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19049790 No.19049790 [Reply] [Original]

How based was Chico for this one? I’m not a huge fan of the guy but holy shit was it entertaining to watch him shit on that obese fuck and the other room temp IQ crypto youtubers. Gained some respect for just saying it how it is and not giving a fuck.


>> No.19049828


>> No.19049940
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desu anon, it was pretty fucking based. Chico is that guy you want to hate but can't because he's too good

>> No.19049956

this guy does make worthwhile research from what i've seen but they're all retarded him included desu, its beyond me why would anyone listen to/watch this brainlet content

>> No.19050274

I agree. I just have a little more respect for him for 1. Saying it how it is always and 2. At least he makes an attempt to dive beyond a surface level examination. I’ve seen him dig into repos and pivotaltrackers looking for commits. He might not be right but it’s better than 99% of the other mindless shit. He was early to Link too so that’s based.

>> No.19050406

this series was absolutely valuable

he's on twetch too, so he's obviously open minded but has fallen for the non mining nodes are nodes narrative

>> No.19050579

Case in point. These videos go much deeper than anything else out there. Dude might act like a child but he’s better than everyone else trying to do it.

>> No.19050755

based af

>> No.19050801

That's fucking funny

>> No.19050876

Chico is occasionally based as fuck. Case in point this drunken rant toward the biggest fag in crypto.

>> No.19050963

Go fuck yourself Chico. You backed out of a fight with Hoskinsöy and I will never forgive you.

>> No.19051012

He's definitely autistic

>> No.19051090

You shit on a street. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.19051118


chico is unbearable and a child, he's just another scam coin shill that wants youtube views, ignore him and buy bitcoin

>> No.19051121

I miss chico and a cold one

>> No.19051136

Too bad hes so autistic he blew a great opportunity to speak some truth. Instead getting fight or flighted by bitboy and blowing his top. When you result to profanity first in an argument you lost.
Didnt realize he had such low emotional intelligence. Good videos though!

>> No.19051159


>> No.19051163

He shilled LINK sub $0.4 and UBT sub $0.1. I’d say there are hundreds of shittier accounts to avoid prior to him. Or just save the time and stay off crypto YouTube all together.

>> No.19051184

I think his argument was spot on. The whole “profanity ruins your argument” is for PC faggots. Say what’s on your mind and don’t beat around the bush, can’t take the heat? Hit the mute button. I found a lot of pleasure in him calling out that obese walking tub or lard.

>> No.19051195

he has his own channel and platforms you dumb bitch. he doesn't need them to speak the truth.

>> No.19051204

nobody posted the full vid yet

>> No.19051205

>He shilled LINK sub $0.4 and UBT sub $0.1
What's he shilling now?

>> No.19051210
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'I'm gonna tell my dad'

>> No.19051268


>> No.19051296
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Oh yeah bit boy?!!? Oh yeah bit boy??! YOU FAT FUCK!

>> No.19051361

i don't see you out there

>> No.19051619

I get this fight or flight shit like that, in certain confrontations with people I'm not comfortable with. Really fucking blows off what you trying to say to them, shits annoying and hard to control. Makes you stutter and trip over your words like he does there.

>> No.19051690

Its the uncertainty of their reaction your subconscious feels I think, your primal brain flips the adrenaline switch like thinking this person could attack you after you've said what you said.

>> No.19051706

That was based as fuck lmao. Good on him calling out some of the leverage trade shills

>> No.19051776

absolutely based

>> No.19051951

Ok bitboy

>> No.19052196

Just another shitcoin chiller. This youtube low IQ skunk is a scam, rude, foolish, arrogant and stupid person. He's the one that made this thread for sure trying to advertise his dumb youtube channel to 4chan chads.

>> No.19052263


>> No.19052380

Chico is based now. One of us truly. Someone get this man some bags of ARPA desu

>> No.19052459

>Its the uncertainty of their reaction your subconscious feels I think, your primal brain flips the adrenaline switch like thinking this person could attack you after you've said what you said.

