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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 41 KB, 202x350, switched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19028113 No.19028113 [Reply] [Original]

You will now FOMO.

>> No.19028459

This will be the comfiest of comfy holds during the next two weeks

>> No.19028839


>> No.19028977

Shitcoin thay mcafee will dump like last 100. Same shit with clearpoll have fun getting dumped if you haven’t left already. Got out at 80c lol same ass chart

>> No.19029056

Big mistake if you are not out yet and think this coin is any different

>> No.19029127
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You know this board has post ID's right?

>> No.19029225

Get whacked fag

>> No.19029285
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>Get whacked fag

>> No.19029306

you bought at $1, didn’t you? Top kek. Buy high as they say

>> No.19029322

Hex is pretty comfy but this could get pretty comfy too, we'll see what happens the 25th.

>> No.19029391

>Get whacked fag

>> No.19029599
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Uh-oh sounds like someone missed out on some prime ghosties.

>> No.19029677

You haven't missed out until the 24th

>> No.19029701
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>Got out at 80c lol
>PRICE $1.0177

>> No.19029991

How the fuck do you even buy this shitcoin?

>> No.19030052


>> No.19030091

Don’t think so faggot
ESH (de facto ghost) already pumped 350 X
that’s a 35000% pump
You just made macafee and his Pajeets $millions
He will exit scam at the earliest opportunity
Enjoy holding those bags though

>> No.19030103

uniswap too, you have to add the contract in the drop down

>> No.19030115

So I get my next neetbux check in a few days, I currently have 1500 ghosties, should I buy more?

>> No.19030127

I'll lmao at your cope in 5 days.

>> No.19030203

So my understanding is this:

1)Buy ESH
2)You get airdropped Ghost (1:1)
3)Ride the coaster
4)Sell before the inevitable sell off

>> No.19030387

Yes, maybe sell a bit before the drop too.

>> No.19030415

This doesn’t link to anything bagholding autist retard faggot

>> No.19030465

Check your browser, it works fine.

>> No.19030561
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Here you guy in an interview 5 weeks ago Shilling MONERO on kitco literally twitching on crack


You can’t make this shit up

>> No.19030604


It doesn’t fucking work
Just give me title youtube vidya please
I am interested in anything Mcafee

>> No.19030656

It's nothing Mcafee.
It's a video of Big Man Tyrone telling you that you do not belong on this website.

>> No.19030669

Entirely wrong reply chain, disregard me, I suck cocks.

>> No.19030720

I've never used this exchange. Should I just use a brave wallet for this?

Sorry for being such a noob. I've only used Binance.

>> No.19030803

Depends, how much more can the neetbux net you at around a dollar each

>> No.19030872

You can connect a hardware wallet to metamask if you have one. And yeah Just make a metamask as you'll need one to connect the hw wallet if you have one.

>> No.19030876

What’s wrong with shilling Monero? Unlike the Monero devs who are self-conscious butt pirates who viciously fud and attack every competitor, maybe Mcafee humbly sees room for more than one coin.

>> No.19030877

Well itll be around 1200 dollars. I just don't know what price this will reach, what do you guys think? I mean if I spent 500 to 600 more, I would have around 4k with 1500 invested. How high do you guys think it will go?

>> No.19030903

and if you're actually really noob then know that metamask is the same as brave wallet.

>> No.19030920

Kek sorry cuz , I’m not doing it. I missed out on this coin. Oh well too bad

>> No.19031016

Your in my boat anon don’t bother buying more this shit will hit 100$ by August just sell then and reinvest in link you’ll make a cool million before end of bullrun

>> No.19031082

Bro thank you for answering my questions!

Yeah. I'm generally surface level. I've held Link, ADA, all that shit a while back. I feel like taking a risk here because I've missed out on massive gains over and over.I do have a hardware wallet.

Last question: If the ESH is in your wallet, does it just get automatically dropped in there? Or do I need to set up another wallet for this?

Again, you're a fuckin boss dude!

>> No.19031113

Yes it automatically airdrops on the 25th. You'll have to add the token again in your metamask wallet if it doesn't show up.

>> No.19031129

Basically GHOST is sent to any eth address holding esh.

>> No.19031232

Wtf he was on kitco damn this is going to 100$ a coin and fucking fast holy shit.

>> No.19031319

I have a 700 stack of link currently. Do you really expect a golden bull run for ghosts? Is it even possible for a coin to get gains that fast and high (outside buttcoin of course)

>> No.19031947

$1 is low

>I can't believe you bought ETH at $5 wow

>> No.19031963

>poor kids are just as smart as white kids

>> No.19032152

But it stayed the same all day didn't it? Just checked first time today after work and it was .98. I read about this when it was .04 but my fucking phone man. Mailman didn't deliver my new one. I could be like 125k richer right now. Who really needs 2 step verification...

>> No.19032282
File: 53 KB, 742x742, F0B81C7B-2826-4CA2-9F33-56022DDB9D00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought 2.3k at .40
>already made me money
How high is this shit going to go lads
Or is it going to crater once the airdrop hits?

>> No.19032322

HEX already has an 800m marketcap
ESH/GHOST is only at 10-11m literally no reason it won't get there, it would be worth $14 dollars with 55mill supply but with initial starting supply plus the couple mill that have been burned ghost will only have around 13-14mill which would put its price around $40-$50

>> No.19032358

once the airdrop hits you have your ghosties which is the real moon mission. you can do whatever you want with esh at that point.

