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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19033627 No.19033627 [Reply] [Original]

>Net Worth
>Relationship status

>3 year relationship and I hate her

>> No.19033660

>Relationship status
>doing LTRs

>> No.19033741
File: 60 KB, 589x437, 7AE8415D-6957-4954-B462-0EC6E824CDA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5k neet

>> No.19033766

$73 million

>> No.19033789

>2 years and I wanna be single so bad but she covers half my rent/mortgage

>> No.19033791
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fuck you boomer kys

>> No.19033797


>> No.19033798

700k USD

>> No.19034204


>5k maybe

>> No.19034434


> just got out of an 8-month relationship and I can't stop obsessively texting her to take me back

>> No.19034467

move on King, you deserve better

>> No.19034503

Post screenshot of your vanguard etfs with timestamp.
Then sell all of it because boomers are sying left and right and millenials aint going to buy their heavy boomer bags.

>> No.19034511

You're a chad locked in a simp body man. Release the chad.

>> No.19034518

>10 yrs

>> No.19034525

5 year relationship.

My plan before covid was to break up and go live in Hawaii working at resorts. My retirement plan is Suicide, I just want a few more fun years.

>> No.19034564

>5 year relationship and I love her

>> No.19034569

3 yrs
She’s great. I didn’t marry a pretty white woman so I am enjoying life pretty well. Totally on board with building net worth with me. we make roughly 7.2k/mo net household income as college dropouts.

>> No.19034586

>Married, 2 kids

>> No.19034609
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>Around £17k
>3 month relationship with girl who is 2.5 years older

>> No.19034683
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>7 year relationship I've been wanting to get out of since 2018

>> No.19034722
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22k cash
40k gold and silver at a ratio of 30/70%
27 BTC
15k LINK
100 ETH
inb4 larp

>> No.19034732

oh, also single and never had a gf.

>> No.19034930

35. single. 1.3m and depressed

>> No.19034951

11k but then 5k due to trading and even worse if you include bullshit school. FUCK you, school. Bitch.
Single and will die a virgin. Had chances with people but I am probably the most mentally fucked anon on biz. Plan to cut my dick off soon (hopefully).

>> No.19034956 [DELETED] 


>> No.19034967

Im a college dropout with just an associates degree and I can only find 3-500 a week pay (after taxes) in shitmerica (particularly in california). Not even motherfucking 20 an hr jobs (which is STILL shit). FUCk shitmerica

>> No.19034975

Relationships with a slightly older woman are the most statistically stable congrats anon

>> No.19034984


>> No.19034985

- 90k

>> No.19035042

>crypto, liquid and etf money is 55k€
>relationship for 7 years with qt girl
Still feel like killing myself, hate my fucking job, hate being me, just fucking hate existing honestly

>> No.19035135

20k savings
20k LINK
3 years, marrying soon

>> No.19035146

No one asked about your emotional status faggot

>> No.19035209
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>1 year into relationship with 20y med student

life is good, apart from the fact that she has bought a fucking dog last month

>> No.19035228

Unironaclly the combination of great pay on top of awesome per diem made me comfortable enough to put the stuff I saved up into chainstink before it even hit .50¢. I also just save a fuck ton on top of that

>> No.19035245

How much do you save a year? Should be a lot living with your parents. Nice job anon

>> No.19035268

I don't live with my parents but the government pays for my lodging, I save around 11k a year at least

>> No.19035282


>> No.19035303

33, USD 0.4m, incel.

>> No.19035354


>> No.19035363

260k $

>> No.19035366

based, but why the debt

>> No.19035374

100k investments, 1 villa 6 bed rooms (0% interest rate mortgage), 2 cars (1 is paid full)
3 years married but together 11 years.

life is gud

>> No.19035388

>single for 7 years
I don't even know why I am investing in anything since all I wont is to live away from women, niggers and jews in some hut in the forest.

>> No.19035390

cars are not investments bro

>> No.19035394

and normies say women are more mature, thats why they go for older men

>> No.19035403

for me its investment to enjoy life ... kek. i love cars sadly

>> No.19035475

are you me, anon?

>> No.19035617

>23k € including stocks and crypto, but I just got fired so I'll go down quite a bit
>1.5 year relationship, couldn't be happier

>> No.19035651

>Together 9, married 3, couldn't be happier

>> No.19035654
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Interesting you really hate her?
Why not leave ?
I don’t get it
I’ve never stayed with a bitch I cant stand EVER

>> No.19035663

Holly mother of FKN Jesus is this real!?
Not larping ???

>> No.19035678

I like your portfolio position
I’m a nocoiner myself
So got admire your win whatever strategy pans out
I guess I’d have less BTC though what u buy in at?

>> No.19035719

This but 3 years older and 3 thousand dollars less. I fucked myself over.

>> No.19035743

>23 years old
>fucked yourself over


>> No.19035766

I wasted alot of money. I didn't even gamble it away. I just wasted it.

>> No.19035772


I can still make it

>> No.19035797

Multiple partners, single
kicker: 300 a month covers all overhead

Lifes good, but I need more.

