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19025411 No.19025411 [Reply] [Original]

RPL’s on week nine of its pump. Have we finally hit a top? I thought I fomo’d in days ago, but it went up 50%.

>> No.19025483

Its dumping

>> No.19025508

RPL could eventually be worth 0.1 eth. I see this as a long term hold.

>> No.19025524

the entire market just dumped and it's retained a majority of value, even during the flash crash yesterday night.

we will probably crab as BTC decides wether to dump or not. If we see a massive dump i'm literally going all in. I hope someone dumps it back to 1$ honestly

>> No.19025545

Looks less like a dump and more like a double bottom forming.


>> No.19025658
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A shitton of people are selling their bags for some reason. Sign of incoming dump?

>> No.19025679

We already had the pullback and that was due to the btc halving where everything went down. We've rebounded back above $3 so I think the gains will continue. They will eventually slow down but I don't see this crashing.

>> No.19025705

Weak hands and probably some profit taking. The actual number of wallet holders is increasing.

>> No.19025711

we already had a dump around .22 eth/$3
same thing happened when we hit $1
same thing happened at 2, 2.50 etc
that's how this goes

>> No.19025726

Nice try Ranjith

>> No.19025739


This and when you have that kind of money, you get extra nervous with the halving business.

>> No.19025780


>> No.19025785

people don't realize that this is pretty healthy
as >>19025705 mentioned, the # of wallets is increasing while the active whales that are "dumping" are actually exiting their positions pretty slowly.

>> No.19026165

Every single thing about this project is bullish AF. We're gonna make it lads.

>> No.19026227


Everyone always talks about 0.1 ETH being the actual utility value. If ETH 2.0 actually launches in July/August what is the upside for RPL in terms of ratio...do you think 0.2 ETH is possible or FOMO wont get us that high? Just curious your thoughts.

>> No.19026368

If it goes 20$ a pop im gonna sell everything and buy a car

>> No.19026448

Fomo might get us that high but I see 0.1 as being a reasonable target.

If the stock to flow model turns out to be correct then bitcoin could pump well over $100K over the next year. During the last bull cycle btc hit about 20K and eth 1.4K. This meant eth hit about 1/14 th the price of btc. If eth does the same thing again at 100K btc then eth could hit around 7K. That means rpl could be $700 per token. Now of course that all sounds extremely idealistic and even I doub it will actually be worth that much. But then by comparision I think $10 or $20 per rpl now seems very realistic.

>> No.19026476

not selling any rpl til $20. This is long term hold like link was at $0.40. I'll sell some like a month after launch for more eth.

>> No.19026483

STAKE is so much comfier than this and believe me anons I have 5k RPL

>> No.19026498

>bitcoin could pump well over $100K

>> No.19026554

It's what trends predict. Might seem delusional but you have to be emotionless when putting money into crypto or any asset. I'm not going to argue with statistics.

>> No.19026660

whats stake?

>> No.19027227


>> No.19027282

It's 2.93, relax anon, one solid buy of $20k or more and the price is near ath and everyone begins to fomo. I wouldn't doubt $5 is in the cards this week

>> No.19027602

Fuck this. Sold my 5k. Made 4x profit. Good enough for me

>> No.19027789

Really need that car don't you lol

>> No.19027792

Threadly reminder that this is that weird schizo FUDer now trying to pretend that he was hodling all along.

>> No.19028040
File: 1.28 MB, 1174x1112, BANE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Actual schizo
lmaaaao this nigga think someones stalking him on 4chan

>> No.19028107

yaya it's great that you "sold", now leave these threads forever faggot

>> No.19028174

You are legitimately mentally ill. As in youre having a mental breakdown because you think someones following you on 4chan to lower the value of your internet meme coins.

Do you even know how crazy you sound? And everyone can see it too. You are DERANGED

>> No.19028289

kek keep seething projecting schizo poster

>> No.19028312

>le seething
Anon, everyone here can see youre the mentally ill madman. Do you think this weird gaslighting reversal is working?

Do you think its a conspiracy? :O

>> No.19028328

Youre the only schizo here

>> No.19028357

>projecting schizo poster thinks he's being clever with the "no u" routine
this is what irreversible brain damage looks like folks

>> No.19028420

Dude this is just sad. You dont even have the self awareness to see what youve posted. You are legitimately mentally ill. No amount of retarded conspiracy theories is going to vilify you. You are a deranged little indian and everyone here can see. Youre not fooling anyone

>> No.19028541

>deranged little indian
Even when he's trying his absolute best to be clever, he's still too low IQ not to give himself away in an obvious manner. Sad!

Come on, get to the part of your gay routine where you link Afri's tweet already.

>> No.19028853

Thinking of taking gamble here and throwing in my 5k link stack into RPL. Hoping to double my link stack and get to 10k. Good idea?

>> No.19028892

A lot more potential upside with rpl compared to link right now so I think it would be a good idea.

>> No.19028905

Absolutely. Even if RPL goes to just $10 instead of the estimated $20, you'd essentially do a 4x and then can reinvest in link (which is glued to $4) and other coins as well.

>> No.19029449

RPL is correcting. Gonna buy in

>> No.19030350

Why this anon waste so much energy hating on rpl?
Why you anons waste so much energy talking about rpl?

>> No.19030373

just don't be sad if it corrects further. lots of market uncertainty right now and it just had a HUGE week.

>> No.19030547

Lol. Im not that guy you indian freak

Its getting dumped lol. Whales arent holding it anymore. Only retards and scammers are holding it. Check etherscan, this coin is going to 1$