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File: 254 KB, 800x449, numale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1900023 No.1900023 [Reply] [Original]

Shill your youtube channel here. Post a video link and I'll watch it.

I'm trying to start a channel, so tell me about the business end of your channel (marketing, ad revenue, strategy, etc).

>> No.1900140

I don't have a youtube but all you need to do is have good SEO and enough total channel watchtime and youtube will promote you. Just grind away at making 100 videos and let the passive income roll in.

>> No.1900579


pls no bully

>> No.1900583

Same here.

>> No.1900586

Considering this. Am fun loving drink hick. Have other bros. Sometimes have strangers add my Snapchat. Have like 10 real friends on snapchat but 50 people a day watch my shit. Highly considering fallimg for the youtube meme

>> No.1900596

post sc

>> No.1900858

ARE you a philipino with a Nokia for a microphone?

>> No.1900866


>> No.1900874

Look, My honest advice? Talk less.

If you can, don't talk at all. Your playthroughs are relatively smooth, you obviously aren't retarded given that you look at the small details etc.

If you can cut away having to talk - Cut it away. Most people just talk shit that isn't the slightest bit amusing.

>> No.1900885


>> No.1900890

Sorry bad link https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=WDlBx8srNsg

>> No.1900892

read the comments people love me

>> No.1900897

"Now Lets get to it" Should've had a transition after that bro - Felt like the pause needed emphasis, maybe have the transition as your own Intro thing.

I'm just watching your video now, You need a clean backdrop. Your content is decent. Common tongue also dictates it's pronounced "Shah-rye-ah". Other than that, your Facial hair honestly makes me feel like I'm watching someone trustworthy. Just keep in mind though that that could then be your Niche or noticeable trait.

Erase the "Cancerous Feminist" rant shill.

It sounds wrong. Everything else is worded relatively professionally.

If you want or need help on the edits and shit man. Holla at me. I'll make a skype and add you just to talk shit and help if you're keen.

>> No.1900902

move you tablet up so you arent looking down all the time. btw youre never gonna be tomi lahren. shave. you look like a token minority that conservative use as a source

>> No.1900903

Right. I get that I might've offended you somehow, But that's obviously perspective.

Your gameplay is smooth, It isn't lacklustre in the sense of most people that do "Playthroughs" Literally are some of the shittest fucking gamers I've ever seen.

Work on your strengths - Your gameplay is smooth, incoorporate that into a more.... Game orientated cinematic approach.

>> No.1900904

im just fucking with you dude, this is my classm8s yt. i like to shit post it

>> No.1900906

Pass on the information then you fucking useless sack, if you're his classmate just tell him His voice is fucked and his gameplay isn't half bad.

Otherwise you're just a bully and a gay cunt for hating on someone that's putting themselves out there.

>> No.1900907

not mine but I don't want to see it fizzle out


He does requests; what should I request this guy that will help his channel?

>> No.1900908

You're not thinking outside the box.

Seems to me like this cunt has an original idea. I can definitely get behind this shit.

Suggestions could include shit that he can blend.

Hommus, avocado, lemon juice, fuck - Water and cardboard.

>> No.1900915

I really appreciate the constructive criticism I've been trying really hard to get my friend to do some video editing for me but he doesn't have much time until he's done with college. I'd love it if you could do give some tips on editing since that's my biggest obstacle

>> No.1900916

he did something with avocado https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaPiOfBBthQ

>> No.1900931

Suggest the good old, Bicarbonate soda and Vinegar thing.

>> No.1900945


Not a YouTube, but here is my silly little blog:


>> No.1900955

I clicked on an ad for you, fucko.

>> No.1900962


thanks man. I'm up to $4 a month now.

>> No.1900985

Sorry i dont want doxxed man.

>> No.1901861

Can you give me some basic video editing tips. If I know where to start maybe I can figure it out. I just got Adobe after effects, is it the best for video editing?

>> No.1902083

Just did it for lols a couple of years ago with some buddies.

Pls no bully.


>> No.1902672

looks like a new vid just came out today

>> No.1902702


idk how to edit, but fix the tablet so you can't see it's reflection on your eyes and everything about the video will seem more professional

>> No.1902761

You're a faggot, clicked like 4 ads tho

>> No.1902974

Literally just started a gaming youtube channel today. I'm uploading a few more videos as we speak.


>> No.1902975


i have over 1k subs ill shill ur channel if u pay me some eth

>> No.1902984


>> No.1903073




>> No.1903427


Made a shitty meme channel

Stopped making vids because work picked up. Waiting for 20 videos to do some advertising to pick up more views from the retards across the world who can sit there and stupify themselves while i get paid.

>> No.1903460


>> No.1904734

>Otherwise you're just a bully and a gay cunt for hating on someone that's putting themselves out there.


>> No.1905210

No bully pls


>> No.1905220

Nice, next time use bigger ships and a CGI Godzilla
Also get an HD color camera

>> No.1905678

You are making 4 bucks a month with that shit? Nice

>> No.1905793


How the fuck can I improve? All i earned is 0.03$

I find those videos pretty funny and all but why can't they get popular?

>> No.1905797

i think the style of the page is absolute shit. and the infinite scroll takes away your ads and can lag the page (more siteloads, more ads that load)

put a modern theme and make it so you have to click page 2 after 4 or 5 posts

>> No.1905929


Yes I know it's shit.

It's not supposed to infinite scroll....

>> No.1905942

>Let's Play videos

>> No.1905990

>see this guy shilling on /biz/ for over a month now
>1 subscriber

>> No.1907287

No bully thank you

>> No.1907834


>> No.1907895

You gonna set all your YouTube vids to private as well?

>> No.1907929


>> No.1907960

He can edit his yt videos to remove identifying info

>> No.1908404

My gf is an asian with anxeity issues and can draw well. I want her to makes animation videos about being antisocial appealing to young girls about to date and shit. She doesnt want to do it. Look on youtube those videos get 4 mil views easily.

>> No.1909305
File: 966 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-03-28-19-16-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha "good speller"

I like the look of it, those banners are a pain because you only have 1 pic for TVs browsers and mobile

>> No.1909537

yep, clearly other people are the retards

>1 sub

P.S. Reported for misleading thumbnails

>> No.1910720

started a week ago and have over 3 thousand views. is that good?

>> No.1911658

Very. How many subs?

>> No.1911667


>> No.1911857


youtube banned me and deleted all my accounts. this is for real. also told me that I will never be able to create any youtube account. I didn't do anything wrong however. I just don't understand.

>> No.1912907

kek. Did you make the video or just upload it?

>> No.1913058


heres my channel.
it is benchmark to all the latest game with GTX 970 and i5 4690