>> No.19035813

You can make back triple whatever you lost well before you even hit your prime. It's not too late. It's never too late.

>> No.19035836
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Now is your chance to break thru

>> No.19035838

>6 figures crypto, 20k stonks, but I'm more proud of being tall and jacked due to roids.
>2 year relationship and I love her

>> No.19035876

>Single for a couple years now

>> No.19035882

My gf inherited a 1.4mil dollar house and I'm set to inherit 3 rental properties so i csn literally chill on a min wage (20$) 20 hours a week job.

>> No.19035885

>Multiple partners, single
>kicker: 300 a month covers all overhead
>Lifes good, but I need more.

So, how do you get more from this position?

>> No.19035917

Find God

>> No.19035928

15 000
Single :(

>> No.19035933


>> No.19035954

>Almost a wizard

Can't wait for my powers to be mailed it.

>> No.19035957

that's a man

>> No.19035971


>> No.19035997
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>Just broke up with my sjw gf who had $250k in debt for a Doctorate in Poetry.

>> No.19036005

How? Teach me the way.

>> No.19036019

Now that's a fuckin exit my dude

>> No.19036052

>engaged with the love of my life.

>> No.19036177 [DELETED] 

>>13k if I don't include my student loans
>>She left me on seen after I tried telling her how to message me on Loki

>> No.19036192 [DELETED] 

>>19033627 (OP)
>13k if I don't include my student loans
>She left me on seen after I tried telling her how to message me on Loki

>> No.19036212


>13k if I don't include my student loans
>She left me on seen after I tried telling her how to message me on Loki


>> No.19036232

post proof or larp

>> No.19036260

>feels nothing anymore

>> No.19036288
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$450,000 in a low CoL state
kissless virgin

>> No.19036306

4 year golden relationship

I hope you all make it lads

>> No.19036349

Checked and great use of green text
12M (Aus bucks)
Have a part time moll

>> No.19036378

>Never even kissed a girl

>> No.19036411

>single living with parents

trying to bloom despite the doom

>> No.19036413

Are you Goldman Sachs CEO?

>> No.19036418

Where did it go wrong?

>> No.19036429
File: 325 KB, 699x518, E92A6724-5534-4FCB-BA82-D561BC8D089A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Technically single, but I’ve been consistently sleeping with a 29 y.o. recently that comes from yuge numoney. Her dad seems very based and has no sons, heavily weighing disregarding her obvious mileage and other red flags to secure the bag.

>> No.19036458 [DELETED] 

>3k ish I only started working at the start of this year

>> No.19036509

You've got time. Do it.

>> No.19036513

btw i meant 2k* and most of that is in motorbikes

>> No.19036529

7years with GF
Love her like the day i met her

>> No.19036565

Just rechecked my net worth. It's actually 187k.

>> No.19036575


>> No.19036592

marry her then

>> No.19036600

Went to university and got a pointless degree in a subject I wasn't very gifted in anyway. Also spent 90% of my free time fapping and playing shit video games. Woke up when I was about 27 with no worldly experiences, no career prospects and a brain formed by trash input.

>> No.19036604

Secure that bag

>> No.19036608

Transfer your money to me and kys.
Just kidding I hope you get better anon.
The world is a wonderful place and you can do a lot with your life

>> No.19036615

Not too late go fix up and go find yourself a gf

>> No.19036627

Don't be depressed Not too late to fix up man

>> No.19036651

>10k (just bought first house in March)

Finally feel like I’m gonna make it bros. I just need to keep this new job I landed and not blow all my earnings on stonks (which is why I always do the opposite of what /biz/ says)

>> No.19036661

Unless they find someone young/rich/easy to influence, this is just a loss. Secure yourself, then leverage socially. This is the beginning. I didn't see a mention of debt in there, so you can start taking calculated risks.


>> No.19036670

how do you get an accurate estimation of your net worth???

>> No.19036679

literally ngmi

>> No.19036688

250k in stocks
Getting married in October

>> No.19036740

No debt thankfully. I will begin to... think.

>> No.19036767

Bank. Brokerage. 401k all viewable online.

>> No.19036802

>>~$12,000 if I liquidated all my assets into fiat
>>Still texting with this girl I like, known her for about a month.

>> No.19036847
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She whored around A LOT in college before getting married too early at 20... dude (it gets worse, I think he was a nog) was older and wanted kids, she wasn’t ready and it went downhill from there, no cheating from her account though. Oh, and drinks a lot.

That history would have me running for the hills in any other circumstance, but I seem to have her totally around my finger pretty early in, so I think I can tame this beast.

>> No.19036874

You cant turn a hoe into a housewife

>> No.19036888

round 125k
married 3 years

>> No.19036891


>> No.19037662


>> No.19037730
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22, 3k, in a relationship for a few years. She's okay but I don't know if I want to be stuck here forever. I'm stuck in basically every conceivable way until coronachan blesses us with some reprieve. Lot's of vidya and jacking off lately, life isn't too bad overall rn desu

>> No.19037839

Subtract your debts from your assets with a calculator and ensure the keys are big enough for your fingers

>> No.19037872

i envy u burgers i live in a commie country cant get past 10k fuck me

>> No.19037874

>75k (if you include our house then 300k total)

>> No.19038254

Single and ready to mingle

>> No.19038274

i became a neet again since this virus bullshit begun. is it too late for me bros?

