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19030363 No.19030363 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19030495

Youre at the ‘dump’ part of pump and dump

Did the literal pajeets spamming this coin everyday not warn you?

>> No.19030539

Someone sell me on this. I don't care about the price action tell me about fundamentals.

>> No.19030601

Its a scam coin tied to a legitimate service. The coin itself is very limited in utility - youll need 16 to run a node and thats it. Theres no huge organic demand, but since its tangentially tied to staking its easy to market it as the next big thing.

>> No.19030611

Expected to constantly target 0.1 ETH due to some staking math which I don't actually know how it works

>> No.19030636

So obviously staking is the next big thing, any reason to get in this or another project and not Hex?

>> No.19030665

That 0.1 figure needs a hard citation

Staking IS the next big thing, but the projection for rocketpool’s base is around 1% of ethereum. This isnt going token is so overblown by pajeets im not surprised people are dumping it

>> No.19030667
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I bought at 3.40 will I make it? Should I just keep buying more or is this shit over with?

>> No.19030677

ok vampire

the reason it's dumping is because it just had a massive week and topped out at $3. 4 of the top whale wallets are slowly exiting as the price increases. BTC also just had a massive flash crash yesterday and it retained a large portion of it's value. People are taking profit during a time of large market uncertainty. expect it to crash a bit more if the market goes south, so DCA in if you are going in

the token helps regulate the amount of node operators that are on the network. Too many and you have unused nodes, too little and you have queued up ETH deposits that aren't being assigned. These are the basics. The team is solid and have been running for years, they do zero shilling, and are the ONLY game in town for decentralized staking. If that wasn't enough, while everyone else that stakes will have to wait to get their eth till 2.0 enters the last phase (2022) rocketpool will issue reth that will allow you liquidity while you are staking.

>> No.19030682

Larp. Show order

>> No.19030690
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>Its a scam coin tied to a legitimate service

>> No.19030695

all the smart money is in HEX.

>> No.19030700

>he trusted yesterdays drunk anon larp

>> No.19030707

Because its a pump and dump you fucking moron

>> No.19030719
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It’s going back to $1 isnt it...turned out this was a hype pump and dump the whole time.........

>> No.19030735

i don't believe the math guy but there is 100% a value that will make it "fair" as if it costs too much to become a node operator -> required rpl goes down to become an operator-> rpl is overvalued->rpl gets sold->rpl returns to a fair value

That being said, I think it's hard to estimate due to several factors, one of those is that RPL is bonded to the ETH and is effectively removed from circulation for the duration of staking. This means that the more eth is staked, the higher the "fair value" imo. With speculation, this could drive the price much higher than .1 eth.

>> No.19030736
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>and are the ONLY game in town for decentralized staking.
why do you lie tho?

>> No.19030737

He's not vampire, I am. Glad to see everyones seeing this shit coin for what it actually is: A pajeet pump and dump

>the token helps regulate the amount of node operators that are on the network. Too many and you have unused nodes, too little and you have queued up ETH deposits that aren't being assigned. These are the basics. The team is solid and have been running for years, they do zero shilling, and are the ONLY game in town for decentralized staking. If that wasn't enough, while everyone else that stakes will have to wait to get their eth till 2.0 enters the last phase (2022) rocketpool will issue reth that will allow you liquidity while you are staking.
All of this is absolute jibber jiabber gobbledegook marketing speak

you need 16RPL to run a node which you get back at the end. Thats the bottom line. Dont listen to these retarded marketers

>> No.19030751

i wish, i'd all in my entire eth stack

>> No.19030761
File: 12 KB, 258x195, E6A254C8-326D-4AA0-88C6-566ED4C8A77A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not LARPing, I went in heavy at this price point. Not gonna wallet DOXX.
I did, so this project is done now isn’t it. Literally a moonboi hype staking token.
Great, well I’m down 40% on my bags should I just fucking kill myself?

>> No.19030772

>why is this shitcoin dumping?
just put the two and two together fucking nigger

>> No.19030773

i have over 100 eth
i could need 0-300rpl to operate a node and make minipools. That means right now i need to spend 0-600$ usd depending on network utilization. Dumbass. Whales will need lots of rpl.

>> No.19030793

dump them so we can score some cheapies

>> No.19030796

everything is down lol. rpl has been pumping like crazy for the past two days of course it's going to dip at some point.

>> No.19030804

Ok but why is it dumping right now, if The token was actually worth anything it wouldn’t be dumping this hard right now
I mean.....the idea is a good one. I just don’t understand why I got pajeet’d
Oh wow, yeah ok. Considering this dump is just getting started we will be there by tomorrow

>> No.19030815

Whales wont even use RPL you moron. Whales will stake the way people with money stake. Through their own hardware.

