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File: 688 KB, 800x514, inert at4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19038481 No.19038481 [Reply] [Original]

I hold bitcoin, how could you tell

>> No.19038683

no way this guy holds chinkshit

>> No.19038696

This. He’s 100% bsv

>> No.19039092

Mutts are mentally disturbed. Guns, I can understand, with USA being one of the most dangerous third world shitholes in the world, but a swedish AT? What's this retard gonna do, blow himself and his family up if he hears a suspicious sound in the night?

>> No.19039124

This guy is just retarded and doesn't realize this isn't cover under the 2nd

>> No.19039178

I hope so. Because while I get open carry and the gun culture, a fucking AT isn't a "weapon" to defend yourself with.

>> No.19039216

If you wanna complaint about the 2A trying taking it to your usual at /r/politics niggers

>> No.19039255

is this an AT4-CS?


I'm sure he doesnt even know he would kill himself if he fired this indoor

>> No.19039271

but it's based to be allowed to own one

2A is based

mutts are c.ucks and the funding fathers are doing cappoeira in their graves

>> No.19039308
File: 421 KB, 700x525, 1587944560622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just a nigga with a rocket launcher

>> No.19039351

Who the fuck cares nigger. If the man wants to lob that shit around all day, it should be in his rights to do it.

Why do you have to play nanny bitch with everyone. "O-oh no yo-you could hurt someone! AAHHHHH GOVERNMENT HELP ME. PLEASE GOD I'M SCARED"

>> No.19039353

>strapped double revolvers
>strapped bazooka
>i'll take a 6inch please, no mayo

>> No.19039441

Not complaining about 2a. 2a is perfect it just doesn't mention ordnance

>> No.19039474

>faggot thinks someone is going to attack him
>fire that thing, miss
>Meanwhile a few moments later your parents die in an explosion as the walls crush them, your house on fire and you barely make it out alive
>But it's fine it's his right to arm himself with actual destruction weaponry. Collateral is the price of freedom

>> No.19039509

>things that have literally never happened

>> No.19039559

It definitely is you fucking faggot. It is an arm. Keeping and bearing it is legal. Fuck yourself.

That being said its likely deactivated. It is hard to import stuff like that

>> No.19039560

Fucking this
People's minds are slowly shifting to this way of thinking where I am. Good stuff.

>> No.19039624

So, it's just a penis extension?

>> No.19039625

It's just the tube. You can legally own spent tubes as long as you register it as what it is.

That being said, as an American we should be able to carry drive or world any type of weapon we want, including and up to tactical nuclear devices.

>> No.19039655

>muh small pp gun a bloobloo

Your smarm won't stop small arms fire when the time comes to worry about that sort of thing, leftoid. Your sarcasm won't save you from the wall.

>> No.19039663

You God damn noguns retard. It's an empty AT4 tube. You can buy them on eBay for 300ish

>> No.19039772


The government has nukes. The government is a group of people. So people get to have nukes. That's how it works. Everyone is equal under the law. That's justice.

>> No.19039781

So literally why carry around that toy then? Poor little roidy needs a self esteem boost? Needs to feel dangerous while in reality lugging around a useless toy to feel MANLY? Then again I saw his face and crew, he wore a fake gold chain so yeah, he's just another mid life crisis cuck who surrounds himself with suggestible zoomers with retarded haircut to feel like an alpha leading a flock. Reminds me if those two Merc lapers who got caught in Venezuela recently trying to kidnap the president, being the most incompetent (aka burgers) "army spec ops" guys in recent memory. They brought a fucking airsoft among things.

>> No.19039824

Finally someone with logic. How many retards thought this was real kek? Holy shit it’s insane how dumb people are. Is this why poverty is cyclical?

>> No.19039881


It even says so in the image name.

>> No.19039887
File: 1.55 MB, 1298x866, BSV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bsv is to crypto currency what china is to anarcho syndicalism.

>> No.19039893


>> No.19039956

You're so high-IQ, you can't figure out that it's a stunt/prank. Think real hard about that.

>> No.19039994

Take a look at this scared faggot. Too afraid to let his balls swing
Shall not be infringed pal. The bill of rights was written vague on purpose to account for faggots like you. You probably think it only applies to militias too, bitch

>> No.19040016

My absolute bro

Fellow patriot

>> No.19040276
File: 455 KB, 631x762, 1580594288240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pay for a pizza with your bitcoin. Now the pizza guy not only knows your wallet and how much you hold inside, but also every transaction you did. Use monero, it's private.

>> No.19041046
File: 329 KB, 1920x1275, militarization-of-police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we need personal ownership of ATs

>> No.19041069

Because he's an attention seeking faggot.

>> No.19041096

Hopefully he shoots you.

>> No.19041145

Absolute retard, what are gonna do if an Abrams tanks breaks into your house in the dead of night? Shoot it with your <6" lawfully owned pocket knife? Fucking europoors I swear