>> No.19038306

>Voluntarily Celibate.

>> No.19038353

only ever fucked Thai hookers and bar girls

>> No.19038363

>75k liquid/investments and some income properties with unknown value
>married, child

>> No.19038408

100k crypto, 35k cash, business equity worth $120k, no debt
single with thots on speed dial, even during a pandemic.

>> No.19038413

>Net Worth
>Relationship status
Every day I try and figure out why I don't have the balls to kill myself.

>> No.19038718

She will flip and get bored. She'll go from saying I love you to never wanting to see you again over like a week. Speaking from experience.

>> No.19039083

>21 BTC + 5M ARPA

>> No.19039191

Might be worthwhile to name where you live, income/cost of living differs a lot between e.g. yuro and burgerland

>> No.19039211

single for five years

>> No.19039214

>25 next week
>6k lol but im finishing my masters soon and wont have debt

>> No.19039239

> 27
> 38BTC
> dump women like shitcoins in profit

>> No.19039413

Dude, don't worry about being a virgin. I'm almost 30 and one. Don't define your life by women.

I'm plenty happy with my life. I spend time with friends, I get out and exercise. I'm planning to go on a multistate bike tour this summer. There's so much more to enjoy in life than just women.

>> No.19039477

30k, took out a loan to trade with
Single KV

>> No.19039744

>Net worth is a useless metric but I have a $180k house and $25k in crypto (plus a fuck ton of debt)
>2 yr relationship

>> No.19039934

Rhode island I make 1k less a year than median income for my state. But I was unemployed for over a year and pissed away most of my savings.

>> No.19039951

$100k failed entrepreneur
Married 10 years to Asian thot 2 kids Wasian boys

>> No.19040074

Mate, go to Thailand for three months.
Take plenty of antibiotics and condoms with you.
Your wasting your best fucking years in a relationship with your hand.
Thailand (if you dont like Asians go to Eastern Europe).

>> No.19040087

Literally move

>> No.19040098

But I have turned my housewife into a Hoe.

>> No.19040117

Crypto maybe a way to realize your financial dreams. Is that what you are doing?

>> No.19040119

this guy gets it

and it snot STDs and anchor babies

listen to him
if you need a travek pal there are many of us here who go regularly

>> No.19040125

5000 in crypto. started with $70 in 2016
not single

>> No.19040140
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My goal is to not be a wagecuck for the rest of my life

>> No.19040179
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> 33
> $1.4M
> Married 3.5 years

>> No.19040180

Your right there is a lot more to enjoy but fucking is one of your basic human instincts I would not belittle the enjoyment and fulfillment it brings that is hardcoded into our DNA.
You two outta get together and go spend three months in Thailand. Wear a tshirt that says Virgin on it... They will Rip that Tshirt off with their teeth!

>> No.19040327


>> No.19040385
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Some old credit card debt from some stupid decisions. I hope to be debt free later this year.

>> No.19040418

Not to speak for the other guy but if my #1 goal in life was to insert my penis into a vagina, I would have gotten a hooker years ago. I try not to think about that to much anyway hence switching from r9k to biz

>> No.19040447

>married a hapa virgin
>browsed 4chen for the last 13 years

>> No.19040560

Being in debt is pretty annoying, but even once its paid off, it doesn't feel as good as you'd think.

>> No.19040677
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>> No.19040751

0.5 LINK
kv (not handholdless tho)

>> No.19040971


>> No.19040996

>Posting in a data mining thread

>> No.19041209

Wow a quality thread that's still alive the next day for once

>> No.19041237


>> No.19041248


>> No.19041327
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Married and I only am interested when extra horny. Other than that she is just annoying and always complaining about pain

>> No.19041388
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>> No.19041493


>> No.19041814 [DELETED] 


>> No.19041897

Good luck to everyone.

>> No.19042079

£1200 (but its student loans that I'll barely have to pay back - supose net worth is actually -£13,150. This will keep adding up till I'm out of uni)
5 months, but I find her boring as all fuck and should've broken up with her before corona

>> No.19042082

How are these zoomers making that much money

>> No.19042125

Unironically, the zoomers who come here are usually very smart in my experience. Also helps that some caught the crypto wave in 2017.

>> No.19042196
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I frankly wouldn’t mind this outcome from a closure perspective, usually I’m the one doing the flipping (which I absolutely hate).


>> No.19042789


>> No.19042822

>20k LINK and 50 ETH
>$40k savings
>$6k IRA
>$3k silver
>fat gf of 5 years who i dont care much about but stay with out of habit

Yeah, feels pretty pathetic. Its not too low of money to motivate me to work harder but its not high enough to be life changing. Forever an apathetic loser fag