal wages which they can use for commissary and it's usually optional.

>> No.19052552

The USA should rent its slave labor to China. They're pros.

>> No.19052593


>> No.19052891

first off many are.
secondly, it would (does) create a bad incentive to legislate unforgiving laws that can't be followed to capture slave labor in down times.

With that said, it's cheaper to outsource to china.

>> No.19053220

>With that said, it's cheaper to outsource to china.

Then it isn't being done right.

>> No.19053259

Yeah naw Americans are soulless golems of the jews.

>> No.19053377

unskilled labor isnt worth very much anymore. It was a big thing in the ww2 times and slowly became less useful as we just use machines to make stuff. These guys in prison can't be used for programming, design, marketing, sales, etc. Making them essentially useless bags of meat

>> No.19053425

>if people don't spread kike consumerist propaganda they are useless

Salesman and marketers are unironically worthless themselves. Nothing more than rent seeking middlemen

>> No.19053439

They hire plenty of retarded asian monkeys to build iphones. These stupid gorillas should be able to do the same.

>> No.19053463

youre retarded as fuck, its free infrastructure labor

>> No.19054958


theres as clause in the 13th amendment that makes slavery/involuntary servitude legal if u get convicted of a crime.

>> No.19055209

85iq slaves can't do much dude. its literally like trying to compete with chink slaves using a bunch of retards.

>> No.19055230

Unicor Allied Prison Industries. They make stuff for the government.

>> No.19055239

are you stupid
thats exactly what modern prisoners are used for
actually thats what prisoner have always been used for
slave labor

>> No.19055376

This is great though. However, I still think a man should be compensated for his labor, his punishment is already being in jail

>> No.19056671

Getting really uncomfortable with the accusations that blacks are all criminals. Why do you nerds always have to make it about race? There are hundreds of thousands of White criminals as there are Blacks so stop making this about skin color.

>> No.19057377

But they literally are OP.... dyor

>> No.19057522

welcome to 4chin new fag

>> No.19057612

i think prisons should be an institution where the prisoners are used for labor, but with maximum amount of possibility for rehabilitation. There shouldn't be prison gangs and such. I think they should be rooted out completely since you have retards doing several life sentences dragging someone with a light sentence into prison gangs and doing more dirt and thus decreasing their chance at rehabilitation. Think of it as a sterile labor camp where you can't get shanked, but you are under strict work regiment and if you so desire, you can be taught useful skills and have more compensation for your time if you actually do actively learn something. US prisons are a hell hole.

>> No.19057682

Any violent crime should be punished more than non violent. If you put someone in a wheelchair, you're gonna work 80 hours a week and all your wages go to the victim or the victim's family.