I sometimes have this, how does one shut this feeling down

>> No.19052496

desensitize yourself to confrontation by having more of it. Ju jitsu is a good idea

>> No.19053030

He shilled it after he bought you fucking moron. You inflated his bags

>> No.19053047

Fag jitsu is a terrible idea

>> No.19053274

I bought sub $0.2, before Chico my friend

>> No.19053384

Why do you feel the need to lie?

>> No.19053510

Yes, I am also a fan of Chico Crypto. He most certainly is super based and a chad.

>> No.19053515

Chico just do an ama already

>> No.19053578

Me? Chico? I wish. Imagine being a based Link General and shitting on fat fucks like BitBoy all day.

>> No.19053595

I stated in the previous thread that this is mostly due to the Marijuana usage, it causes you to be a sperg like this. He needs to take it easy on the weed. Now regardless of how autistic or not it came off as, he was 100% correct and spoke the truth and at the end of the day that's all that matters. Besides maybe if we had more of this type of sperging in our world and dropped the social niceties we wouldn't be in the fucked up situation we are today.

>> No.19053604

bunch of clowns
I'm supposed to root for this faggot just because he calls the other guy a fat fuck?

>> No.19053639

Wait? Someone who doesnt have a giant pussy filter on their words 24/7. Fucking refreshing. Not particularly of fan of chico but just earned some respect from me

>> No.19053670

Agreed, the respect I have for him is next to the likes of Stiff (BASED)

>> No.19053677

He is a real G. He connects the dots, does a hell of a research and can detect bullshit right away.

He is truly our guy.

>> No.19053685

You're the same demon who advocates I open myself up to possession via DMT, correct?

>> No.19053718
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No I explicitly advocated against it. Maybe you misunderstood? I basically said that all forms of psychedelics open you up to the spirit realm and make you susceptible to evil entities that can fuck you up.

>> No.19053746

Oh boy

>> No.19053767

I'm familiar with your reverse psychological trickery, heeb.

>> No.19053770

Yeah it can go either way. But I think it fucks up much much less people than its thought. If you dont take to much ( which is hard on dmt, so avoid that maybe), you are just gonna have a lot of fun on recreational doses of lsd, or shrooms. And yes, they open/unlock your brain into this new kind of level you never thought it existed. Overall psychedelics can be extremely beneficial.

>> No.19053829

Hrs a Christ cuck. I bet he is opposed to blood transfusions too

>> No.19053842

Dont take it as a recreational drug, or just so you can get fucked up. Its not like alcohol or weed, it doesnt numb you. It wakes you. Its freeing. And set and setting are a lot. Helps if you have some kind of goal in mind, what you want to get out of the experience. Like, "I dont wanna be addicted to porn" or "I dont wanna smoke cigs" or "I dont wanna delay my work so much". All of the things that you know that are bad for you, but you do it anyway. Psych. will give you this profound realization that those things dont serve to you anymore, and are indeed very bad for you, and for your "vessel". Basically bitchslaps you into not doing something you already know its bad for you.

Sorry, cant read your gibberish.

>> No.19053893

Chico should do a stream with Richard Heart. That shit will be gold.

>> No.19053910

You understood what I wrote faggot.

Also you shouldn’t take psychedelics to quite porn.

>> No.19053997
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Don't fucking smoke or otherwise take DMT fuckhead or take psychedelics for that matter, it can open you up to evil spirits. How much clearer do I have to be you fucking schizo.

>And yes, they open/unlock your brain into this new kind of level you never thought it existed. Overall psychedelics can be extremely beneficial.
I used to have this philosophy, now I disagree. Yes it can reveal certain perceptions that you were not aware of before but are those of any usage to you or meaning? It depends. Maybe it's redirecting you from other things you should be focusing on. I've personally had negative experiences with psychedelics so I could not recommend them to other people. At lower doses and infrequent usage you probably won't encounter any of these negative entities but with increased usage you will slowly come to the realization that you are not being enlightened at all and that you are being taken for a ride or beings that have it out or you.