>> No.19030823

Bro I feel bad for you. It was the most obvious pnd on biz in months. Although ESH takes the cake now. Just no more buying coins that aren't top 5 for you.

>> No.19030827

because the entire market dumped, duh. No project is immune to fear. And there are a lot of people who are already in profit who are taking profit. There's literally nothing wrong with a healthy correction

>> No.19030842

no they won't because they will not have access to their staked eth until 2022. RPL will give them rEth which allows them to stay liquid. immediate payout or payout 2 years from now? there's gonna be a lot of rpl usage.

>> No.19030846

fuck, just bought 1k of this bullshit

>> No.19030849

It's not even dumping, dumbfucks.

Go back to Retarddit.

>> No.19030859

all the pajeets that were shilling the past week already dumped their bags

>> No.19030881

nah we're all here rabidly defending it and trying to accumulate more
but seriously, i want the price to go back down to 30c since i missed the cheapies

>> No.19030900
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-26.7% is a “healthy correction”

>> No.19030917

>goes up 100% in 7 days
>down 26.7% after a market crash
your point?

>> No.19030939

They could make more if they set up a bunch of RPL nodes because then they'd get a cut of the returns the plebs are making. When have the wealthy ever turned down an opportunity to collect rent from people?

>> No.19030976

There was another thread that said “$3 is healthy support”. Why did everyone lie and also, if the token was THAT valuable, why is it dumping this hard

>> No.19030991

look at cmc.

>> No.19031008

because the market crashed you imbecile
people who had been bag holding for years were in massive profit and decided to take it

>> No.19031017

sell now and stop putting money into low mc, low volume biz scams. Jesus christ are you new here?

>> No.19031019

So i should just hold this shit back to 1.30 and keep buying? What the fuck I thought the hype was gonna keep going

>> No.19031039

Nobody cares about your tale of woe is me so just dump your bags if they're causing you this much stress retard. Hodlers are going to make it.

>> No.19031044

bro it's not launching till july with phase 0
i kept telling people in the discord to stop shilling because they're wasting the hype and this is what it does to people

>> No.19031059
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Ok....but I already have other bags. But this one fucking dumped really hard for no reason. What a pajeet scam, fuck this project, enjoy your rpl scam, can’t believe I bought this pos

>> No.19031077

sell it right now so i can scoop it up

>> No.19031078
File: 112 KB, 200x296, haha holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks phase 0 is launching in July

>> No.19031085

Yup, same faggot who's been FUDing in all the threads since the beginning. This is turbo autism if I've ever seen it.

>> No.19031104

>Whales will need lots of rpl.
Whales will not be using Rocketpool for staking, period

>> No.19031105
File: 121 KB, 1157x1200, F71A5F4E-43AA-453E-A551-72637A6DBF01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you guys all hype this shit up when mainnet release for phase 0 is in July. This thing is going back to $1, no one wants to buy this shit this high, it’s so scammy

>> No.19031132

How the fuck can you see a coin pump for like 3 weeks straight and then decide to buy it are you actually fucking retarded

>> No.19031142

Wtf does this even do? Why do you need to hold this shitcoin to stake eth? Why not just stake it and that's it?

>> No.19031151

Thats what Ive been saying lol

Im the guy from the discord they call vampire.

And guess what, what I said was true.

>> No.19031152

they are and will tho
its the only way to get eth OUT of the chain pre smart contracts phase which is 2022

>> No.19031181

BECAUSE this shitcoin deserves to be 100 million market cap, plus I didn’t buy at 1.60 and watched it go this high
Yep, this isn’t even all that great of a token, just some tiny little scam token who doesn’t deserve that much of an evaluation

>> No.19031184

This is what I said btw





>> No.19031206

Wow 2.36, this shit is really over. Can’t believe I got fucked this hard. What do I do now?

>> No.19031215

>still above 2
hmmmmmmmmmmmm brain damage

>> No.19031245

Im gonna make another prediction.

You ready?

Archive this post:

This coin is going back to 1$

>> No.19031274

im fine with that though i want to drop 10k into it
could you actually make it go down to 30c tho

>> No.19031287

everyone is selling for tron so they can play stonk.fund

>> No.19031304
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>> No.19031313

It will drop to .30 and stay there.

Archive this post

>> No.19031330

you're pathetic if you think this will not be a top20 coin you faggots. 600% in 2 weeks of course it needed to go down.

oh and vampire, kill yourself.