>> No.19032402

Meaning add the Ghost contract to your wallet for them to show up the day it's released?

>> No.19032408

Guys I'm actually scared about cashing out, what do you do to not get thrown in prison when you make 100x on a privacy coin?

>> No.19032424

It wont show up as ghost is not an erc20 token.

>> No.19032434

Pay your taxes

>> No.19032438

What's the best way to get ready to cash out on this? I bought too high to enjoy the massive gains and I'd rather not have the same thing happen waiting for transfers forever while the price flatlines.

>> No.19032462

To the goddamn moon, and I don't say that normally. There are only just over 2000 holders at the moment. The post-15th FOMO is going to be unreal.

>> No.19032463

ESH you need to add too or you can't see it. I'm not sure if ghost is an erc20 token yet, if it is you'll have to add it to see it too in the custom add tokens like you did with esh.

>> No.19032465

>Can't switch eth for switch on their website...

>> No.19032496
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>> No.19032509
File: 640 KB, 723x844, fd13a4fb9887e4c2cd46e84efda364f5_mario-clipart-mario-ghost-mario-mario-ghost-transparent-free-for-_723-844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean to tell me that this guy worked for the government at one point with high level clearance then saw all the nonsense that the government does , so he quit and ran his own cybersecurity software where he sold his company for 70M then dived into bath salts and hookers shitting in his mouth and living with 10 prostitutes where one of them pointed a gun at him while he was asleep and tried to rob him but was unsuccessful then he told the world about the government and the powers that be of the corruption and then allegedly murdered a guy in Belize , Ran as a Libertarian Candidate in the fucking US then got arrested and then broke out of prison and almost got assassinated a couple of times and has since been on the fucking run , and will become a martyr because everyone will want to use GHOST as his memory will live on as his political opponents try to kill him because he exposed the Epstein shit to the fucking world is going to make his own fucking cryptocurrency with its own blockchain and for its DEXes and who has 1M followers on Twitter which he shilled XVG and PIVX which both returned 1000x+ ROI on Investment isn’t going to push this fucking coin to the fucking sky
Then you are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to be poor. Personally I’m all In

>> No.19032688
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>buy ASAP if you can do it on a small dip, do it. RIGHT THIS SECOND is a good time
>this will probably pump to $2 - $4 dollars until the 15th white paper
>on that date, make sure to have your ETH ready to sell IMMEDIATELY on Idex. If the whitepaper is shit, it'll probably dump
>likely, the white paper will look pretty legit, there's already a lot of promise
>If WP legit, ESH will pump HARD and FAST and continue to the 25th
>on 25th, have ESH ready to be transfered from your Metamask/Trustwallet to Idex after you get the airdrop
>sell as fast as you can
>wait until super late FOMOers realize they can't get Ghost without ESH
>buy back your ESH super fucking cheap
>ride a Ghost/ESH pump together

Enjoy fuckers. I hope you all get rich and get out of the rat race. I'm wishing all you faggots well

>> No.19032790

>not fleeing the country to taiwan and fucking asian bitches, occasionally visiting japan for good food, to avoid taxes and live like a king

sell your esh right now, you're not one of us

>> No.19032861

Fuck off
That was advice for the newfag.
>asian bitches
Chinese invasion, Yellow Fever, and American Ally. I'm not a fan of sideways vagina.

>Not going to Island Paradise south of the US on Boat.

>> No.19032904

Fuck off
You're a nigger
>South of the U.S
>Get killed by mexican cartel
>Or south american crazy jungle niggers

>> No.19032947

>South of the US is only Mexico and South America
ok pajeet
Some of those Caribbean Islands aren't so bad, and are perfect tax heavens. Have fun becoming a Chinese camp worker.

>> No.19033007

unironically this. imagine being able to get in on bitcoin at $100 but complaining about how you "missed it" at $10

>> No.19033031

Fuck you faggot

>> No.19033046

Stop samefagging to FUD

>> No.19033214

Why transfer the esh from metamask to idex?

>> No.19033264

Keep fucking talking like that I'm gonna end up sucking your toes, queer

>> No.19033270

Guessing he would want to sell it that way rather than just uniswapping it out. Not sure why at all.

>> No.19033285

That's just an airdrop coin, GHOST will however be as real of a moon ride as Hex.

>> No.19033312
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>> No.19033340
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>> No.19033379
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you aite, ghost boi

>> No.19033392

Truth be told I trust a coked up lunatic with success in business over pretty much anyone else.

Mc daddy is balls to the walls crazy, but he gets shit done.

>> No.19033406

SEC liability.

>> No.19033498
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>> No.19033542

Ghost Train Discord


>> No.19033596

you dont you live on masternode ghosties and gift cards

>> No.19033604

not going to lie one of the most successful dudes I know used to be a coke dealer

>> No.19033811

I believe it Mcafee is gonna make us all coke dealer tier

>> No.19033878

Metamask is unable to handle my ESH chad bag. I have no idea how much do I really own that shit. Build the infra please before it really takes off.

>> No.19033907

whats your stack, fren?

>> No.19033967

noone gonna address the ZCL BTCP fiasco?

>> No.19034002

the what

>> No.19034020

Bro I was all in BTCP - how could a honeypot name like that possibly fail?