Denying the spiritual and metaphysical is a belief just like any other. Atheism and scientism are also religious dogma, just from an opposite side of the dialectic.

>> No.19054073
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I actually use prime-xbt.io thanks to Tylers recommendation and I've turned .2 BTC into 4 BTC.

>> No.19054095

It’s funny to me you’re saying don’t smoke pot or take shrooms while posting lewd pictures and tempting anons of with unclean thoughts. Cumming to porn is another form of inviting evil spirits to surround you. I’m not denying any of that. Some people take this shit in a medical setting. I think it’s stupid for some faggot frat bro to be fucking with something that can change your whole world view but saying it’s bad too is not something I agree with.

>> No.19054151
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Based Chico!

>> No.19054208
File: 77 KB, 520x780, dfa2d4fb7e2fe1f0a91e1d55e48846c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s funny to me you’re saying don’t smoke pot or take shrooms while posting lewd pictures and tempting anons of with unclean thoughts.
That's on you buddy, I'm just posting pictures of God's beautiful creation, these are images that you see in your day to day life anyways with the way women dress, for me it's like looking at some fine art, not so much a sexual thing.

>Some people take this shit in a medical setting. I think it’s stupid for some faggot frat bro to be fucking with something that can change your whole world view but saying it’s bad too is not something I agree with.
I agree that there is some nuance to it but using it recreationally like 90% of the youth do is irresponsible and can definitely open you up to some bad hombre entities. I am also of the view that if you seek God enough you really don't need drugs, he will reveal secrets and wisdom to you that far supersede drugs, at least, that has been my experience. Meanwhile on psychedelics I also come out feeling like I was revealed truth that I was not yet prepared for yet and that it was revealed to me for a malefic purpose.

>> No.19054236

Imagine naming yourself fucking Bitboy lmao. This thread from 2018 has to be his origin story:

>> No.19054289

Can you imagine being as fat as BitBoy and living with yourself? Imagine looking in the mirror everyday knowing everyone sees you as a walking tub of lard. Fuck I would have chosen the rope months ago

>> No.19054294

“Based” crypto you tubers are always retarded

>> No.19054340

a true maverick

hes pretty fucking based on all levels. haven't seen many of his videos so i can't say much about all of his work as a whole but ive seen his link videos and now with this? this guys fuckin' rad as hell.

hang 10 bro

>> No.19054357

I can’t have a conversation with you. I’m not up to the task.

>> No.19054377
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Yeah I know, you're a midwit that thinks he know it all and I short-circuited you brain. Try again next time.

>> No.19054541

Wow a 2% hit rate. Are you forgetting when he shilled Neo, Ela, Sentivate etc at the tops not tomention the weekly paid shill for $4000 for any random shitcoin that comes along.

>> No.19054600

I just like the fact he calls out obese people for being a sack of shit

>> No.19054704

He has always been great.

>> No.19054746

Is that you, BitBoy?

>> No.19055542

>taken for a ride by beings that have it out for you

How did you come to this realization. Not that I disagree, I pretty much figured that out as someone who's never taken them but will try it soon.

>> No.19055637

I like Chico. Not sure why he gets hate here, I thinks he ties his best to be an honest youtuber and i can respect that.

>> No.19055734

Chico already has ARPA he is accumulating before his shill video

>> No.19055958
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Have sex

>> No.19056048
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How often is this guy right ?

>> No.19056058

An honest youtuber would run out of content in 3months. Being the most ethical shitcoin peddler doesn't absolve you from being a shitcoin peddler

>> No.19056072

Why would someone whose autism would obviously mute any pain Charlene could girl slap not accept the challenge.
The absolute based truth.
He lost a big chance to pull these guys down a bit. Calling BitBoy a Fat fuck is simply stating the obvious.