>> No.19031336

i'm selling everything to buy STONK.FUND .... everything but NOT my PRL !!!!! neva eva!

>> No.19031338

sell your bags then dude
or are you mad you never had any? now is your chance

>> No.19031340
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>> No.19031341

Ok but when? I got dumped on really hard and lost faith, it’s over man

>> No.19031355

Fuck still made a profit but god damn what a dump. I'll buy back in at 1.50.

>> No.19031360

kill yourself

>> No.19031378

just sell now then

>> No.19031383
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>> No.19031388
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No I have to hold cuz I know as soon as I sell it’s going back to $3. If I hold it’s going to $1.80 and I’ll just have to buy there

>> No.19031394

good call fag

>> No.19031423

If this coin was so good it wouldn’t dump this hard. Instead people would keep buying but clearly buy volume has dried up and people are dumping on biz. Pretty fucked up imo

>> No.19031437

you fucking idiot.
look at how small the market cap is. this is not bitcoin faggot

>> No.19031442

not true at all. now you're just exposing yourself as a retard. please sell your bags so I can imagine you offing yourself when 1rpl=.1 eth

>> No.19031449

Ok yeah, but bitcoin hasn’t dumped since noon yet rocketpool keeps dumping. It was 2.70 when BTC finished dumping, yet RPL is now 2.37...

>> No.19031452

>going sideways

i dont even hold this coin and i think what you are saying is silly

>> No.19031456
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>> No.19031473

buy rpl so you wont commit suicide in july fag

>> No.19031484

It was literally 3.50 12 hours ago....now it’s 2.37

>> No.19031485


mentally ill. obsessed with RPL. autistic most likely.

>> No.19031495

The sad thing is, I sold my 10k bag at 3.20$

I knew it was crashing and you niggers were too deluded (or trying to scam others) to believe it.

This coin is going to sub 1$ levels its so fucking easy to see that.

Archive this post

>> No.19031514

Reminder that all the FUDers in this thread are either the same turbo autist OR a handful of trannies coordinating in their faggot discord in between sessions of jacking off to CP. They've literally been running the same FUD playbook in every RPL thread for the past week. Dilate and KYS faggots.

>> No.19031522

2.34 now. Wow.

>> No.19031535

i sold at 3.50 myself you retard and bought back in at lower levels. not my fault when normies don't know how to trade fag

>> No.19031542
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>> No.19031547

i bought at .80 cents. i did just sell though and will rebuy whenever it stops dumping. not worried in the slightest though.

>> No.19031554

So bitcoin is back to 8.7k..yet RPL is 2.34 now. ......

>> No.19031555

God I was almost worried when I saw this thread, but it turns out Im still at a solid x4

>> No.19031568

Ok but my bags are heavy af rn. What the Fuck.

>> No.19031579

Lol @ all you retards freaking out over a correction. I bought at $1.20 literally a few days ago. It went parabolic straight up of course it is going to correct.

>> No.19031589

i really wouldn't worry dude. plenty of time for this to pump before eth 2.0 launches. next time don't buy into something after 2 weeks of consistent gains though. wait until the dip.

>> No.19031592

How low is this going to go? I’m worried as fuck my bags are now -40%

>> No.19031610

I was waiting for the dip since 1.80 though. It kept going up and I FOMOd in like a noob because I thought $4 was incoming but you can’t win em all

>> No.19031612

mate there is no recovering from this.

Whales are pumping tens of thousands out, it doesnt matter how much you buy the market will be flooded with these worthless shitcoins


>> No.19031618

chill bro you wwill mak3 it

>> No.19031629

lol. why are you so obsessed with RPL? it's unhealthy. there are plenty of coins out there getting shilled that have no utility whatsoever yet you spend hours every day in every RPL thread. maybe look into getting a hobby or something.

>> No.19031635

Look at all of the whales dumping like in >>19031612
im worried but I’ll try and calm down

>> No.19031642

you don't need a token for what its trying to achieve

>> No.19031651





>> No.19031652


stop looking at it fag

>> No.19031666



>> No.19031670

Who knows, but this project is solid, and it has finally reached a decent volume and garnered some attention, so it will start climbing back up fairly soon. So take a seat and enjoy the ride

>> No.19031703

faggots gonna kill themself after july

>> No.19031738

>>this project is solid

Rocketpool has nothing to do with RPL (token) fucking piece of shit indian

>> No.19031784


>> No.19031879

Enjoy this time and gloat while you can, pajeets. This shit will bounce quick.