>> No.19056115
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Always, nigger stain.

>> No.19056175

Did chico mentioned x-dai/Stake already?

>> No.19056262
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Bitboy loves his dildo

>> No.19056272


Couldn’t make it two minutes, fuck that guy’s punchability is off the charts

>> No.19056319
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Ok that was pretty based. Can’t hold a candle to my boy Nick Merten though. He’s the shit.

>> No.19056338

Youtube and especially crypto youtube is so fucking cringe but this made me laugh. Good that someone's calling those faggots out

>> No.19056372
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i must have missed this thread lmao this is gold

>> No.19056417
File: 763 KB, 696x800, bitboyworkout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitboy is fit AF

>> No.19056430

On that topic, what are /biz/ approved crypt news resources? So far /biz/ is my best and only option.

>> No.19056445

Chainlink Tonight.... Where IT IS Happening!

>> No.19056462

the best advice i can give you is to be VERY skeptical of crypto youtubers. most is just clickbaiting, making crazy bullish predictions and drawing meme lines and seeing things that aren't there

>> No.19056614

Chico holy shit what a boss.

>> No.19056683

Okay bitboy

>> No.19056699

Nugget's News seem rather genuine and is refreshing compared to the majority of fags in the crypto yt sphere.

>> No.19056701

Yeah Chico is based af

>> No.19056943

>He was early to Link too so that’s based

He thinks chico was early in link


>> No.19056969

what about websites? Where would I get informed of the next x10000 coins in advance?

For youtubers so far I think Chico and Crypto Lark seem somewhat reasonable.

>> No.19057063

Fuck yea

>> No.19057082

Most of the crypto crowd is third worlders with the matching IQ

>> No.19057131

he's fucking retarded

>> No.19057160
File: 72 KB, 500x615, scaredwojajk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's on you buddy, I'm just posting pictures of God's beautiful creation, these are images that you see in your day to day life anyways with the way women dress, for me it's like looking at some fine art, not so much a sexual thing.

the evil spirits possessed him, now they're using him as a vector to recruit coomers

>> No.19057436

which makes him wrecking everyone even more funnier. he dabbed on them hard

>> No.19057505

>you see in your day to day life anyways with the way women dress
because theyre all succubi whores who want to destroy men how can you talk about demonic possession and then lewdpost and tempt anons to coom. 100% hypocrite

>> No.19057509

Francis Hunt, aka Crypto Sniper

>> No.19057735

where the FUCK is the full video for this shitshow

>> No.19058443
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Haha Chico you fucking faggot. Shouldn't you have a pump and dump chat to be operating and shitty youtube videos to make?

>> No.19058688

Bitboy started shit, then Chico owned them. These fucktard, Instagram rejects REK their subs constantly.

>> No.19058776

Shut the fuck up fatboy he right about onething, bitboy is a fat fucking shit.

>> No.19058802
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 2439263F-DFC3-4E5B-8702-383911385A5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is the biggest moron in crypto

>> No.19058827

Tyler's lisp is so fucking annoying. What a whiny little faggot. It's amazing that he's managed to grow a devoted cult. Maybe we'll have another Jonestown kek

>> No.19058834
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>> No.19058870

chicko bro, can you pump xdai/stake

>> No.19058877

>Maybe it's redirecting you from other things you should be focusing on.
Like working 70 hours a week and consuming all the while paying taxes upon taxes until you die?
You squandered your trips anon. Maybe you were already on a bad level or had negative energy attached to you and the psychedelics made you realize it but instead you blamed them instead of thanking them for the lesson.
You now misguide people from finding their enlightening.
Time for you to reassess yourself and your views.

>> No.19059403

what a gem, ty

>> No.19059829

imagine knowing who any of these people are

>> No.19059905

unironically got me harder than steel, would fuck his boipuci

>> No.19059989

Ok Fatboy