>> No.19032028

Ok....now it’s 2.28. I literally walked away for 45 mins and now it’s even lower. If this was actually bullish people would be buying here.

>> No.19032094

Lots of cope in this thread

>> No.19032096

is this your first time trading crypto? it's called a dip. at some point it will stop dropping and start going up again. if you're not planning on swing trading or selling it or bying moret then stop watching the price obsessively. it's just going to stress you out.

>> No.19032145

It’s my first time shitcoin chasing in forever. I’m worried because of vampire and also >>19032094, they may be right...thanks for the advice though.

>> No.19032246

don't worry about that dude. he's mentally ill. he's been in every RPL thread for like 7 or 8 days now. you'll be fine. just relax and stop watching the price. we've still got another couple months before staking launches and RPL will continue to go up. might not be as crazy parabolic as it was the past 12 days or so, but should be consistent.

>> No.19032289


RPL is done for

Archive this post

>> No.19032291

You are a good person whoever you are. I’m gonna hop off now...thanks.

>> No.19032314

couple of months? ghost has its whitepaper coming out in a few days so ESH is guranteed to moon.

>> No.19032344

>why is a coin that has only been known by very little getting dumped on.
Calm your tits if it does what it's done for the last 2 weeks it will be $4 in 2 weeks

>> No.19032486

maybe. maybe not. i'd sell all that ESH before the airdrop though because as soon as it's completed there's going to be no buyers and thousands of sellers for ESH and it's going to dump like crazy.

>> No.19032664

shit bros do i sell? im in fucking tears right now i bought this shit above $3. Serioulsly, someone please tell me ill be ok. I gambled my rent money for next month and im getting worried

>> No.19032693


Dude, never gamble what you can't afford to lose, jfc. I don't know if coin will go up in the short-term or continuing going down a bit. Crypto is unstable as fuck. It's a good pick overall, but jesus don't gamble like that.

>> No.19032811

rockets, fucking rockets. I would never buy any crypto with a rocket in its name or logo, it's a clear sign of a scam or useless moneygrab.

>> No.19032819
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2.24 now. When will the pain end?

>> No.19032835

Where u getting ur prices? Coinbadr has rocketpool on 3$

>> No.19032840


I thought everyone said this would go to 4


>> No.19032868
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Uniswap on the USDC pair.

>> No.19032870

Where the fuck are people getting their numbers? Coinbase and etherscan has it for 3 dollars

>> No.19032896 [DELETED] 

What the? Idk who to trust. I think uniswap exchange is flooded.

>> No.19032910

Well where else can you sell rocketpool other than 1inch and Uniswap? Idex doesn’t have real prices either!!

>> No.19033017
File: 183 KB, 750x901, 7C8E1481-F678-4CDB-BE4F-A3B69B847F71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, it’s now 2.23

>> No.19033108


>> No.19033172

Staking was the "next big thing" 5+ years ago. I'm not sure what's going on in crypto these days...Been gone.

>> No.19033202

FYI this is what FUD designed to make you panic out of your position looks like.

>> No.19033216
File: 94 KB, 902x678, 1582382345315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in the discord are mostly talking about development and the next beta testing rather than the price. I think the recent pump is just a FOMO overreaction by shorters and it will settle back down for the long haul.

>> No.19033224

>>coin is down 35%


>> No.19033425

bottom found. resume pump

>> No.19033451

We want you to sell actually because most of us want to drop huge amounts under a dollar. Too bad it won’t go back down there

>> No.19033462

It’s almost like they’re a legit group of people that are working hard to deliver a product

>> No.19033512


No discussion of token price allowed guys (;

Except when its up, then please talk about how great it is

SCAM. Everyone can see this shitty indian nigger shitcoin

Its over

>> No.19033595

We talk about the price all the time retard
Don’t come into the server and act like the 20iq smoothbrain that you are and we would have talked to you
Though it’s clear you won’t understand because you only have two brain cells

>> No.19033613


Your shitcoin is a SCAM

Just admit you fucking nigger

The discord server is a fucking CULT

Any questions about how the coin isnt a scam will get you banned


>> No.19033617

idex trading at quite the discount in comparison to memeswap

>> No.19033654

dude i told you to relax

it's back up to 2.50 now

>> No.19033666

you need to take your meds

>> No.19033674

>retards fud
>starts pumping again

>> No.19033719


Thanks I feel marginally better

>> No.19033756


>> No.19034716
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>opens /biz/ for first time in a week
ah, looks like the "ndump" part of yet another /biz/ pumpndump